Jindal vs. Clinton

Bobby Jindal is not well liked by either side in LA
Is it racist for the president and atty general to stir up the racist aspects of the mess in Ferguson, MO? Is it racist for the president to send 3 reps to Brown's funeral and no one to the funeral of a US general killed in battle? you are the one with the funny math. 2 + 2 = all whites are evil in your fucked up world.

Is it racist? No I don't think anything you have said is racist.
Is he stirring up racial aspects or were the racial aspects already there and already being stirred up by A) the people on the group peed off at centuries of racist intolerance against them and B) by the media who see it as a good story?

As for the General and the kid in the news, he's a president who has to play the political field and has to be seen to be doing the right thing, and the hot topic was not the General.

As for "all whites are evil", what's your point?

Can you tell me of one example where conservatives or tea party members have destroyed they own neighbothoods to protest something? But there are hundreds of examples of liberals, unions, OWS, and black groups doing exactly that. Why does the right protest civilly and the left like animals?
I glad for you but the polls say different

Public Policy Polling Bobby Jindal

Only 32% of voters approve of the job Jindal is doing to 56% who disapprove. Among Republicans his numbers are relatively tepid (57/33 approval). His numbers with independents pretty closely mirror his overall ones (32/57), and support from Democrats is virtually nonexistent (12/75).
I glad for you but the polls say different

Public Policy Polling Bobby Jindal

Only 32% of voters approve of the job Jindal is doing to 56% who disapprove. Among Republicans his numbers are relatively tepid (57/33 approval). His numbers with independents pretty closely mirror his overall ones (32/57), and support from Democrats is virtually nonexistent (12/75).

thats a presidential poll, not a poll on how he is doing for this state. Nice try, but FAIL
Jindal is an interesting candidate.

He is a good person who has done a great job as governor. The racist left has tried to destroy him but he has survived.

That racists exist on the left is true. That they are particularly significant is false.

That racists exist on the far right is true. They have significance in party politics on the right.

its true that racists are on both sides. It is also true that they are damaging to both sides equally.

It is also true that racism elected obama twice. If he was white he would not have even defeated hillary in the 08 primary.
Only race sick people believe that.
wrong again, race is a tool of the dems and libs. anyone with a lick of common sense knows that.

So that's why you're using it right now huh? I didn't know you were a dem and a lib.

so pointing out how obama and the dems are using race as a political tool makes me racist??????

WTF is wrong with you?

You are race sick. And you are simply upset that your race sickness has no impact on elections.
Republicans should definitely support Jindal in the GOP Presidential Primary. Great choice.

Please outline Jindal's platform.

1) What would he do to get the economy going?

2) How would he balance the budget?

3) How would he reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare? If your answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

7) What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he do about ISIS?

12) What would he do about Putin?

13) What is the maximum amount of vacation days per year you would tolerate during a Jindal presidency?

14) What is the maximum expenditure for a Jindal trip you would tolerate?

15) What is the maximum expenditure for a trip by Supriya Jindal you would tolerate?

Links backing up your answers would be most helpful.

Thank you.
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I glad for you but the polls say different

Public Policy Polling Bobby Jindal

Only 32% of voters approve of the job Jindal is doing to 56% who disapprove. Among Republicans his numbers are relatively tepid (57/33 approval). His numbers with independents pretty closely mirror his overall ones (32/57), and support from Democrats is virtually nonexistent (12/75).

thats a presidential poll, not a poll on how he is doing for this state. Nice try, but FAIL
OK my bad, here is one from LA


35% of LA voters approve and 53% disapprove
I glad for you but the polls say different

Public Policy Polling Bobby Jindal

Only 32% of voters approve of the job Jindal is doing to 56% who disapprove. Among Republicans his numbers are relatively tepid (57/33 approval). His numbers with independents pretty closely mirror his overall ones (32/57), and support from Democrats is virtually nonexistent (12/75).

thats a presidential poll, not a poll on how he is doing for this state. Nice try, but FAIL
OK my bad, here is one from LA


35% of LA voters approve and 53% disapprove

I am a conservative and don't have anything against Jindal but I know a lot of conservative people in LA personally that are fed up with him.
Jindal is an interesting candidate.

He is a good person who has done a great job as governor. The racist left has tried to destroy him but he has survived.

That racists exist on the left is true. That they are particularly significant is false.

That racists exist on the far right is true. They have significance in party politics on the right.

its true that racists are on both sides. It is also true that they are damaging to both sides equally.

It is also true that racism elected obama twice. If he was white he would not have even defeated hillary in the 08 primary.
Only race sick people believe that.

why does the truth piss you off? The racism is all coming from you fools on the left. Are the following conservatives or republicans: Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, Obama, black panthers, rainbow coalition?

Its you lefties who are stirring up the racial unrest----------because its the only tactic you have left since all of your policies have failed miserably.
I glad for you but the polls say different

Public Policy Polling Bobby Jindal

Only 32% of voters approve of the job Jindal is doing to 56% who disapprove. Among Republicans his numbers are relatively tepid (57/33 approval). His numbers with independents pretty closely mirror his overall ones (32/57), and support from Democrats is virtually nonexistent (12/75).

thats a presidential poll, not a poll on how he is doing for this state. Nice try, but FAIL
OK my bad, here is one from LA


35% of LA voters approve and 53% disapprove

I am a conservative and don't have anything against Jindal but I know a lot of conservative people in LA personally that are fed up with him.

and I know lots of conservatives who are very happy with him---------whats your point? No politician ever has 100% approval.

But liberals won't support him because he has a funny name and he doesn't look like them.

Like Obama?

three things elected obama
1. black pride
2. white guilt
3. a biased lying media.
Only one thing elected Obama: George W. Bush.

bullshit. McCain/Palin was a loser from the start. Romney/Ryan was a good ticket but they ran a crappy campaign. Bush had nothing to do with either election.

Do you blame Bush for Hillary losing to obozo in the primaries?

you people are obsessed with Bush because he beat your clowns TWICE.
I glad for you but the polls say different

Public Policy Polling Bobby Jindal

Only 32% of voters approve of the job Jindal is doing to 56% who disapprove. Among Republicans his numbers are relatively tepid (57/33 approval). His numbers with independents pretty closely mirror his overall ones (32/57), and support from Democrats is virtually nonexistent (12/75).

thats a presidential poll, not a poll on how he is doing for this state. Nice try, but FAIL
OK my bad, here is one from LA


35% of LA voters approve and 53% disapprove

I am a conservative and don't have anything against Jindal but I know a lot of conservative people in LA personally that are fed up with him.

and I know lots of conservatives who are very happy with him---------whats your point? No politician ever has 100% approval.
That he is not as popular with the people of LA as you make him out to be and he will not get the party nomination to run for president
I glad for you but the polls say different

Public Policy Polling Bobby Jindal

Only 32% of voters approve of the job Jindal is doing to 56% who disapprove. Among Republicans his numbers are relatively tepid (57/33 approval). His numbers with independents pretty closely mirror his overall ones (32/57), and support from Democrats is virtually nonexistent (12/75).

thats a presidential poll, not a poll on how he is doing for this state. Nice try, but FAIL
OK my bad, here is one from LA


35% of LA voters approve and 53% disapprove

wow, so they polled 635 people in the state and got that result. I could probably find 635 people in this state that would reelect Edwin Edwards after his prison term. The only polls that matter are the ones taken at the ballot box--------all others are aimed at influencing public opinion, not reporting on it.
I glad for you but the polls say different

Public Policy Polling Bobby Jindal

Only 32% of voters approve of the job Jindal is doing to 56% who disapprove. Among Republicans his numbers are relatively tepid (57/33 approval). His numbers with independents pretty closely mirror his overall ones (32/57), and support from Democrats is virtually nonexistent (12/75).

thats a presidential poll, not a poll on how he is doing for this state. Nice try, but FAIL
OK my bad, here is one from LA


35% of LA voters approve and 53% disapprove

I am a conservative and don't have anything against Jindal but I know a lot of conservative people in LA personally that are fed up with him.

and I know lots of conservatives who are very happy with him---------whats your point? No politician ever has 100% approval.
That he is not as popular with the people of LA as you make him out to be and he will not get the party nomination to run for president

I never said he would. I don't think he would be a good presidential candidate. As to his popularity in this state, he won the governors office.

But liberals won't support him because he has a funny name and he doesn't look like them.

Like Obama?

three things elected obama
1. black pride
2. white guilt
3. a biased lying media.
Only one thing elected Obama: George W. Bush.

bullshit. McCain/Palin was a loser from the start. Romney/Ryan was a good ticket but they ran a crappy campaign. Bush had nothing to do with either election.

Do you blame Bush for Hillary losing to obozo in the primaries?

you people are obsessed with Bush because he beat your clowns TWICE.
There was no Republican alive who was going to win the 2008 election, thanks to George W. Bush. Simple fact.

Once Obama made it to the White House, he had incumbent momentum in 2012, plus a metastasized teeming tumor of tards on the Right to help him stay put.

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