Jindal vs. Clinton

You know, I almost posted that I wish health care would have been passed long ago when we could have afforded it and it would have avoided the mess we have today. That said, it isn't that we didn't need health care reform, we still do. It is the way she went about it.

The GOP stated from the get-go they were going to try to frustrate anything she did, so I'm not sure what you expected her to do.

She was married to the perpetrator and I'll bet money that pillow talk was, "get it finished."

The only perpetrator at Waco Was David Koresh, and if you guys want to make a child-molesting lunatic into a martyr, you are going to have a very hard time of it.

Russia in the Ukraine. Libya on fire. Syria on fire. Iraq being invaded by Muslim radicals. The only thing good about Obama's foreign policy is the your imagination. Just point to his successes that is really all you need do.

Why is any of that our problem. It would seem that if Libya and Syria are on fire, that's the fault of their governments. The same with Iraq. We gave Maliki a whole bunch of money and a whole bunch of advice on how to avoid exactly what his happening now. And he totally did the opposite of that.

As for Russia. Um, Russia is doing exactly what we would do under the same circumstances.

Can't point to anything, duly noted.
Can you tell me of one example where conservatives or tea party members have destroyed they own neighbothoods to protest something? But there are hundreds of examples of liberals, unions, OWS, and black groups doing exactly that. Why does the right protest civilly and the left like animals?

Maybe the right are the rich people who don't want to lose money by destroying things, but the poor don't have much anyway, so not much to lose. Would you destroy Scarsdale? Probably not. Would you destroy a stinking hell hole? Probably.

You see, your argument is just not valid, people are only going to look at the differences in the areas and see what there is to lose, it doesn't in any way prove that people on the right are "more civil".

When did the poor send thousands of soldiers to their deaths in foreign countries? Oh, they didn't, the poor don't get to be in positions where they can do this. It's the rich who send the poor in to fight, always has been.

So...... I can make thems arguments too.

Again, I ask, Repulicans, slacked jawed Bible clinging gun toting southern rednecks or 1 percenters?
Bobby wanted to BUILD a sandbar in 60 feet of water all along the coastline of La. during the oil spill ...

yeah, he's an IDIOT

La. Governor Not Waiting For Fed. Approval

The berms would be made with sandbags. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers also is considering a broader plan that would use dredging to build sand berms across more of the barrier islands.

Here is what really was happening:

Louisiana constructing islands in the gulf to aid in oil cleanup

Louisiana constructing islands in the gulf to aid in oil cleanup

Meanwhile we have the left wing stallworth Rolling Stone publishing this indictment:

The Spill, The Scandal and the President

Or the government let BP do this: Worry About Dispersant Rises as Men in Work Crew Complain of Health Problems
Again, I ask, Repulicans, slacked jawed Bible clinging gun toting southern rednecks or 1 percenters?

Could I ask for a translation?

Well it depends on wind direction, time of day or what political red herring that effects the left. On one day Republicans are the party of the rich. On the next they are the party of slacked jawed Bible clinging gun toting southern rednecks. I just merely was asking for the latest weather report.
Again, I ask, Repulicans, slacked jawed Bible clinging gun toting southern rednecks or 1 percenters?

Could I ask for a translation?

Well it depends on wind direction, time of day or what political red herring that effects the left. On one day Republicans are the party of the rich. On the next they are the party of slacked jawed Bible clinging gun toting southern rednecks. I just merely was asking for the latest weather report.

Don't forget the black republicans--------------the uncle toms like Clarence Thomas, Alan West, Thomas Sowell, JC Watts, Bill Cosby, etc. They are the most hated of all republicans
Start digging into Jindal's work as a governor and it will be all over with.
His break with the party in 2012 referring to it as the "Stupid Party", his healthcare plan which would reduce the number insured by several million people, and his comments on creationism will pretty well guarantee that he won't make it out of the primaries. Christy or Jeb Bush are more likely candidates.
Jindal is an interesting candidate.

He is a good person who has done a great job as governor. The racist left has tried to destroy him but he has survived.

That racists exist on the left is true. That they are particularly significant is false.

That racists exist on the far right is true. They have significance in party politics on the right.

You a blind fool.

Says Chicken Little Wing, "the sky is falling."

Do you deny racism exists in a healthy state on the right?

The doctrine of silent affirmation applies if you refuse to answer.
Jindal is an interesting candidate.

He is a good person who has done a great job as governor. The racist left has tried to destroy him but he has survived.

That racists exist on the left is true. That they are particularly significant is false.

That racists exist on the far right is true. They have significance in party politics on the right.

You a blind fool.

Says Chicken Little Wing, "the sky is falling."

Do you deny racism exists in a healthy state on the right?

The doctrine of silent affirmation applies if you refuse to answer.

Racism exists on both sides. Is Sharpton a racist? yes or no

is stirring up racial tension a racist act? yes or no
Yep, Sharpton, like you, who both stir up racial tension for nefarious purposes, is a racist, like you.
Well it depends on wind direction, time of day or what political red herring that effects the left. On one day Republicans are the party of the rich. On the next they are the party of slacked jawed Bible clinging gun toting southern rednecks. I just merely was asking for the latest weather report.

Is it not possible that in a country of 300 million people, with only two parties, that it is, in fact, the party of both?

Certainly the policies of the Republicans are aimed at the more wealthy, yet manage to attract some of the lower echelons of society with nationalistic patriotism, anti-establishment in the form of anti-federalism, perhaps even an anti-intelligentsia message?

Clearly region dimension to the party exist as well.
His break with the party in 2012 referring to it as the "Stupid Party", his healthcare plan which would reduce the number insured by several million people, and his comments on creationism will pretty well guarantee that he won't make it out of the primaries. Christy or Jeb Bush are more likely candidates.
Jeb is not going to be the candidate. Hillary has a better chance of wining the republican ticket.

His last name is Bush - it is going to be a LOOOONG time before anyone with that name gets anywhere near the presidential ticket.
Well it depends on wind direction, time of day or what political red herring that effects the left. On one day Republicans are the party of the rich. On the next they are the party of slacked jawed Bible clinging gun toting southern rednecks. I just merely was asking for the latest weather report.

Is it not possible that in a country of 300 million people, with only two parties, that it is, in fact, the party of both?

Certainly the policies of the Republicans are aimed at the more wealthy, yet manage to attract some of the lower echelons of society with nationalistic patriotism, anti-establishment in the form of anti-federalism, perhaps even an anti-intelligentsia message?

Clearly region dimension to the party exist as well.
The Republican Party should be rename to Christian Conservative Party because that is exactly what it is. There is no room in the party for non-Christians, liberals, or minorities. If you're looking for diversity both in membership and ideas, your are in the wrong party.
The Republican Party should be rename to Christian Conservative Party because that is exactly what it is. There is no room in the party for non-Christians, liberals, or minorities. If you're looking for diversity both in membership and ideas, your are in the wrong party.

Yeah, and you'd think this would have to change in the future, if they can't get enough votes because the number of people who fit their ideals is shrinking, they will have no choice but to move more to the center.
The Republican Party should be rename to Christian Conservative Party because that is exactly what it is. There is no room in the party for non-Christians, liberals, or minorities. If you're looking for diversity both in membership and ideas, your are in the wrong party.

Yeah, and you'd think this would have to change in the future, if they can't get enough votes because the number of people who fit their ideals is shrinking, they will have no choice but to move more to the center.
"move to the center" is based on the flawed concept of a linear left right scale.

The RP does not need to move to the center so much as they need to start actually doing what they say they represent. They continually scream smaller government and then grow it. they scream more freedom and then hatch the PA. They say they stand for freedom and then cant get off gay marriage and abortion. They say they are for simpler taxes and then they complicate them more. They say they are for capitalism and then they forget to mention the crony part.

I could be a republican if they ever did a single thing they state they stand for. Alas, they haven't for decades.
Well it depends on wind direction, time of day or what political red herring that effects the left. On one day Republicans are the party of the rich. On the next they are the party of slacked jawed Bible clinging gun toting southern rednecks. I just merely was asking for the latest weather report.

Is it not possible that in a country of 300 million people, with only two parties, that it is, in fact, the party of both?

Certainly the policies of the Republicans are aimed at the more wealthy, yet manage to attract some of the lower echelons of society with nationalistic patriotism, anti-establishment in the form of anti-federalism, perhaps even an anti-intelligentsia message?

Clearly region dimension to the party exist as well.

So thankfully you agree that the Republican party is not the monolithic party that the left implies.

But you also throw out red herrings pretty easily. Of course most policy is directed at those who have money. They do drive the economy and no matter what the left wing wishes to say we can not make the weak strong by making the strong weak.

Every time the left wing throws out the red herring that the Republican party is the party of the rich I think of Obama and his Stimulus. Was he stimulating the rich or the poor? Who has benefited the most? Banks and corporations are seeing RECORD profit while consumer spending is flat lined.
Well it depends on wind direction, time of day or what political red herring that effects the left. On one day Republicans are the party of the rich. On the next they are the party of slacked jawed Bible clinging gun toting southern rednecks. I just merely was asking for the latest weather report.

Is it not possible that in a country of 300 million people, with only two parties, that it is, in fact, the party of both?

Certainly the policies of the Republicans are aimed at the more wealthy, yet manage to attract some of the lower echelons of society with nationalistic patriotism, anti-establishment in the form of anti-federalism, perhaps even an anti-intelligentsia message?

Clearly region dimension to the party exist as well.
The Republican Party should be rename to Christian Conservative Party because that is exactly what it is. There is no room in the party for non-Christians, liberals, or minorities. If you're looking for diversity both in membership and ideas, your are in the wrong party.

keep you bigotry at home.

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