Jindal vs. Clinton

The list of questions I asked about Jindal are open to anyone who has the balls and the intelligence to answer them.

I asked the same questions of a Hillary supporter, minus the ones about vacations since that is an obsession of right wing tards. The Hillary supporter failed to answer them.

So now is your chance to show the superiority of the Right. Answer the questions, and back them up with evidence these are Jindal's positions.

It has become pretty obvious on this forum that most of the people here support or oppose a politician based solely on the letter designation after their name. This is why I call them tards. Because they are brainless followers. Rubes. Piss drinkers. Eaters of manufactured bullshit.
I glad for you but the polls say different

Public Policy Polling Bobby Jindal

Only 32% of voters approve of the job Jindal is doing to 56% who disapprove. Among Republicans his numbers are relatively tepid (57/33 approval). His numbers with independents pretty closely mirror his overall ones (32/57), and support from Democrats is virtually nonexistent (12/75).

thats a presidential poll, not a poll on how he is doing for this state. Nice try, but FAIL
OK my bad, here is one from LA


35% of LA voters approve and 53% disapprove

I am a conservative and don't have anything against Jindal but I know a lot of conservative people in LA personally that are fed up with him.

and I know lots of conservatives who are very happy with him---------whats your point? No politician ever has 100% approval.
That he is not as popular with the people of LA as you make him out to be and he will not get the party nomination to run for president

I never said he would. I don't think he would be a good presidential candidate. As to his popularity in this state, he won the governors office.
He wont again
The only difference between the Republican and Democratic parties these days are on the social issues like gay marriage, abortion, and gun control. And you can't even draw a clear line on gun control since many Democrats are pro-gun.

Other than that, there is no longer any real difference. A rube believes there is a difference because they have a strong desire to believe the words they are fed, and willfully blind themselves to the contradictory behavior of their party that conflicts with their belief system.

When the GOP was in charge, they doubled the national debt, started a few wars, increased the size of the federal government, expanded the breadth and scope of government power astronomically, created an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, locked up American citizens without habeas corpus, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, harassed reporters and spied on them, lost guns in Mexico, suffered several attacks on diplomatic missions overseas, created a whole new Cabinet-level department with massive police powers, and laid the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.

When the Democrats were in charge, they doubled the national debt, increased the size of the federal government, expanded the breadth and scope of government power astronomically, created an entirely new medical entitlement social welfare program, spied on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, harassed reporters and spied on them, lost guns in Mexico, suffered an attack on a diplomatic mission overseas, and failed to robustly recover from the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression.

So no matter who wins in 2016, we can be pretty sure they will double the national debt, start a few wars, increase the size of the federal government, expand the breadth and scope of government power astronomically, creat an entirely unfunded new medical entitlement social welfare program, lock up American citizens without habeas corpus, spy on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, harass reporters and spy on them, lose guns in Mexico, suffer several attacks on diplomatic missions overseas, create a whole new Cabinet-level department, and lay the groundwork for the greatest financial crash since the one in 2008.

So go ahead and jibber-jabber over JindalCruzPalin vs ClintonWarrenBiden. It really makes no difference.
Jindal is an interesting candidate.

He is a good person who has done a great job as governor. The racist left has tried to destroy him but he has survived.

That racists exist on the left is true. That they are particularly significant is false.

That racists exist on the far right is true. They have significance in party politics on the right.

its true that racists are on both sides. It is also true that they are damaging to both sides equally.

It is also true that racism elected obama twice. If he was white he would not have even defeated hillary in the 08 primary.
Only race sick people believe that.

why does the truth piss you off? The racism is all coming from you fools on the left. Are the following conservatives or republicans: Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, Obama, black panthers, rainbow coalition?

Its you lefties who are stirring up the racial unrest----------because its the only tactic you have left since all of your policies have failed miserably.

It's not truth except to the sick headed racists, redfish. You know it, I know it, God and all Angels know it.You can whine and whimper, and issue all the Blue information alerts you want, and you will always be wrong.

Tis what is.
Republicans should definitely support Jindal in the GOP Presidential Primary. Great choice.

Please outline Jindal's platform.

1) What would he do to get the economy going?

2) How would he balance the budget?

3) How would he reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare? If your answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

7) What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he do about ISIS?

12) What would he do about Putin?

13) What is the maximum amount of vacation days per year you would tolerate during a Jindal presidency?

14) What is the maximum expenditure for a Jindal trip you would tolerate?

15) What is the maximum expenditure for a trip by Supriya Jindal you would tolerate?

Links backing up your answers would be most helpful.

Thank you.

Try here, if you don't get what you want ask again: Bobby Jindal on the Issues
Bobby wanted to BUILD a sandbar in 60 feet of water all along the coastline of La. during the oil spill ...

yeah, he's an IDIOT
You know, I almost posted that I wish health care would have been passed long ago when we could have afforded it and it would have avoided the mess we have today. That said, it isn't that we didn't need health care reform, we still do. It is the way she went about it.

The GOP stated from the get-go they were going to try to frustrate anything she did, so I'm not sure what you expected her to do.

She was married to the perpetrator and I'll bet money that pillow talk was, "get it finished."

The only perpetrator at Waco Was David Koresh, and if you guys want to make a child-molesting lunatic into a martyr, you are going to have a very hard time of it.

Russia in the Ukraine. Libya on fire. Syria on fire. Iraq being invaded by Muslim radicals. The only thing good about Obama's foreign policy is the your imagination. Just point to his successes that is really all you need do.

Why is any of that our problem. It would seem that if Libya and Syria are on fire, that's the fault of their governments. The same with Iraq. We gave Maliki a whole bunch of money and a whole bunch of advice on how to avoid exactly what his happening now. And he totally did the opposite of that.

As for Russia. Um, Russia is doing exactly what we would do under the same circumstances.
I don't know what kind of President he'd make , but I'd almost like to find out just so I can scream at liberals "that they are racists" every time they disagree with the man.
so pointing out how obama and the dems are using race as a political tool makes me racist??????

WTF is wrong with you?

So point out how liberals supporting Obama makes them racist and liberals not supporting Jindal makes them racist.

I think, maybe, you see the complete and utter fallacy in your argument, yet you continue to make such arguments anyway.
Can you tell me of one example where conservatives or tea party members have destroyed they own neighbothoods to protest something? But there are hundreds of examples of liberals, unions, OWS, and black groups doing exactly that. Why does the right protest civilly and the left like animals?

Maybe the right are the rich people who don't want to lose money by destroying things, but the poor don't have much anyway, so not much to lose. Would you destroy Scarsdale? Probably not. Would you destroy a stinking hell hole? Probably.

You see, your argument is just not valid, people are only going to look at the differences in the areas and see what there is to lose, it doesn't in any way prove that people on the right are "more civil".

When did the poor send thousands of soldiers to their deaths in foreign countries? Oh, they didn't, the poor don't get to be in positions where they can do this. It's the rich who send the poor in to fight, always has been.

So...... I can make thems arguments too.
thats a presidential poll, not a poll on how he is doing for this state. Nice try, but FAIL

New Poll Gov. Jindal s approval ratings up near 50 percent and Mitch Landrieu David Vitter tied in 2015 governor s race NOLA.com

"WASHINGTON -- A new poll gives Gov. Bobby Jindal a positive job performance rating by 48 percent of Louisiana voters, up 11 percent from one year ago."

48% is not most, which is the wording you used. Maybe this isn't the point here, he has a certain amount of popularity, however, as popular as someone can be in their own state, doesn't necessarily mean it will transcend state borders.
bullshit. McCain/Palin was a loser from the start. Romney/Ryan was a good ticket but they ran a crappy campaign. Bush had nothing to do with either election.

Do you blame Bush for Hillary losing to obozo in the primaries?

you people are obsessed with Bush because he beat your clowns TWICE.

Actually people often vote against the ruling party in times of trouble.

You can look at Europe where almost all countries, except Germany who saw a rise in their economic status during this time, saw them change party. It didn't matter if it was right to left or left to right, it happened.

Often this happened because people blame the economic problems on those in charge even if the reality is they couldn't have done anything about it at all.
Bush helped cause the economic crisis, and this led people to move away from the party in power.

Also, are you obsessed with Obama because "he beat your clowns"?
wow, so they polled 635 people in the state and got that result. I could probably find 635 people in this state that would reelect Edwin Edwards after his prison term. The only polls that matter are the ones taken at the ballot box--------all others are aimed at influencing public opinion, not reporting on it.

How do you think they take presidential approval ratings? They don't ask everyone, they ask a select few, get a result within a margin of error because they deliberately ask a cross section of society that is representative of the people.

So you might be able to find 635 people who would reelect someone after a prison sentence, but chances of all 635 people being asked supporting this are almost minimal.

Actually polls DO MATTER.
People look at polls and it affects their judgement. If the polls put two parties way ahead people will start to think about voting for or against those parties, and moving away from the smaller parties. If smaller parties do better in the polls people will seriously consider voting for them.
Same with those running for presidency. If a poll puts them way down, funders will move away from them as a lost cause.
I think you guys should totally get behind Piyush.

Until your masters on Wall Street tell you that you are supporting Jeb Bush.

Very likely scenario unless Romney runs again. Some think Romney would actually win this time, but he won't.

Who'd give money to a guy who lost already? It happened in the age of Black and White TV with limited channels, but in the modern era where everyone wants a beauty show, it just won't happen.
Who would you prefer to win in 2016, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?
You mean Bobby Jingal
Republicans should definitely support Jindal in the GOP Presidential Primary. Great choice.
He'll be the only candidate to have a healthcare plan that covers exorcism.


Start digging into Jindal's work as a governor and it will be all over with.

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