Job Creation, Stock Market, Corporate Profits..Obama Beats Bush.

Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

The writing on the wall? Couldn't you come up with a different analogy?

So far he has accomplished to pass the largest bill in our history, you know the one that will control your health care...

Oh wait, he did find away to provide guns to a lot of the Cartels, that was another fine accomplishment...

He has also found away to put more Americans on the Food Stamp program than ever before, he should have this accomplishment framed hanging over his desk...

The downgrade of our credit rating, that will be a crowning moment of great pride for the Anti American, you do remember he was a Anti Colonialist at a very young age, hates what the Europeans did to that super civilized continent of Africa...

Oh and we cannot forget the subtle influence that Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright and Michelle Obama have had on his love of country, I mean how could you find more patriotic Americans??? Their shinning examples provide such grand views of America...
When Bush was president stock market highs were evil corporate enterprises taking advantage of the little guy.

You jackasses switch gears faster than a teenager learning to drive a stick shift.

When Bush was President..I was working at the NYSE.

Where were you at?

Doing the same thing im doing now but with larger profits.

Well I was watching from the inside out what a fucking cluster fuck the Bush economy was going to turn into.

And I was basically saying it was a clusterfuck back then.

Seems I was right.
It's obvious to me that this is a play on the fact that it gets tiresome having to constantly defuse Fox News talking points.

If you want to seriously discuss our changing economy, do you think it's good that we seem to be veering away from a manufacturing based economy?

America veered away from a manufacturing based economy decades ago. Aside from this, America is a post-industrialized nation. It doesn't need a manufacture based economy. It still needs a manufacturing base, as Americans need to start producing the items they consume. It is still not a good thing that the bulk of American job create stems from the sale of all the items we consumer, produced from overseas.

I wonder how many of the laisez faire types on this forum have a manufacturing based business.

I don't have a manufacturing based business. I don't know where this is going.

I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.

Oh bullshit.

I've personally met very few "lazy" people.

And they are generally "lazy" because they have a disability of some sort.

The majority of people want to work.
America veered away from a manufacturing based economy decades ago. Aside from this, America is a post-industrialized nation. It doesn't need a manufacture based economy. It still needs a manufacturing base, as Americans need to start producing the items they consume. It is still not a good thing that the bulk of American job create stems from the sale of all the items we consumer, produced from overseas.

I don't have a manufacturing based business. I don't know where this is going.

I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.

It doesn't have to sell out. There is still a chance for the country to change it's policy towards business. But if it doesn't, there is a chance you won't see anything labeled 'Made in America' for a very long time.

What "policy" would you recommend changing?

This country basically provides a great environment for businesses.

It's cheaper to operate here than in most industrialized nations.

It's the third world that is cheaper..and there's a good reason for that.

They are third world.
It doesn't have to sell out. There is still a chance for the country to change it's policy towards business. But if it doesn't, there is a chance you won't see anything labeled 'Made in America' for a very long time.

were already there. clinton was great, minus the exporting of american jobs (which the gop obviously went along with)

Clinton presided over a large asset bubble. I guess he was great. Bubble economies seem to be the universal standard now.

What the hell is going on with your signature...

What bubble?
Clinton presided over a large asset bubble. I guess he was great. Bubble economies seem to be the universal standard now.

What the hell is going on with your signature...

lol the whole bubble economy argument becomes illusory if youre not explaining why its a bubble. youre arbitrarily labeling good times bubbles and bad times the bubble bursting. i get the cyclical economy, but you cant just assert it to. the economy is either growing or its shrinking, so it always looks like a bubble. how was it a bubble.

Change your fucking sig. It's extremely obtrusive as well as scream8ng I AM A TROLL

Ironic post is ironic.
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

1. 3% decrease in the size of the work force as our population grows. Explain this...He may of added jobs but something tells me not enough to make up for what we lost+growth.
2. No argument about the stock market the last few years.:eek: Lot's of wealth moving into the market.
3. GOOOD! Our innovators deserve to be rewarded!!!
4. Good, keep up the good work.
5. Yes he got the bastard.
6. Yes he saved GM and helped Tulsa
7. I wouldn't say that. :eek:

I'm not sure about these scandals as some of them could be true.
When Bush was President..I was working at the NYSE.

Where were you at?

Doing the same thing im doing now but with larger profits.

Well I was watching from the inside out what a fucking cluster fuck the Bush economy was going to turn into.

And I was basically saying it was a clusterfuck back then.

Seems I was right.

It hurts to say you were right.:( Pretty good for the first 7 years but then booom.
How does a President create jobs when he hasn't passed a jobs bill? Anyone?

By staying out of the way. Something todays politicians are clueless about

This government has never ever been "out of the way".

The Somalia government is out of the way.

You moving there anytime soon?

There's a difference between the government investing in private corporation for the advancement in innovation and the government slowing/stopping the creation of innovation by adding red tape.
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From another one of your links:

“The CBO projects a $642 billion budget deficit for fiscal year 2013, down more than $200 billion from its February estimate and the smallest annual shortfall since 2008.

$600 Billion is higher than all but the last one of the Bush deficits, and Obama supported Bush's last deficit.

Actual numbers:

Government Spending MultiYear Download for United States 2001-2018 - Federal State Local


You do remember that the two wars were considered "Emergency Supplemental Spending" and not counted into the Deficit until Obama was elected..right?



Probably not.

That's bullshit. ALL past spending absolutely WAS counted. It was left out of "on book" deficit projections and it was left out of then current year budgets, but it was not hidden from statements covering past years' actual spending.

Let's use a separate basis, the actual debt, that cannot be faked or massaged:

1/22/01 - $5.7T --
1/22/02 - $5.9T $220B deficit
1/21/03 - $6.4T $500B deficit
1/21/04 - $7.0T $600B deficit
1/21/05 - $7.6T $600B deficit
1/23/06 - $8.1T $500B deficit
1/22/07 - $8.7T $600B deficit
1/23/08 - $9.2T $500B deficit
1/21/09 - $10.6T $1.4T deficit
1/21/10 - $12.3T $1.7T deficit
1/21/11 - $14.0T $1.7T deficit
1/20/12 - $15.2T $800B deficit
1/22/13 - $16.4T $800B deficit

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Now how is Obama so great but Bush was so bad?
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Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Again, if the right was prepared to ‘blame’ Obama for poor economic performance while president, they should be just as prepared to credit Obama with strong economic performance.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.

If we had strong economic performance I'd credit Obama fully.

It's why I blame him for the current shit sandwich we've got. This weak economy is being propped up with massively increasing debt and the Federal Reserve pumping money to prop up the stock markets.
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Again, if the right was prepared to ‘blame’ Obama for poor economic performance while president, they should be just as prepared to credit Obama with strong economic performance.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.

This isn't strong economic performance. It's an artificial economic high masquerading as a recovery.

It helps to actually look at economic data. Not a stock market index or jobs report.

Even only looking at the jobs numbers and the stock market doesn't paint a pretty picture.

5 years of Obama and the stock market is just now reaching new highs? That's a damn shitty growth trend. 5 years of Obama and unemployment is STILL in the 7s? That's dismal and catastrophic. Long term high unemployment impacts people for decades.
Leave it to the bi-polar left to demonstrate against corporate profits while bragging about the administration's alleged responsibility for increasing corporate profits. The radical left believes in the mythical quasi hodge podge they call man-made-global -warming and they don't believe in the scandals that the president has already apologized for. Pretty ironic that the Hussein administration's best defense is incompetence.
It's obvious to me that this is a play on the fact that it gets tiresome having to constantly defuse Fox News talking points.

If you want to seriously discuss our changing economy, do you think it's good that we seem to be veering away from a manufacturing based economy?

America veered away from a manufacturing based economy decades ago. Aside from this, America is a post-industrialized nation. It doesn't need a manufacture based economy. It still needs a manufacturing base, as Americans need to start producing the items they consume. It is still not a good thing that the bulk of American job create stems from the sale of all the items we consumer, produced from overseas.

I wonder how many of the laisez faire types on this forum have a manufacturing based business.

I don't have a manufacturing based business. I don't know where this is going.

I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.

Business degrees aren't necessarily easier than Engineering degrees. I tutored many Engineering majors in college having massive problems with a course called "Cost." It was nothing more than the first month of our Business program's Accounting 1101.

Granted, Calc II and Calc III are almost impossible for most Business majors but Macroeconomics is a foreign language to Engineer majors. The skillsets are different.
lol the whole bubble economy argument becomes illusory if youre not explaining why its a bubble. youre arbitrarily labeling good times bubbles and bad times the bubble bursting. i get the cyclical economy, but you cant just assert it to. the economy is either growing or its shrinking, so it always looks like a bubble. how was it a bubble.

Change your fucking sig. It's extremely obtrusive as well as scream8ng I AM A TROLL

Ironic post is ironic.

Bull. My sig doesn't consume a quarter of the screen. And I've changed the wording per the request of crybaby liberals

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