Job Creation, Stock Market, Corporate Profits..Obama Beats Bush.

Are you going to tell us why corporate peofits and stock revenues are suddenly not evil or are you just going to continue throwing rocks of diversion?
America veered away from a manufacturing based economy decades ago. Aside from this, America is a post-industrialized nation. It doesn't need a manufacture based economy. It still needs a manufacturing base, as Americans need to start producing the items they consume. It is still not a good thing that the bulk of American job create stems from the sale of all the items we consumer, produced from overseas.

I don't have a manufacturing based business. I don't know where this is going.

I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.

Oh bullshit.

I've personally met very few "lazy" people.

And they are generally "lazy" because they have a disability of some sort.

The majority of people want to work.

True, and really didn't mean to convey that they don't. However, the pay structure that exists here has almost guaranteed that this country would favor a (financial) services economy over a manufacturing based economy and now those chickens are coming home to roost.
America veered away from a manufacturing based economy decades ago. Aside from this, America is a post-industrialized nation. It doesn't need a manufacture based economy. It still needs a manufacturing base, as Americans need to start producing the items they consume. It is still not a good thing that the bulk of American job create stems from the sale of all the items we consumer, produced from overseas.

I don't have a manufacturing based business. I don't know where this is going.

I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.

Business degrees aren't necessarily easier than Engineering degrees. I tutored many Engineering majors in college having massive problems with a course called "Cost." It was nothing more than the first month of our Business program's Accounting 1101.

Granted, Calc II and Calc III are almost impossible for most Business majors but Macroeconomics is a foreign language to Engineer majors. The skillsets are different.

There was a truism when I was in engineering school that was written as a calculus equation. In words, it said the limit of engineering as GPA approaches 0 equals business. Seemed to be the case back then.
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Good governance and fair play? Now THAT is some funny shit, Sallow!
The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.
The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.

When exactly would our problems become Barry's problems, Velvta? W. has been back on the ranch in Crawford for going on FIVE YEARS now! When does "the smartest man in the room" start to take responsibility for "his problems"?
I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.

Business degrees aren't necessarily easier than Engineering degrees. I tutored many Engineering majors in college having massive problems with a course called "Cost." It was nothing more than the first month of our Business program's Accounting 1101.

Granted, Calc II and Calc III are almost impossible for most Business majors but Macroeconomics is a foreign language to Engineer majors. The skillsets are different.

There was a truism when I was in engineering school that was written as a calculus equation. In words, it said the limit of engineering as GPA approaches 0 equals business. Seemed to be the case back then.

I thought so too until I became a tutor. The experience really opened my eyes.
The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.

Democrats are still trying to pretend that they never criticized Bush's 6% unemployment and $600 Billion deficits.
The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.


What a loser


5 years ago!

Even peter Pan grew up by now
Great news. Just imagine how much better it would be without the tea party.

Great news. Just imagine how much better it would be without the tea party.


I thought unemployment checks stimulate the economy?

I thought the stock market was EVILLLLLLLLLLL?
Humm, as of 5 weeks ago, the number of jobless people was HIGHER than it was when Obama took office: it was 11.6 million when Obama took office and it was 11.7 million in April. Also, unemployment remains at well above 7%. Average unemployment under Bush was only 5.2%.

In addition,

* Median family income has dropped by over $4,000 under Obama.
* The poverty rate has risen to levels not seen since the 1960s.
* More people are on food stamps than ever before.
* Under Obama, GDP growth has been the weakest for any 4-year period since the Great Depression.
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Humm, as of the last monthly BLS employment report, April's, the number of jobless people was HIGHER than it was when Obama took office: it was 11.6 million when Obama took office and it was 11.7 million in April, and unemployment remains at well above 7%. Average unemployment under Bush was only 5.2%.


* Median family income has dropped by over $4,000 under Obama.
* The poverty rate has risen to levels not seen since the 1960s.
* More people are on food stamps than ever before.
* GDP growth has been the weakest for any 5-year period since the Great Depression.

See Liberals love when the Government provides for them, so all your bullet points are actually good things to them
6.5M people have quit the labor force since Obama took office. The only reason unemployment has dropped is due to the drop in the Labor Force Participation Rate.

The corollary is that we now have a huge number of people on disability, many for "emotional" issues.
The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.

When exactly would our problems become Barry's problems, Velvta? W. has been back on the ranch in Crawford for going on FIVE YEARS now! When does "the smartest man in the room" start to take responsibility for "his problems"?
Bush sold his "ranch" as soon as he left the White House. He lives in an exclusive section of Dallas.
6.5M people have quit the labor force since Obama took office. The only reason unemployment has dropped is due to the drop in the Labor Force Participation Rate.

Sorry, that won't work. At least 150,000 people per month enter, or attempt to enter, the labor force--well over 6 million since Obama took office. So even assuming that 6.5 million number is all just people who have retired, that doesn't explain the continually high unemployment rate and the hike in the number of jobless people.

But of that 6.5 million, a bare minimum of 2 million of those folks have simply stopped looking for work because they've given up hope of finding a job. Check the last BLS report: the number of long-term discouraged job seekers has gone up under Obama.
The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.

When exactly would our problems become Barry's problems, Velvta? W. has been back on the ranch in Crawford for going on FIVE YEARS now! When does "the smartest man in the room" start to take responsibility for "his problems"?

It was done.

The problems are being addressed. want 8 years of destruction fixed in five years?

What are you a magical thinking Christian? Miracles aren't real.
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Don't forget the record numbers on Food Stamps, and disability since Obama took office. Yup... Your king Obama is doing a fine job.
The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.

When exactly would our problems become Barry's problems, Velvta? W. has been back on the ranch in Crawford for going on FIVE YEARS now! When does "the smartest man in the room" start to take responsibility for "his problems"?

It was done.

The problems are being addressed. want 8 years of destruction fixed in five years?

What are you a magical thinking Christian? Miracles aren't real.

This is what Obama's crack team of "experts" said would happen.


How's that working out?

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