Job Creation, Stock Market, Corporate Profits..Obama Beats Bush.

Out of 7 million jobs, only half a million created in manufacturing. Why exactly is it a good thing that majority of the jobs being created are low skill, low paying, non-productive service-sector jobs?

Why exactly is it a good thing that Corporations have record profits, but are shifting those profits offshore in more business friendly countries?

Why exactly is it a good thing that Wall Street has more cheap money to play with? Granted, I work in Wall Street, so I'm very happen to have more cheap money to play with.

Other than this post being pure flamebait, I don't see how any of these things are good for the economy. Only if you've scummed to the painful cabaret of low expectations is this actually good.

Then again, what can one expect from Affirmative Action.

These are things that Conservatives tout as positives.

Or do they?

Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Again, if the right was prepared to ‘blame’ Obama for poor economic performance while president, they should be just as prepared to credit Obama with strong economic performance.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Again, if the right was prepared to ‘blame’ Obama for poor economic performance while president, they should be just as prepared to credit Obama with strong economic performance.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
Why not the left try's to have it both ways all the time.
Out of 7 million jobs, only half a million created in manufacturing. Why exactly is it a good thing that majority of the jobs being created are low skill, low paying, non-productive service-sector jobs?

Why exactly is it a good thing that Corporations have record profits, but are shifting those profits offshore in more business friendly countries?

Why exactly is it a good thing that Wall Street has more cheap money to play with? Granted, I work in Wall Street, so I'm very happen to have more cheap money to play with.

Other than this post being pure flamebait, I don't see how any of these things are good for the economy. Only if you've scummed to the painful cabaret of low expectations is this actually good.

Then again, what can one expect from Affirmative Action.

These are things that Conservatives tout as positives.

Or do they?


These are actually things liberals tout.

On one side, you praise Obama for creating so many jobs. On the other hand, you are angry that these jobs don't pay very well.

On one side, you are happy that Corporate Profits are at record highs. On the other hand, you are angry that these corporations won't use these profits to increase productive capacity, or pay their 'fair share' of taxes.

On one side, you are happy that the Stock Market is making new record highs. On the other hand, you complain too much about the 1% getting richer and richer.

Obviously, you can't have it both ways. Either these things are good for the economy, or these things are not good for the economy. Lowering your standards of what is good and acceptable is only something partisans do. Clearly the economy is capable of much more, and we are suppose to be happy with less? If this is what the recovery looks like, I'd hate to experience the next recession.
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Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Again, if the right was prepared to ‘blame’ Obama for poor economic performance while president, they should be just as prepared to credit Obama with strong economic performance.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.

This isn't strong economic performance. It's an artificial economic high masquerading as a recovery.

It helps to actually look at economic data. Not a stock market index or jobs report.
Out of 7 million jobs, only half a million created in manufacturing. Why exactly is it a good thing that majority of the jobs being created are low skill, low paying, non-productive service-sector jobs?

Why exactly is it a good thing that Corporations have record profits, but are shifting those profits offshore in more business friendly countries?

Why exactly is it a good thing that Wall Street has more cheap money to play with? Granted, I work in Wall Street, so I'm very happen to have more cheap money to play with.

Other than this post being pure flamebait, I don't see how any of these things are good for the economy. Only if you've scummed to the painful cabaret of low expectations is this actually good.

Then again, what can one expect from Affirmative Action.

These are things that Conservatives tout as positives.

Or do they?


These are actually things liberals tout.

On one side, you praise Obama for creating so many jobs. On the other hand, you are angry that these jobs don't pay very well.

On one side, you are happy that Corporate Profits are at record highs. On the other hand, you are angry that these corporations won't use this profits to increase productive capacity, or pay their 'fair share' of taxes.

On one side, you are happy that the Stock Market is making new record highs. On the other hand, you complain too much about the 1% getting richer and richer.

Clearly, you can't have it both ways. Either these things are good for the economy, or this is not good for the economy. Lowering your standards of what is good and acceptable is only something partisans do. Clearly the economy is capable of much more, and we are suppose to be happy with less. If this is what the recovery looks like, I'd hate to experience the next recession.

Out of 7 million jobs, only half a million created in manufacturing. Why exactly is it a good thing that majority of the jobs being created are low skill, low paying, non-productive service-sector jobs?

Why exactly is it a good thing that Corporations have record profits, but are shifting those profits offshore in more business friendly countries?

Why exactly is it a good thing that Wall Street has more cheap money to play with? Granted, I work in Wall Street, so I'm very happen to have more cheap money to play with.

Other than this post being pure flamebait, I don't see how any of these things are good for the economy. Only if you've scummed to the painful cabaret of low expectations is this actually good.

Then again, what can one expect from Affirmative Action.

These are things that Conservatives tout as positives.

Or do they?


These are actually things liberals tout.

On one side, you praise Obama for creating so many jobs. On the other hand, you are angry that these jobs don't pay very well.

On one side, you are happy that Corporate Profits are at record highs. On the other hand, you are angry that these corporations won't use these profits to increase productive capacity, or pay their 'fair share' of taxes.

On one side, you are happy that the Stock Market is making new record highs. On the other hand, you complain too much about the 1% getting richer and richer.

Clearly, you can't have it both ways. Either these things are good for the economy, or these things are not good for the economy. Lowering your standards of what is good and acceptable is only something partisans do. Clearly the economy is capable of much more, and we are suppose to be happy with less. If this is what the recovery looks like, I'd hate to experience the next recession.

It's obvious to me that this is a play on the fact that it gets tiresome having to constantly defuse Fox News talking points.

If you want to seriously discuss our changing economy, do you think it's good that we seem to be veering away from a manufacturing based economy? I wonder how many of the laisez faire types on this forum have a manufacturing based business.
Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Fake scandals that's funniest thing I have heard all week.

If I ever decide to rob a bank, I want you as an Eye-Witness. How much damage does the IRS have to admit to before you see the light?
It's obvious to me that this is a play on the fact that it gets tiresome having to constantly defuse Fox News talking points.

If you want to seriously discuss our changing economy, do you think it's good that we seem to be veering away from a manufacturing based economy?

America veered away from a manufacturing based economy decades ago. Aside from this, America is a post-industrialized nation. It doesn't need a manufacture based economy. It still needs a manufacturing base, as Americans need to start producing the items they consume. It is still not a good thing that the bulk of American job create stems from the sale of all the items we consumer, produced from overseas.

I wonder how many of the laisez faire types on this forum have a manufacturing based business.

I don't have a manufacturing based business. I don't know where this is going.
It's obvious to me that this is a play on the fact that it gets tiresome having to constantly defuse Fox News talking points.

If you want to seriously discuss our changing economy, do you think it's good that we seem to be veering away from a manufacturing based economy?

America veered away from a manufacturing based economy decades ago. Aside from this, America is a post-industrialized nation. It doesn't need a manufacture based economy. It still needs a manufacturing base, as Americans need to start producing the items they consume. It is still not a good thing that the bulk of American job create stems from the sale of all the items we consumer, produced from overseas.

I wonder how many of the laisez faire types on this forum have a manufacturing based business.

I don't have a manufacturing based business. I don't know where this is going.

I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.
When Bush was president stock market highs were evil corporate enterprises taking advantage of the little guy.

You jackasses switch gears faster than a teenager learning to drive a stick shift.

When Bush was President..I was working at the NYSE.

Where were you at?

Doing the same thing im doing now but with larger profits.
It's obvious to me that this is a play on the fact that it gets tiresome having to constantly defuse Fox News talking points.

If you want to seriously discuss our changing economy, do you think it's good that we seem to be veering away from a manufacturing based economy?

America veered away from a manufacturing based economy decades ago. Aside from this, America is a post-industrialized nation. It doesn't need a manufacture based economy. It still needs a manufacturing base, as Americans need to start producing the items they consume. It is still not a good thing that the bulk of American job create stems from the sale of all the items we consumer, produced from overseas.

I wonder how many of the laisez faire types on this forum have a manufacturing based business.

I don't have a manufacturing based business. I don't know where this is going.

I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.

It doesn't have to sell out. There is still a chance for the country to change it's policy towards business. But if it doesn't, there is a chance you won't see anything labeled 'Made in America' for a very long time.
America veered away from a manufacturing based economy decades ago. Aside from this, America is a post-industrialized nation. It doesn't need a manufacture based economy. It still needs a manufacturing base, as Americans need to start producing the items they consume. It is still not a good thing that the bulk of American job create stems from the sale of all the items we consumer, produced from overseas.

I don't have a manufacturing based business. I don't know where this is going.

I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.

It doesn't have to sell out. There is still a chance for the country to change it's policy towards business. But if it doesn't, there is a chance you won't see anything labeled 'Made in America' for a very long time.

It doesn't have to sell out but the momentum is certainly going in the wrong direction. It also doesn't help that there seem to be so many admirers of the Wall Street scumbag take on outsourcing everything to the lowest priced labor in the name of 'free market' business practices.
I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.

It doesn't have to sell out. There is still a chance for the country to change it's policy towards business. But if it doesn't, there is a chance you won't see anything labeled 'Made in America' for a very long time.

were already there. clinton was great, minus the exporting of american jobs (which the gop obviously went along with)

Clinton presided over a large asset bubble. I guess he was great. Bubble economies seem to be the universal standard now.

What the hell is going on with your signature...
It doesn't have to sell out. There is still a chance for the country to change it's policy towards business. But if it doesn't, there is a chance you won't see anything labeled 'Made in America' for a very long time.

were already there. clinton was great, minus the exporting of american jobs (which the gop obviously went along with)

Clinton presided over a large asset bubble. I guess he was great. Bubble economies seem to be the universal standard now.

What the hell is going on with your signature...

Missy is a sock puppet. Just put her on your ignore list.
were already there. clinton was great, minus the exporting of american jobs (which the gop obviously went along with)

Clinton presided over a large asset bubble. I guess he was great. Bubble economies seem to be the universal standard now.

What the hell is going on with your signature...

lol the whole bubble economy argument becomes illusory if youre not explaining why its a bubble.

Lowering of rates and extra liquidity in the market lead to a mis-allocation of resources. As a result, tech companies started appearing which should have never saw the light of day. When the punch bowl was taken away, the true valuations of these companies were reveal and investors pulled out of their positions and started selling, ultimately crashing the stock market.

Same thing happened in 2008, except it involved the housing sector, along with banks. In fact, the Housing Bubble and the NASDAQ Bubble are the same bubble.

youre arbitrarily labeling good times bubbles and bad times the bubble bursting.

No, I'm not. The prosperity during the 90's was the result of an asset bubble. The prosperity of 2000 was the result of the same asset bubble. Very few presidents have presided under a period of genuine economic growth.

i get the cyclical economy, but you cant just assert it to. the economy is either growing or its shrinking, so it always looks like a bubble. how was it a bubble.

You don't seem to get very much. A bubble is a rapid expansion of the economy, followed by an inevitable contraction. In fact, that is the definition of a bubble.
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were already there. clinton was great, minus the exporting of american jobs (which the gop obviously went along with)

Clinton presided over a large asset bubble. I guess he was great. Bubble economies seem to be the universal standard now.

What the hell is going on with your signature...

lol the whole bubble economy argument becomes illusory if youre not explaining why its a bubble. youre arbitrarily labeling good times bubbles and bad times the bubble bursting. i get the cyclical economy, but you cant just assert it to. the economy is either growing or its shrinking, so it always looks like a bubble. how was it a bubble.

Change your fucking sig. It's extremely obtrusive as well as scream8ng I AM A TROLL

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