Job Creation, Stock Market, Corporate Profits..Obama Beats Bush.

The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.


What a loser


5 years ago!

Even peter Pan grew up by now

Yes, five years isn't long enough to undo the damage he wrought.

Only his supporters were dumber.

That's not what Obama said in 2009.

[ame=]FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years - YouTube[/ame]
The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.

Obama is such a failure he's pretending that Bush still is President
The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.

Obama is such a failure he's pretending that Bush still is President

Except for when Obama killed bin Laden...

The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.

When exactly would our problems become Barry's problems, Velvta? W. has been back on the ranch in Crawford for going on FIVE YEARS now! When does "the smartest man in the room" start to take responsibility for "his problems"?

It was done.

The problems are being addressed. want 8 years of destruction fixed in five years?

What are you a magical thinking Christian? Miracles aren't real.

Miracles? These idiots can't even do a budget and you think they're going to come up with miracles?

Barry NEVER takes responsibility for anything unless it succeeds. THEN he always claims responsibility...even if "he" had nothing to do with it.
What's amusing to watch is how the "time table" for how long it's going to be before the Obama "miracle" kicks in keeps getting revised by you true believers. I hate to break it to you folks but that's an exercise that you're going to be forced to do for the rest of Barry's second term because he REALLY doesn't have a clue what he's doing.
The GOP is still trying to pretend the Bush was never President. It's not working. And our problems are still his fault, and the GOP's fault, and conservatism's fault.

When exactly would our problems become Barry's problems, Velvta? W. has been back on the ranch in Crawford for going on FIVE YEARS now! When does "the smartest man in the room" start to take responsibility for "his problems"?
Bush sold his "ranch" as soon as he left the White House. He lives in an exclusive section of Dallas.

He didn't sell his ranch...
The Republican/Tea Party faithful must be throwing a collective "hissie-fit" every time they realize that the American economy is recovering despite them - not because of any co-operation efforts that they shared with the Democrats.

If the Democrats can achieve the presidency with 8% unemployment, a prosporous economy is a virtual "death knell" for the GOP!
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The Republican/Tea Party faithful must be throwing a collective "hissy-fit" every time the DOW Jones sets another record and our conservative "friends" realize that the American economy is recovering despite them - not because of any co-operation efforts they shared with the Democrats.

If the Democrats can achieve the presidency with 8% unemployment, a prosporous economy is a virtual "death knell" for Bobby Jindal's "STUPID PARTY!"
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The Republican/Tea Party faithful must be throwing a collective "hissie-fit" every time they realize that the American economy is recovering despite them - not because of any co-operation efforts that they shared with the Democrats.

If the Democrats can achieve the presidency with 8% unemployment, a prosporous economy is a virtual "death knell" for the GOP!

This is one of the worst recoveries from a recession since the Great Depression and THAT is because of the clueless manner in which this Administration has handled the economy.
Only trillions upon trillions upon trillion in a indefinite stimulus.... If the economy were booming, then I guess Obama can tell the FED to stop the printing press?

Yeah, didn't think so. Leave it to far left nutters to cheer Obama handing rich people money to gamble with as long as it makes the markets look good.

A funny thing is going to happen when these companies put all those profits into play.
Christina Romer and Larry Summers didn't resign their posts as Barry's economists because things were going so SWELL for them, Jgarden...they jumped ship and skittered back to their tenured positions at Berkley and Harvard because their Keynesian stimulus didn't do SHIT to create jobs.

How do I know that? Quite simple, actually! You don't create an economic term like "jobs saved" if your stimulus really DID create only do that if it DIDN'T!
The Republican/Tea Party faithful must be throwing a collective "hissie-fit" every time they realize that the American economy is recovering despite them - not because of any co-operation efforts that they shared with the Democrats.

If the Democrats can achieve the presidency with 8% unemployment, a prosporous economy is a virtual "death knell" for the GOP!

This is one of the worst recoveries from a recession since the Great Depression and THAT is because of the clueless manner in which this Administration has handled the economy.

The recovery has been slow because we have 10,000 people retiring every day, while at the same time, the Y Generation has still not started truly getting their adult lives going. The second part of the equation is about to take hold as these young adults cannot wait forever to start their families and once they do, demand for good and services is going to increase dramatically forcing American businesses to put all those profits back into play. Between 2015 and 2020, I believe we are going to see the economy really take off as unemployment will fall back down to around four or five percent. Wages will increase substantially and spending will increase substantially. All of this will lead to a dramatic increase in tax revenues at the federal, state, and local levels. The biggest problem the economy will face will be inflation.

Call me an optimist.
We all know that if the "Stupid Party" was in office, they would be pointing at the same economic data and "dancing on the rooftops," every time the Dow Jones set another record.

Our conservative "friends" have a vested interest to remain in denial, that despite their best obstructionist efforts to delay it, the economy is on its way to making a recovery.

How disappointing!
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I earned my engineering degree (a very manufacturing based discipline) in the 80's. During that time, most students were going for business degrees because they were as lucrative and much easier to get. I pretty much saw the writing on the wall back then. This country was going to sell out on the basis of pure convenience. Since then, it's only gotten worse. Nobody wants to really work for a living any longer.

It doesn't have to sell out. There is still a chance for the country to change it's policy towards business. But if it doesn't, there is a chance you won't see anything labeled 'Made in America' for a very long time.

What "policy" would you recommend changing?

This country basically provides a great environment for businesses.

Small businesses have zero intentions of hiring while corporations refuse to expand. The only 'great environment' I see is the corporatism which uses economies of scale to their advantage while they prevent the next upcoming competitor from taking away market share.

It's cheaper to operate here than in most industrialized nations.

That's not saying much. That would be like saying my cat coughs of better fur-balls than most other cats.

It's the third world that is cheaper..and there's a good reason for that.

They are third world.

The third world has always been poor and wages there has always been lower. This hasn't changed. Something changed with the way America does business.
We all know that if the "Stupid Party" was in office, they would be pointing at the same economic data and "dancing on the rooftops," every time the Dow Jones set another record.

Our conservative "friends" have a vested interest to remain in denial, that despite their best obstructionist efforts to delay it, the economy is on its way to making a recovery.

How disappointing!

A "bubble" in the stock market caused by the Fed pumping billions and billions of interest free dollars into the system is nothing to build a REAL recovery on. We don't seem to have learned our lessons from the last bubble and collapse.

And the areas of the country that have recovered the fastest from the recession just happen to be run in large part by Republicans. Gee, imagine how bad Barry's numbers would be on the economy if GOP Governors weren't out there doing the hard work to turn their individual States around?
The recovery has been slow because we have 10,000 people retiring every day, while at the same time, the Y Generation has still not started truly getting their adult lives going. The second part of the equation is about to take hold as these young adults cannot wait forever to start their families and once they do, demand for good and services is going to increase dramatically forcing American businesses to put all those profits back into play. Between 2015 and 2020, I believe we are going to see the economy really take off as unemployment will fall back down to around four or five percent. Wages will increase substantially and spending will increase substantially. All of this will lead to a dramatic increase in tax revenues at the federal, state, and local levels. The biggest problem the economy will face will be inflation. Call me an optimist.

"Delusional" would be a better description. These are lame excuses for Obama's miserable economic record.

First of all, if there are 10,000 people retiring every day, this should open up thousands of jobs every day as retirees leave those jobs vacant, so unemployment should not still be over 7%. As many experts have noted, the real unemployment percentage is probably at least 12%.

Furthermore, more than 150,000 per month are seeking to enter the job market, more than any other time in our history since our population is at an all-time high. So the number of jobless people should be lower, not higher, if the economy were performing even halfway well.

Only those who choose to delude themselves into thinking the economy is doing well can't see from the economic data that this is the weakest "recovery" in decades, if not in our history. The last time our GDP grew so slowly for a 4-year period was the Great Depression.

Just pull up the BLS employment report for Obama's first month in office and then pull up the most recent BLS report, and you'll see that the number of jobless people has gone UP, not down, since Obama took office. In terms of net jobs created, that number is a fraction of the fictional "millions" figure floated by Obama apologists.

Other aspects of Obama's poor economic record:

* Bank failures continue at near-recession levels. There have already been 15 bank failures this year alone. How bad is that? Well, there were 3 bank failures for the entire year of 2007. Last year, 2012, there were 51 bank failures. But you haven't heard about this fact on MSDNC (aka MSNBC), CNN, or the nightly news programs of ABC, NBC, and CBS. If Bush were in office, you can bet you'd have heard all about it.

* The dollar has lost over 15% of its value since Obama took office.

* The number of discouraged workers is now higher than it was when Obama took office (835,000 vs. 734,000), and that's a pitiful statistic, since Obama took office when the economy was in free fall. You gonna blame that increase on the number of people retiring?

* Median family income has dropped by over $4,000 since Obama took office.

* Obama's Fed is now buying at least 50% of new U.S. debt, a truly insane, unsustainable policy that is helping to mask how badly the economy is really doing. As bad as the economic data look, they would look worse if the Fed weren't propping up the house of cards by buying our own new federal debt. How long do you suppose that can continue? Then what? And why is the Fed having to do this? Because Obama tripled the deficit and has piled up more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years, and because of this fiscal insanity foreign nations have reduced their U.S. debt purchases.

And on and on we could go. The economy is doing so poorly because Obama did akmost everything wrong in handling the recession. Instead of easing the regulatory burden on employers, he vastly increased it. Instead of getting the federal budget under control, he blew a hole in it--a hole we haven't seen since the height of WW II (when of course we had no choice but to go in debt). Instead of cutting taxes across the board and especially easing the tax burden on employers, he raised taxes on employers, the very people he was expecting to hire more workers, while giving us a gimmicky temporary payroll tax cut that obviously did little to help the situation.
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