Job Creation, Stock Market, Corporate Profits..Obama Beats Bush.

The recovery has been slow because we have 10,000 people retiring every day, while at the same time, the Y Generation has still not started truly getting their adult lives going. The second part of the equation is about to take hold as these young adults cannot wait forever to start their families and once they do, demand for good and services is going to increase dramatically forcing American businesses to put all those profits back into play. Between 2015 and 2020, I believe we are going to see the economy really take off as unemployment will fall back down to around four or five percent. Wages will increase substantially and spending will increase substantially. All of this will lead to a dramatic increase in tax revenues at the federal, state, and local levels. The biggest problem the economy will face will be inflation. Call me an optimist.

"Delusional" would be a better description. These are lame excuses for Obama's miserable economic record.

First of all, if there are 10,000 people retiring every day, this should open up thousands of jobs every day as retirees leave those jobs vacant, so unemployment should not still be over 7%. As many experts have noted, the real unemployment percentage is probably at least 12%.

Furthermore, more than 150,000 per month are seeking to enter the job market, more than any other time in our history since our population is at an all-time high. So the number of jobless people should be lower, not higher, if the economy were performing even halfway well.

Only those who choose to delude themselves into thinking the economy is doing well can't see from the economic data that this is the weakest "recovery" in decades, if not in our history. The last time our GDP grew so slowly for a 4-year period was the Great Depression.

Just pull up the BLS employment report for Obama's first month in office and then pull up the most recent BLS report, and you'll see that the number of jobless people has gone UP, not down, since Obama took office. In terms of net jobs created, that number is a fraction of the fictional "millions" figure floated by Obama apologists.

Other aspects of Obama's poor economic record:

* Bank failures continue at near-recession levels. There have already been 15 bank failures this year alone. How bad is that? Well, there were 3 bank failures for the entire year of 2007. Last year, 2012, there were 51 bank failures. But you haven't heard about this fact on MSDNC (aka MSNBC), CNN, or the nightly news programs of ABC, NBC, and CBS. If Bush were in office, you can bet you'd have heard all about it.

* The dollar has lost over 15% of its value since Obama took office.

* The number of discouraged workers is now higher than it was when Obama took office (835,000 vs. 734,000), and that's a pitiful statistic, since Obama took office when the economy was in free fall. You gonna blame that increase on the number of people retiring?

* Median family income has dropped by over $4,000 since Obama took office.

* Obama's Fed is now buying at least 50% of new U.S. debt, a truly insane, unsustainable policy that is helping to mask how badly the economy is really doing. As bad as the economic data look, they would look worse if the Fed weren't propping up the house of cards by buying our own new federal debt. How long do you suppose that can continue? Then what? And why is the Fed having to do this? Because Obama tripled the deficit and has piled up more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years, and because of this fiscal insanity foreign nations have reduced their U.S. debt purchases.

And on and on we could go. The economy is doing so poorly because Obama did akmost everything wrong in handling the recession. Instead of easing the regulatory burden on employers, he vastly increased it. Instead of getting the federal budget under control, he blew a hole in it--a hole we haven't seen since the height of WW II (when of course we had no choice but to go in debt). Instead of cutting taxes across the board and especially easing the tax burden on employers, he raised taxes on employers, the very people he was expecting to hire more workers, while giving us a gimmicky temporary payroll tax cut that obviously did little to help the situation.

True Republican thinking. Punish the workers.........reward the so called "employers" (the rich) and all will be well. It worked so well for us when Bush did that for 8 years didn't? Tell me this, which regulations do you want gone? Safety maybe? Environmental? Cutting taxes by Bush is what got us into this mess.

The days of screwing the workers and their families are over Conservatives. Why do you think so many young people hate the Tea Party? Its that tea party attitude of employer first. You had your fun. Time to let your wage slaves go.
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Dispite the spin to only focus on job gains over losses, many are still waking up to the sobering reality of an Obama recovery.

Barack Obama fits the intellectual, cosmopolitan, and global profile of the World Economic Forum to a T. A GCI conclusion that U.S. political and economic institutions deteriorated under Obama’s stewardship could not be spun as partisan by Obama’s spin masters.
When George Bush passed the baton to Barrack Obama in January of 2009, the 2008-2009 edition of the GCI ranked the U.S. number one as it had since 2006-2007.

The 2008-2009 report gave the U.S. top ranking despite its ongoing financial crisis and shaky banking system because “the country is endowed with many structural features that make its economy extremely productive and that place it on a footing to ride out the business cycle and economic shocks.” So, the GCI projected that America’s relative strengths – its efficient product, labor and financial markets, higher education, innovation, and business sophistication – would allow the new administration to handily overcome its weaknesses – deficits, debt, and primary education.

Contrary to this upbeat assessment, America experienced the worst economic recovery of postwar history under the Obama administration.

Fast forward now to the 2011-2012 GCI report’s explanation of why the mighty U.S. fell from first to fifth place during the three years of Obama:

The business community continues to be critical toward public and private institutions (39th)….

it remains concerned about the government’s ability to maintain arms-length relationships with the private sector (50th),

and it considers that the government spends its resources relatively wastefully (66th)….

and regulation more burdensome (58th).

A lack of macroeconomic stability continues to be the United States’ greatest area of weakness (90th).”

World Economists Confirm America's Decline Under Obama (Major Update: U.S. Downgraded Two More Positions Today) - Forbes

The average monthly job creation in 2012 was 150,000. That is the best one year performance during Obama's first term. That is barely good enough to keep pace with the number of workers entering the job market every month for the first time, meaning that we have a long way to go to replace the 7-8 million jobs lost during the recession.

Blog: Net job gain under Obama: 28,000

Construction employment declined in 32 states and the District of Columbia in April even as 29 states added jobs between April 2012 and April 2013. Association officials noted that construction demand in a number of states appears to be slackening amid federal construction spending cuts and relatively weak private sector demand.

The Association's press release stated:

Illinois had the largest decline in construction employment between March and April (-7900 jobs, -4.3 percent), New York had the second-largest decline in employment (-6,600 jobs, 2.0 percent), followed by Wisconsin (- 3900 jobs, -4.1 percent). Vermont had the highest percentage decrease in construction employment (-6.3 percent, -900 jobs), followed by Illinois and Wisconsin.

Among the states losing construction jobs during the past year, Vermont lost the highest percentage (-11.3 percent, -1,700 jobs), followed by South Dakota (-9.6 percent, -2,100 jobs) and Rhode Island (-8.6 percent, -1,400 jobs). Illinois lost the most jobs (-12,900 jobs, 6.8 percent), followed by Ohio (-9,200 jobs, 5.0 percent), and Indiana (-5,600 jobs, -4.4 percent).

Dayton Business Journal - Ohio among states losing construction jobs
The Republican/Tea Party faithful must be throwing a collective "hissie-fit" every time they realize that the American economy is recovering despite them - not because of any co-operation efforts that they shared with the Democrats.

If the Democrats can achieve the presidency with 8% unemployment, a prosporous economy is a virtual "death knell" for the GOP!

This is one of the worst recoveries from a recession since the Great Depression and THAT is because of the clueless manner in which this Administration has handled the economy.

The recovery has been slow because we have 10,000 people retiring every day, while at the same time, the Y Generation has still not started truly getting their adult lives going. The second part of the equation is about to take hold as these young adults cannot wait forever to start their families and once they do, demand for good and services is going to increase dramatically forcing American businesses to put all those profits back into play. Between 2015 and 2020, I believe we are going to see the economy really take off as unemployment will fall back down to around four or five percent. Wages will increase substantially and spending will increase substantially. All of this will lead to a dramatic increase in tax revenues at the federal, state, and local levels. The biggest problem the economy will face will be inflation.

Call me an optimist.

OK. Optimist. Take that, you optimist you. But a real nice bit of optimism. Very unusual in todays world. Thanks.
The recovery has been slow because we have 10,000 people retiring every day, while at the same time, the Y Generation has still not started truly getting their adult lives going. The second part of the equation is about to take hold as these young adults cannot wait forever to start their families and once they do, demand for good and services is going to increase dramatically forcing American businesses to put all those profits back into play. Between 2015 and 2020, I believe we are going to see the economy really take off as unemployment will fall back down to around four or five percent. Wages will increase substantially and spending will increase substantially. All of this will lead to a dramatic increase in tax revenues at the federal, state, and local levels. The biggest problem the economy will face will be inflation. Call me an optimist.

"Delusional" would be a better description. These are lame excuses for Obama's miserable economic record.

First of all, if there are 10,000 people retiring every day, this should open up thousands of jobs every day as retirees leave those jobs vacant, so unemployment should not still be over 7%. As many experts have noted, the real unemployment percentage is probably at least 12%.

Furthermore, more than 150,000 per month are seeking to enter the job market, more than any other time in our history since our population is at an all-time high. So the number of jobless people should be lower, not higher, if the economy were performing even halfway well.

Only those who choose to delude themselves into thinking the economy is doing well can't see from the economic data that this is the weakest "recovery" in decades, if not in our history. The last time our GDP grew so slowly for a 4-year period was the Great Depression.

Just pull up the BLS employment report for Obama's first month in office and then pull up the most recent BLS report, and you'll see that the number of jobless people has gone UP, not down, since Obama took office. In terms of net jobs created, that number is a fraction of the fictional "millions" figure floated by Obama apologists.

Other aspects of Obama's poor economic record:

* Bank failures continue at near-recession levels. There have already been 15 bank failures this year alone. How bad is that? Well, there were 3 bank failures for the entire year of 2007. Last year, 2012, there were 51 bank failures. But you haven't heard about this fact on MSDNC (aka MSNBC), CNN, or the nightly news programs of ABC, NBC, and CBS. If Bush were in office, you can bet you'd have heard all about it.

* The dollar has lost over 15% of its value since Obama took office.

* The number of discouraged workers is now higher than it was when Obama took office (835,000 vs. 734,000), and that's a pitiful statistic, since Obama took office when the economy was in free fall. You gonna blame that increase on the number of people retiring?

* Median family income has dropped by over $4,000 since Obama took office.

* Obama's Fed is now buying at least 50% of new U.S. debt, a truly insane, unsustainable policy that is helping to mask how badly the economy is really doing. As bad as the economic data look, they would look worse if the Fed weren't propping up the house of cards by buying our own new federal debt. How long do you suppose that can continue? Then what? And why is the Fed having to do this? Because Obama tripled the deficit and has piled up more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years, and because of this fiscal insanity foreign nations have reduced their U.S. debt purchases.

And on and on we could go. The economy is doing so poorly because Obama did akmost everything wrong in handling the recession. Instead of easing the regulatory burden on employers, he vastly increased it. Instead of getting the federal budget under control, he blew a hole in it--a hole we haven't seen since the height of WW II (when of course we had no choice but to go in debt). Instead of cutting taxes across the board and especially easing the tax burden on employers, he raised taxes on employers, the very people he was expecting to hire more workers, while giving us a gimmicky temporary payroll tax cut that obviously did little to help the situation.

True Republican thinking. Punish the workers.........reward the so called "employers" (the rich) and all will be well. It worked so well for us when Bush did that for 8 years didn't? Tell me this, which regulations do you want gone? Safety maybe? Environmental? Cutting taxes by Bush is what got us into this mess.

We got into this mess by letting people keep more of their paychecks? The Bush tax cuts were followed by 52 consecutive months of economic growth and, I might add, by a huge increase in federal revenue (the problem was that Congress increased spending even more rapidly than revenue rose). The tax cuts had nothing to do with the financial collapse.

Did Deregulation and Capitalism Cause the Financial Crisis

The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth

As many financial experts have noted, the mark-to-market provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley bill, which Bush signed, made the financial crisis a lot worse than it should have been. Under that provision, if certain, say, real estate investments were doing badly, the company had to mark all real estate investments at the same level as those doing badly. That was a truly insane, stupid provision and a perfect example of how misguided regulation can do enormous damage.

The days of screwing the workers and their families are over Conservatives. Why do you think so many young people hate the Tea Party? Its that tea party attitude of employer first. You had your fun. Time to let your wage slaves go.

Huh? Say what? Median income family has gone DOWN under Obama. It went UP under Bush, Clinton, and Reagan, but has dropped significantly under Obama. Obama has hosed workers and their families worse than any president in the last 50 years.

"So-called 'employers'"? Uh, they ARE employers. They are the men and women who own businesses, who pay for part of their employees' health plans, who give raises, who open new offices, who develop new products, and who pay their employees' salaries. I don't know anyone who does not work for a "rich" person, if we define "rich" as anyone in the top two income tax brackets.

Personally, I want to see our big businesses get bigger, because as they grow they hire more workers. I want to see our small businesses become big businesses, and to be rewarded for their success, not punished and demonized. Personally, I like it when an American small business grows, hires more people, opens more offices, etc., etc. I don't envy their success--I cheer it.
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The recovery has been slow because we have 10,000 people retiring every day, while at the same time, the Y Generation has still not started truly getting their adult lives going. The second part of the equation is about to take hold as these young adults cannot wait forever to start their families and once they do, demand for good and services is going to increase dramatically forcing American businesses to put all those profits back into play. Between 2015 and 2020, I believe we are going to see the economy really take off as unemployment will fall back down to around four or five percent. Wages will increase substantially and spending will increase substantially. All of this will lead to a dramatic increase in tax revenues at the federal, state, and local levels. The biggest problem the economy will face will be inflation. Call me an optimist.

"Delusional" would be a better description. These are lame excuses for Obama's miserable economic record.

First of all, if there are 10,000 people retiring every day, this should open up thousands of jobs every day as retirees leave those jobs vacant, so unemployment should not still be over 7%. As many experts have noted, the real unemployment percentage is probably at least 12%.

Furthermore, more than 150,000 per month are seeking to enter the job market, more than any other time in our history since our population is at an all-time high. So the number of jobless people should be lower, not higher, if the economy were performing even halfway well.

Only those who choose to delude themselves into thinking the economy is doing well can't see from the economic data that this is the weakest "recovery" in decades, if not in our history. The last time our GDP grew so slowly for a 4-year period was the Great Depression.

Just pull up the BLS employment report for Obama's first month in office and then pull up the most recent BLS report, and you'll see that the number of jobless people has gone UP, not down, since Obama took office. In terms of net jobs created, that number is a fraction of the fictional "millions" figure floated by Obama apologists.

Other aspects of Obama's poor economic record:

* Bank failures continue at near-recession levels. There have already been 15 bank failures this year alone. How bad is that? Well, there were 3 bank failures for the entire year of 2007. Last year, 2012, there were 51 bank failures. But you haven't heard about this fact on MSDNC (aka MSNBC), CNN, or the nightly news programs of ABC, NBC, and CBS. If Bush were in office, you can bet you'd have heard all about it.

* The dollar has lost over 15% of its value since Obama took office.

* The number of discouraged workers is now higher than it was when Obama took office (835,000 vs. 734,000), and that's a pitiful statistic, since Obama took office when the economy was in free fall. You gonna blame that increase on the number of people retiring?

* Median family income has dropped by over $4,000 since Obama took office.

* Obama's Fed is now buying at least 50% of new U.S. debt, a truly insane, unsustainable policy that is helping to mask how badly the economy is really doing. As bad as the economic data look, they would look worse if the Fed weren't propping up the house of cards by buying our own new federal debt. How long do you suppose that can continue? Then what? And why is the Fed having to do this? Because Obama tripled the deficit and has piled up more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years, and because of this fiscal insanity foreign nations have reduced their U.S. debt purchases.

And on and on we could go. The economy is doing so poorly because Obama did akmost everything wrong in handling the recession. Instead of easing the regulatory burden on employers, he vastly increased it. Instead of getting the federal budget under control, he blew a hole in it--a hole we haven't seen since the height of WW II (when of course we had no choice but to go in debt). Instead of cutting taxes across the board and especially easing the tax burden on employers, he raised taxes on employers, the very people he was expecting to hire more workers, while giving us a gimmicky temporary payroll tax cut that obviously did little to help the situation.

True Republican thinking. Punish the workers.........reward the so called "employers" (the rich) and all will be well. It worked so well for us when Bush did that for 8 years didn't? Tell me this, which regulations do you want gone? Safety maybe? Environmental? Cutting taxes by Bush is what got us into this mess.

The days of screwing the workers and their families are over Conservatives. Why do you think so many young people hate the Tea Party? Its that tea party attitude of employer first. You had your fun. Time to let your wage slaves go.

Food stamps, unemployment checks and government run health care, welcome to Obama's Worker Paradise economy!
And, by the way, the recession that Ronald Reagan faced was just as bad as, if not worse than, the recession that Obama faced. Yet, by this same point in Reagan's presidency, there had been a substantial increase in net job growth, much better than what we've seen under Obama; GDP growth was double what it is now; and median family income had gone up, not down.
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And, by the way, the recession that Ronald Reagan faced was just as bad as, if not worse than, the recession that Obama faced. Yet, by this same point in Reagan's presidency, there had been a substantial increase in net job growth, much better than what we've seen under Obama; GDP growth was double what it is now; and median family income had gone up, not down.

Grover Norquist: Reagan vs. Obama: The record - Conservative News

Reagan didn't have the Tea party in the way.
"Delusional" would be a better description. These are lame excuses for Obama's miserable economic record.

First of all, if there are 10,000 people retiring every day, this should open up thousands of jobs every day as retirees leave those jobs vacant, so unemployment should not still be over 7%. As many experts have noted, the real unemployment percentage is probably at least 12%.

Furthermore, more than 150,000 per month are seeking to enter the job market, more than any other time in our history since our population is at an all-time high. So the number of jobless people should be lower, not higher, if the economy were performing even halfway well.

Only those who choose to delude themselves into thinking the economy is doing well can't see from the economic data that this is the weakest "recovery" in decades, if not in our history. The last time our GDP grew so slowly for a 4-year period was the Great Depression.

Just pull up the BLS employment report for Obama's first month in office and then pull up the most recent BLS report, and you'll see that the number of jobless people has gone UP, not down, since Obama took office. In terms of net jobs created, that number is a fraction of the fictional "millions" figure floated by Obama apologists.

Other aspects of Obama's poor economic record:

* Bank failures continue at near-recession levels. There have already been 15 bank failures this year alone. How bad is that? Well, there were 3 bank failures for the entire year of 2007. Last year, 2012, there were 51 bank failures. But you haven't heard about this fact on MSDNC (aka MSNBC), CNN, or the nightly news programs of ABC, NBC, and CBS. If Bush were in office, you can bet you'd have heard all about it.

* The dollar has lost over 15% of its value since Obama took office.

* The number of discouraged workers is now higher than it was when Obama took office (835,000 vs. 734,000), and that's a pitiful statistic, since Obama took office when the economy was in free fall. You gonna blame that increase on the number of people retiring?

* Median family income has dropped by over $4,000 since Obama took office.

* Obama's Fed is now buying at least 50% of new U.S. debt, a truly insane, unsustainable policy that is helping to mask how badly the economy is really doing. As bad as the economic data look, they would look worse if the Fed weren't propping up the house of cards by buying our own new federal debt. How long do you suppose that can continue? Then what? And why is the Fed having to do this? Because Obama tripled the deficit and has piled up more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years, and because of this fiscal insanity foreign nations have reduced their U.S. debt purchases.

And on and on we could go. The economy is doing so poorly because Obama did akmost everything wrong in handling the recession. Instead of easing the regulatory burden on employers, he vastly increased it. Instead of getting the federal budget under control, he blew a hole in it--a hole we haven't seen since the height of WW II (when of course we had no choice but to go in debt). Instead of cutting taxes across the board and especially easing the tax burden on employers, he raised taxes on employers, the very people he was expecting to hire more workers, while giving us a gimmicky temporary payroll tax cut that obviously did little to help the situation.

True Republican thinking. Punish the workers.........reward the so called "employers" (the rich) and all will be well. It worked so well for us when Bush did that for 8 years didn't? Tell me this, which regulations do you want gone? Safety maybe? Environmental? Cutting taxes by Bush is what got us into this mess.

We got into this mess by letting people keep more of their paychecks? The Bush tax cuts were followed by 52 consecutive months of economic growth and, I might add, by a huge increase in federal revenue (the problem was that Congress increased spending even more rapidly than revenue rose). The tax cuts had nothing to do with the financial collapse.

Did Deregulation and Capitalism Cause the Financial Crisis

The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth

As many financial experts have noted, the mark-to-market provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley bill, which Bush signed, made the financial crisis a lot worse than it should have been. Under that provision, if certain, say, real estate investments were doing badly, the company had to mark all real estate investments at the same level as those doing badly. That was a truly insane, stupid provision and a perfect example of how misguided regulation can do enormous damage.

The days of screwing the workers and their families are over Conservatives. Why do you think so many young people hate the Tea Party? Its that tea party attitude of employer first. You had your fun. Time to let your wage slaves go.

Huh? Say what? Median income family has gone DOWN under Obama. It went UP under Bush, Clinton, and Reagan, but has dropped significantly under Obama. Obama has hosed workers and their families worse than any president in the last 50 years.

"So-called 'employers'"? Uh, they ARE employers. They are the men and women who own businesses, who pay for part of their employees' health plans, who give raises, who open new offices, who develop new products, and who pay their employees' salaries. I don't know anyone who does not work for a "rich" person, if we define "rich" as anyone in the top two income tax brackets.

Personally, I want to see our big businesses get bigger, because as they grow they hire more workers. I want to see our small businesses become big businesses, and to be rewarded for their success, not punished and demonized. Personally, I like it when an American small business grows, hires more people, opens more offices, etc., etc. I don't envy their success--I cheer it.

Sure........the business community is great.
Look what the mean Black man did.......oh wait?

Overworked America: 12 Charts That Will Make Your Blood Boil | Mother Jones

The Uncomfortable Truth About American Wages -

What BS. The Republicans did this to America by screwing over the work force. Answer me this, why is it that we are no better off now than when just men worked? Because the BUSINESS world just raised all the prices once women started working. At the same time the profits rose they kept more and more and more every year for them selves. Now a loaf of bread makes .80 for the CEOs and .2 for the workers. That same loaf should make .40 for the CEO and .20 for the worker and be MUCH cheaper to buy.
6.5M people have quit the labor force since Obama took office. The only reason unemployment has dropped is due to the drop in the Labor Force Participation Rate.

The corollary is that we now have a huge number of people on disability, many for "emotional" issues.

Labor Force Jan 2009 = 154,232,000
Labor Force April 2013 = 155,238,000

Now, by my math...155,238,000-154,232,000 = 1,006,000 But youre saying it's -6,500,000? You're going to have to explain how that works.
The recovery has been slow because we have 10,000 people retiring every day, while at the same time, the Y Generation has still not started truly getting their adult lives going. The second part of the equation is about to take hold as these young adults cannot wait forever to start their families and once they do, demand for good and services is going to increase dramatically forcing American businesses to put all those profits back into play. Between 2015 and 2020, I believe we are going to see the economy really take off as unemployment will fall back down to around four or five percent. Wages will increase substantially and spending will increase substantially. All of this will lead to a dramatic increase in tax revenues at the federal, state, and local levels. The biggest problem the economy will face will be inflation. Call me an optimist.

"Delusional" would be a better description. These are lame excuses for Obama's miserable economic record.

First of all, if there are 10,000 people retiring every day, this should open up thousands of jobs every day as retirees leave those jobs vacant, so unemployment should not still be over 7%. As many experts have noted, the real unemployment percentage is probably at least 12%.

Furthermore, more than 150,000 per month are seeking to enter the job market, more than any other time in our history since our population is at an all-time high. So the number of jobless people should be lower, not higher, if the economy were performing even halfway well.

Only those who choose to delude themselves into thinking the economy is doing well can't see from the economic data that this is the weakest "recovery" in decades, if not in our history. The last time our GDP grew so slowly for a 4-year period was the Great Depression.

Just pull up the BLS employment report for Obama's first month in office and then pull up the most recent BLS report, and you'll see that the number of jobless people has gone UP, not down, since Obama took office. In terms of net jobs created, that number is a fraction of the fictional "millions" figure floated by Obama apologists.

Other aspects of Obama's poor economic record:

* Bank failures continue at near-recession levels. There have already been 15 bank failures this year alone. How bad is that? Well, there were 3 bank failures for the entire year of 2007. Last year, 2012, there were 51 bank failures. But you haven't heard about this fact on MSDNC (aka MSNBC), CNN, or the nightly news programs of ABC, NBC, and CBS. If Bush were in office, you can bet you'd have heard all about it.

* The dollar has lost over 15% of its value since Obama took office.

* The number of discouraged workers is now higher than it was when Obama took office (835,000 vs. 734,000), and that's a pitiful statistic, since Obama took office when the economy was in free fall. You gonna blame that increase on the number of people retiring?

* Median family income has dropped by over $4,000 since Obama took office.

* Obama's Fed is now buying at least 50% of new U.S. debt, a truly insane, unsustainable policy that is helping to mask how badly the economy is really doing. As bad as the economic data look, they would look worse if the Fed weren't propping up the house of cards by buying our own new federal debt. How long do you suppose that can continue? Then what? And why is the Fed having to do this? Because Obama tripled the deficit and has piled up more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years, and because of this fiscal insanity foreign nations have reduced their U.S. debt purchases.

And on and on we could go. The economy is doing so poorly because Obama did akmost everything wrong in handling the recession. Instead of easing the regulatory burden on employers, he vastly increased it. Instead of getting the federal budget under control, he blew a hole in it--a hole we haven't seen since the height of WW II (when of course we had no choice but to go in debt). Instead of cutting taxes across the board and especially easing the tax burden on employers, he raised taxes on employers, the very people he was expecting to hire more workers, while giving us a gimmicky temporary payroll tax cut that obviously did little to help the situation.

True Republican thinking. Punish the workers.........reward the so called "employers" (the rich) and all will be well. It worked so well for us when Bush did that for 8 years didn't? Tell me this, which regulations do you want gone? Safety maybe? Environmental? Cutting taxes by Bush is what got us into this mess.

The days of screwing the workers and their families are over Conservatives. Why do you think so many young people hate the Tea Party? Its that tea party attitude of employer first. You had your fun. Time to let your wage slaves go.

I seriously doubt many young people have given much thought onto the tea party movement. In fact, I'm sure they are discovering just how well Obama has been handling this economy.

A new poll conducted by global management firm Accenture finds that 41% of U.S. workers who graduated from college in the last two years are underemployed and working in jobs that did not require a college degree.

16% of college students who will graduate this year had already landed a job.

Worse, 32% of the 2011 and 2012 college graduates who are employed make $25,000 or less in annual salary.

Low earnings like that make climbing out of student debt difficult. Indeed, 34% of those surveyed said they have student loan debt of $30,000 or less and 17% owed between $30,000 and $50,000.

32% of the students who will graduate in 2013 say they plan to move back home after graduation. Indeed, 44% of those who graduated college in 2011 and 2012 say they currently live at home with their parents.

Poll: 41% of College Graduates Underemployed
"Delusional" would be a better description. These are lame excuses for Obama's miserable economic record.

First of all, if there are 10,000 people retiring every day, this should open up thousands of jobs every day as retirees leave those jobs vacant, so unemployment should not still be over 7%. As many experts have noted, the real unemployment percentage is probably at least 12%.

Furthermore, more than 150,000 per month are seeking to enter the job market, more than any other time in our history since our population is at an all-time high. So the number of jobless people should be lower, not higher, if the economy were performing even halfway well.

Only those who choose to delude themselves into thinking the economy is doing well can't see from the economic data that this is the weakest "recovery" in decades, if not in our history. The last time our GDP grew so slowly for a 4-year period was the Great Depression.

Just pull up the BLS employment report for Obama's first month in office and then pull up the most recent BLS report, and you'll see that the number of jobless people has gone UP, not down, since Obama took office. In terms of net jobs created, that number is a fraction of the fictional "millions" figure floated by Obama apologists.

Other aspects of Obama's poor economic record:

* Bank failures continue at near-recession levels. There have already been 15 bank failures this year alone. How bad is that? Well, there were 3 bank failures for the entire year of 2007. Last year, 2012, there were 51 bank failures. But you haven't heard about this fact on MSDNC (aka MSNBC), CNN, or the nightly news programs of ABC, NBC, and CBS. If Bush were in office, you can bet you'd have heard all about it.

* The dollar has lost over 15% of its value since Obama took office.

* The number of discouraged workers is now higher than it was when Obama took office (835,000 vs. 734,000), and that's a pitiful statistic, since Obama took office when the economy was in free fall. You gonna blame that increase on the number of people retiring?

* Median family income has dropped by over $4,000 since Obama took office.

* Obama's Fed is now buying at least 50% of new U.S. debt, a truly insane, unsustainable policy that is helping to mask how badly the economy is really doing. As bad as the economic data look, they would look worse if the Fed weren't propping up the house of cards by buying our own new federal debt. How long do you suppose that can continue? Then what? And why is the Fed having to do this? Because Obama tripled the deficit and has piled up more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years, and because of this fiscal insanity foreign nations have reduced their U.S. debt purchases.

And on and on we could go. The economy is doing so poorly because Obama did akmost everything wrong in handling the recession. Instead of easing the regulatory burden on employers, he vastly increased it. Instead of getting the federal budget under control, he blew a hole in it--a hole we haven't seen since the height of WW II (when of course we had no choice but to go in debt). Instead of cutting taxes across the board and especially easing the tax burden on employers, he raised taxes on employers, the very people he was expecting to hire more workers, while giving us a gimmicky temporary payroll tax cut that obviously did little to help the situation.

True Republican thinking. Punish the workers.........reward the so called "employers" (the rich) and all will be well. It worked so well for us when Bush did that for 8 years didn't? Tell me this, which regulations do you want gone? Safety maybe? Environmental? Cutting taxes by Bush is what got us into this mess.

The days of screwing the workers and their families are over Conservatives. Why do you think so many young people hate the Tea Party? Its that tea party attitude of employer first. You had your fun. Time to let your wage slaves go.

I seriously doubt many young people have given much thought onto the tea party movement. In fact, I'm sure they are discovering just how well Obama has been handling this economy.

A new poll conducted by global management firm Accenture finds that 41% of U.S. workers who graduated from college in the last two years are underemployed and working in jobs that did not require a college degree.

16% of college students who will graduate this year had already landed a job.

Worse, 32% of the 2011 and 2012 college graduates who are employed make $25,000 or less in annual salary.

Low earnings like that make climbing out of student debt difficult. Indeed, 34% of those surveyed said they have student loan debt of $30,000 or less and 17% owed between $30,000 and $50,000.

32% of the students who will graduate in 2013 say they plan to move back home after graduation. Indeed, 44% of those who graduated college in 2011 and 2012 say they currently live at home with their parents.

Poll: 41% of College Graduates Underemployed

That's what letting Republicans driven by greed will do. Took all our jobs over seas but people like you only see OBAMA! What about all the shit your heros caused. Nah, if just oh just if Obama was not the President. If those kids wont to have a chance at anything but a debt filled treadmill existence they had better get Republicans gone and fast.
And, by the way, the recession that Ronald Reagan faced was just as bad as, if not worse than, the recession that Obama faced. Yet, by this same point in Reagan's presidency, there had been a substantial increase in net job growth, much better than what we've seen under Obama; GDP growth was double what it is now; and median family income had gone up, not down.

Grover Norquist: Reagan vs. Obama: The record - Conservative News

Well no it wasn't.

All the heavy lifting was done by Paul Volcker. They created that recession deliberately to deal with the stagflation.

It worked like gangbusters.
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Jobs that count towards a healthy economy are still losing jobs.
Such as manufacturing and construction.
But if you think the growth in the service or healthcare industry is something too be happy about go for it.
And, by the way, the recession that Ronald Reagan faced was just as bad as, if not worse than, the recession that Obama faced. Yet, by this same point in Reagan's presidency, there had been a substantial increase in net job growth, much better than what we've seen under Obama; GDP growth was double what it is now; and median family income had gone up, not down.

Grover Norquist: Reagan vs. Obama: The record - Conservative News

Well no it wasn't.

All the heavy lifting was done by Paul Volcker. They created that recession deliberately to deal with the stagflation.

It worked like gangbusters.

Wow so why doesn't Obama do that? I thought he was smart or something
And, by the way, the recession that Ronald Reagan faced was just as bad as, if not worse than, the recession that Obama faced. Yet, by this same point in Reagan's presidency, there had been a substantial increase in net job growth, much better than what we've seen under Obama; GDP growth was double what it is now; and median family income had gone up, not down.

Grover Norquist: Reagan vs. Obama: The record - Conservative News

Reagan didn't have the Tea party in the way.

The Tea Party didn't exist before Barry, Harry and Nancy used their super majorities to ram ObamaCare down the country's throat. Reagan didn't have to deal with an opposition like the Tea Party because Reagan actually had a plan to fix the economy that by the end of his first term people saw positive results from. The Tea Party that you're whining about Barack Obama having "in his way" didn't form to stop all the successful initiatives of progressives...if what you progressives gave us had really worked then the Tea Party wouldn't have ever existed. The Tea Party groups formed because millions of Americans got a good look at what "Hope & Change" really was and they rejected it.
True Republican thinking. Punish the workers.........reward the so called "employers" (the rich) and all will be well. It worked so well for us when Bush did that for 8 years didn't? Tell me this, which regulations do you want gone? Safety maybe? Environmental? Cutting taxes by Bush is what got us into this mess.

The days of screwing the workers and their families are over Conservatives. Why do you think so many young people hate the Tea Party? Its that tea party attitude of employer first. You had your fun. Time to let your wage slaves go.

I seriously doubt many young people have given much thought onto the tea party movement. In fact, I'm sure they are discovering just how well Obama has been handling this economy.

A new poll conducted by global management firm Accenture finds that 41% of U.S. workers who graduated from college in the last two years are underemployed and working in jobs that did not require a college degree.

16% of college students who will graduate this year had already landed a job.

Worse, 32% of the 2011 and 2012 college graduates who are employed make $25,000 or less in annual salary.

Low earnings like that make climbing out of student debt difficult. Indeed, 34% of those surveyed said they have student loan debt of $30,000 or less and 17% owed between $30,000 and $50,000.

32% of the students who will graduate in 2013 say they plan to move back home after graduation. Indeed, 44% of those who graduated college in 2011 and 2012 say they currently live at home with their parents.

Poll: 41% of College Graduates Underemployed

That's what letting Republicans driven by greed will do. Took all our jobs over seas but people like you only see OBAMA! What about all the shit your heros caused. Nah, if just oh just if Obama was not the President. If those kids wont to have a chance at anything but a debt filled treadmill existence they had better get Republicans gone and fast.

So it's Republicans that took our jobs over seas? So kindly explain to me how the CEO of General Electric...a company that transferred more jobs to China than almost THAT CEO ended up being Barry's "Jobs Czar"? You're so fucking naive that you've bought into the bullshit that you've been told that it's evil conservatives that got rid of jobs here in the US while Barry's main guy on job creation was one of the biggest job exporters there was!
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Jobs that count towards a healthy economy are still losing jobs.
Such as manufacturing and construction.
But if you think the growth in the service or healthcare industry is something too be happy about go for it.


This is because we infrastructure spending has want down 60 billion since Obama has been in office. (320-260 billion). Think about it.:eek:
Over 7 Million jobs created, 500k in Manufacturing.
Stock Market went from 8K to 15K.
Corporate Profits are breaking records.
800 billion cut from the deficit.

Any wonder why Republicans are making up fake scandals?

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street
Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President? - Forbes
GOP Whips Up Scandals to Avoid Facing Obama's 'Most Rapid Deficit Reduction since WWII'

Seems the Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall.

Their gold standard, Bush, the Republican hero..was a dismal failure on almost every front.

And their nemesis, President Barack Obama, who won both elections by a popular and electoral majority.

Who got Osama Bin Laden.

Who saved the Auto and Financial industries.

Who has restored part of our standing world wide.

Is everything they hate.

Good governance and fair play.

Jobs that count towards a healthy economy are still losing jobs.
Such as manufacturing and construction.
But if you think the growth in the service or healthcare industry is something too be happy about go for it.

Except manufacturing and construction have been gaining jobs, not losing them
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Would you not agree that the pace of recovery from this recession has been at best glacial? If you look at the typical recovery from an economic downturn it's much more robust yet this one is isn't. You'd have to go all the way back to the Great Depression to find the same kind of lagging recovery which begs the question about the validity of the Keynesian stimulus policy that both FDR and Barack Obama employed.

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