Job growth, income, and GDP is better under democrat presidents - by a lot.

FALSE! There was no "mixed bag", and it looks like YOU are the "liar", but then Democrats have a distinct habit of blaming conservatives for exactly what they do wrong (ex. the Russian collusion)

The words "fight like hell" have been spoken 1000 times by both Democrats & Republicans in the Congress when trying to get a bill passed. What a joke trying to use that as an evidence of Trump wrongdoing. :rolleyes: 😐:rolleyes::rolleyes:

And he did as much as he could do to get his supporters to be peaceful. He told them to PEACEFULLY & patriotically make their VOICES heard, and then told them to go home. Democrats try to twist this into something bad, because their ludicrous accusations and Jan 6 hearings circus is all they have. What else can they campaign on in an election year ? Defunding the police ? Keeping schools unarmed ? Kneeling for the national anthem ? Reparations for blacks who never endured Jim Crow or slavery ? LGBTQ lunacy ? Reducing fossil fuel production ? Opening the border & airlifting millions of unvetted migrants into cities in the middle of the night, so they can fill up housing vacancies & drive rents up to the moon ? Abandon thousands of Americans & friendly Afghans to be killed by the Taliban, while evacuating the ones the Taliban approved ?

Everything these idiots have done, is at odds with the American people, and that's why they are in for big losses in November.

Moron, why didn't Trump tell his MAGA nuts to leave after attack on Congress began?

McCarthy was screaming on the phone for him to do it (he also later discussed talking to Trump about leaving and supported censurering president)

His own son and daughter where pushing for "strong statement"

Even Hannity was trying to get President to put out that statement.

He didn't. Nope president clearly preferred to not interfere with the attack. If you still don't understand that obvious fact then you seriously don't have a functioning brain, you just belive whatever you want to.
Moron, why didn't Trump tell his MAGA nuts to leave after attack on Congress began?

McCarthy was screaming on the phone for him to do it (he also later discussed talking to Trump about leaving and supported censurering president)

His own son and daughter where pushing for "strong statement"

Even Hannity was trying to get President to put out that statement.

He didn't. Nope president clearly preferred to not interfere with the attack. If you still don't understand that obvious fact then you seriously don't have a functioning brain, you just belive whatever you want to.
I don't see a problem. Democrats cheered on BLM and antifa for the entire summer of 2020 while they did over a billion dollars in damages with numerous deaths and ruined businesses. What's your problem?
it’s worth telling you if you didn’t know. It’s worth telling you if you assumed it was better under republicans without actually knowing the data.

Biden‘a job growth numbers are historic by themselves. 8.7 million jobs have been created under Biden so far. Now, while inflation certainly is a problem right now, pretending it is all that matters is fallacious and disingenuous. This is especially important because every other economic metric has been doing quite well under Biden. Hell even if a recession hits under Biden (which i admit is a possibility), it won’t change the fact that Republican job growth is shitty. Trump‘a job growth specifically was pitiful in comparison to Biden’s.

If you say so Billy, but I can’t afford all these Democrat successes.
Oh I know you Trumpist tools can't ever see a problem with your degenerate Dear Leader , just don't blow smoke up my ass and tell me up is down.
And you Biden cocksuckers can't see a problem with summer long riots across the country destroying people's businesses.
And you Biden cocksuckers can't see a problem with summer long riots across the country destroying people's businesses.
Who told you that?
Trump's son....................on FOX.

When did ANY democrat defend that?
It's always "whataboutism" with Trumptards.

One incident had nothing to do with the other but that doesn't stop Trumptards from trying to compare the two.
Who told you that?
Trump's son....................on FOX.

When did ANY democrat defend that?
It's always "whataboutism" with Trumptards.

One incident had nothing to do with the other but that doesn't stop Trumptards from trying to compare the two.
Fuck you.
And you Biden cocksuckers can't see a problem with summer long riots across the country destroying people's businesses.
Bullshit what-about-ism. Thats all you tools got when face with clear wrongdoing by Trump. Deflect Deflect Deflect.

Democrat top leadership strongly condemned arson, rioting and other law breaking.

At a speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on June 2, Joe Biden said, “There’s no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses […] we need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protest and opportunistic violent destruction” (here).

What does Trump say about his criminal MAGA's? "We love you" and talks about how unfair they are treated and how he will be looking at pardoning them.
Bullshit what-about-ism. Thats all you tools got when face with clear wrongdoing by Trump. Deflect Deflect Deflect.

Democrat top leadership strongly condemned arson, rioting and other law breaking.

At a speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on June 2, Joe Biden said, “There’s no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses […] we need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protest and opportunistic violent destruction” (here).

What does Trump say about his criminal MAGA's? "We love you" and talks about how unfair they are treated and how he will be looking at pardoning them.
Oh yeah, that Biden really was strong on stopping the violence with his words, huh. Democrat Mayors stood by and let it go on and on.
Oh yeah, that Biden really was strong on stopping the violence with his words, huh. Democrat Mayors stood by and let it go on and on.
How the hell would Biden stop the violence that broke out as a result of police killing blacks? He did what he could by condemning the violence. Trump TO THIS DAY talks positively about the attack on Congress and people that did it.

Unlike Trump with MAGAs and "stolen" lies, Biden wasn't the cause for rioting that dealt with STATE MATTERS.

Your attempt at equivalence is about as desperately pathetic as it is stupid.
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How the hell would Biden stop the violence that broke out as a result of police killing blacks? He did what he could by condemning the violence. Trump TO THIS DAY talks positively about the attack on Congress and people that did it.

Unlike Trump with MAGAs and "stolen" lies, Biden wasn't the cause for rioting that dealt with STATE MATTERS.

Your attempt at equivalence is about as desperately pathetic as it is stupid.
That's the way Trump and his cult roll.
it’s worth telling you if you didn’t know. It’s worth telling you if you assumed it was better under republicans without actually knowing the data.

Biden‘a job growth numbers are historic by themselves. 8.7 million jobs have been created under Biden so far. Now, while inflation certainly is a problem right now, pretending it is all that matters is fallacious and disingenuous. This is especially important because every other economic metric has been doing quite well under Biden. Hell even if a recession hits under Biden (which i admit is a possibility), it won’t change the fact that Republican job growth is shitty. Trump‘a job growth specifically was pitiful in comparison to Biden’s.

If you ignore that whole Great Depression thingy, Jimmy Carter and now WEF Biden, yeah sure
Floyd's death was an excuse. You know that.
No I don't know that.

Cops being more trigger happy when it comes to blacks (and then covering it up) has been brewing for a long time, More recently bodycams and widespread video recordings captured a lot of what was previously just someone's word. Floyd's death was a log that broke the camel's back.

Or maybe you have some grand conspiracy theory about how Biden caused all of it?
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You have quite a talent for stepping in you know what.

So "the economy still does better under democrats", huh ? HA HA HA. Spoken like a true victim of liberal OMISSION media, who has never seen the famous V-GRAPH, shown 1000 times on Newsmax and other conservative TV channels.

You don't even know that Obama's last 2 years were utter FAILURE economically. And that we were lucky that Trump got elected, as his first 2 years were a complete recovery-rescue from the awful triple recession left to us by Obama (2015/2016), as the V-GRAPH (which your leftist media has carefully kept hidden from you) clearly shows.

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Lol leave it to you idiots to cherry pick info and ignore broader context. Obama presided over the longest stretch of job growth in history. Trump inherited that. Obama’s last 3 years all beat Trump’s best year. There’s also no denying that job growth in general is much better under democrats. Do you realize how pathetic you come across with shit like this? It’s so clearly disingenuous. You know you lost the argument but you’re too much of a whiny little bitch to admit it lol. No wonder why you voted for such a whiny little bitch.

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If you ignore that whole Great Depression thingy, Jimmy Carter and now WEF Biden, yeah sure

Lol leave it to you idiots to cherry pick info and ignore broader context. Obama presided over the longest stretch of job growth in history. Trump inherited that. Obama’s last 3 years all beat Trump’s best year. There’s also no denying that job growth in general is much better under democrats. Do you realize how pathetic you come across with shit like this? It’s so clearly disingenuous. You know you lost the argument but you’re too much of a whiny little bitch to admit it lol. No wonder why you voted for such a whiny little bitch.

Crusader; what Billy Baloney and friends fail to address is-------->they use the words Democrats/Republicans as phrases akin to economic policy. They are NOT economic policy, they are political party's.

Consider--------->Did JFK economic policies do well for the country? Yes they did! But, if you examine those policies, which President between the 2 did they more closely mirror, Biden or Reagans? When Clinton was President and the economy went well, what economic policies; especially in the 2nd term, did his ideas mirror?

Now, look at Biden! Exactly which policies does his administration mirror? And, does the national debt allow for such policies to even be considered because of massive spending causing inflation? Can we imagine how much WORSE inflation would have been if he would have been able to pass another 5 trillion in spending known as Build Back Better!

The success of an administration is not relegated to which party holds the Whitehouse, but rather the person sitting in the chair, along with the people in congress he has to work with, for if this was not so, then some Democratic Presidents policies would not be seen as conservative today, and former Republican President policies seen by todays standards as more liberal.

With that all being said, today we have the Democrats in charge of the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. Look at the state of the country! They insist it is not their fault this is happening. Well then, if their words are true and they didn't cause it, and really can't do anything about it, then Billy Baloneys thread premise is bogus, lol. Because if those in power are basically helpless to fix these things, then obviously past administrations numbers were all just the luck of the draw, heghehehehehe.

Fortunately, Americans do not think like this. They intuitively believe that the Lefts solutions........or lack of solutions, has us going in the wrong direction, this shown by virtually every poll taken regardless if the pollster is Left or Right. So again, Democrat or Republican designations, are NOT economic philosophies perse. The economic philosophy is driven by the people in charge. And, Americans see the people in charge today, as incompetent. They will be justly rewarded for their incompetence come November, and that is the bottom line, no matter how hard Mr Baloney and friends, try and obfuscate the issue!

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