Job growth, income, and GDP is better under democrat presidents - by a lot.

Crusader; what Billy Baloney and friends fail to address is-------->they use the words Democrats/Republicans as phrases akin to economic policy. They are NOT economic policy, they are political party's.

Consider--------->Did JFK economic policies do well for the country? Yes they did! But, if you examine those policies, which President between the 2 did they more closely mirror, Biden or Reagans? When Clinton was President and the economy went well, what economic policies; especially in the 2nd term, did his ideas mirror?

Now, look at Biden! Exactly which policies does his administration mirror? And, does the national debt allow for such policies to even be considered because of massive spending causing inflation? Can we imagine how much WORSE inflation would have been if he would have been able to pass another 5 trillion in spending known as Build Back Better!

The success of an administration is not relegated to which party holds the Whitehouse, but rather the person sitting in the chair, along with the people in congress he has to work with, for if this was not so, then some Democratic Presidents policies would not be seen as conservative today, and former Republican President policies seen by todays standards as more liberal.

With that all being said, today we have the Democrats in charge of the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. Look at the state of the country! They insist it is not their fault this is happening. Well then, if their words are true and they didn't cause it, and really can't do anything about it, then Billy Baloneys thread premise is bogus, lol. Because if those in power are basically helpless to fix these things, then obviously past administrations numbers were all just the luck of the draw, heghehehehehe.

Fortunately, Americans do not think like this. They intuitively believe that the Lefts solutions........or lack of solutions, has us going in the wrong direction, this shown by virtually every poll taken regardless if the pollster is Left or Right. So again, Democrat or Republican designations, are NOT economic philosophies perse. The economic philosophy is driven by the people in charge. And, Americans see the people in charge today, as incompetent. They will be justly rewarded for their incompetence come November, and that is the bottom line, no matter how hard Mr Baloney and friends, try and obfuscate the issue!

Coolidge remains my Hero
Well a Republican takeover is likely, but you should be terrified. I mean say what you want about Biden and democrats, but republicans are always a disaster. They also don’t give a flying fuck about you. Sorry.
yea like democrats care....politicians will only do something if they are getting something out of it,otherwise its just all talk.......

"President (Barack) Obama would never give them long-term funding, and I did," Trump said Oct. 22. "Ten-year, long-term funding, and I gave them more money than they asked for because I said, ‘I think you need more.’ … But I saved historically Black colleges and universities."

That was a program way before the orange bloviator was even running for president.

The Title III program, authorized as part of the Higher Education Act of 1965, is funded with annual discretionary appropriations and the additional annual mandatory appropriations made permanent by the FUTURE Act, according to the U.S. Education Department.

Before the FUTURE Act kicked in, HBCUs had to ask Congress each year to renew the mandatory funding.

The bills sponsor was Rep. Alma Adams, D-N.C.
Yeah, and HBCUs DID ask Congress each year for the funding - and Obama obstructed it. It wasnt until Trump was in office that the bill was able to go all the way to the White House, and get a signature -which is what Trump is showing off in the picture.

What do you think those black people are all clapping and congratulating Trump for? Previously you said they were all morons.
Yeah, and HBCUs DID ask Congress each year for the funding - and Obama obstructed it.
Obama did no such fucking thing, retard.

December 26 2019
One day after the House impeached him, President Donald Trump took decisive action to support and empower Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) across the country.

The President put his signature on the Future Act, legislation that for the time includes HBCUs in the federal 5-year STEM Education Plan and the National Research and Development Budget Priorities.

A few months ago, funding for HBCUs was in jeopardy. But the White House and Congress came together and reached a historic agreement. For the first time ever, I signed legislation to permanently fund HBCUs and other institutions that primarily serve first-generation and minority students. This action guarantees more than $2.5 billion over the next 10 years, including $850 million specifically for HBCUs,” the President stated.


" for the time includes HBCUs in the federal 5-year STEM Education Plan and the National Research and Development Budget Priorities".

The permanent funding never existed under Obama.................or ANY time before.
It wasnt until Trump was in office that the bill was able to go all the way to the White House, and get a signature -which is what Trump is showing off in the picture.
Sure, Did Trump demand the bill?
No, that took a democrat.
What do you think those black people are all clapping and congratulating Trump for? Previously you said they were all morons.
If they support a moron, then they are morons.
No I don't know that.

Cops being more trigger happy when it comes to blacks (and then covering it up) has been brewing for a long time, More recently bodycams and widespread video recordings captured a lot of what was previously just someone's word. Floyd's death was a log that broke the camel's back.

Or maybe you have some grand conspiracy theory about how Biden caused all of it?
How many Blacks were shot last week in the USA by cops and how many shot by other Blacks?
Of course.

Hillary disguised herself Derek Chauvin and killed Floyed herself, just to make Trump look bad.
Oh my, so we have a cop who fucked up and received justice. Tell us how many Blacks have been killed by other Blacks in the last year.
Oh and regarding that gdp drop. It’s quite convenient you left out 2021 lol. That drop in gdp was from gains from 2021. 5.7%. Those sure as hell were not Trump’s numbers.

Yea, because Trump didn't benefit like Biden did from the natural upswing of the economy after democrats finally opened the country under his administration after shutting it down under Trump. How the fuck is Trump supposed to have strong GDP when democrats forced the nation to shut down for a virus with a 99% survival rate?

DOW under Trump:

Day he took office: 19827
Day he left office: 31930

+13000 EVEN with the covid shutdown!! Amazing growth.

DOW under Biden:

Day he took office: 31930
Today: 29888

-2000 EVEN WITH THE BENEFIT of Covid ending!!!!!

I'll take Trump any day.
Last edited:
How many Blacks were shot last week in the USA by cops and how many shot by other Blacks?
Thats just stupid. You keep not understanding that two wrongs don't add up to right.

Trump doing something wrong doesn't become otherwise if some democrat does something wrong.

Some blacks commiting crime doesn't suddenly make bad policing good.
Thats just stupid. You keep not understanding that two wrongs don't add up to right.

Trump doing something wrong doesn't become otherwise if some democrat does something wrong.

Some blacks commiting crime doesn't suddenly make bad policing good.
It shows your priorities. The American people are suffering with outrageous gas prices, inflation and crime. Meanwhile, democrats focus on Trump. You're idiots and you're gonna get destroyed on election day. The sad part is you still won't get it. That's because of your stupidity and hatred.
No it doesn't. You are setting up a classic false choice.

We don't need to chose between police doing their damn job and them not murdering people and covering it up.
When you quote me, quote my entire post.
When you quote me, quote my entire p

When you quote me, quote my entire post.
Antonio-E-Balonio, is just like Billy Baloney, they think they are wise. Let me tell you, they are dumb as a box of rocks. If their way, was the correct way, then Europe would have been the model.

They have failed when totally in control of everything! They are going to get kicked to the curb, and it is going to be.......cya, wouldn't want to be ya!

Of course, being BALONIES while trying to obfuscate the issues, is typical for failing politicians. What surprises most of us, is that some people are so easily purchased, they follow their lead.
Oh my, so we have a cop who fucked up and received justice. Tell us how many Blacks have been killed by other Blacks in the last year.

You're still grasping at straws, with more "whataboutism".
Now you're trying to equate, more unrelated incidences.

You need a BS filter.
Then again, you wouldn't be able to type anything.
Obama did no such fucking thing, retard.

December 26 2019
One day after the House impeached him, President Donald Trump took decisive action to support and empower Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) across the country.

The President put his signature on the Future Act, legislation that for the time includes HBCUs in the federal 5-year STEM Education Plan and the National Research and Development Budget Priorities.

A few months ago, funding for HBCUs was in jeopardy. But the White House and Congress came together and reached a historic agreement. For the first time ever, I signed legislation to permanently fund HBCUs and other institutions that primarily serve first-generation and minority students. This action guarantees more than $2.5 billion over the next 10 years, including $850 million specifically for HBCUs,” the President stated.


" for the time includes HBCUs in the federal 5-year STEM Education Plan and the National Research and Development Budget Priorities".

The permanent funding never existed under Obama.................or ANY time before.

Sure, Did Trump demand the bill?
No, that took a democrat.

If they support a moron, then they are morons.
YOU are the moron. Everyone here is noticing that if Obama had done what Trump did, Trump would not have had to do it, because it already would have been done. Simple OBVIOUS fact is, Obama didn't do it ;Trump did. Ho hum. Yawn*****
Thats just stupid. You keep not understanding that two wrongs don't add up to right.

Trump doing something wrong doesn't become otherwise if some democrat does something wrong.

Some blacks commiting crime doesn't suddenly make bad policing good.
What has Trump done that was wrong ? (other than what liberal BS media brainwashes you to think)
Yea, because Trump didn't benefit like Biden did from the natural upswing of the economy after democrats finally opened the country under his administration after shutting it down under Trump. How the fuck is Trump supposed to have strong GDP when democrats forced the nation to shut down for a virus with a 99% survival rate?

DOW under Trump:

Day he took office: 19827
Day he left office: 31930

+13000 EVEN with the covid shutdown!! Amazing growth.

DOW under Biden:

Day he took office: 31930
Today: 29888

-2000 EVEN WITH THE BENEFIT of Covid ending!!!!!

I'll take Trump any day.
Trump DID have a VERY strong GDP (3rd quarter of 2020), when Republicans opened up the country, after Democrats shut it down. The GDP for that quarter was 33.8% (highest, by far, in US history)
YOU are the moron. Everyone here is noticing that if Obama had done what Trump did, Trump would not have had to do it, because it already would have been done. Simple OBVIOUS fact is, Obama didn't do it ;Trump did. Ho hum. Yawn*****
WTF, moron?

Trump didn't do shit, idiot but sign the bill.
What if there was no bill to sign?

Oh' that's right, it took a democrat to put forth the proposal.

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