Job growth, income, and GDP is better under democrat presidents - by a lot.

No I don't know that.

Cops being more trigger happy when it comes to blacks (and then covering it up) has been brewing for a long time, More recently bodycams and widespread video recordings captured a lot of what was previously just someone's word. Floyd's death was a log that broke the camel's back.

Or maybe you have some grand conspiracy theory about how Biden caused all of it?
Floyd's death report was a SCAM perpetrated by former Washington, D.C., medical examiner, Dr. Roger Mitchell, who coerced the current medical examiner, Dr. Andrew Baker into including "neck compression" as part of Floyd's cause of death.

Dr. Andrew Baker, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, was "directly and indirectly coerced by the State and its agents." Baker performed an autopsy on Floyd on May 25, 2020, and told prosecutors the next day that he found "no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation,"

Lawyers representing former Minneapolis police officer Tou Thao argued in a court filing over a year ago, that the medical examiner who performed the autopsy on George Floyd was "coerced" by a prominent doctor in Washington, D.C., into altering its findings – and that prosecutors were aware.

The filing accused Mitchell who threatened to write a damaging op-ed in the Washington Post against the medical examiner, of later targeting the key medical witness called by the defense in the trial for Derek Chauvin, resulting in an investigation by the state of Maryland following his testimony. That has caused a "chilling effect," Thao's defense attorneys argue, making it difficult for the defense to find other medical experts to testify for fear of losing their licenses or damaging their reputation.
Mitchell also threatened another doctor, Dr David Fowler, who had said Floyd's death was "undetermined". He went so far as to round up 431 doctors to sign a letter he sent to top govt officials calling for immediate investigations at the state and federal level into Fowler's medical license, as well as a review into the Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner during Fowler's 17-year tenure.

This is all old news, but it is only news now for liberals, who restrict themselves to leftist OMISSION media, which carefully screens out information like this, to keep them ignorant. They walk around FOR YEARS, not knowing what is going on and then come in here, and display that ignorance.

WTF, moron?

Trump didn't do shit, idiot but sign the bill.
What if there was no bill to sign?

Oh' that's right, it took a democrat to put forth the proposal.

Oh that's right. It took a Republican to sign the bill, after a Democrat DID NOT do that for 8 years. Ho hum. Game, Set, Match. 😐

It also took a Republican (Trump) to have the lowest unemployment rate for blacks in US history. It also took a Republican (Trump) to have the highest median wage in US history. Ho Hum. Yawn. ****** :rolleyes:
Lol leave it to you idiots to cherry pick info and ignore broader context. Obama presided over the longest stretch of job growth in history. Trump inherited that. Obama’s last 3 years all beat Trump’s best year. There’s also no denying that job growth in general is much better under democrats. Do you realize how pathetic you come across with shit like this? It’s so clearly disingenuous. You know you lost the argument but you’re too much of a whiny little bitch to admit it lol. No wonder why you voted for such a whiny little bitch.

FOOL. Job growth is something easily manipulated by govt statisticians, who also don't mention that most new jobs were low paying (when Obama was president) and go to illegal aliens (just as is the case now with Biden).

Everyone with an education knows that GDP growth is THE valid indicator of economic health, and that Obama was a SINKING recession failure (2015/2016), rescued by Trump, with continually rising GDPs (2017/2018).

this is the den. economy, brought to us by xiden and his dem handlers. It’s the worst economy in 40 plus years
Gas prices double.

Inflation at a 42 year high.

No new cars available.

Used car prices astronomical.

Baby food shortages.

Trucking companies collapsing by the hundreds daily.

Income growth: 5%

Inflation: 8%

Real income: Down -3%

GDP: Down 1.5% Q1 2022

Border Crisis absolutely out of control

Pouring money into Ukraine and doing nothing to secure our own border.

Yea, things are going really well. November will demonstrate to the country that REAL Americans are tired of democratic bullshit.
And the Republicans are going to help solve these issues how?

This stupid ping pong match between the worthless two party system is getting so fucking boring and America need to change things up and send a message to both the Democrats and Republicans that we ain’t going to take it anymore and vote in some third party candidates…

Until then nothing will change!
View attachment 660339

Oh that's right. It took a Republican to sign the bill, after a Democrat DID NOT do that for 8 years. Ho hum. Game, Set, Match. 😐

There was never a bill that proposed "permanent" (10 years) funding for HBCU's until 2019.
Every years budget had a bill to give HBCU's funding since 1967, and every year they were funded.
It also took a Republican (Trump) to have the lowest unemployment rate for blacks in US history.
Just like Trump claimed to have the lowest unemployment in 50 years'

He didn't have to do much.

The African American unemployment rate fell to 6.8%, the lowest rate in 45 years. I am so happy about this News! And, in the Washington Post (of all places), headline states, “Trumps first year jobs numbers were very, very good.”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2018

Trump entered the Oval Office in January 2017, the black unemployment rate was at 7.8 percent.

WOW, an entire percentage point.

Trump took office in January, was 4.6%. From that point, the proportion of Americans seeking work compared to the total number of people in the country’s workforce slightly decreased under the Trump administration. By September 2019, the percentage reached 3.5% — the lowest rate since December 1969.

WOW, another percentage point.

Trump is a GOD.

It also took a Republican (Trump) to have the highest median wage in US history. Ho Hum. Yawn. ****** :rolleyes:

You're still grasping at straws, with more "whataboutism".
Now you're trying to equate, more unrelated incidences.

You need a BS filter.
Then again, you wouldn't be able to type anything.
You can't engage in adult discussion. You're a propaganda parrot.
And the Republicans are going to help solve these issues how?

This stupid ping pong match between the worthless two party system is getting so fucking boring and America need to change things up and send a message to both the Democrats and Republicans that we ain’t going to take it anymore and vote in some third party candidates…

Until then nothing will change!
We had one and he was replaced by Biden.
Floyd's death report was a SCAM perpetrated by

Cool story bruh, but we have the ex-cop in jail now, convicted by jury for second degree murder of Floyd after lenghly trial and deliberation.

Thats the reality, thats what people came out to protest, so you can take your stories and shove them up your ass.
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Everyone with an education knows that GDP growth is THE valid indicator of economic health, and that Obama was a SINKING recession failure (2015/2016), rescued by Trump, with continually rising GDPs (2017/2018).

View attachment 660341

Hey "educated" moron, what did Trump actually do in 2017 to increase GDP in that year? Anyone with half a brain knows the answer is NOTHING. It takes time for any policy to actually get reflected in GDP and Trump tax-cuts didn't even go in effect untill 2018.

In 2019 GDP was 2.08%, down almost a full point from 2018, yet your graph conviniently omits what you describe as SINKING GDP. All this before historic Covid recession with historic 4T dollar deficit Trump tax-cuts contributed to.
Cool story bruh, but we have the ex-cop in jail now, convicted by jury for second degree murder of Floyd after lenghly trial and deliberation.

So you can take your stories and shove them up your ass.
Over a billion dollars in damages, destruction of innocent citizen's property. How do you justify that?
FOOL. Job growth is something easily manipulated by govt statisticians, who also don't mention that most new jobs were low paying (when Obama was president) and go to illegal aliens (just as is the case now with Biden).

Everyone with an education knows that GDP growth is THE valid indicator of economic health, and that Obama was a SINKING recession failure (2015/2016), rescued by Trump, with continually rising GDPs (2017/2018).

View attachment 660341
Lol I love you now say you can’t trust the government with jobs numbers AFTER you had talked about Trump’s job numbers. Gee what a convenient reversal!

As far as GDP goes:

“How Trump Compares: Overall, U.S. GDP growth has averaged about 0.95% during Trump’s first term in office. Here’s a look at how that GDP growth stacks up to his predecessor, President Barack Obama:

  • 2009: -2.5%
  • 2010: +2.6%
  • 2011: +1.6%
  • 2012: +2.2%
  • 2013: +1.8%
  • 2014: +2.5%
  • 2015: +3.1%
  • 2016: +1.7%
In his eight years in office, U.S. GDP growth averaged 1.62% under Obama, about 70% higher than Trump’s growth rate.

Trump growth rate:

  • 2017: +2.3%
  • 2018: +3%
  • 2019: +2.2%
  • 2020: -3.7%”

Keep in mind that Obama inherited a massive recession from Bush and he still turned it around 6 months into his presidency.
it’s worth telling you if you didn’t know. It’s worth telling you if you assumed it was better under republicans without actually knowing the data.

Biden‘a job growth numbers are historic by themselves. 8.7 million jobs have been created under Biden so far. Now, while inflation certainly is a problem right now, pretending it is all that matters is fallacious and disingenuous. This is especially important because every other economic metric has been doing quite well under Biden. Hell even if a recession hits under Biden (which i admit is a possibility), it won’t change the fact that Republican job growth is shitty. Trump‘a job growth specifically was pitiful in comparison to Biden’s.

Most dim-wits know this except you. Trump's record on job creation and the booming economy was stellar. Biden's decision to shut down the government was the cause of millions of jobs lost. Those lost jobs are now being re-filled, NOT created. Hear me loud and clear, Biden has killed jobs. Biden has not created any new jobs. Biden is still an incompetent old fool.

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