Job growth, income, and GDP is better under democrat presidents - by a lot.

Like I said >> "Leftist comments = fraud...with or without leftist "source" links. :muahaha: Would one expect anything much different from "the guardian" ?

The Guardian media bias rating is Lean Left. The Guardian is believed to have a lean left bias, in accordance with a features editor's assertion in 2004 that "it is no secret we are a centre-left newspaper.". Ho hum. yawn****


Denying Trump solicited donations to a fund which didn't exist won't alter the reality that he solicited funds which didn't exist.
Where is the link to your claimed counter argument asshole?

Nothing in your new copy-paste post even remotely disputes that you omitted 2019 in your half baked grpah and that GDP growth slowed by almost a point vs 2018, something you've described as sinking GDP, when it happened in 2016.

That nut actually believes if he didn't post it, it didn't exist. :cuckoo:

Denying Trump solicited donations to a fund which didn't exist won't alter the reality that he solicited funds which didn't exist.
IF that happened....trouble with Democrats blaming Trump for things, is that they have so many times made false (and often ludicrous) accusations (ex. outsourcing, Russian collusion, the dossier, instigating riot, slandering McCain, mocking disabled guy, grabbing women by the ..., etc.) Democrats have huge "Boy who cried wolf" problem - which will culminate in the November 2022 election.
IF that happened....trouble with Democrats blaming Trump for things, is that they have so many times made false (and often ludicrous) accusations (ex. outsourcing, Russian collusion, the dossier, instigating riot, slandering McCain, mocking disabled guy, grabbing women by the ..., etc.) Democrats have huge "Boy who cried wolf" problem - which will culminate in the November 2022 election.

You remain a retard, gramps. A president's first midterm virtually always goes to the opposition party. That was a foregone conclusion no matter what else happened.
it’s worth telling you if you didn’t know. It’s worth telling you if you assumed it was better under republicans without actually knowing the data.

Biden‘a job growth numbers are historic by themselves. 8.7 million jobs have been created under Biden so far. Now, while inflation certainly is a problem right now, pretending it is all that matters is fallacious and disingenuous. This is especially important because every other economic metric has been doing quite well under Biden. Hell even if a recession hits under Biden (which i admit is a possibility), it won’t change the fact that Republican job growth is shitty. Trump‘a job growth specifically was pitiful in comparison to Biden’s.

Yeah, sure feels like it. Democrats are doing a bang up fucking job.
Where is the link to your claimed counter argument asshole?

Nothing in your new copy-paste post even remotely disputes that you omitted 2019 in your half baked grpah and that GDP growth slowed by almost a point vs 2018, something you've described as sinking GDP, when it happened in 2016.
1. The V-GRAPH is not "half-baked", other than the fact that the Obama-friendly Bureau of Economic Analysis (filled with Obama Dept of Commerce appointees) have rountinely manipulated the numbers over time, consistently favoring Obama, and disparaging Trump (which invalidates their changes). Like when Trump had a 4.2% GDP growth, and they lowered it to 3.5 (among others).

2. Even if we were to accept the BEA numbers, so what ? I didn't "omit" anything because 2019 never was part of what I was talking about. The point was about Obama being hailed by Billy000 as having had a good economy, and Trump supposedly having inherited that, when just the opposite was the case.
To do that, and show that fallacy, actually I don't even need to show 2018 either, or Obama's 2015, for that matter. To show Obama's sinking GDP's which Trump inherited, and fixed, raising them, all that was needed was just 2016 and 2017, but I added the 2 EXTRA years, just so that nobody would whine, as you're doing now. I was being nice. You're welcome. :biggrin:
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Yeah, sure feels like it. Democrats are doing a bang up fucking job.
All this ludicrous self-congratulation Democrats indulge in, (while they make a train wreck of the country), has really just one major effect. It infuriates the public to the point where their popularity is dropping faster than a lead ball in Mexico City (which is 7,000 ft above sea level).

Can't wait for November to get here. :biggrin:
You remain a retard, gramps. A president's first midterm virtually always goes to the opposition party. That was a foregone conclusion no matter what else happened.
HA HA HA. Sure, the average loss for incumbent presidents is 25 seats, but THIS November, we will see 100 seats lost, and no you DON'T want to see the poll predictions on that one. :biggrin:

PS - I might have underestimated.
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Poll: 67 percent disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy, 71 percent disapprove on inflation as gasoline prices top $5​

And the gas price inflation is small compared to housing rent inflation. In cities inundated with Biden's airlifted illegal aliens, that inflation is 100-200%. I am one of the vicitims of it, having been forced to move twice, since Biden took over.
And the gas price inflation is small compared to housing rent inflation. In cities inundated with Biden's airlifted illegal aliens, that inflation is 100-200%. I am one of the vicitims of it, having been forced to move twice, since Biden took over.
Leave it to conservatives to blame anything but themselves for their misfortunes. That talk of “personal responsibility” is a load of shit lol
HA HA HA. Sure, the average loss for incumbent presidents is 25 seats, but THIS November, we will see 100 seats lost, and no you DON'T want to see the poll predictions on that one. :biggrin:

PS - I might have underestimated.

Polls don't reflect what you're claiming. Looks like you're just making shit up again to make yourself feel better. How sad.
I didn't "omit" anything because 2019 never was part of what I was talking about.
That is just stupid, 2019 is clearly part of Trump vs Obama GDP record. It is DIRECTLY what you were talking about.
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That is just stupid, 2019 is clearly part of Trump vs Obama GDP record. It is DIRECTLY what you were talking about.
No it's not, idiot. Not part of it one iota. I explained how/why it was not in Post # 226, that I was only talking about a reply to a comment from Billy000. THAT is what I was talking about and ONLY THAT, and you do not get to come in here and tell me what I'm talking about.

You should not have even needed Post 226 to correct you. You should have known from the start, that 2019 was not part of that particular discussion. You have already been soundly refuted, and you pretend that you still have a point to make. You have NOTHING but silly PRETENSE, so common of liberals these days.
Polls don't reflect what you're claiming. Looks like you're just making shit up again to make yourself feel better. How sad.
Looks like you don't read too much.

Leave it to conservatives to blame anything but themselves for their misfortunes. That talk of “personal responsibility” is a load of shit lol
Leave it to liberals to pretend one of there own is not to blame for what he (Biden) is obviously to blame for. Ho hum. Yawn****
No it's not, idiot. Not part of it one iota. I explained how/why it was not in Post # 226, that I was only talking about a reply to a comment from Billy000. THAT is what I was talking about and ONLY THAT, and you do not get to come in here and tell me what I'm talking about.

You should not have even needed Post 226 to correct you. You should have known from the start, that 2019 was not part of that particular discussion. You have already been soundly refuted, and you pretend that you still have a point to make. You have NOTHING but silly PRETENSE, so common of liberals these days.

Hear all, hear all - Trump was not president for 4 years and 2019 GDP has nothing to do with Trump's economic record either.

Yep, thats how much protectionist likes to shit his pants publicly.
Hear all, hear all - Trump was not president for 4 years and 2019 GDP has nothing to do with Trump's economic record either.

Yep, thats how much protectionist likes to shit his pants publicly.
Stupid clown.......I never said 2019 GDP has nothing to do with Trump's economic record, YOU are saying those words.

As for the 4 years, his 4th year as president was taken away from him by the Democrat pandemic, and turned into a mish mash.

Despite the warpage and distortion of the year, Trump performed admirably in addressing the pandemic, and finished the year that Democrats had sabatoged against him, with a record, whopping 33.8% GDP in the 3rd quarter of 2020 + a very healthy 4.5% in the 4th quarter of 2020.

Stupid clown.......I never said 2019 GDP has nothing to do with Trump's economic record, YOU are saying those words.

As for the 4 years, his 4th year as president was taken away from him by the Democrat pandemic, and turned into a mish mash.

Despite the warpage and distortion of the year, Trump performed admirably in addressing the pandemic, and finished the year that Democrats had sabatoged against him, with a record, whopping 33.8% GDP in the 3rd quarter of 2020 + a very healthy 4.5% in the 4th quarter of 2020.

View attachment 661129

So yes, you now admit that Trump's record is what you described as SINKING GDP after 2018 growth fell rate by almost a 1% in 2019, like it did 2015-2016.

2020 total GDP growth was a contraction of over 3% and thats with blockbuster 4 trillion dollar deficit. And yet you seem to be calling that a good job. Imagine that, rightwingers throwing away all the goofy tea-bag hats and loving all that Keynesian stimulus as soon as (R) gets into office. Principles - shminciples, you've got political theater to run first and foremost.

Anyway thanks for playing, you can now get back to playing in your little sandbox.
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That is just stupid, 2019 is clearly part of Trump vs Obama GDP record. It is DIRECTLY what you were talking about.
Joe Biden goes into a restaurant. “I’ve created 8 million jobs” he tells the server. “I know”, the server replies, “I have three of them.”

Funny and true, right lil‘ Anthony?

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