jobs, Jobs, JOBS! Scream GOP. But why won't they define "jobs"?

Obama used the word "jobs" more often in his state of the union speech than ever before. He didnt define it either. ANd since he has been screaming about jobs for 4 years and hasn't delivered any, why is this thread about Republicans? Oh yeah, RDean is a hack.

Sometimes I get so sick of ignorant shitheads calling me names. Do they wallow in stupid?

Obama said we need to train people and help them get through Jr. Colleges and Technical schools. He said no one will hire someone to handle a million dollar piece of equipment without the necessary skills.

We need our bridges, roads, sewers, electrical grid and the rest of the nations infrastructure upgraded.

Worse are the more than 100 Republican congressmen who took stimulus and created hundreds of thousands of jobs they take credit for, the fuckers, when they voted against the very bill that gave them the opportunity to show up at ribbon cuttings with their own oversize pair of scissors.

It takes a lot of nerve for shitstains such as yourself to call me a hack when I prove again and again how fucking stupid you are. You guys are so fucking pathetic. I will probably get some kind of warning for calling you the shitstain you are but you won't for calling me a "hack" even though I'm right and you're not. That's just the way it works.

At least I have the satisfaction of knowing I'm right.


According to this morning's exposé in the Washington Times, those very same Republican members of Congress who publicly condemned the 2009 stimulus bill--insisting to us all that it would neither stimulate the economy nor create jobs--privately believed just the opposite. These GOP representatives and senators were so sure that the stimulus bill would be effective, in fact, that they could not get to their desks fast enough to start peppering the federal government with requests for projects in their districts.

Republican Stimulus Hypocrisy: They Knew it Would Work - usnews


House Republican Whip Eric Cantor voted against the Recovery Act twice but then “touted the job-creation” of a stimulus-funded high speed rail project in Virginia. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell voted against the Recovery Act twice but then touted employment benefits of a military project in Kentucky funded by the stimulus,

Obama swipes at ribbon-cutting Republicans


Before a rusty old bridge in Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, President Obama threw a political punch at his foes. “Mr. Boehner, Mr. McConnell, help us rebuild this bridge. Help us rebuild America,” the President said, just up river from the Brent Spence Bridge. The crowd before him, a couple hundred strong with union t-shirts and the periodic cries of “You tell them, Mr. President,” cheered with delight, chanting “Pass the bill, pass the bill,” as Obama looked out victoriously beyond the television cameras.

Before a Rusty Bridge in Ohio, Obama Hits Republicans on Their Home Turf |






When USMB Republicans see their leaders taking credit for stimulus jobs, it must be a shock. In fact, they are so shocked, they won't believe it. Gee, how did I know that was coming?

Do you guys have any idea how many more of those photos there are of Republicans at ribbon cuttings for stimulus projects they voted against????

Do a Google search looking for images using this or a similiar phrase:

Republicans at ribbon cuttings for stimulus projects they voted against
True. Someone with a family who settles for a minimum wage job with no benefits will bring tons of stress into their lives. Republicans screaming for someone to get a job and when they do, and need food stamps to supplement their low paying job, Republicans will scream at them for getting food stamps.

From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China. It's easy to find out Republicans role in that mass exodus. But they will deny the facts no matter how many are presented. It's what they do and they do it well. The ONE thing they do well is "deny".

Clinton was the #1 leader in job exportation.

A min wage job is better than no job, and only a fool stays there, instead of working to find a better one.

damn you're dense and vile

You actually think that most Americans would sit and stay in a min job instead of working their way up.

You can't just say something without backing it up with some kind of proof. It makes you look, well, dense and vile.

Exporting Jobs | Global Economic Intersection

Look at the chart and the greatest export of jobs happens from 1992 to 2001

The Clinton years.

You can man up or deny.
How the hell is it easier to find another job when you already have one when you are faced with scheduling a interview during work hours??????? And what if the hiring process if long then that means you have to constantly take off and look suspicious.

And no one should take any job because it's not mentally healthy

Ok, well now I know you know nothing about posting fake jobs, since you don't know that it's easier to get a new job when you have one.

You're a liar, and a bad one.


Really? Then why do I know people who were hired in December of 2012 after being unemployed since July of 2011?????????????? Explain that

John Kerry on
Clinton was the #1 leader in job exportation.

A min wage job is better than no job, and only a fool stays there, instead of working to find a better one.

damn you're dense and vile

You actually think that most Americans would sit and stay in a min job instead of working their way up.

You can't just say something without backing it up with some kind of proof. It makes you look, well, dense and vile.

Exporting Jobs | Global Economic Intersection

Look at the chart and the greatest export of jobs happens from 1992 to 2001

The Clinton years.

You can man up or deny.

Man up or DENY?????? What the fuck is wrong with you????? Did you bother to read your link????? I did.

And millions of jobs were created during Clinton's administration. It stands to reason that job creation here would spur job creation overseas. Don't get me started on this.



the right seems to have no prob w/ the fact that *cough* "financial services" AKA- paper shuffling/speed-banking/fraud accts for a lion's share of the country's jobs.
You won the freaking election lefties. Start acting like winners instead of whiners.

And the right lost. Why do they still stand in the way of progress?

Most administrations have to deal with a congressional majority in one or both houses but the Hussein supporters can't seem to stop whining about it. Tell us how great the "way of progress" is going to be instead of whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government.
You won the freaking election lefties. Start acting like winners instead of whiners.

And the right lost. Why do they still stand in the way of progress?

Most administrations have to deal with a congressional majority in one or both houses but the Hussein supporters can't seem to stop whining about it. Tell us how great the "way of progress" is going to be instead of whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government.

Just wait 'til the Left gets the Court majority :eusa_drool:
the right seems to have no prob w/ the fact that *cough* "financial services" AKA- paper shuffling/speed-banking/fraud accts for a lion's share of the country's jobs.

dear, do you think of 800,000 jobs out of 130 million as a lions share?

Do you imagine if the activity was a fraud that all Americans would do business with them??

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow??
Wow, all these posts and the right can't define a single job. Like I said, they just like to SCREAM:




but they can't even tell us what kind of job. Smart. Real smart. Like a "rock" smart.
You can't just say something without backing it up with some kind of proof. It makes you look, well, dense and vile.

Exporting Jobs | Global Economic Intersection

Look at the chart and the greatest export of jobs happens from 1992 to 2001

The Clinton years.

You can man up or deny.

Man up or DENY?????? What the fuck is wrong with you????? Did you bother to read your link????? I did.

And millions of jobs were created during Clinton's administration. It stands to reason that job creation here would spur job creation overseas. Don't get me started on this.




See what happens when you read their links?
how much of that debt is "Obama's fault"?

you can say all of it since 100% of the pressure to
make debt illegal is from Republicans and all of the pressure to prevent that is from the liberals.

is it so complicated?? Libturds want bigger and bigger government with no end ever in site and its a lot easier to do with debt than taxes!!

A liberal will depend on debt the way a fish depends on water!
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how much of that debt is "Obama's fault"?

you can say all of it since 100% of the pressure to
make debt illegal is from Republicans and all of the pressure to prevent that is from the liberals.

is it so complicated?? Libturds want bigger and bigger government with no end ever in site and its a lot easier to do with debt than taxes!!

A liberal will depend on debt the way a fish depends on water!

Two unpaid for wars

trillions in tax cuts

deregulated Wall Street

drugs for votes bill

tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life and the cost of taking care of them

All this came from Republicans who even had to use reconcilliation THREE times to make it happen. What has Obama spent money on? Obamacare hasn't taken effect. So besides making good on Republican debt, what has Obama spent money on?
Make it good. :popcorn:
how much of that debt is "Obama's fault"?

you can say all of it since 100% of the pressure to
make debt illegal is from Republicans and all of the pressure to prevent that is from the liberals.

is it so complicated?? Libturds want bigger and bigger government with no end ever in site and its a lot easier to do with debt than taxes!!

A liberal will depend on debt the way a fish depends on water!

Two unpaid for wars

trillions in tax cuts

deregulated Wall Street

drugs for votes bill

tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life and the cost of taking care of them

All this came from Republicans who even had to use reconcilliation THREE times to make it happen. What has Obama spent money on? Obamacare hasn't taken effect. So besides making good on Republican debt, what has Obama spent money on?
Make it good. :popcorn:

No one ignores truth better than the GOP.

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