Jobs Saved?

You mean he used taxpayer money to do so?? Taxpayer money that they still owe.
Taxpayer money they used to bail out their mismanaged pension funds.

That bail out??

the one that saved a million jobs! Yes, that bailout. A lot more jobs than paying Carrier to move half their jobs to Mexico.

Hey, maybe that's how Trump will keep all the Drug dealers and Rapists in Mexico. Just send half the jobs down there! Brilliant!!!

He used taxpayer money to do it and taxpayer money should never, ever be used to bail out any company.
Well, liberals claim that giving out tax-breaks is using taxpayer money. This is bogus. This operates on the assumption that our money doesn't belong to us. It belongs to the government.
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

lol, see what I mean? Right on cue.
I don't remember Republicans caring about jobs saved until now

That because you've lived your life the loony left way:

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Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

lol, see what I mean? Right on cue.
It's also spot on.
Democrats should have pulled their heads out of their asses long enough to deal with these issues during the campaign season.
Is that how those refugees will get the "good jobs" Americans cannot? Join a Union?

Hint: Unions do not create jobs.

No, unions just make sure that the 1% can't screw you as bad.

Because you know they want to.

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.

Guy, your argument would be awesome if GM lost out to some Free Market Ayn Rand disciple.

They didn't.

They lost to the Germans and Japanese, who have stronger unions, socialized medicine and stronger pension benefits... and they produce more cars.
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change
To say nothing of how Big Ears really screwed GM bond holders, but that fact is glossed over by the left and their media.
All you care about are ceo's and shareholders. What about workers?

The economy is great for rich people. Now you are back to worrying about them and not blue collar?

What about blue collar?
Rich people like Hillary and her Hollywood elitist friends?
Oh, in case anyone missed it, this deal only saved one plant of two and maybe half of the jobs.

The real question here is, when those other jobs go to Mexico, will Trump follow up on his promise to put a 35% tariff on THOSE imports by Carrier?

Anyone want to bet?
Anyone want to bet that Trump turns out to be as big a fake as Obama you mean?
Obama's auto bailout saved a million and a half jobs. Trump's opinion at the time? Let them go bankrupt.

He used Fed taxpayer money to bail out those companies and Fed tax dollars should never, ever be used to bail out any company.

Both took our money and still went bankrupt which they could have done without our tax money.

They used that money to shore up their mismanage pension funds. Great use of our hard earned tax dollars.

They even used TARP money, more tax dollars to pay back some of that loan and we will never see what's still owed.
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

But suddenly the union workers at Carrier are gods. Imagine that!
You mean he used taxpayer money to do so?? Taxpayer money that they still owe.
Taxpayer money they used to bail out their mismanaged pension funds.

That bail out??

the one that saved a million jobs! Yes, that bailout. A lot more jobs than paying Carrier to move half their jobs to Mexico.

Hey, maybe that's how Trump will keep all the Drug dealers and Rapists in Mexico. Just send half the jobs down there! Brilliant!!!
Supposedly Ford was in the same boat with GM & Chrysler and didn't take the bribe, yet they survived.
Why is that?
You mean he used taxpayer money to do so?? Taxpayer money that they still owe.
Taxpayer money they used to bail out their mismanaged pension funds.

That bail out??

the one that saved a million jobs! Yes, that bailout. A lot more jobs than paying Carrier to move half their jobs to Mexico.

Hey, maybe that's how Trump will keep all the Drug dealers and Rapists in Mexico. Just send half the jobs down there! Brilliant!!!
Supposedly Ford was in the same boat with GM & Chrysler and didn't take the bribe, yet they survived.
Why is that?

They were smart that's why.
Trump didn't give 'em shit , he was the middle man, The State of Indiana gave 'em $5 million in edge tax credits over 10 years and an additional $1 million in training money and $1 million related to Carriers investment in the plant.

In return they got to keep those 1,100 (tax paying) jobs in the State of Indiana and a commitment from UT to invest at least $16 million in the Indianapolis Plant.

Sounds like a good fucking deal to me.

To you, it would.

1000 of those jobs are going to Mexico. In a couple of years, the rest will, too.

so Carrier scammed the government out of some money until they get their Mexico plant up and running.

That sounds more like a protection racket than a deal.

"Nice jobs you have here... a pity if something were to happen to them!"

:lmao: As if you have such a great record as a prognosticator! :lmao:

So how did that Hillary-by-a-landslide thing work out for you? I'm guessing you really cleaned up in Vegas on that one.
Obama's auto bailout saved a million and a half jobs. Trump's opinion at the time? Let them go bankrupt.

He used Fed taxpayer money to bail out those companies and Fed tax dollars should never, ever be used to bail out any company.

Both took our money and still went bankrupt which they could have done without our tax money.

They used that money to shore up their mismanage pension funds. Great use of our hard earned tax dollars.

They even used TARP money, more tax dollars to pay back some of that loan and we will never see what's still owed.

Don't you wish to dispute that it saved 1.5 million jobs? lol.
Carrier is getting a modest $7 million in financial incentives over the next 10 years from the state of Indiana to keep 1,000 jobs at an Indianapolis plant, sources familiar with the deal tells CNN.

7 million is "modest" by you?

That's $70,000 per employee! For jobs that pay, what, $30,000 a year?

And that doesn't even count all the military contracts united technologies (Carrier's parent) has been promised we don't know about.

Wasn't this the kind of "Crony Capitalism" that Trumpenfuhrer said he was going to stop?

Modest by Indiana idiot. If they didn't want to make that deal than they wouldn't have made it.

Oh and you can speculate all you want but its a done deal and Indiana is happy with it even if an idiot like you isn't.

Pence made the deal as a political stunt for his boss.

I agree, because I have been reading they had sent a letter to
Carrier is getting a modest $7 million in financial incentives over the next 10 years from the state of Indiana to keep 1,000 jobs at an Indianapolis plant, sources familiar with the deal tells CNN.

7 million is "modest" by you?

That's $70,000 per employee! For jobs that pay, what, $30,000 a year?

And that doesn't even count all the military contracts united technologies (Carrier's parent) has been promised we don't know about.

Wasn't this the kind of "Crony Capitalism" that Trumpenfuhrer said he was going to stop?

Modest by Indiana idiot. If they didn't want to make that deal than they wouldn't have made it.

Oh and you can speculate all you want but its a done deal and Indiana is happy with it even if an idiot like you isn't.

Pence made the deal as a political stunt for his boss.

I agree,

Pence denied request to help Carrier in 2014

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