Jobs Saved?

While I appreciate the fact that you love rubbing your crystal balls in an attempt to predict the future, you seem to have forgotten that you're a moron that can understand anything that doesn't come in coloring book form....OOPS.

The deal specifies an investment in plant refurb for the Indianapolis plant (you know what investment is right?) and edge tax credits over 10 years (you know, as in Carrier doesn't get 'em if they pack up and move out in a "couple of years").

.... now run along and leave the analysis to those of us that can actually comprehend the geometry of the deal at hand.

1000 of those jobs are going to Mexico at ONE PLANT. The other plant is still up in the air and will still end up going to Mexico.

Guy, I've worked in manufacturing... I've watched a plant die a lingering death as every year, they sent more and more jobs to Mexico and Malaysia. Trump paid a big old bribe to rich people to not screw working people as bad as they normally do... but the screwing is still coming.

"Guy", your stint as a guard at Auschwitz doesn't count as "working in manufacturing"....

Secondly the plant in question is the Indianapolis plant employing 800 people which isn't going anywhere, UT just agreed to invest at least $16 million in the plant in return for a total of $7 million from the State of Indiana, the bulk of which to be paid over 10 years in the form of edge tax credits which according to the Indiana Economic Development Corp "is among the most conservative offer for deals of this magnitude." (in other words they think it's a fucking good deal to).

Nobody is disputing the fact that Carrier will still be sending nearly 1,300 jobs to Mexico; Rational people are just happy for the 1,100 AMERICANS that won't be facing imminent unemployment because Trump & Pence were able to broker the deal for the Indianapolis plant and the 300 additional engineering and HQ workers at other locations in the state.

I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism but I'm happy those workers and their families won't have imminent job loss hanging over their heads at Christmas, apparently all you're really worried about is the fact that this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the other team" .

I agree. Just sore losers who can't accept a win for "other team."
...and since when do Lefties complain about the cost of anything, after their Dear Leader doubled the national debt?

Lefties better check the cost of Solyndra...and get back to us.

All the economic predictions I've seen on Trump's plans add trillions to the national debt. I expect that to be excused, rationalized, spun, and/or ignored in certain quarters, even though it's completely bipartisan over time as actually practiced.
You mean he used taxpayer money to do so?? Taxpayer money that they still owe.
Taxpayer money they used to bail out their mismanaged pension funds.

That bail out??

the one that saved a million jobs! Yes, that bailout. A lot more jobs than paying Carrier to move half their jobs to Mexico.

Hey, maybe that's how Trump will keep all the Drug dealers and Rapists in Mexico. Just send half the jobs down there! Brilliant!!!

He used taxpayer money to do it and taxpayer money should never, ever be used to bail out any company.

Taxpayer money like giving away $7 million in state tax revenue?

You mean Indiana getting just half a loaf - with the added bonus of 1000 jobs saved - as opposed to getting nothing at all? That state tax rev is gone if Carrier leaves. Gone.
Last edited:
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

I agree and they still went bankrupt which they could have done without Fed tax dollars.

Thanks Obama!

US auto sales jump more than expected in November

Nissan: 7.5% (4.6% expected)
5.1% (0.5% expected)
Toyota: 4.3% (3.4% expected)
10.2% (9.1% expected)
Fiat Chrysler: -14% (-9% expected)
6.5% (8.4% expected)
Volkswagen of America: 24.2%
Kia: 15.3%
Subaru: 15.3%
Porsche: 23%
While I appreciate the fact that you love rubbing your crystal balls in an attempt to predict the future, you seem to have forgotten that you're a moron that can understand anything that doesn't come in coloring book form....OOPS.

The deal specifies an investment in plant refurb for the Indianapolis plant (you know what investment is right?) and edge tax credits over 10 years (you know, as in Carrier doesn't get 'em if they pack up and move out in a "couple of years").

.... now run along and leave the analysis to those of us that can actually comprehend the geometry of the deal at hand.

1000 of those jobs are going to Mexico at ONE PLANT. The other plant is still up in the air and will still end up going to Mexico.

Guy, I've worked in manufacturing... I've watched a plant die a lingering death as every year, they sent more and more jobs to Mexico and Malaysia. Trump paid a big old bribe to rich people to not screw working people as bad as they normally do... but the screwing is still coming.

"Guy", your stint as a guard at Auschwitz doesn't count as "working in manufacturing"....

Secondly the plant in question is the Indianapolis plant employing 800 people which isn't going anywhere, UT just agreed to invest at least $16 million in the plant in return for a total of $7 million from the State of Indiana, the bulk of which to be paid over 10 years in the form of edge tax credits which according to the Indiana Economic Development Corp "is among the most conservative offer for deals of this magnitude." (in other words they think it's a fucking good deal to).

Nobody is disputing the fact that Carrier will still be sending nearly 1,300 jobs to Mexico; Rational people are just happy for the 1,100 AMERICANS that won't be facing imminent unemployment because Trump & Pence were able to broker the deal for the Indianapolis plant and the 300 additional engineering and HQ workers at other locations in the state.

I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism but I'm happy those workers and their families won't have imminent job loss hanging over their heads at Christmas, apparently all you're really worried about is the fact that this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the other team" .

I agree. Just sore losers who can't accept a win for "other team."
...and since when do Lefties complain about the cost of anything, after their Dear Leader doubled the national debt?

Lefties better check the cost of Solyndra...and get back to us.

All the economic predictions I've seen on Trump's plans add trillions to the national debt. I expect that to be excused, rationalized, spun, and/or ignored in certain quarters, even though it's completely bipartisan over time as actually practiced.
I expect the Left to suddenly be concerned about the cost of government, now that an R is in office.

Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

I agree and they still went bankrupt which they could have done without Fed tax dollars.

Thanks Obama!

US auto sales jump more than expected in November

Nissan: 7.5% (4.6% expected)
5.1% (0.5% expected)
Toyota: 4.3% (3.4% expected)
10.2% (9.1% expected)
Fiat Chrysler: -14% (-9% expected)
6.5% (8.4% expected)
Volkswagen of America: 24.2%
Kia: 15.3%
Subaru: 15.3%
Porsche: 23%

I'm sure the UAW is very grateful since our tax dollars were used to shore up those pricey pensions.
While I appreciate the fact that you love rubbing your crystal balls in an attempt to predict the future, you seem to have forgotten that you're a moron that can understand anything that doesn't come in coloring book form....OOPS.

The deal specifies an investment in plant refurb for the Indianapolis plant (you know what investment is right?) and edge tax credits over 10 years (you know, as in Carrier doesn't get 'em if they pack up and move out in a "couple of years").

.... now run along and leave the analysis to those of us that can actually comprehend the geometry of the deal at hand.

1000 of those jobs are going to Mexico at ONE PLANT. The other plant is still up in the air and will still end up going to Mexico.

Guy, I've worked in manufacturing... I've watched a plant die a lingering death as every year, they sent more and more jobs to Mexico and Malaysia. Trump paid a big old bribe to rich people to not screw working people as bad as they normally do... but the screwing is still coming.

"Guy", your stint as a guard at Auschwitz doesn't count as "working in manufacturing"....

Secondly the plant in question is the Indianapolis plant employing 800 people which isn't going anywhere, UT just agreed to invest at least $16 million in the plant in return for a total of $7 million from the State of Indiana, the bulk of which to be paid over 10 years in the form of edge tax credits which according to the Indiana Economic Development Corp "is among the most conservative offer for deals of this magnitude." (in other words they think it's a fucking good deal to).

Nobody is disputing the fact that Carrier will still be sending nearly 1,300 jobs to Mexico; Rational people are just happy for the 1,100 AMERICANS that won't be facing imminent unemployment because Trump & Pence were able to broker the deal for the Indianapolis plant and the 300 additional engineering and HQ workers at other locations in the state.

I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism but I'm happy those workers and their families won't have imminent job loss hanging over their heads at Christmas, apparently all you're really worried about is the fact that this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the other team" .

I agree. Just sore losers who can't accept a win for "other team."
...and since when do Lefties complain about the cost of anything, after their Dear Leader doubled the national debt?

Lefties better check the cost of Solyndra...and get back to us.

All the economic predictions I've seen on Trump's plans add trillions to the national debt. I expect that to be excused, rationalized, spun, and/or ignored in certain quarters, even though it's completely bipartisan over time as actually practiced.
Link? Or you just throwing it out there...
You mean he used taxpayer money to do so?? Taxpayer money that they still owe.
Taxpayer money they used to bail out their mismanaged pension funds.

That bail out??

the one that saved a million jobs! Yes, that bailout. A lot more jobs than paying Carrier to move half their jobs to Mexico.

Hey, maybe that's how Trump will keep all the Drug dealers and Rapists in Mexico. Just send half the jobs down there! Brilliant!!!

He used taxpayer money to do it and taxpayer money should never, ever be used to bail out any company.

Taxpayer money like giving away $7 million in state tax revenue?

States can spend their tax dollars any way they want to.

The Fed tax dollar shouldn't be used to bail out any company.

A distinction without a difference.

Check out auto sales for November.
New record!
While I appreciate the fact that you love rubbing your crystal balls in an attempt to predict the future, you seem to have forgotten that you're a moron that can understand anything that doesn't come in coloring book form....OOPS.

The deal specifies an investment in plant refurb for the Indianapolis plant (you know what investment is right?) and edge tax credits over 10 years (you know, as in Carrier doesn't get 'em if they pack up and move out in a "couple of years").

.... now run along and leave the analysis to those of us that can actually comprehend the geometry of the deal at hand.

1000 of those jobs are going to Mexico at ONE PLANT. The other plant is still up in the air and will still end up going to Mexico.

Guy, I've worked in manufacturing... I've watched a plant die a lingering death as every year, they sent more and more jobs to Mexico and Malaysia. Trump paid a big old bribe to rich people to not screw working people as bad as they normally do... but the screwing is still coming.

"Guy", your stint as a guard at Auschwitz doesn't count as "working in manufacturing"....

Secondly the plant in question is the Indianapolis plant employing 800 people which isn't going anywhere, UT just agreed to invest at least $16 million in the plant in return for a total of $7 million from the State of Indiana, the bulk of which to be paid over 10 years in the form of edge tax credits which according to the Indiana Economic Development Corp "is among the most conservative offer for deals of this magnitude." (in other words they think it's a fucking good deal to).

Nobody is disputing the fact that Carrier will still be sending nearly 1,300 jobs to Mexico; Rational people are just happy for the 1,100 AMERICANS that won't be facing imminent unemployment because Trump & Pence were able to broker the deal for the Indianapolis plant and the 300 additional engineering and HQ workers at other locations in the state.

I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism but I'm happy those workers and their families won't have imminent job loss hanging over their heads at Christmas, apparently all you're really worried about is the fact that this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the other team" .

As in, "I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism, and this government interventionism was obviously against what Carrier had decided was in it's own best interests for it's shareholders,but this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the team"."

It was UT that decided that, apparently the savings were approaching $65 million to relocate, the details are hazy but it appears that along with the State concessions, Trump assured UT that his plans for deregulation and tax relief (and threats of tariff and tax penalties perhaps?) would end up making "keep the plant in the U.S." a better option over the long run.

We'll see; but UT is pretty much locked in at that plant for the foreseeable future and they presumably took the deal because they believe what was offered was in it's own best interests and the best interests of it's shareholders.
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

I agree and they still went bankrupt which they could have done without Fed tax dollars.

Thanks Obama!

US auto sales jump more than expected in November

Nissan: 7.5% (4.6% expected)
5.1% (0.5% expected)
Toyota: 4.3% (3.4% expected)
10.2% (9.1% expected)
Fiat Chrysler: -14% (-9% expected)
6.5% (8.4% expected)
Volkswagen of America: 24.2%
Kia: 15.3%
Subaru: 15.3%
Porsche: 23%
You just proved my point that Obama is a car salesman.
You mean he used taxpayer money to do so?? Taxpayer money that they still owe.
Taxpayer money they used to bail out their mismanaged pension funds.

That bail out??

the one that saved a million jobs! Yes, that bailout. A lot more jobs than paying Carrier to move half their jobs to Mexico.

Hey, maybe that's how Trump will keep all the Drug dealers and Rapists in Mexico. Just send half the jobs down there! Brilliant!!!

He used taxpayer money to do it and taxpayer money should never, ever be used to bail out any company.

Taxpayer money like giving away $7 million in state tax revenue?

States can spend their tax dollars any way they want to.

The Fed tax dollar shouldn't be used to bail out any company.

A distinction without a difference.

Check out auto sales for November.
New record!
If Obama is responsible for auto sales, imagine what Trump is responsible for.
trump flipped. Millions given to a corporation and jobs still being shipped to mex. What happened to a tariff? Didnt he say hed impose teriffs on company's that leave?
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

I agree and they still went bankrupt which they could have done without Fed tax dollars.

Thanks Obama!

US auto sales jump more than expected in November

Nissan: 7.5% (4.6% expected)
5.1% (0.5% expected)
Toyota: 4.3% (3.4% expected)
10.2% (9.1% expected)
Fiat Chrysler: -14% (-9% expected)
6.5% (8.4% expected)
Volkswagen of America: 24.2%
Kia: 15.3%
Subaru: 15.3%
Porsche: 23%
You just proved my point that Obama is a car salesman.

A great economic indicator!
How many shifts will be added to meet the increased demand in 2017?

Only RW dopes see this as bad news.
the one that saved a million jobs! Yes, that bailout. A lot more jobs than paying Carrier to move half their jobs to Mexico.

Hey, maybe that's how Trump will keep all the Drug dealers and Rapists in Mexico. Just send half the jobs down there! Brilliant!!!

He used taxpayer money to do it and taxpayer money should never, ever be used to bail out any company.

Taxpayer money like giving away $7 million in state tax revenue?

States can spend their tax dollars any way they want to.

The Fed tax dollar shouldn't be used to bail out any company.

A distinction without a difference.

Check out auto sales for November.
New record!
If Obama is responsible for auto sales, imagine what Trump is responsible for.

Nothing yet.
I'm sure if auto sales were down, we'd be hearing about how bad Obama is.

Tell us again why they should have let them go bankrupt.
1,000 jobs saved cost 7 million in incentives and you lose your fucking mind. You're just a partisan hack
Now that is hilarious. You calling someone a partisan hack, ROTFLMAO.

Ever since the day you were first eligible to vote, all you have ever done when you walked into a voting booth was what you were trained to do, and that is to vote the straight republican ticket.

If anyone asked you who you voted for, you would just say, the republican. And then if they asked which republican for which office, you would say, I don't know about any of that, I just vote straight republican all the time for whoever and whatever office they are running for.

You are the definition of a partisan hack, lard ass.
There are about 7 GM mfg facilities in Indiana in case you want to speculate as to how many Indiana jobs the OBAMA auto bailout saved.

You mean the Fed Taxpayer bail out don't you???

Gee, I could have sworn that Obama was chief executive of the federal government at the time.

Yup. A Chief executive that had to pay back the unions for their support.

He used Our hard earned tax dollars to pay that debt.

If Bush had done the same thing You'd be singing an entirely different tune.
you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

I agree and they still went bankrupt which they could have done without Fed tax dollars.

Thanks Obama!

US auto sales jump more than expected in November

Nissan: 7.5% (4.6% expected)
5.1% (0.5% expected)
Toyota: 4.3% (3.4% expected)
10.2% (9.1% expected)
Fiat Chrysler: -14% (-9% expected)
6.5% (8.4% expected)
Volkswagen of America: 24.2%
Kia: 15.3%
Subaru: 15.3%
Porsche: 23%
You just proved my point that Obama is a car salesman.

A great economic indicator!
How many shifts will be added to meet the increased demand in 2017?

Only RW dopes see this as bad news.
Lol sales are up because Trump won the election. The Blamer and his laughable policies have zero to do with car sales.
He used taxpayer money to do it and taxpayer money should never, ever be used to bail out any company.

Taxpayer money like giving away $7 million in state tax revenue?

States can spend their tax dollars any way they want to.

The Fed tax dollar shouldn't be used to bail out any company.

A distinction without a difference.

Check out auto sales for November.
New record!
If Obama is responsible for auto sales, imagine what Trump is responsible for.

Nothing yet.
I'm sure if auto sales were down, we'd be hearing about how bad Obama is.

Tell us again why they should have let them go bankrupt.

They did file for bankruptcy even with our tax dollars. They could have filed before getting our tax dollars but they needed that money to shore up those oh so pricey pensions that were mismanaged.

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