Jobs Saved?

1,000 jobs saved cost 7 million in incentives and you lose your fucking mind. You're just a partisan hack
Now that is hilarious. You calling someone a partisan hack, ROTFLMAO.

Ever since the day you were first eligible to vote, all you have ever done when you walked into a voting booth was what you were trained to do, and that is to vote the straight republican ticket.

If anyone asked you who you voted for, you would just say, the republican. And then if they asked which republican for which office, you would say, I don't know about any of that, I just vote straight republican all the time for whoever and whatever office they are running for.

You are the definition of a partisan hack, lard ass.

Oh look....The Vor resumes his ankle tired, so lame....but it's The Vor, incapable of debate or adding anything to the thread. Now go flap your little girly arms and whine to someone who gives a shit, old timer
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday

The stupidity and lack of any coherency and consistency from the rwingers is amazing to witness.
1,000 jobs saved cost 7 million in incentives and you lose your fucking mind. You're just a partisan hack
Now that is hilarious. You calling someone a partisan hack, ROTFLMAO.

Ever since the day you were first eligible to vote, all you have ever done when you walked into a voting booth was what you were trained to do, and that is to vote the straight republican ticket.

If anyone asked you who you voted for, you would just say, the republican. And then if they asked which republican for which office, you would say, I don't know about any of that, I just vote straight republican all the time for whoever and whatever office they are running for.

You are the definition of a partisan hack, lard ass.

Oh look....The Vor resumes his ankle tired, so lame....but it's The Vor, incapable of debate or adding anything to the thread. Now go flap your little girly arms and whine to someone who gives a shit, old timer
I'm sorry, did I get you all upset again? ROTFLMAO.

Hey, wait a minute! That response can't be directed at me, you have had me on ignore for years now. ROTFLMAO.
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

I agree and they still went bankrupt which they could have done without Fed tax dollars.

Thanks Obama!

US auto sales jump more than expected in November

Nissan: 7.5% (4.6% expected)
5.1% (0.5% expected)
Toyota: 4.3% (3.4% expected)
10.2% (9.1% expected)
Fiat Chrysler: -14% (-9% expected)
6.5% (8.4% expected)
Volkswagen of America: 24.2%
Kia: 15.3%
Subaru: 15.3%
Porsche: 23%
Look at the daily sales figures. You will see auto sales began going up dramatically on Nov. 9.
After Trump won the worldwide stock markets started booming!
You can be assured had Hillary won those dramatic increases in auto sales would not have occurred.
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change
To say nothing of how Big Ears really screwed GM bond holders, but that fact is glossed over by the left and their media.
All you care about are ceo's and shareholders. What about workers?

The economy is great for rich people. Now you are back to worrying about them and not blue collar?

What about blue collar?
If you think only wealthy people were GM bond holders, think again.
Yea yea yea I know all the old arguments from 2007. Just don't say we didn't say we told you so when your way doesn't work AGAIN. I can already see the flaws. I'm keeping an open mind and I should survive it but your way sucks I remember and I suspect it will again.
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change
To say nothing of how Big Ears really screwed GM bond holders, but that fact is glossed over by the left and their media.
All you care about are ceo's and shareholders. What about workers?

The economy is great for rich people. Now you are back to worrying about them and not blue collar?

What about blue collar?
If you think only wealthy people were GM bond holders, think again.
My god it's like I got in a time machine and went back to 2007. You guys didn't give a FUCK about the workers. It was all about the corporations shareholders and consumers and I see you guys are going to forget about the workers again.

Don't cry when we call you out on it or point it out.
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

But suddenly the union workers at Carrier are gods. Imagine that!
I worked in a union shop for 8 years. They're worthless cocksuckers that just love chasing pussy while everyone else is working. Here in my current shop we had a union president in my shop and the entire 10 years, before he retired, he never did his job.
Forget about the union workers. Without the union how much do you think these companies are going to pay your sorry ass? So don't pretend you are going to help blue collar workers make more money again because you are not.

What is your plan to raise workers wages? Get the illegals out? Tariff companies that go overseas so they have to come back? Bullshit! We just saw you let 1000 jobs leave yesterday and you rewarded Carrier. You made them look like they were the good guys keeping half their operations here, which we had to pay them to do. You Republicans don't realize your government isn't calling the shots, corporations are. And now our government is a corporation. LITERALLY. The lines are blurred big time.

Lets see how it plays out.
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

I agree and they still went bankrupt which they could have done without Fed tax dollars.

Thanks Obama!

US auto sales jump more than expected in November

Nissan: 7.5% (4.6% expected)
5.1% (0.5% expected)
Toyota: 4.3% (3.4% expected)
10.2% (9.1% expected)
Fiat Chrysler: -14% (-9% expected)
6.5% (8.4% expected)
Volkswagen of America: 24.2%
Kia: 15.3%
Subaru: 15.3%
Porsche: 23%
Look at the daily sales figures. You will see auto sales began going up dramatically on Nov. 9.
After Trump won the worldwide stock markets started booming!
You can be assured had Hillary won those dramatic increases in auto sales would not have occurred.
Yes they would. The stock market took a dump too in fear of Trump so it going back up was only natural.

However there is a lot of optimism with trump now and that's good. Consumer confidence is up. Lets see how long that lasts.
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday

Trump's real jobs save at a real company vs Obama lying about phony jobs he supposedly saved, its not rocket science lib.
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change

That was paid back because remember it was a loan not a payoff. Loans arent tax breaks for the record
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change
To say nothing of how Big Ears really screwed GM bond holders, but that fact is glossed over by the left and their media.
All you care about are ceo's and shareholders. What about workers?

The economy is great for rich people. Now you are back to worrying about them and not blue collar?

What about blue collar?
If you think only wealthy people were GM bond holders, think again.
My god it's like I got in a time machine and went back to 2007. You guys didn't give a FUCK about the workers. It was all about the corporations shareholders and consumers and I see you guys are going to forget about the workers again.

Don't cry when we call you out on it or point it out.
At no time have I or anyone I know believed in the foolishness you posted. To think your fellow Americans "don't give a FUCK about workers," just proves what a fool you are and it proves how easily you are duped by D pols and their media.
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change

That was paid back because remember it was a loan not a payoff. Loans arent tax breaks for the record

Paid back huh??

FRANCISCO (press release)—Who can forget the Democrats led by Vice President Joe Biden at their national convention in 2012 promoting the idea that Bin Laden was dead and Detroit was alive and thriving thanks to the Obama administration? In reality, Osama Bin Laden is dead, but the federal bailout of the U.S. auto industry has cost American taxpayers $10 billion, new figures disclose.

Ironically, the U.S. Treasury Department actually announced last December the official end of the automobile industry bailout after loans given to General Motors and Chrysler had been “repaid to the government’s satisfaction.” It may be to the government’s satisfaction, but what about the American taxpayer?

The initial bailout was inaugurated in January 2009, at the onset of the Obama administration, as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. It was designed to combat the subprime lending crisis. The Auto Industry Financing Program loaned $79.69 billion to GM and Chrysler and their in-house financing companies assuming the government would be paid back in full. The operative word is “assuming.”

Most taxpayers are unaware that a portion of funds were used to purchase majority shares of the companies. That, in effect, nationalized the auto companies, the Heartland Institute observed in a report on the end of the bailout. During this period, the government sold Chrysler to Italian automaker Fiat. The Treasury Department provided $17.2 billion in public loans to GM’s financing company, now known as Ally Financial. The company made its final repayment on December 19.

That leaves the bottom line for taxpayers to ponder: the American public recovered only $70.42 billion of the $79.69 billion loaned through the bailout program, a loss of $9.3 billion, about $65.75 per taxpayer.

Meanwhile, the Treasury Department backpedaled when confronted by the media that actually researched the Obama administration claims of solvency. Treasury defended itself by saying, “While the auto industry rescue resulted in a cost of $9.3 billion to the government, the cost of a disorderly liquidation to the families and businesses across the country that rely on the auto industry would have been far higher.” Huh?

Treasury continued, “The government’s actions not only saved GM and Chrysler but they saved many businesses up and down the supply chain.” That is a claim that can easily be refuted if the mainstream media showed any interest, which they don’t. The Obama administration may say Osama Bin Laden is dead with credibility, but to say Chrysler and GM are “alive” is only by what the government considers “alive.”

Hope your not holding your breath for the rest of that money to be paid back.
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change

That was paid back because remember it was a loan not a payoff. Loans arent tax breaks for the record

No it wasn't paid back and to top it all off the taxpayers took a bath when the feds sold the stock.

Good grief, get informed
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change
To say nothing of how Big Ears really screwed GM bond holders, but that fact is glossed over by the left and their media.
All you care about are ceo's and shareholders. What about workers?

The economy is great for rich people. Now you are back to worrying about them and not blue collar?

What about blue collar?
If you think only wealthy people were GM bond holders, think again.
My god it's like I got in a time machine and went back to 2007. You guys didn't give a FUCK about the workers. It was all about the corporations shareholders and consumers and I see you guys are going to forget about the workers again.

Don't cry when we call you out on it or point it out.
At no time have I or anyone I know believed in the foolishness you posted. To think your fellow Americans "don't give a FUCK about workers," just proves what a fool you are and it proves how easily you are duped by D pols and their media.

I just remember your position on these blue collar workers ONLY changed with Trump. The GOP does not care about American workers. Not the overpaid ones. How much do you think a Carrier or Ford factory blue collar uneducated worker should make? I know, there is no set number because you don't even want them collectively bargaining. That way you can pay even less.
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change
To say nothing of how Big Ears really screwed GM bond holders, but that fact is glossed over by the left and their media.
All you care about are ceo's and shareholders. What about workers?

The economy is great for rich people. Now you are back to worrying about them and not blue collar?

What about blue collar?
If you think only wealthy people were GM bond holders, think again.
My god it's like I got in a time machine and went back to 2007. You guys didn't give a FUCK about the workers. It was all about the corporations shareholders and consumers and I see you guys are going to forget about the workers again.

Don't cry when we call you out on it or point it out.
At no time have I or anyone I know believed in the foolishness you posted. To think your fellow Americans "don't give a FUCK about workers," just proves what a fool you are and it proves how easily you are duped by D pols and their media.

  1. government by the wealthy.
    • a country or society governed by the wealthy.
      plural noun: plutocracies
    • an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.
You don
To say nothing of how Big Ears really screwed GM bond holders, but that fact is glossed over by the left and their media.
All you care about are ceo's and shareholders. What about workers?

The economy is great for rich people. Now you are back to worrying about them and not blue collar?

What about blue collar?
If you think only wealthy people were GM bond holders, think again.
My god it's like I got in a time machine and went back to 2007. You guys didn't give a FUCK about the workers. It was all about the corporations shareholders and consumers and I see you guys are going to forget about the workers again.

Don't cry when we call you out on it or point it out.
At no time have I or anyone I know believed in the foolishness you posted. To think your fellow Americans "don't give a FUCK about workers," just proves what a fool you are and it proves how easily you are duped by D pols and their media.

I just remember your position on these blue collar workers ONLY changed with Trump. The GOP does not care about American workers. Not the overpaid ones. How much do you think a Carrier or Ford factory blue collar uneducated worker should make? I know, there is no set number because you don't even want them collectively bargaining. That way you can pay even less.
You don't know my position.

Find a post backing your accusation...or STFU.
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change

That was paid back because remember it was a loan not a payoff. Loans arent tax breaks for the record

No it wasn't paid back and to top it all off the taxpayers took a bath when the feds sold the stock.

Good grief, get informed

Sassy, you and I know it was paid back thats why you didnt include a link.
That leaves the bottom line for taxpayers to ponder: the American public recovered only $70.42 billion of the $79.69 billion loaned through the bailout program, a loss of $9.3 billion, about $65.75 per taxpayer.
Not accurate: it should be $9.3 billion loss + opportunity cost.

Meanwhile, the Treasury Department backpedaled when confronted by the media that actually researched the Obama administration claims of solvency. Treasury defended itself by saying, “While the auto industry rescue resulted in a cost of $9.3 billion to the government, the cost of a disorderly liquidation to the families and businesses across the country that rely on the auto industry would have been far higher.” Huh?
Leave it to a brain-dead government apparatchik; no the cost wasn't "to the government" the government doesn't have any money of it's own to lose, the loss is 100% on the backs of the tax payers and the negative economic impacts go beyond the surface, such as the fact that the government propped up inefficient producers and thus made potentially more productive capital the hostage of said inefficient producers; bottom line is that they managed to lose tax payer money and fuck over bond holders while at the same time making the economy less efficient, way to go guys.

As usual government yahoos always fail to take into account opportunity costs and the economic effects below the surface that are caused by their politically driven decisions.
plu·toc·ra·cy: government by the wealthy.
a country or society governed by the wealthy.
an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.

INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves (or even try) are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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