Jobs Saved?

Obama's auto bailout saved a million and a half jobs. Trump's opinion at the time? Let them go bankrupt.

He used Fed taxpayer money to bail out those companies and Fed tax dollars should never, ever be used to bail out any company.

Both took our money and still went bankrupt which they could have done without our tax money.

They used that money to shore up their mismanage pension funds. Great use of our hard earned tax dollars.

They even used TARP money, more tax dollars to pay back some of that loan and we will never see what's still owed.

Don't you wish to dispute that it saved 1.5 million jobs? lol.

Don't you wish to dispute that their bankruptcy would have done the same thing. without our tax dollars??
There are about 7 GM mfg facilities in Indiana in case you want to speculate as to how many Indiana jobs the OBAMA auto bailout saved.

You mean the Fed Taxpayer bail out don't you???

Thanks to Bush , and Trump is doing the same, cut taxes, and the middle man, worker, bails everyone out. They should be interested in keeping workers jobs since they are who pay taxes and now they want to end SS and invest

in the Market, it's unbelievable. Invest in Wall Street, we will never screw you.
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.
You don't control this conversation. If you are too stupid to remember the Jobs Saved argument in 2009 I can't help you. Fact is Trump didn't do anything but lose 1000 jobs and give them a tax break for leaving. Who's going next? Back to the Bush era.

But instead of saying Trump lost 1 million jobs your racket is to say he saved the other million. Brilliant.

Now what are those 1000 people who lost their jobs going to do?
President doles out taxpayer funded subsidies to protect union special interests. That's how the Republicans would have characterized this deal a month ago. Gee, what's changed?
Desperation to prove they didn't just fuck us all by electing a Nazi.

And Joe's message reveals what happens to one's brain when one lingers too long on leftism ... or have a radical lobotomy.

"If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain" - Unknown
Obama's auto bailout saved a million and a half jobs. Trump's opinion at the time? Let them go bankrupt.

To break the unions. In other words, the high paying jobs. So how are Republicans going to help blue collar do better when it's blue collar jobs that got to go?

This is where GOP rhetoric and reality don't connect.

And how is the debt not going to double with this approach?
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

But suddenly the union workers at Carrier are gods. Imagine that!
I worked in a union shop for 8 years. They're worthless cocksuckers that just love chasing pussy while everyone else is working. Here in my current shop we had a union president in my shop and the entire 10 years, before he retired, he never did his job.
It's estimated Obungle's automotive bailout cost the American taxpayers between 9.3 billion and 16.6 billion dollars depending on source....7 million is chump change
To say nothing of how Big Ears really screwed GM bond holders, but that fact is glossed over by the left and their media.
All you care about are ceo's and shareholders. What about workers?

The economy is great for rich people. Now you are back to worrying about them and not blue collar?

What about blue collar?
If you think only wealthy people were GM bond holders, think again.
I don't remember Republicans caring about jobs saved until now
I don't remember the Democrats giving a damn until now.

Given the election results - Repub White House, Senate & House majorities, 33 governorships and 32 state legislatures - the perception in much of America is that they still don't.

Well, what makes it better is that they were silent as hell while Obama set out to screw the unions and now they defend them. And they are perfectly content to allow the illusion to continue about how they are really the defenders while their people had their hands in screwing American workers via education, IT, and the Post Office. Not to mention pushing for another candidate that was head deep in outsourcing.

They do not win the defender of the people award. They do not even get to pretend this time around.
Carrier is getting a modest $7 million in financial incentives over the next 10 years from the state of Indiana to keep 1,000 jobs at an Indianapolis plant, sources familiar with the deal tells CNN.

7 million is "modest" by you?

That's $7,000 per employee! For jobs that pay, what, $30,000 a year?

And that doesn't even count all the military contracts united technologies (Carrier's parent) has been promised we don't know about.

Wasn't this the kind of "Crony Capitalism" that Trumpenfuhrer said he was going to stop?
Damn Joe...the deal was $7 million OVER TEN FUCKING YEARS...dumbass.

That is the problem with some lefties. You are generally uninformed so facts surprise you.
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.

you mean other than the GM and Chrysler bailouts?

Glad you mentioned that.
It was called a bailout because it was nothing but a union pension bailout.
Unions were driving the auto industry out of the country. The same offer was made to Ford and they refused and did alright.
It was nothing but a fraud to steal from the Treasury and restructure the leadership in a private company.
Socialism 101.

I agree and they still went bankrupt which they could have done without Fed tax dollars.
While I appreciate the fact that you love rubbing your crystal balls in an attempt to predict the future, you seem to have forgotten that you're a moron that can understand anything that doesn't come in coloring book form....OOPS.

The deal specifies an investment in plant refurb for the Indianapolis plant (you know what investment is right?) and edge tax credits over 10 years (you know, as in Carrier doesn't get 'em if they pack up and move out in a "couple of years").

.... now run along and leave the analysis to those of us that can actually comprehend the geometry of the deal at hand.

1000 of those jobs are going to Mexico at ONE PLANT. The other plant is still up in the air and will still end up going to Mexico.

Guy, I've worked in manufacturing... I've watched a plant die a lingering death as every year, they sent more and more jobs to Mexico and Malaysia. Trump paid a big old bribe to rich people to not screw working people as bad as they normally do... but the screwing is still coming.

"Guy", your stint as a guard at Auschwitz doesn't count as "working in manufacturing"....

Secondly the plant in question is the Indianapolis plant employing 800 people which isn't going anywhere, UT just agreed to invest at least $16 million in the plant in return for a total of $7 million from the State of Indiana, the bulk of which to be paid over 10 years in the form of edge tax credits which according to the Indiana Economic Development Corp "is among the most conservative offer for deals of this magnitude." (in other words they think it's a fucking good deal to).

Nobody is disputing the fact that Carrier will still be sending nearly 1,300 jobs to Mexico; Rational people are just happy for the 1,100 AMERICANS that won't be facing imminent unemployment because Trump & Pence were able to broker the deal for the Indianapolis plant and the 300 additional engineering and HQ workers at other locations in the state.

I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism but I'm happy those workers and their families won't have imminent job loss hanging over their heads at Christmas, apparently all you're really worried about is the fact that this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the other team" .
Spinfest will continue by "the left" and "the right" while society continues to decline and be economically cannibalized by the substantial people.
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While I appreciate the fact that you love rubbing your crystal balls in an attempt to predict the future, you seem to have forgotten that you're a moron that can understand anything that doesn't come in coloring book form....OOPS.

The deal specifies an investment in plant refurb for the Indianapolis plant (you know what investment is right?) and edge tax credits over 10 years (you know, as in Carrier doesn't get 'em if they pack up and move out in a "couple of years").

.... now run along and leave the analysis to those of us that can actually comprehend the geometry of the deal at hand.

1000 of those jobs are going to Mexico at ONE PLANT. The other plant is still up in the air and will still end up going to Mexico.

Guy, I've worked in manufacturing... I've watched a plant die a lingering death as every year, they sent more and more jobs to Mexico and Malaysia. Trump paid a big old bribe to rich people to not screw working people as bad as they normally do... but the screwing is still coming.

"Guy", your stint as a guard at Auschwitz doesn't count as "working in manufacturing"....

Secondly the plant in question is the Indianapolis plant employing 800 people which isn't going anywhere, UT just agreed to invest at least $16 million in the plant in return for a total of $7 million from the State of Indiana, the bulk of which to be paid over 10 years in the form of edge tax credits which according to the Indiana Economic Development Corp "is among the most conservative offer for deals of this magnitude." (in other words they think it's a fucking good deal to).

Nobody is disputing the fact that Carrier will still be sending nearly 1,300 jobs to Mexico; Rational people are just happy for the 1,100 AMERICANS that won't be facing imminent unemployment because Trump & Pence were able to broker the deal for the Indianapolis plant and the 300 additional engineering and HQ workers at other locations in the state.

I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism but I'm happy those workers and their families won't have imminent job loss hanging over their heads at Christmas, apparently all you're really worried about is the fact that this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the other team" .

I agree. Just sore losers who can't accept a win for "other team."
Republicans didn't want to hear about the number of jobs Obama saved. Remember? Now they're talking about how many jobs trump saved yesterday. Really? Because to me trump gave the company a huge tax break and we lost 1000 jobs yesterday
Name the program specifically that Obama used to save jobs.
You don't control this conversation. If you are too stupid to remember the Jobs Saved argument in 2009 I can't help you. Fact is Trump didn't do anything but lose 1000 jobs and give them a tax break for leaving. Who's going next? Back to the Bush era.

But instead of saying Trump lost 1 million jobs your racket is to say he saved the other million. Brilliant.

Now what are those 1000 people who lost their jobs going to do?

Work in under employment jobs which is what is happening in Indiana especially since the steel mills were screwed. The state of Indiana has two counties that provide the cash flow for the state. Had people focused on Pence in Indiana outside of LGBT and religion this might have helped. But, no................identity politics was far more important.
While I appreciate the fact that you love rubbing your crystal balls in an attempt to predict the future, you seem to have forgotten that you're a moron that can understand anything that doesn't come in coloring book form....OOPS.

The deal specifies an investment in plant refurb for the Indianapolis plant (you know what investment is right?) and edge tax credits over 10 years (you know, as in Carrier doesn't get 'em if they pack up and move out in a "couple of years").

.... now run along and leave the analysis to those of us that can actually comprehend the geometry of the deal at hand.

1000 of those jobs are going to Mexico at ONE PLANT. The other plant is still up in the air and will still end up going to Mexico.

Guy, I've worked in manufacturing... I've watched a plant die a lingering death as every year, they sent more and more jobs to Mexico and Malaysia. Trump paid a big old bribe to rich people to not screw working people as bad as they normally do... but the screwing is still coming.

"Guy", your stint as a guard at Auschwitz doesn't count as "working in manufacturing"....

Secondly the plant in question is the Indianapolis plant employing 800 people which isn't going anywhere, UT just agreed to invest at least $16 million in the plant in return for a total of $7 million from the State of Indiana, the bulk of which to be paid over 10 years in the form of edge tax credits which according to the Indiana Economic Development Corp "is among the most conservative offer for deals of this magnitude." (in other words they think it's a fucking good deal to).

Nobody is disputing the fact that Carrier will still be sending nearly 1,300 jobs to Mexico; Rational people are just happy for the 1,100 AMERICANS that won't be facing imminent unemployment because Trump & Pence were able to broker the deal for the Indianapolis plant and the 300 additional engineering and HQ workers at other locations in the state.

I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism but I'm happy those workers and their families won't have imminent job loss hanging over their heads at Christmas, apparently all you're really worried about is the fact that this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the other team" .

As in, "I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism, and this government interventionism was obviously against what Carrier had decided was in it's own best interests for it's shareholders,but this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the team"."
except that's not what Trump did. the state of Indiana has been working on this deal for months... And franly, the 1000 people who are still goign to lose their jobs at this plant still got shafted.
It is quite weasely of Trump to worm his way into taking credit for this. But certainly not out of character.

Ah ... the sweet smell of sour grapes in the morning!

C'mon guys! You can always use 'em to make whine! Oh, wait ... you did!

While I appreciate the fact that you love rubbing your crystal balls in an attempt to predict the future, you seem to have forgotten that you're a moron that can understand anything that doesn't come in coloring book form....OOPS.

The deal specifies an investment in plant refurb for the Indianapolis plant (you know what investment is right?) and edge tax credits over 10 years (you know, as in Carrier doesn't get 'em if they pack up and move out in a "couple of years").

.... now run along and leave the analysis to those of us that can actually comprehend the geometry of the deal at hand.

1000 of those jobs are going to Mexico at ONE PLANT. The other plant is still up in the air and will still end up going to Mexico.

Guy, I've worked in manufacturing... I've watched a plant die a lingering death as every year, they sent more and more jobs to Mexico and Malaysia. Trump paid a big old bribe to rich people to not screw working people as bad as they normally do... but the screwing is still coming.

"Guy", your stint as a guard at Auschwitz doesn't count as "working in manufacturing"....

Secondly the plant in question is the Indianapolis plant employing 800 people which isn't going anywhere, UT just agreed to invest at least $16 million in the plant in return for a total of $7 million from the State of Indiana, the bulk of which to be paid over 10 years in the form of edge tax credits which according to the Indiana Economic Development Corp "is among the most conservative offer for deals of this magnitude." (in other words they think it's a fucking good deal to).

Nobody is disputing the fact that Carrier will still be sending nearly 1,300 jobs to Mexico; Rational people are just happy for the 1,100 AMERICANS that won't be facing imminent unemployment because Trump & Pence were able to broker the deal for the Indianapolis plant and the 300 additional engineering and HQ workers at other locations in the state.

I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism but I'm happy those workers and their families won't have imminent job loss hanging over their heads at Christmas, apparently all you're really worried about is the fact that this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the other team" .

I agree. Just sore losers who can't accept a win for "other team."
...and since when do Lefties complain about the cost of anything, after their Dear Leader doubled the national debt?

Lefties better check the cost of Solyndra...and get back to us.
While I appreciate the fact that you love rubbing your crystal balls in an attempt to predict the future, you seem to have forgotten that you're a moron that can understand anything that doesn't come in coloring book form....OOPS.

The deal specifies an investment in plant refurb for the Indianapolis plant (you know what investment is right?) and edge tax credits over 10 years (you know, as in Carrier doesn't get 'em if they pack up and move out in a "couple of years").

.... now run along and leave the analysis to those of us that can actually comprehend the geometry of the deal at hand.

1000 of those jobs are going to Mexico at ONE PLANT. The other plant is still up in the air and will still end up going to Mexico.

Guy, I've worked in manufacturing... I've watched a plant die a lingering death as every year, they sent more and more jobs to Mexico and Malaysia. Trump paid a big old bribe to rich people to not screw working people as bad as they normally do... but the screwing is still coming.

"Guy", your stint as a guard at Auschwitz doesn't count as "working in manufacturing"....

Secondly the plant in question is the Indianapolis plant employing 800 people which isn't going anywhere, UT just agreed to invest at least $16 million in the plant in return for a total of $7 million from the State of Indiana, the bulk of which to be paid over 10 years in the form of edge tax credits which according to the Indiana Economic Development Corp "is among the most conservative offer for deals of this magnitude." (in other words they think it's a fucking good deal to).

Nobody is disputing the fact that Carrier will still be sending nearly 1,300 jobs to Mexico; Rational people are just happy for the 1,100 AMERICANS that won't be facing imminent unemployment because Trump & Pence were able to broker the deal for the Indianapolis plant and the 300 additional engineering and HQ workers at other locations in the state.

I personally don't approve of this type of crony capitalism and government interventionism but I'm happy those workers and their families won't have imminent job loss hanging over their heads at Christmas, apparently all you're really worried about is the fact that this deal gets chalked up as a win for "the other team" .

I agree. Just sore losers who can't accept a win for "other team."

We know, just like the last 8 years.
You mean he used taxpayer money to do so?? Taxpayer money that they still owe.
Taxpayer money they used to bail out their mismanaged pension funds.

That bail out??

the one that saved a million jobs! Yes, that bailout. A lot more jobs than paying Carrier to move half their jobs to Mexico.

Hey, maybe that's how Trump will keep all the Drug dealers and Rapists in Mexico. Just send half the jobs down there! Brilliant!!!

He used taxpayer money to do it and taxpayer money should never, ever be used to bail out any company.

Taxpayer money like giving away $7 million in state tax revenue?

States can spend their tax dollars any way they want to.

The Fed tax dollar shouldn't be used to bail out any company.

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