JOBS: The Killer Question Republicans Couldn't Answer Tuesday Night

Why dont you explain that. When is an atmosphere of freedom and justice NOT conducive to job creation?

When people aren't feeling particularly ambitious?

The point is, if you're going to claim that the goal of government is to "create jobs" and maximize GDP, you really can't do better than outright fascism. Forcing everyone to march on command, whether it's fighting wars or building walls, can do wonders for an economy.

Even if that's not true, when you frame government's goal as "job creation", rather than freedom and justice, you get different results. If your view is that freedom and justice are the best thing for job creation, then we're - inadvertently - on the same page. For now.

Let me ask you this. If someone could convince you that authoritarian fascism really was best for the economy, that it was the best way to "make American number one", would be on board? Or would you rather have the freedom to decide for yourself how productive you want to be?
Why would people not feel ambitious? The only reason they are not is becaues they dont think ambition will get them anywhere.
Let me ask you this: if your grandmother had wheels would she be a bicycle or a tricycle?

Conservatives often have difficulty with hypotheticals. I withdraw the question.
Conservatives have difficulty with stupid. Narco-libertarians love to dwell in outer space where free pot means people smoke less of it and fascism promotes economic growth.

Heh.. cute. But, seriously. Don't think about, or attempt to answer, the question I posed. I could cause your brain to hemorrhage.
Your question is absurd. There is no point answering absurd questions.
Jobs? Skilled labor jobs?
GOP legislation cuts $33 million for funding of training and adult education.
That move wouldn't create one job, but it would eliminate tens of thousands skilled worker candidates. The job openings for skilled workers would go to skilled foreign workers using their work Visas.
And then the right cries and moans about Keystone XL..
Why is it government's responsibility to pay for job training? How many jobs did those programs actually produce? I mean beyond the bureaucrats who were hired to administer the thing.
Hell the country is still waiting for all those shovel ready jobs Obama told us he had back in 2009 when the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Oh yeah, when a major depression was averted? That time?

Some of the largest job growth of the last 20 years? That what you're talking about?

You can't blame Obama for something that started under Bush, the fall in the beginning of 2009 is all on him.
Ah the liberal pacifier but Bush pretty much everyone agrees the recession ended in In the summer of 2009 so after that you don't get to blame Bush it's on Obama from that point on.
Hell the country is still waiting for all those shovel ready jobs Obama told us he had back in 2009 when the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Oh yeah, when a major depression was averted? That time?

Some of the largest job growth of the last 20 years? That what you're talking about?

You can't blame Obama for something that started under Bush, the fall in the beginning of 2009 is all on him.
Ah the liberal pacifier but Bush pretty much everyone agrees the recession ended in In the summer of 2009 so after that you don't get to blame Bush it's on Obama from that point on.

OK then, I'll be the first for blaming NO recessions on Obama. Do I hear a second?
Hell the country is still waiting for all those shovel ready jobs Obama told us he had back in 2009 when the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Oh yeah, when a major depression was averted? That time?

Some of the largest job growth of the last 20 years? That what you're talking about?

You can't blame Obama for something that started under Bush, the fall in the beginning of 2009 is all on him.
Ah the liberal pacifier but Bush pretty much everyone agrees the recession ended in In the summer of 2009 so after that you don't get to blame Bush it's on Obama from that point on.

OK then, I'll be the first for blaming NO recessions on Obama. Do I hear a second?
Since I have never blamed him for one fine. As I have said many times on here I don't hold Obama responsible for things that happened before he took office but I do for things that have happened since he took office. Do I hear a second on that?
Hell the country is still waiting for all those shovel ready jobs Obama told us he had back in 2009 when the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Oh yeah, when a major depression was averted? That time?

Some of the largest job growth of the last 20 years? That what you're talking about?

You can't blame Obama for something that started under Bush, the fall in the beginning of 2009 is all on him.
Ah the liberal pacifier but Bush pretty much everyone agrees the recession ended in In the summer of 2009 so after that you don't get to blame Bush it's on Obama from that point on.

OK then, I'll be the first for blaming NO recessions on Obama. Do I hear a second?
Since I have never blamed him for one fine. As I have said many times on here I don't hold Obama responsible for things that happened before he took office but I do for things that have happened since he took office. Do I hear a second on that?

It was the largest recession since the great depression. The decline in Job Growth "did" stop in the summer of 2009, expecting net positive job growth before 90% of any policies enacted by Obama even take effect is idiotic.
Hell the country is still waiting for all those shovel ready jobs Obama told us he had back in 2009 when the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency.

Oh yeah, when a major depression was averted? That time?

Some of the largest job growth of the last 20 years? That what you're talking about?

You can't blame Obama for something that started under Bush, the fall in the beginning of 2009 is all on him.
Ah the liberal pacifier but Bush pretty much everyone agrees the recession ended in In the summer of 2009 so after that you don't get to blame Bush it's on Obama from that point on.

OK then, I'll be the first for blaming NO recessions on Obama. Do I hear a second?
Since I have never blamed him for one fine. As I have said many times on here I don't hold Obama responsible for things that happened before he took office but I do for things that have happened since he took office. Do I hear a second on that?

It was the largest recession since the great depression. The decline in Job Growth "did" stop in the summer of 2009, expecting net positive job growth before 90% of any policies enacted by Obama even take effect is idiotic.
Translation anything positive that happens under Obama is all because of Obama anything negative that happens under Obama is all because of someone else got it.
Answers were there for those that listened............

Trump talked about Inversion again, and how Trillions are sitting Idle overseas in Tax Havens because of the Tax rate here..........I've looked into that and they are not going to the third world with it.............they are going to places like Canada, Ireland and the UK........who have the rates at 12% were ours is 35%.............The Dem response is raise that rate to 39%...............Yeah that will bring investment back..:ack-1:

Rand Paul has a Flat Tax proposal of 14.5%.............Lowering Business rates.........and was estimated by the Tax Foundation to get 4.2 million jobs over 10 years...................

Ted Cruz is proposing a Flat Tax at 10% with t VAT tax going with it............He failed to mention the VAT when he explained it and one of the candidates spoke out of turn to say it on that one...........but it is estimated to create 4.9 Million jobs over 10 years....Corp rate at 16%

Ben Carson agrees with the flat tax models......not specific on final amount...................

All the candidates are saying open up Federal Land to the energy sector to create jobs......................

The Dems on the other hand........................MORE GOV'T, TAX THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYONE, AND DEMAND THE JOBS COME HOME...................

The liberals don't have a leg to stand on in this debate......complain about plans to create jobs without real solutions of their own.......
Oh yeah, when a major depression was averted? That time?

Some of the largest job growth of the last 20 years? That what you're talking about?

You can't blame Obama for something that started under Bush, the fall in the beginning of 2009 is all on him.
Ah the liberal pacifier but Bush pretty much everyone agrees the recession ended in In the summer of 2009 so after that you don't get to blame Bush it's on Obama from that point on.

OK then, I'll be the first for blaming NO recessions on Obama. Do I hear a second?
Since I have never blamed him for one fine. As I have said many times on here I don't hold Obama responsible for things that happened before he took office but I do for things that have happened since he took office. Do I hear a second on that?

It was the largest recession since the great depression. The decline in Job Growth "did" stop in the summer of 2009, expecting net positive job growth before 90% of any policies enacted by Obama even take effect is idiotic.
Translation anything positive that happens under Obama is all because of Obama anything negative that happens under Obama is all because of someone else got it.

No....Translation: Obama stopped the Great Recession from turning into the Great Depression II.
Jobs? Skilled labor jobs?
GOP legislation cuts $33 million for funding of training and adult education.
That move wouldn't create one job, but it would eliminate tens of thousands skilled worker candidates. The job openings for skilled workers would go to skilled foreign workers using their work Visas.
And then the right cries and moans about Keystone XL..
Why is it government's responsibility to pay for job training? How many jobs did those programs actually produce? I mean beyond the bureaucrats who were hired to administer the thing.

Presidents and Congresses of both parties have budgeted adult education and training for decades.
There is a huge skilled worker shortage, which effects the US economy and our country's ability to compete on the world stage.
Unfortunately, American companies complain about the lack of skilled workers, yet they have been investing less and less in training.
The right has been complaining endlessly about Obama's job environment, but when it comes time to provide a solution, they do the opposite and create even less opportunity. And the business world can do no wrong in their eyes.
So the skilled labor problem continues to grow. The only solution is bring in skilled labor from foreign countries using there special Visas or ship the skilled jobs offshore.

Here's an interesting read:
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Jobs? Skilled labor jobs?
GOP legislation cuts $33 million for funding of training and adult education.
That move wouldn't create one job, but it would eliminate tens of thousands skilled worker candidates. The job openings for skilled workers would go to skilled foreign workers using their work Visas.
And then the right cries and moans about Keystone XL..
Why is it government's responsibility to pay for job training? How many jobs did those programs actually produce? I mean beyond the bureaucrats who were hired to administer the thing.

Presidents and Congresses of both parties have budgeted adult education and training for decades.
There is a huge skilled worker shortage, which effects the US economy and our country's ability to compete on the world stage.
Unfortunately, American companies complain about the lack of skilled workers, yet they have been investing less and less in training.
The right has been complaining endlessly about Obama's job environment, but when it comes time to provide a solution, they do the opposite and create even less opportunity. And the business world can do no wrong in their eyes.
So the skilled labor problem continues to grow. The only solution is bring in skilled labor from foreign countries using there special Visas or ship the skilled jobs offshore.

Here's an interesting read:
If we've been funding these programs for decades why is there a shortage? Doesnt that suggest the programs are ineffective?
And of coure you failed to answer teh question and merely deflected to some partisan website.
How many skilled jobs would Keystone have created?

What about you Lakhota? You seem to be a fan of government "creating jobs". If the best way to get that done was to put on our 'jackboots' and march to glory, would you sign up?

Sign up for what?
I've noticed that liberals have trouble with hypotheticals. I withdraw the question. ;)

What about you Lakhota? You seem to be a fan of government "creating jobs". If the best way to get that done was to put on our 'jackboots' and march to glory, would you sign up?

Sign up for what?
I've noticed that liberals have trouble with hypotheticals. I withdraw the question. ;)
I've noticed libertarians have trouble remaining relevant.
And I dont mean just this thread or even just this discussion board.

What about you Lakhota? You seem to be a fan of government "creating jobs". If the best way to get that done was to put on our 'jackboots' and march to glory, would you sign up?

Sign up for what?
I've noticed that liberals have trouble with hypotheticals. I withdraw the question. ;)
I've noticed libertarians have trouble remaining relevant.
And I dont mean just this thread or even just this discussion board.

You don't know what you mean.
Jobs? Skilled labor jobs?
GOP legislation cuts $33 million for funding of training and adult education.
That move wouldn't create one job, but it would eliminate tens of thousands skilled worker candidates. The job openings for skilled workers would go to skilled foreign workers using their work Visas.
And then the right cries and moans about Keystone XL..
Why is it government's responsibility to pay for job training? How many jobs did those programs actually produce? I mean beyond the bureaucrats who were hired to administer the thing.

Presidents and Congresses of both parties have budgeted adult education and training for decades.
There is a huge skilled worker shortage, which effects the US economy and our country's ability to compete on the world stage.
Unfortunately, American companies complain about the lack of skilled workers, yet they have been investing less and less in training.
The right has been complaining endlessly about Obama's job environment, but when it comes time to provide a solution, they do the opposite and create even less opportunity. And the business world can do no wrong in their eyes.
So the skilled labor problem continues to grow. The only solution is bring in skilled labor from foreign countries using there special Visas or ship the skilled jobs offshore.

Here's an interesting read:
If we've been funding these programs for decades why is there a shortage? Doesnt that suggest the programs are ineffective?
And of coure you failed to answer teh question and merely deflected to some partisan website.
How many skilled jobs would Keystone have created?

What a loser!
The "partisan website", is a non-profit group who's main mission is to help vets find jobs. They are not involved in politics. Again, you show us what an armature you are and you get paid for these crappy posts?
Oh and genius, most people know that new skills are needed as technology changes in the many industries at a frequent pace. You did contemplate that, didn't you? No, I guess not base on the shallow question.
It's clear you are clueless about the subject, so here are various links that may help give you a clue.
America's worker shortage: One million and counting | Fox News

Survey shows growing US shortage of skilled labor

So, comparing skill labor jobs now and in the future, per Fox News and Center for America, millions of permanent jobs. Keystone? 50 permanent jobs, maybe.
Jobs? Skilled labor jobs?
GOP legislation cuts $33 million for funding of training and adult education.
That move wouldn't create one job, but it would eliminate tens of thousands skilled worker candidates. The job openings for skilled workers would go to skilled foreign workers using their work Visas.
And then the right cries and moans about Keystone XL..
Why is it government's responsibility to pay for job training? How many jobs did those programs actually produce? I mean beyond the bureaucrats who were hired to administer the thing.

Presidents and Congresses of both parties have budgeted adult education and training for decades.
There is a huge skilled worker shortage, which effects the US economy and our country's ability to compete on the world stage.
Unfortunately, American companies complain about the lack of skilled workers, yet they have been investing less and less in training.
The right has been complaining endlessly about Obama's job environment, but when it comes time to provide a solution, they do the opposite and create even less opportunity. And the business world can do no wrong in their eyes.
So the skilled labor problem continues to grow. The only solution is bring in skilled labor from foreign countries using there special Visas or ship the skilled jobs offshore.

Here's an interesting read:
If we've been funding these programs for decades why is there a shortage? Doesnt that suggest the programs are ineffective?
And of coure you failed to answer teh question and merely deflected to some partisan website.
How many skilled jobs would Keystone have created?

What a loser!
The "partisan website", is a non-profit group who's main mission is to help vets find jobs. They are not involved in politics. Again, you show us what an armature you are and you get paid for these crappy posts?
Oh and genius, most people know that new skills are needed as technology changes in the many industries at a frequent pace. You did contemplate that, didn't you? No, I guess not base on the shallow question.
It's clear you are clueless about the subject, so here are various links that may help give you a clue.
America's worker shortage: One million and counting | Fox News

Survey shows growing US shortage of skilled labor

So, comparing skill labor jobs now and in the future, per Fox News and Center for America, millions of permanent jobs. Keystone? 50 permanent jobs, maybe.
Wow. Dont criticize anyone ever again.
Yes, I am an "armature." LOL! Is English not your first language?
You failed to ansewr my objections and instead threw insults and blather.
Isnt the fact that we have a shortage of skilled workers proof that the gov't programs that are supposed to train skilled workers have failed? Yes or no.
Tuesday night's Republican debate was devoid of flashy moments. Nobody said anything particularly embarrassing. Nobody said anything particularly memorable. Even Donald Trump failed to stand out.

But the debate did have one moment that may loom large when the voters cast ballots a year from now. It was a question to Carly Fiorina from moderator Gerard Baker, the editor-in-chief of The Wall Street Journal. Here's the critical part: seven years under President Obama, the U.S. has added an average of 107,000 jobs a month. Under President Clinton, the economy added about 240,000 jobs a month. Under George W. Bush, it was only 13,000 a month. If you win the nomination, you'll probably be facing a Democrat named Clinton. How are you going to respond to the claim that Democratic presidents are better at creating jobs than Republicans?
The question was arguably harsher than anything from the infamous CNBC debate that Republicans and their supporters found so offensive. And that’s because it called into question not just a single Republican argument, but a basic premise of the party's case for taking over the White House.

More: The Killer Question Republicans Couldn't Answer Tuesday Night

Where are all those Republican JOBS - now and in the future? They ain't got a clue! They can't govern! Just bash Obama!
thats the problem we have with republicans they will believe anything their handlers will tell them.... here Obama has had the longest job growth then all the presidents in the last 40 years ... then they will tell you that Obama is the worst president but they never really can say why, that has any factual bases to it
Jobs? Skilled labor jobs?
GOP legislation cuts $33 million for funding of training and adult education.
That move wouldn't create one job, but it would eliminate tens of thousands skilled worker candidates. The job openings for skilled workers would go to skilled foreign workers using their work Visas.
And then the right cries and moans about Keystone XL..
Why is it government's responsibility to pay for job training? How many jobs did those programs actually produce? I mean beyond the bureaucrats who were hired to administer the thing.

Presidents and Congresses of both parties have budgeted adult education and training for decades.
There is a huge skilled worker shortage, which effects the US economy and our country's ability to compete on the world stage.
Unfortunately, American companies complain about the lack of skilled workers, yet they have been investing less and less in training.
The right has been complaining endlessly about Obama's job environment, but when it comes time to provide a solution, they do the opposite and create even less opportunity. And the business world can do no wrong in their eyes.
So the skilled labor problem continues to grow. The only solution is bring in skilled labor from foreign countries using there special Visas or ship the skilled jobs offshore.

Here's an interesting read:
If we've been funding these programs for decades why is there a shortage? Doesnt that suggest the programs are ineffective?
And of coure you failed to answer teh question and merely deflected to some partisan website.
How many skilled jobs would Keystone have created?

What a loser!
The "partisan website", is a non-profit group who's main mission is to help vets find jobs. They are not involved in politics. Again, you show us what an armature you are and you get paid for these crappy posts?
Oh and genius, most people know that new skills are needed as technology changes in the many industries at a frequent pace. You did contemplate that, didn't you? No, I guess not base on the shallow question.
It's clear you are clueless about the subject, so here are various links that may help give you a clue.
America's worker shortage: One million and counting | Fox News

Survey shows growing US shortage of skilled labor

So, comparing skill labor jobs now and in the future, per Fox News and Center for America, millions of permanent jobs. Keystone? 50 permanent jobs, maybe.
Wow. Dont criticize anyone ever again.
Yes, I am an "armature." LOL! Is English not your first language?
You failed to ansewr my objections and instead threw insults and blather.
Isnt the fact that we have a shortage of skilled workers proof that the gov't programs that are supposed to train skilled workers have failed? Yes or no.
typical ribbi response when he can't debate your post he starts with is english your second language ??? you were right the first time rabbi is a right wing nut job loser
72 years was selected as the timeframe because each party has controlled the presidency for 36 of those 72 years. During those 36 years each, 58 million jobs have been created under Democratic presidents, but only 26 million jobs under Republican Presidents.Oct 29, 2015

dang ....

The president isn't the be all/end all of why jobs are created. You morons don't understand that there are three branches of government, the legislative branch makes the policies, the executive branch executes those polices. So if polices were made that have increased jobs, it's because the legislative branch created then passed them. The President had a choice as to either sign on to it or veto it. But the credit is largely due to the creators of the bills.

I might add that during those productive years under a Democrat president, there was a Republican House that created the policies of which you give solely to the president.

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