JOBS: The Killer Question Republicans Couldn't Answer Tuesday Night

Republicans & Jobs

Tax cuts and deregulation = job creation.

Because these things allow existing businesses and investors to keep more of "their" money. This will increase the likelihood of new investments / new ventures (= more jobs) and it will allow pre-existing businesses to expand productive capacity (= jobs).

Low Labor Costs = job Creation
When labor costs are high, both existing businesses and potential investors keep less of their money and are therefore are less likely to invest and grow jobs.

Low Wages = Weak Demand = Credit (debt) Expansion
The low wages required by the most virulent form of global capitalism results in weak consumer demand. Worse: when American Labor Markets are forced to compete with the world's most profitable labor markets in China and the freedom-hating 3rd world, the wages of U.S. workers (consumers) are driven down to the point where those worker-consumers cannot flock into Main Street stores and buy goods/services. This puts pressure on pre-existing business to fire workers & further depress wages (which further weakens demand, which puts even more downward pressure on jobs/wages = toxic deflationary spiral. It pulls willing workers out of the workforce where they lose skills and become unemployable a la 2008 meltdown, and thus put more pressure on the state = higher taxes, higher crime, etc ).

The response to weak demand - as we saw with Reaganomics - was/is the aggressive expansion of credit/debt. Starting in 1980 we saw the transition from wage-based consumption to credit-based consumption. American consumers started borrowing unprecedented amounts of money merely to stay afloat. Our largest employer - Walmart - doesn't pay its lowest paid workers enough to pay rent/food/medical costs. These people eventually become too indebted to survive without some kind of institutional response (welfare or law enforcement, etc,. higher taxes). The middle class trajectory since the birth of Reaganomics has been that of the Walmart worker. Slow death by credit/debt. Starting in 1980 American Families borrowed toxic levels of money until more and more Americans could no longer borrow enough to survive without triggering some kind of expensive institutional response. We are now living that nightmare, and we are totally vulnerable to the next credit freeze (a la 2008) where another generation or workers will face a jobless world, and thereby become unemployable zombies.

Reaganomics: massive surplus on top coupled with massive debt below. The higher profits on top don't have any viable investments in the real economy because the wage structure doesn't provide enough demand. So Wall Street has to fabricate higher returns by creating fraudulent schemes for loaning money into the economy, to spur demand/economic growth. This happened under Bush when big finance, having run out of solvent consumers to keep the ponzi scheme going, used the mortgage industry to loan money to non-credit-worthy consumers - the last bastion of demand. It resulted in tremendous profits until the system, predictably, exploded. Tune in next week where we address the Permanent Bubble Economy, where the system survives only by fabricating asset bubbles.

The final stage of Reagaonmics. When consumers don't have enough money to buy the shit they produce - and credit infusions no longer work - the system dies. Reaganomics understands incentives for suppliers, but it doesn't understand demand. This is why we need a creative solution to solve the dead end Reaganomics has left us in. This is not unlike the 70s when our postwar Keynesianism finally stalled under stagflation. Reaganomics temporarily restarted the engine - but we have stalled again . . . and the special interests and wealth that has accumulated under Reaganomics now owns too many politicians and too many media assets to let us move forward.
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History has proven that smaller government, less taxes, and fewer regulations do NOT create more jobs!
look at the left-wing losers lying to themselves!!

speaking of killer questions people wont answer..........................

why are there 13 MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS heading into obama's EIGHTH YEAR then there were when he took office??
are low-paying jobs that allow you to remain on food stamps the kind of job creation you idiots are bragging about??
obama/democrats LITERALLY arent counting millions no longer in the Labor Force, having dropped out COMPLETELY and not even looking for work. Before you come back with another idiotic talking point just know that yes they are counted the same way as before, but the number that wasnt counted then is BIGGER, MUCH BIGGER NOW
History has proven that smaller government, less taxes, and fewer regulations do NOT create more jobs!

obviously you've never run a business you sad lemming
The only thing he's run is his mouth on these boards.
Oh and a floor polisher on the NYSE.

Prove me wrong with "credible" facts.

you've already been proved wrong idiot, on any number of levels. isnt it you crybabies whining about Congress??? of couse it is; obama's highest unemployment and highest deficits happened when his own Party held Congress.

Bush's highest unemployment and highest deficits happened when Democrats held BOTH chambers of Congress

coincidence leftard?


Obama has faced nothing but obstruction from Republicans since he was sworn in! So what are Republicans trying to say now - we won't obstruct if voters give us a Republican president? Is that any way to govern for the American people? No, it is not. Putting party before country is not what the founding fathers intended.

The Republican Party became anti-American when Obama became president. That is why I am no longer a Republican.
History has proven that smaller government, less taxes, and fewer regulations do NOT create more jobs!

obviously you've never run a business you sad lemming
The only thing he's run is his mouth on these boards.
Oh and a floor polisher on the NYSE.

Prove me wrong with "credible" facts.
Fallacy. Every "fact" I produce will be dismissed by you as "not credible." You need to define "credible" as something other than "supports my view."
This coming from a bot that supports Obama never endingly despite less people working than when he took office....

The fucking hacks on these boards just get so mother fucking old.


Obama has faced nothing but obstruction from Republicans since he was sworn in! So what are Republicans trying to say now - we won't obstruct if voters give us a Republican president? Is that any way to govern for the American people? No, it is not. Putting party before country is not what the founding fathers intended.

The Republican Party became anti-American when Obama became president. That is why I am no longer a Republican.

I agree! However, I stopped voting Republican forever due to Reagan.


Obama has faced nothing but obstruction from Republicans since he was sworn in! So what are Republicans trying to say now - we won't obstruct if voters give us a Republican president? Is that any way to govern for the American people? No, it is not. Putting party before country is not what the founding fathers intended.

The Republican Party became anti-American when Obama became president. That is why I am no longer a Republican.

I agree! However, I stopped voting Republican forever due to Reagan.

Reagan wasn't a bad president. George H. Bush was even better. Republicans seemed to go off the deep end after the Clinton years. It's funny how Bill changed history by dropping his pants in the Oval Office. Had it not been for the scandal, Gore would have won easily. I'm not sure where that would have us now, but it definitely would have changed many things.


Obama has faced nothing but obstruction from Republicans since he was sworn in! So what are Republicans trying to say now - we won't obstruct if voters give us a Republican president? Is that any way to govern for the American people? No, it is not. Putting party before country is not what the founding fathers intended.

The Republican Party became anti-American when Obama became president. That is why I am no longer a Republican.

I agree! However, I stopped voting Republican forever due to Reagan.

Reagan wasn't a bad president. George H. Bush was even better. Republicans seemed to go off the deep end after the Clinton years. It's funny how Bill changed history by dropping his pants in the Oval Office. Had it not been for the scandal, Gore would have won easily. I'm not sure where that would have us now, but it definitely would have changed many things.

Reagon sucked. George H.W. Bush suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?
Why is it government's responsibility to pay for job training? How many jobs did those programs actually produce? I mean beyond the bureaucrats who were hired to administer the thing.

Presidents and Congresses of both parties have budgeted adult education and training for decades.
There is a huge skilled worker shortage, which effects the US economy and our country's ability to compete on the world stage.
Unfortunately, American companies complain about the lack of skilled workers, yet they have been investing less and less in training.
The right has been complaining endlessly about Obama's job environment, but when it comes time to provide a solution, they do the opposite and create even less opportunity. And the business world can do no wrong in their eyes.
So the skilled labor problem continues to grow. The only solution is bring in skilled labor from foreign countries using there special Visas or ship the skilled jobs offshore.

Here's an interesting read:
If we've been funding these programs for decades why is there a shortage? Doesnt that suggest the programs are ineffective?
And of coure you failed to answer teh question and merely deflected to some partisan website.
How many skilled jobs would Keystone have created?

What a loser!
The "partisan website", is a non-profit group who's main mission is to help vets find jobs. They are not involved in politics. Again, you show us what an armature you are and you get paid for these crappy posts?
Oh and genius, most people know that new skills are needed as technology changes in the many industries at a frequent pace. You did contemplate that, didn't you? No, I guess not base on the shallow question.
It's clear you are clueless about the subject, so here are various links that may help give you a clue.
America's worker shortage: One million and counting | Fox News

Survey shows growing US shortage of skilled labor

So, comparing skill labor jobs now and in the future, per Fox News and Center for America, millions of permanent jobs. Keystone? 50 permanent jobs, maybe.
Wow. Dont criticize anyone ever again.
Yes, I am an "armature." LOL! Is English not your first language?
You failed to ansewr my objections and instead threw insults and blather.
Isnt the fact that we have a shortage of skilled workers proof that the gov't programs that are supposed to train skilled workers have failed? Yes or no.
typical ribbi response when he can't debate your post he starts with is english your second language ??? you were right the first time rabbi is a right wing nut job loser

Yeah, Rabbi had an orgasm because I had a typo.
The point of the matter is that his beloved Fox News agrees with me, not him, me.
Just like colleges change their curriculum frequently to adapt to the ever changing world, the government's training programs also change to meet the demands of the world. But with Rabbi's very simple mind, he can only adapt to the simpleton talking points which are the foundation of the tiny little world of Rabbi's.
Tuesday night's Republican debate was devoid of flashy moments. Nobody said anything particularly embarrassing. Nobody said anything particularly memorable. Even Donald Trump failed to stand out.

But the debate did have one moment that may loom large when the voters cast ballots a year from now. It was a question to Carly Fiorina from moderator Gerard Baker, the editor-in-chief of The Wall Street Journal. Here's the critical part: seven years under President Obama, the U.S. has added an average of 107,000 jobs a month. Under President Clinton, the economy added about 240,000 jobs a month. Under George W. Bush, it was only 13,000 a month. If you win the nomination, you'll probably be facing a Democrat named Clinton. How are you going to respond to the claim that Democratic presidents are better at creating jobs than Republicans?
The question was arguably harsher than anything from the infamous CNBC debate that Republicans and their supporters found so offensive. And that’s because it called into question not just a single Republican argument, but a basic premise of the party's case for taking over the White House.

More: The Killer Question Republicans Couldn't Answer Tuesday Night

Where are all those Republican JOBS - now and in the future? They ain't got a clue! They can't govern! Just bash Obama!
We have an socialist government, the reason this economy sucks.

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