Jodi Arias Penalty

Does anyone know if closing arguments on the Seacot case will be live streamed anywhere?
thanks not done reading yet but one thing I that caught my attention is that this report reads TM was face down when they arrived while the autopsy had said face up. That makes a big difference to me and I need to know which is the right one.
Huh? Locked car? what do you mean? Yes Zimmerman could have stayed in his car...he had the police on the phone and was trying to give the location...he was in an apartment complex and travon was walking around the back of the apartments...he could not drive his car up on the he got out and tried to give the location to the dispatcher.

No one is calling him a hero...certainly not me. I agree with Test, lots of what ifs on both sides. You know when I was younger and stupid walking the neighborhoods at night, I have been followed also by concerned adults....I certainly didnt double back and start bashing their head into a sidewalk.

The dispatcher didn't ask him to go get the location the dispatcher had already gotten off the phone with him and told him the cops would meet him at his place. You have your facts all wrong and are skewing for GZ because of it. I understand why because GZ's story has changed so many times its easy to get lost in the web. Gee this sounds familiar.

Also from Wiki:
In the course of Zimmerman's recorded interviews, Detective Chris Serino questioned aspects of Zimmerman's account, such as Zimmerman's statement that he didn't know the name of a street in the Twin Lakes community where he had lived for three years. Zimmerman said in response that he had a bad memory and takes medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.[189] Investigators also questioned the extent of his injuries and why he didn't identify himself to Martin as a Neighborhood Watch coordinator.
Yup. And ADD meds don't cause bad memory thats bs. He also said he was squeeky clean but he has a violent history record. I think most charges were dropped (daddy is a judge). A friend of mine knows some of the cops that were on duty that night and they did get a call telling them to let him go because of higher ups.

I totally agree, there was bad on both sides. But if this is to be allowed and discussed, then the gangsta texts, gun, smoke on TM's cell phone side get to be shined into the light too. Maybe not in court, but in this court of our opinions.

I don't know if the Judge has ruled on Z's past being allowed in.
See I'm not sure about that. I don't necessarily think TM's past is relevant but I do think GZ's is.
thanks not done reading yet but one thing I that caught my attention is that this report reads TM was face down when they arrived while the autopsy had said face up. That makes a big difference to me and I need to know which is the right one.

I know. I think he shot him pushed him off (face down), the EMT's worked on him when they got there (face up)

I totally agree, there was bad on both sides. But if this is to be allowed and discussed, then the gangsta texts, gun, smoke on TM's cell phone side get to be shined into the light too. Maybe not in court, but in this court of our opinions.

I don't know if the Judge has ruled on Z's past being allowed in.
See I'm not sure about that. I don't necessarily think TM's past is relevant but I do think GZ's is.

I agree, that's why I clarified with in our opinion... I don't know if that motion has been filed or ruled on or come up yet (Zimmerman's, not TM's).
I don't think we (or anyone) should post here about the Z trial. The moderators are going to get pissed.
Trialwatcher wrote:
"If Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch person, had he introduced himself to the neighbors, Martin's father would have been able to tell him about visitations from his son and Martin might have known who was following. I would not cotton to some stranger following me and asking me questions, without legal authority."

He was appointed Neighborhood Watch Captain by the Homeowners Association. Maybe Trayvons father should have made it his business to tell trayvon who the neighborhood watch person goes both ways.

Reuters did an investigation and according to the other neighbors, George was a model neighbor who was trying to help the neighborhood by reporting suspicious behavior to the police. He followed someone who was not normally seen in the neighborhood or who he did not find familiar walking in the back of the townhouses. Thats what neighborhood watch people do...they report suspicious behavior. There were many recent robberies in the neighborhood and George thought he was doing his job as the captain.

Trayvon threw the first punch...he could have explained that he was just going to his fathers house or relatives house and went on with his day, but no....he looked at George as someone he could take and decided he was gonna punch someone and make them bleed under the cover of he was being followed.

It appears that in Florida you should be careful who you decide to punch....of course Trayvon being 18 and invincible didnt think about that.

I live in Florida on several acres, I have a gun, or few, if there's a ruckus outside at night at my house, I'm going out with a gun and you're getting shot, same with all my neighbors.

That's The Way It Is.

Well you don't live in a development and as far as I know walking with Skittles doesn't make a ruckus.
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I don't think we (or anyone) should post here about the Z trial. The moderators are going to get pissed.

That's why I'm posting about it in the Z thread. It's possible they could lock this thread.

[MENTION=20285]Intense[/MENTION] - we are talking about Seacat and Zimmerman and then back to JoJo and sort of hopping to the other Zimmerman thread. Are you going to be :nono: at us?

Oh well, lost the live feed for Seacot anyway. Back to fully focusing on work.

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