Jodi Arias Penalty

To me, that M2 charge is wrong on other levels as well. Since it was done to appease the demonstrating public who was amped up by the likes of Al Sharpton, et al, rather than tamp down the violence it made it much worse. It gave credence to those who call this vigilantism. What a stupid and dangerous decision by this DA!

I get the sense you like this judge but she seems to be ruling against the defense on almost every motion. That doesn't sound right.

It's interesting that you say that because in other trials people applaud judges for ruling against the defense.
Good morning everyone,

Reading back, it's already been pretty heated on here today.

IMO, Zimmerman has been overcharged with M2. I've been trying to look at this from every angle. Look beyond the ifs and see what really happened. I agree 25, but just because Z had a reason to observe and report TM to 911 that doesn't mean Z isn't at fault for TM's death. Of course he is responsible. I see it more as Zimmerman having lost control of his gun and not being a competent gun owner. I don't know if the evidence can conclusively prove that lethal force was necessary to thwart TM's attack. So does this mean that, because Z is not asserting "stand your ground", he cannot use the theory of use of lethal force in this case? Not sure how that plays into this legally.

Are there lesser included charges? I didn't see any but haven't spent much time looking. If it's a question of M2 vs. self-defense, Z will be acquitted. There's no way this is M2. But he may be found guilty of negligent homicide or manslaughter if those are allowable verdicts. Ugh...this is so sad all around.

He's overcharged with M2 because of politics.

I agree, if there is a crime, the crime is manslaughter.

I believe manslaughter will be in the juror instructions, but not sure.
I'm still trying to catch up guys so bare with me but yeah maybe manslaughter. One thing I would point out is TM wasn't on GZ's property so this is not the same thing. One thing I don't lilke is how his story changed and how his story does not fit the evidence. Why was his DNA not in TM's nails why wasn't there abrasions on TM's hand other than one small scratch that we don't even know is from that night? Why is the blood on the back of his head not smeared and running downward if he was shimming on the grass like he stated? Zimmerman's bloody head - Bing Images Why doesn't any of this fit his story?! That should be a red flag to you guys like it would have been in another trial we spoke of.

Something that really pisses me off that has nothing to do with GZ is why did that kids body sit in the morgue for 3 days and they didn't figure out who he was and tell his parents? That is bullshit. They had his cell phone they could have figured it out. Imagine that was one of your kids?

Go read the link posted by WorldWatcher in the Z thread. It's the police reports, etc.

The phone was locked, which is why the cops couldn't get in it right away. When they found out it was Martin's body, they asked the father for the pin to the phone; the father wanted to speak to an attorney first. If his father really thought his son was so innocent, why didn't just give the cops what they asked for? Just sayin.....

This trial really needs to be posted about in the other thread. It gets confusing going from one (Arias) to the other here.
To me, that M2 charge is wrong on other levels as well. Since it was done to appease the demonstrating public who was amped up by the likes of Al Sharpton, et al, rather than tamp down the violence it made it much worse. It gave credence to those who call this vigilantism. What a stupid and dangerous decision by this DA!

I get the sense you like this judge but she seems to be ruling against the defense on almost every motion. That doesn't sound right.

It's interesting that you say that because in other trials people applaud judges for ruling against the defense.

I didn't say I like this judge. I can't say what I know/think about this judge. Let's just leave it at her makeover looks nice and move on.
Trialwatcher wrote:
"If Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch person, had he introduced himself to the neighbors, Martin's father would have been able to tell him about visitations from his son and Martin might have known who was following. I would not cotton to some stranger following me and asking me questions, without legal authority."

He was appointed Neighborhood Watch Captain by the Homeowners Association. Maybe Trayvons father should have made it his business to tell trayvon who the neighborhood watch person goes both ways.

Reuters did an investigation and according to the other neighbors, George was a model neighbor who was trying to help the neighborhood by reporting suspicious behavior to the police. He followed someone who was not normally seen in the neighborhood or who he did not find familiar walking in the back of the townhouses. Thats what neighborhood watch people do...they report suspicious behavior. There were many recent robberies in the neighborhood and George thought he was doing his job as the captain.

Trayvon threw the first punch...he could have explained that he was just going to his fathers house or relatives house and went on with his day, but no....he looked at George as someone he could take and decided he was gonna punch someone and make them bleed under the cover of he was being followed.

It appears that in Florida you should be careful who you decide to punch....of course Trayvon being 18 and invincible didnt think about that.

And who was the "victim" before Trayvon was shot? Zimmerman? It appears Zimmerman was right...trayvon was a thug looking to fight...if some old lady had decided to take a peak because he was walking around the back of her house...would he beat her up to?

Reuters Background Check of George Zimmerman - April 27, 2012 - YouTube

Can you please get your fact straight before you start spouting all this BS. Trayvon was 17 not 18. GZ wasn't appointed so much as noone wanted to do the job. There was another neighbor who complained he was followed by GZ too. Watching and following after being told not to are 2 different things.
Also why was GZ's DNA not on TM? Daily Kos :: DNA Report does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries

Okay, see a lot of this crap doesn't make sense and there is so so much crap out there, I can't begin to weed through the truth and the bullshit.... waiting on trial.

What is this? Was there a 3rd person there? Was there a Ninja? Once some weird thing is in a "fact" article, I can't credit anything in it. Again, waiting on the trial.

That said, the DNA Report and Autopsy Report suggests that Trayvon Martin did not cause any of the injuries to Zimmerman. How did Zimmerman get his injuries? Who knows, but the DNA evidence and Autopsy report suggests Zimmerman did not get his injuries from the hands of Trayvon Martin.

Yeah Testa I really don't know I need to see the report myself but if he didn't have Z's dna on him that's weird. The only thing then would be if Z caused his own injuries but is that even possible in the time between the shot and people coming down there? I really am just waiting to see what comes out but I don't want to watch the hole trial. There seems to be a lot of assumptions out there depending on what side you are leaning towards.
Where is the other thread? Personally I find it confusing going back and forth between threads and weeding through assholes. I find it less confusing to be here but if that's what you all want to do that's fine I just want to be able to find you guys.
To me, that M2 charge is wrong on other levels as well. Since it was done to appease the demonstrating public who was amped up by the likes of Al Sharpton, et al, rather than tamp down the violence it made it much worse. It gave credence to those who call this vigilantism. What a stupid and dangerous decision by this DA!

I get the sense you like this judge but she seems to be ruling against the defense on almost every motion. That doesn't sound right.

It's interesting that you say that because in other trials people applaud judges for ruling against the defense.

My opinion going into this trial is that the prosecution charged, then overcharged, Zimmerman based on public pressure to do so. Now, the DA may have ultimately decided to arrest and charge Z at some point without the publicity, but the fact that they bowed so quickly to assuage the protests and verbiage incited by the Martin family's hired guns makes me sick. It looked like a witch hunt at the time and needn't have. Since the DA is trying to prove M2, I think the defense should be given every opportunity to represent their client of such a serious charge. The judge is tough. I hope all the facts are allowed in so even the public can get the full picture of what happened.
To me, that M2 charge is wrong on other levels as well. Since it was done to appease the demonstrating public who was amped up by the likes of Al Sharpton, et al, rather than tamp down the violence it made it much worse. It gave credence to those who call this vigilantism. What a stupid and dangerous decision by this DA!

I get the sense you like this judge but she seems to be ruling against the defense on almost every motion. That doesn't sound right.

It's interesting that you say that because in other trials people applaud judges for ruling against the defense.

My opinion going into this trial is that the prosecution charged, then overcharged, Zimmerman based on public pressure to do so. Now, the DA may have ultimately decided to arrest and charge Z at some point without the publicity, but the fact that they bowed so quickly to assuage the protests and verbiage incited by the Martin family's hired guns makes me sick. It looked like a witch hunt at the time and needn't have. Since the DA is trying to prove M2, I think the defense should be given every opportunity to represent their client of such a serious charge. The judge is tough. I hope all the facts are allowed in so even the public can get the full picture of what happened.

The State and THE FEDS investigated on a local case. #whodoesthat

Angela Corey is out of JAX - 2 hours and districts away from where this crime took place and is being tried. #whodoesthat

pRick Scott the freaking governor appointed her to this case. The phone line between JAX and the governors office on how to appease the people and keep the peace was lit up full force.

It's all about politics.
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Even if we move, there were other Z threads. People were posting on those while we were still here on Arias and they're pissed we don't know what they said before we got there! Yikes! What to do?
Santa I'm for staying here. We had no problem going back and forth with all the other cases the other day. We can just put #zimmerman or # arias at the top of each post. But I'll do what ever the majority wants to do.
Even if we move, there were other Z threads. People were posting on those while we were still here on Arias and they're pissed we don't know what they said before we got there! Yikes! What to do?

I don't know, I got confused and just came back here. lol
I want to stay here but will a moderator shut us down or something? Don't know how this works. I think they want the thread to represent what's being discussed so everyone on the forum can join, but why can't we do what we want?
It could have been avoided if Zimmerman called the police and stayed in his car. How would Martin get into a locked car? He didn't have a gun.

Huh? Locked car? what do you mean? Yes Zimmerman could have stayed in his car...he had the police on the phone and was trying to give the location...he was in an apartment complex and travon was walking around the back of the apartments...he could not drive his car up on the he got out and tried to give the location to the dispatcher.

No one is calling him a hero...certainly not me. I agree with Test, lots of what ifs on both sides. You know when I was younger and stupid walking the neighborhoods at night, I have been followed also by concerned adults....I certainly didnt double back and start bashing their head into a sidewalk.

The dispatcher didn't ask him to go get the location the dispatcher had already gotten off the phone with him and told him the cops would meet him at his place. You have your facts all wrong and are skewing for GZ because of it. I understand why because GZ's story has changed so many times its easy to get lost in the web. Gee this sounds familiar.

Also from Wiki:
In the course of Zimmerman's recorded interviews, Detective Chris Serino questioned aspects of Zimmerman's account, such as Zimmerman's statement that he didn't know the name of a street in the Twin Lakes community where he had lived for three years. Zimmerman said in response that he had a bad memory and takes medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.[189] Investigators also questioned the extent of his injuries and why he didn't identify himself to Martin as a Neighborhood Watch coordinator.
I would be happy actually to not discuss the case. It is political to an extent, and on this forum in particular, the opinions lean hard right.

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