Jodi Arias Penalty

100 potential jurors X questions X Judge McIntosh = we're going to be here a while.
I don't have any reps anyway, losing them isn't a thing for me.

You're in a bad mood today - #tequila??

No, I just am annoyed with the narrative. It's like paper cut-outs. This is no different than any other muddying up a victim. If he had been shot while breaking and entering, brandishing a gun, or actually doing something illegal, other than smoking pot, then I could see it.

Anyway, I'm done.

So then you should be annoyed with MSNBC and their creative about the Black Panther hit annoyed about that? Or just the neighborhood watch guy who called 911?
100 potential jurors X questions X Judge McIntosh = we're going to be here a while.

Agree....this one is gonna be a long one....although once it gets going, I wonder how long it could possibly take...its not like were gonna have weeks and weeks of psyche testimony.
100 potential jurors X questions X Judge McIntosh = we're going to be here a while.

Agree....this one is gonna be a long one....although once it gets going, I wonder how long it could possibly take...its not like were gonna have weeks and weeks of psyche testimony.

Judge Nelson is going to move this fast. This isn't going to be a JoJo trial. I'm planning on summer vacation the week of July 12th.

You want to talk about racism - can you fathom the "racism" going on during jury selection? That is all about race.
Okay, I'm just going to get in fights over there <<<----- so I'm going to stay over here ---->>> but first I'm going to work.

Trialwatcher wrote:
"If Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch person, had he introduced himself to the neighbors, Martin's father would have been able to tell him about visitations from his son and Martin might have known who was following. I would not cotton to some stranger following me and asking me questions, without legal authority."

He was appointed Neighborhood Watch Captain by the Homeowners Association. Maybe Trayvons father should have made it his business to tell trayvon who the neighborhood watch person goes both ways.

Reuters did an investigation and according to the other neighbors, George was a model neighbor who was trying to help the neighborhood by reporting suspicious behavior to the police. He followed someone who was not normally seen in the neighborhood or who he did not find familiar walking in the back of the townhouses. Thats what neighborhood watch people do...they report suspicious behavior. There were many recent robberies in the neighborhood and George thought he was doing his job as the captain.

Trayvon threw the first punch...he could have explained that he was just going to his fathers house or relatives house and went on with his day, but no....he looked at George as someone he could take and decided he was gonna punch someone and make them bleed under the cover of he was being followed.

It appears that in Florida you should be careful who you decide to punch....of course Trayvon being 18 and invincible didnt think about that.

And who was the "victim" before Trayvon was shot? Zimmerman? It appears Zimmerman was right...trayvon was a thug looking to fight...if some old lady had decided to take a peak because he was walking around the back of her house...would he beat her up to?

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Good morning everyone,

Reading back, it's already been pretty heated on here today.

IMO, Zimmerman has been overcharged with M2. I've been trying to look at this from every angle. Look beyond the ifs and see what really happened. I agree 25, but just because Z had a reason to observe and report TM to 911 that doesn't mean Z isn't at fault for TM's death. Of course he is responsible. I see it more as Zimmerman having lost control of his gun and not being a competent gun owner. I don't know if the evidence can conclusively prove that lethal force was necessary to thwart TM's attack. So does this mean that, because Z is not asserting "stand your ground", he cannot use the theory of use of lethal force in this case? Not sure how that plays into this legally.

Are there lesser included charges? I didn't see any but haven't spent much time looking. If it's a question of M2 vs. self-defense, Z will be acquitted. There's no way this is M2. But he may be found guilty of negligent homicide or manslaughter if those are allowable verdicts. Ugh...this is so sad all around.
Trialwatcher wrote:
"If Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch person, had he introduced himself to the neighbors, Martin's father would have been able to tell him about visitations from his son and Martin might have known who was following. I would not cotton to some stranger following me and asking me questions, without legal authority."

He was appointed Neighborhood Watch Captain by the Homeowners Association. Maybe Trayvons father should have made it his business to tell trayvon who the neighborhood watch person goes both ways.

Reuters did an investigation and according to the other neighbors, George was a model neighbor who was trying to help the neighborhood by reporting suspicious behavior to the police. He followed someone who was not normally seen in the neighborhood or who he did not find familiar walking in the back of the townhouses. Thats what neighborhood watch people do...they report suspicious behavior. There were many recent robberies in the neighborhood and George thought he was doing his job as the captain.

Trayvon threw the first punch...he could have explained that he was just going to his fathers house or relatives house and went on with his day, but no....he looked at George as someone he could take and decided he was gonna punch someone and make them bleed under the cover of he was being followed.

It appears that in Florida you should be careful who you decide to punch....of course Trayvon being 18 and invincible didnt think about that.

I live in Florida on several acres, I have a gun, or few, if there's a ruckus outside at night at my house, I'm going out with a gun and you're getting shot, same with all my neighbors.

That's The Way It Is.
Good morning everyone,

Reading back, it's already been pretty heated on here today.

IMO, Zimmerman has been overcharged with M2. I've been trying to look at this from every angle. Look beyond the ifs and see what really happened. I agree 25, but just because Z had a reason to observe and report TM to 911 that doesn't mean Z isn't at fault for TM's death. Of course he is responsible. I see it more as Zimmerman having lost control of his gun and not being a competent gun owner. I don't know if the evidence can conclusively prove that lethal force was necessary to thwart TM's attack. So does this mean that, because Z is not asserting "stand your ground", he cannot use the theory of use of lethal force in this case? Not sure how that plays into this legally.

Are there lesser included charges? I didn't see any but haven't spent much time looking. If it's a question of M2 vs. self-defense, Z will be acquitted. There's no way this is M2. But he may be found guilty of negligent homicide or manslaughter if those are allowable verdicts. Ugh...this is so sad all around.

He's overcharged with M2 because of politics.

I agree, if there is a crime, the crime is manslaughter.

I believe manslaughter will be in the juror instructions, but not sure.
Testa, I had no idea! Serious. It's shoot first, ask questions later in FL? I know that's how my DH feels about anyone trespassing on our property so...I get it. This is different though.
Good morning everyone,

Reading back, it's already been pretty heated on here today.

IMO, Zimmerman has been overcharged with M2. I've been trying to look at this from every angle. Look beyond the ifs and see what really happened. I agree 25, but just because Z had a reason to observe and report TM to 911 that doesn't mean Z isn't at fault for TM's death. Of course he is responsible. I see it more as Zimmerman having lost control of his gun and not being a competent gun owner. I don't know if the evidence can conclusively prove that lethal force was necessary to thwart TM's attack. So does this mean that, because Z is not asserting "stand your ground", he cannot use the theory of use of lethal force in this case? Not sure how that plays into this legally.

Are there lesser included charges? I didn't see any but haven't spent much time looking. If it's a question of M2 vs. self-defense, Z will be acquitted. There's no way this is M2. But he may be found guilty of negligent homicide or manslaughter if those are allowable verdicts. Ugh...this is so sad all around.

Hey SF...I have a feeling this case is gonna bring lots of We have to remember that George wasnt breaking any laws a neighborhood watch captain he was following on foot someone who looked suspicious and reporting it to the police. When he walking back to his car he was jumped by the "suspicious" person...shocker!

He was punched in the nose and then had his head bashed into the in self defense he pulled the gun. Im not in favor of bringing a gun to a fist fight, but if it is shown that he was attacked and had already been punched in the nose and now his head was being slammed into the concrete, then florida says he has a right to defend himself against an attack. Floridians need to change the law if they dont like it.

BTW....George originally purchased the gun because of a pitbull in the neighborhood that had cornered his wife. He was advised by animal control to purchase a gun, so he and his wife went to the appropriate classes and legally registered a gun. Initially it was to fend off the pitbul, not play cop with teens in the neighborhood.
Testa, I had no idea! Serious. It's shoot first, ask questions later in FL? I know that's how my DH feels about anyone trespassing on our property so...I get it. This is different though.

I learned it from DH, brother in law, father in law, grandpa, single female neighbor next door, etc.. I don't believe it's like that everywhere or in neighborhoods, but we live on acreage behind a gate, so if you're here at night, you're not supposed to be here and, yeah, I'm pretty sure DH is going to shoot and then ask what you're doing.

There was a really old guy (I'll have to find the story link) in Daytona that shot a guy through the sliding glass door trying to break in about a month after the Zimmerman shooting. And everyone went SEE! Stand your ground! I only see it a few times a year, but it's generally very clear cut. I.E. someone is breaking in and gets shot under that law. There is a lot of gray area with stand your ground and Z
To me, that M2 charge is wrong on other levels as well. Since it was done to appease the demonstrating public who was amped up by the likes of Al Sharpton, et al, rather than tamp down the violence it made it much worse. It gave credence to those who call this vigilantism. What a stupid and dangerous decision by this DA!

I get the sense you like this judge but she seems to be ruling against the defense on almost every motion. That doesn't sound right.
There is a lot of gray area with stand your ground and Z

Yes. I can see why. Is the whole neighborhood Z's "ground" because he was watch captain? How far does that "ground" extend? But he's not asserting that. He's going for straight self-defense. So it really does come down to convincing the jury that TM attacked first and that Z felt his life was in danger. If TM doubled back and attacked, then Z should be acquitted.
There is a lot of gray area with stand your ground and Z

Yes. I can see why. Is the whole neighborhood Z's "ground" because he was watch captain? How far does that "ground" extend? But he's not asserting that. He's going for straight self-defense. So it really does come down to convincing the jury that TM attacked first and that Z felt his life was in danger. If TM doubled back and attacked, then Z should be acquitted.

Ground actually means if your life is being threatened, so it doesn't mean your ground-ground :)

Here's a case recently won during road rage: Daytona man wins stand-your-ground hearing after road rage attack |

The Stand Your Ground law, which gained notoriety after the tragic killing of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, authorizes the unfettered use of deadly force in self-defense. One provision of the law explicitly limits the use of deadly force without a duty to retreat to those “not engaged in an unlawful activity.”

Watch that Reuter's video 25 put up, that's pretty informative.
I say we take over the thread Testa started on Z. We've dealt with smartasses and idiots before; we can easily 'selectively' ignore those that post in it to start trouble. Some people are so miserable in their own lives, they believe it's their duty to try and make others as miserable as they are. They'll never see the sun from their head being shoved up their ass so far.

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