Jodi Arias Penalty

Yeah I think that 911 call will be key the problem is I'm not sure they can know. I don't know you've been watching are they able to tell who it is?
Zimmerman from what I know seems to have a good lawyer. I just don't know.

I don't think it's scientifically possible to determine, without doubt, or statistical probability, whose voice it is.
Here's the transcript from the in chambers hearing that allowed the sex tape in

I'm laughing out loud at this. So, Juan didn't want the sex tape in but the wonder defense team somehow heard "self defense" and "abuse" on the tape and wanted it in. I'm not sure how they translated that conversation to "abuse". Bad defense tactic, they should have left it out and left her off the stand.

They should have gone off Juan's lead here, he got what the sex tape was... a sex tape.

So as it was with the three hole wonder
conversation, we're not putting it in evidence to prove or
disprove that Ms. Arias was a, quote unquote, three hole
wonder. What we're talking about is -- as we are now,
we're not talking about putting it in her ass or some of
the sexual comparisons he made in order to offer the truth
of the matter asserted.

And why is she reciprocating? The truth of it
is that she's saying, for example, I can't wait to get
together with you so we can make a porno flick. I want to
see you stick your dick between my titties. I want them
to see the left side of my face. I don't want them to see
your feet. It will be so artistic.

Eeaaaanddd I'm laughing again at JoJo: It will be so artistic.


I think if you click them they'll get bigger.

There's some 50 cop cars from every agency at the courthouse.
Yeah I think that 911 call will be key the problem is I'm not sure they can know. I don't know you've been watching are they able to tell who it is?
Zimmerman from what I know seems to have a good lawyer. I just don't know.

Good question. Well both sides are advocating that it is their guy. Zimmerman says it was him, his brother says it his voice for sure and of course his attorney says it is George.

They had several voice experts listen to the tape and a lot of them could not determine who it was...some said it was George and some said it was Trayvon. George said from the beginning it was him.

Im really torn on this. If it were my brother who got in a fist fight and was winning and suddenly the other guy pulls a gun and shoots and kills him...I would be angry beyond belief. However, with the "Stand Your Ground Law" in Florida, what George did was considered legal and in self defense.

George said that he told Trayvon that he had a gun...I dont believe that as of now...I think he got jumped when he went back to his car...he panicked and pulled the gun and shot him. George is trying to say that he warned him like in a stand off....that doesnt mesh with the rest of his story.

Im curious to see what the evidence will bring. Of course you have all the racial implications also. Where the marches for Trayvon are intended to intimidate the jury, IMO....I dont like that as a defense.

And yes, George has a great attorney...well respected in the state of Florida.

Here's the thing, NO ONE knows whether Zimmerman left his car with the gun drawn or in his hand. If so, there was cause for Martin to pummel him to wrestle the gun away or protect himself. At one point, I read that Zimmerman said that Martin went for the gun and tried to get it away from him. Since Zimmerman and his wife already lied in court about finances, what's to stop him from lying about something to get out of jail? As we know from prior liars, a little bit of the truth is tossed in to make it sound legit. So he may have had the gun out and at the ready and then Martin attempted to protect himself. Just because some of Zimmerman's story seems to line up, doesn't mean all of it is true. If he never left the car, none of this would have transpired.

No one knows, but I dont think he was walking around the neighborhood waving his gun. He was following trayvon so that he could tell 911 his exact location...thats why he got out of his car...he was in an apartment complex and he was following on foot while on the phone with dispatcher. He was told to stop following and according to him he stopped and went back to his car...on his way back to the car is when trayvon surprised him. That part of the story holds up with the location of the assault in proximity to his car.

I dont think Trayvon charged George while George had a gun pointed at him. If he did, then hes an idiot. George is not a killer...he didnt go looking to kill trayvon. The neighborhood had numerous robberies and George was following someone he thought looked suspicious.

Now was Trayvon in the right to double back and approach george because he thought he was being followed?...I think he was. But it could have stopped there. Like "hey dude why are you following me"? George: "Because we have had robberies in the neighborhood and you looked suspicious"...Trayvon: "Well im not here to rob anyone, im on my way home"....George: "Okay have a nice day". It could have and should have ended like that, but it appears Trayvon wanted to escalated and he got shot.

Where Georges history is that of a neighborhood watch person who has donated time to help others including minorities. On the other hand, you have Trayvon who looks like a punk kid who was young and in to guns, fighting and drugs. They have confirmed this through texts and phone convos and thru friends. Trayvon liked to brag about this stuff and at the time he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Trayvon wanted to hindsight it was just a neighborhood watch person and could have been avoided.

As far as lying about the finances....well what would you do....the dude has a hit out on him from the Black Panthers...he was let go once and then because of political pressure was brought back in. He had recieved donations that were going to his attorney and to support himself...he didnt want all of that money going to bail and having nothing left. So they lied about it and justified it as money used for the defense...they were trying to get a lower bail amount...hell, he was let go initially and not requiring bail at hes arrested in jail, has a hit on him and is being indicted. He lied about it, but geez, I cant really blame him for trying....all of that money would have been scooped up in bail and he has an attorney to pay and a family to support....they dude hasnt even been able to leave his house and go to work.
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Good question. Well both sides are advocating that it is their guy. Zimmerman says it was him, his brother says it his voice for sure and of course his attorney says it is George.

They had several voice experts listen to the tape and a lot of them could not determine who it was...some said it was George and some said it was Trayvon. George said from the beginning it was him.

Im really torn on this. If it were my brother who got in a fist fight and was winning and suddenly the other guy pulls a gun and shoots and kills him...I would be angry beyond belief. However, with the "Stand Your Ground Law" in Florida, what George did was considered legal and in self defense.

George said that he told Trayvon that he had a gun...I dont believe that as of now...I think he got jumped when he went back to his car...he panicked and pulled the gun and shot him. George is trying to say that he warned him like in a stand off....that doesnt mesh with the rest of his story.

Im curious to see what the evidence will bring. Of course you have all the racial implications also. Where the marches for Trayvon are intended to intimidate the jury, IMO....I dont like that as a defense.

And yes, George has a great attorney...well respected in the state of Florida.

Here's the thing, NO ONE knows whether Zimmerman left his car with the gun drawn or in his hand. If so, there was cause for Martin to pummel him to wrestle the gun away or protect himself. At one point, I read that Zimmerman said that Martin went for the gun and tried to get it away from him. Since Zimmerman and his wife already lied in court about finances, what's to stop him from lying about something to get out of jail? As we know from prior liars, a little bit of the truth is tossed in to make it sound legit. So he may have had the gun out and at the ready and then Martin attempted to protect himself. Just because some of Zimmerman's story seems to line up, doesn't mean all of it is true. If he never left the car, none of this would have transpired.

No one knows, but I dont think he was walking around the neighborhood waving his gun. He was following trayvon so that he could tell 911 his exact location...thats why he got out of his car...he was in an apartment complex and he was following on foot while on the phone with dispatcher. He was told to stop following and according to him he stopped and went back to his car...on his way back to the car is when trayvon surprised him. That part of the story holds up with the location of the assault in proximity to his car.

I dont think Trayvon charged George while George had a gun pointed at him. If he did, then hes an idiot. George is not a killer...he didnt go looking to kill trayvon. The neighborhood had numerous robberies and George was following someone he thought looked suspicious.

Now was Trayvon in the right to double back and approach george because he thought he was being followed?...I think he was. But it could have stopped there. Like "hey dude why are you following me"? George: "Because we have had robberies in the neighborhood and you looked suspicious"...Trayvon: "Well im not here to rob anyone, im on my way home"....George: "Okay have a nice day". It could have and should have ended like that, but it appears Trayvon wanted to escalated and he got shot.

Where Georges history is that of a neighborhood watch person who has donated time to help others including minorities. On the other hand, you have Trayvon who looks like a punk kid who was young and in to drugs, fighting and drugs. They have confirmed this through texts and phone convos and thru friends. Trayvon liked to brag about this stuff and at the time he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Trayvon wanted to hindsight it was just a neighborhood watch person and could have been avoided.

Is this your final answer on how we should feel or is there more?

Good question. Well both sides are advocating that it is their guy. Zimmerman says it was him, his brother says it his voice for sure and of course his attorney says it is George.

They had several voice experts listen to the tape and a lot of them could not determine who it was...some said it was George and some said it was Trayvon. George said from the beginning it was him.

Im really torn on this. If it were my brother who got in a fist fight and was winning and suddenly the other guy pulls a gun and shoots and kills him...I would be angry beyond belief. However, with the "Stand Your Ground Law" in Florida, what George did was considered legal and in self defense.

George said that he told Trayvon that he had a gun...I dont believe that as of now...I think he got jumped when he went back to his car...he panicked and pulled the gun and shot him. George is trying to say that he warned him like in a stand off....that doesnt mesh with the rest of his story.

Im curious to see what the evidence will bring. Of course you have all the racial implications also. Where the marches for Trayvon are intended to intimidate the jury, IMO....I dont like that as a defense.

And yes, George has a great attorney...well respected in the state of Florida.

Here's the thing, NO ONE knows whether Zimmerman left his car with the gun drawn or in his hand. If so, there was cause for Martin to pummel him to wrestle the gun away or protect himself. At one point, I read that Zimmerman said that Martin went for the gun and tried to get it away from him. Since Zimmerman and his wife already lied in court about finances, what's to stop him from lying about something to get out of jail? As we know from prior liars, a little bit of the truth is tossed in to make it sound legit. So he may have had the gun out and at the ready and then Martin attempted to protect himself. Just because some of Zimmerman's story seems to line up, doesn't mean all of it is true. If he never left the car, none of this would have transpired.

No one knows, but I dont think he was walking around the neighborhood waving his gun. He was following trayvon so that he could tell 911 his exact location...thats why he got out of his car...he was in an apartment complex and he was following on foot while on the phone with dispatcher. He was told to stop following and according to him he stopped and went back to his car...on his way back to the car is when trayvon surprised him. That part of the story holds up with the location of the assault in proximity to his car.

I dont think Trayvon charged George while George had a gun pointed at him. If he did, then hes an idiot. George is not a killer...he didnt go looking to kill trayvon. The neighborhood had numerous robberies and George was following someone he thought looked suspicious.

Now was Trayvon in the right to double back and approach george because he thought he was being followed?...I think he was. But it could have stopped there. Like "hey dude why are you following me"? George: "Because we have had robberies in the neighborhood and you looked suspicious"...Trayvon: "Well im not here to rob anyone, im on my way home"....George: "Okay have a nice day". It could have and should have ended like that, but it appears Trayvon wanted to escalated and he got shot.

Where Georges history is that of a neighborhood watch person who has donated time to help others including minorities. On the other hand, you have Trayvon who looks like a punk kid who was young and in to drugs, fighting and drugs. They have confirmed this through texts and phone convos and thru friends. Trayvon liked to brag about this stuff and at the time he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Trayvon wanted to hindsight it was just a neighborhood watch person and could have been avoided.

You have made A LOT of assumptions about who everyone was and how they would react as individuals. If Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch person, had he introduced himself to the neighbors, Martin's father would have been able to tell him about visitations from his son and Martin might have known who was following. I would not cotton to some stranger following me and asking me questions, without legal authority. That is threatening. And if we are going to go to character, Zimmerman was involved in scuffles in the past as well. Further, Martin was committing no crime. There was no reason for Zimmerman to exit his vehicle at any point. Zimmerman was defending nothing, unless it is illegal to walk. I never said that he went "looking to kill Martin". I think he would never have a approached such a large individual without the courage of his handgun. And frankly, I know plenty of people who have smoked pot; it doesn't make a person violent. If Martin bragged about wanting a gun, so what? Zimmerman had one and used it.
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Good question. Well both sides are advocating that it is their guy. Zimmerman says it was him, his brother says it his voice for sure and of course his attorney says it is George.

They had several voice experts listen to the tape and a lot of them could not determine who it was...some said it was George and some said it was Trayvon. George said from the beginning it was him.

Im really torn on this. If it were my brother who got in a fist fight and was winning and suddenly the other guy pulls a gun and shoots and kills him...I would be angry beyond belief. However, with the "Stand Your Ground Law" in Florida, what George did was considered legal and in self defense.

George said that he told Trayvon that he had a gun...I dont believe that as of now...I think he got jumped when he went back to his car...he panicked and pulled the gun and shot him. George is trying to say that he warned him like in a stand off....that doesnt mesh with the rest of his story.

Im curious to see what the evidence will bring. Of course you have all the racial implications also. Where the marches for Trayvon are intended to intimidate the jury, IMO....I dont like that as a defense.

And yes, George has a great attorney...well respected in the state of Florida.

Here's the thing, NO ONE knows whether Zimmerman left his car with the gun drawn or in his hand. If so, there was cause for Martin to pummel him to wrestle the gun away or protect himself. At one point, I read that Zimmerman said that Martin went for the gun and tried to get it away from him. Since Zimmerman and his wife already lied in court about finances, what's to stop him from lying about something to get out of jail? As we know from prior liars, a little bit of the truth is tossed in to make it sound legit. So he may have had the gun out and at the ready and then Martin attempted to protect himself. Just because some of Zimmerman's story seems to line up, doesn't mean all of it is true. If he never left the car, none of this would have transpired.

No one knows, but I dont think he was walking around the neighborhood waving his gun. He was following trayvon so that he could tell 911 his exact location...thats why he got out of his car...he was in an apartment complex and he was following on foot while on the phone with dispatcher. He was told to stop following and according to him he stopped and went back to his car...on his way back to the car is when trayvon surprised him. That part of the story holds up with the location of the assault in proximity to his car.

I dont think Trayvon charged George while George had a gun pointed at him. If he did, then hes an idiot. George is not a killer...he didnt go looking to kill trayvon. The neighborhood had numerous robberies and George was following someone he thought looked suspicious.

Now was Trayvon in the right to double back and approach george because he thought he was being followed?...I think he was. But it could have stopped there. Like "hey dude why are you following me"? George: "Because we have had robberies in the neighborhood and you looked suspicious"...Trayvon: "Well im not here to rob anyone, im on my way home"....George: "Okay have a nice day". It could have and should have ended like that, but it appears Trayvon wanted to escalated and he got shot.

Where Georges history is that of a neighborhood watch person who has donated time to help others including minorities. On the other hand, you have Trayvon who looks like a punk kid who was young and in to guns, fighting and drugs. They have confirmed this through texts and phone convos and thru friends. Trayvon liked to brag about this stuff and at the time he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Trayvon wanted to hindsight it was just a neighborhood watch person and could have been avoided.

As far as lying about the finances....well what would you do....the dude has a hit out on him from the Black Panthers...he was let go once and then because of political pressure was brought back in. He had recieved donations that were going to his attorney and to support himself...he didnt want all of that money going to bail and having nothing left. So they lied about it and justified it as money used for the defense...they were trying to get a lower bail amount...hell, he was let go initially and not requiring bail at hes arrested in jail, has a hit on him and is being indicted. He lied about it, but geez, I cant really blame him for trying....all of that money would have been scooped up in bail and he has an attorney to pay and a family to support....they dude hasnt even been able to leave his house and go to work.

No on beat me up, I'm not getting in the middle of a weird debate, I agree for the most part with [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION]. It could have been avoided on both sides, it got out of hand and someone got shot.
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Here's the transcript from the in chambers hearing that allowed the sex tape in

Anyone here, there, anywhere? The journey begins tomorrow...any thoughts?

Start a different thread on the Zimmerman trial.

There is one, but I'm not getting into that whole racial mud slinging, F you stuff.

If you want to head over there, let me know.
[MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] - I'll go to the other thread if you're going.
Here's the thing, NO ONE knows whether Zimmerman left his car with the gun drawn or in his hand. If so, there was cause for Martin to pummel him to wrestle the gun away or protect himself. At one point, I read that Zimmerman said that Martin went for the gun and tried to get it away from him. Since Zimmerman and his wife already lied in court about finances, what's to stop him from lying about something to get out of jail? As we know from prior liars, a little bit of the truth is tossed in to make it sound legit. So he may have had the gun out and at the ready and then Martin attempted to protect himself. Just because some of Zimmerman's story seems to line up, doesn't mean all of it is true. If he never left the car, none of this would have transpired.

No one knows, but I dont think he was walking around the neighborhood waving his gun. He was following trayvon so that he could tell 911 his exact location...thats why he got out of his car...he was in an apartment complex and he was following on foot while on the phone with dispatcher. He was told to stop following and according to him he stopped and went back to his car...on his way back to the car is when trayvon surprised him. That part of the story holds up with the location of the assault in proximity to his car.

I dont think Trayvon charged George while George had a gun pointed at him. If he did, then hes an idiot. George is not a killer...he didnt go looking to kill trayvon. The neighborhood had numerous robberies and George was following someone he thought looked suspicious.

Now was Trayvon in the right to double back and approach george because he thought he was being followed?...I think he was. But it could have stopped there. Like "hey dude why are you following me"? George: "Because we have had robberies in the neighborhood and you looked suspicious"...Trayvon: "Well im not here to rob anyone, im on my way home"....George: "Okay have a nice day". It could have and should have ended like that, but it appears Trayvon wanted to escalated and he got shot.

Where Georges history is that of a neighborhood watch person who has donated time to help others including minorities. On the other hand, you have Trayvon who looks like a punk kid who was young and in to guns, fighting and drugs. They have confirmed this through texts and phone convos and thru friends. Trayvon liked to brag about this stuff and at the time he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Trayvon wanted to hindsight it was just a neighborhood watch person and could have been avoided.

As far as lying about the finances....well what would you do....the dude has a hit out on him from the Black Panthers...he was let go once and then because of political pressure was brought back in. He had recieved donations that were going to his attorney and to support himself...he didnt want all of that money going to bail and having nothing left. So they lied about it and justified it as money used for the defense...they were trying to get a lower bail amount...hell, he was let go initially and not requiring bail at hes arrested in jail, has a hit on him and is being indicted. He lied about it, but geez, I cant really blame him for trying....all of that money would have been scooped up in bail and he has an attorney to pay and a family to support....they dude hasnt even been able to leave his house and go to work.

No on beat me up, I'm not getting in the middle of a weird debate, I agree for the most part with [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION]. It could have been avoided on both sides, it got out of hand and someone got shot.

It could have been avoided if Zimmerman called the police and stayed in his car. How would Martin get into a locked car? He didn't have a gun.
That's all I'll say. I think it's crazy how people look at Zimmerman as a hero. He created the very situation which caused the confrontation and death of a person committing no crime. It doesn't matter what Martin's background was, he wasn't doing anything illegal that night. And if Zimmerman knew about Martin's background, which he didn't, but if he did, that is the very definition of vigilantism.
No one knows, but I dont think he was walking around the neighborhood waving his gun. He was following trayvon so that he could tell 911 his exact location...thats why he got out of his car...he was in an apartment complex and he was following on foot while on the phone with dispatcher. He was told to stop following and according to him he stopped and went back to his car...on his way back to the car is when trayvon surprised him. That part of the story holds up with the location of the assault in proximity to his car.

I dont think Trayvon charged George while George had a gun pointed at him. If he did, then hes an idiot. George is not a killer...he didnt go looking to kill trayvon. The neighborhood had numerous robberies and George was following someone he thought looked suspicious.

Now was Trayvon in the right to double back and approach george because he thought he was being followed?...I think he was. But it could have stopped there. Like "hey dude why are you following me"? George: "Because we have had robberies in the neighborhood and you looked suspicious"...Trayvon: "Well im not here to rob anyone, im on my way home"....George: "Okay have a nice day". It could have and should have ended like that, but it appears Trayvon wanted to escalated and he got shot.

Where Georges history is that of a neighborhood watch person who has donated time to help others including minorities. On the other hand, you have Trayvon who looks like a punk kid who was young and in to guns, fighting and drugs. They have confirmed this through texts and phone convos and thru friends. Trayvon liked to brag about this stuff and at the time he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Trayvon wanted to hindsight it was just a neighborhood watch person and could have been avoided.

As far as lying about the finances....well what would you do....the dude has a hit out on him from the Black Panthers...he was let go once and then because of political pressure was brought back in. He had recieved donations that were going to his attorney and to support himself...he didnt want all of that money going to bail and having nothing left. So they lied about it and justified it as money used for the defense...they were trying to get a lower bail amount...hell, he was let go initially and not requiring bail at hes arrested in jail, has a hit on him and is being indicted. He lied about it, but geez, I cant really blame him for trying....all of that money would have been scooped up in bail and he has an attorney to pay and a family to support....they dude hasnt even been able to leave his house and go to work.

No on beat me up, I'm not getting in the middle of a weird debate, I agree for the most part with [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION]. It could have been avoided on both sides, it got out of hand and someone got shot.

It could have been avoided if Zimmerman called the police and stayed in his car. How would Martin get into a locked car? He didn't have a gun.

There were a lot of "ifs" that could have avoided it on both sides. If if if.
That's all I'll say. I think it's crazy how people look at Zimmerman as a hero. He created the very situation which caused the confrontation and death of a person committing no crime. It doesn't matter what Martin's background was, he wasn't doing anything illegal that night. And if Zimmerman knew about Martin's background, which he didn't, but if he did, that is the very definition of vigilantism.

Who is looking at him as a hero?
[MENTION=43880]Trialwatcher[/MENTION]...the character of the two involved is not comparable....the scuffle that you mention was George defending a homeless man.

George was a family man who donated time and money to charities....He got tired of his neighborhood being robbed and decided he was gonna do something about he followed someone who looked suspicious and called the police.

Trayvon was a wannabe thug. I never said smoking pot made you a bad person, but it is against the law in Florida...he was also bragging of obtaining firearms illegally and bragging of fighting and people not bleeding enough when he fought them. Trayvon was a punk kid who looked suspicious and according to some of the stuff leaked out about him was probably walking around like a thug and he got followed because of it.

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