Jodi Arias Penalty

So testa:


yet ?

The bottle is "half full".

Was kid sleepover out night last night - translation - adult date night. It was all good except the part where I was running around the pasture in my nighty and boots yelling at the chick to get up the ladder into the holly tree and go to bed.

#Farm drama
So testa:


yet ?

The bottle is "half full".

Was kid sleepover out night last night - translation - adult date night. It was all good except the part where I was running around the pasture in my nighty and boots yelling at the chick to get up the ladder into the holly tree and go to bed.

#Farm drama

It would be a hilarious youtube video though.
Oh yeah I'm not following that too closely. I'm interested but I don't really want to invest the time and there is a lot of controversy.
Yeah, I hear ya...Im forcing myself to be interested in the beginning, knowing that it will it get more interesting as the days go by.

I think a lot will ride on who the jury thinks was making the "Help Help" screams.
Yeah I think that 911 call will be key the problem is I'm not sure they can know. I don't know you've been watching are they able to tell who it is?
Zimmerman from what I know seems to have a good lawyer. I just don't know.
Yeah I think that 911 call will be key the problem is I'm not sure they can know. I don't know you've been watching are they able to tell who it is?
Zimmerman from what I know seems to have a good lawyer. I just don't know.

Good question. Well both sides are advocating that it is their guy. Zimmerman says it was him, his brother says it his voice for sure and of course his attorney says it is George.

They had several voice experts listen to the tape and a lot of them could not determine who it was...some said it was George and some said it was Trayvon. George said from the beginning it was him.

Im really torn on this. If it were my brother who got in a fist fight and was winning and suddenly the other guy pulls a gun and shoots and kills him...I would be angry beyond belief. However, with the "Stand Your Ground Law" in Florida, what George did was considered legal and in self defense.

George said that he told Trayvon that he had a gun...I dont believe that as of now...I think he got jumped when he went back to his car...he panicked and pulled the gun and shot him. George is trying to say that he warned him like in a stand off....that doesnt mesh with the rest of his story.

Im curious to see what the evidence will bring. Of course you have all the racial implications also. Where the marches for Trayvon are intended to intimidate the jury, IMO....I dont like that as a defense.

And yes, George has a great attorney...well respected in the state of Florida.
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Yeah I think that 911 call will be key the problem is I'm not sure they can know. I don't know you've been watching are they able to tell who it is?
Zimmerman from what I know seems to have a good lawyer. I just don't know.

Good question. Well both sides are advocating that it is their guy. Zimmerman says it was him, his brother says it his voice for sure and of course his attorney says it is George.

They had several voice experts listen to the tape and a lot of them could not determine who it was...some said it was George and some said it was Trayvon. George said from the beginning it was him.

Im really torn on this. If it were my brother who got in a fist fight and was winning and suddenly the other guy pulls a gun and shoots and kills him...I would be angry beyond belief. However, with the "Stand Your Ground Law" in Florida, what George did was considered legal and in self defense.

George said that he told Trayvon that he had a gun...I dont believe that as of now...I think he got jumped when he went back to his car...he panicked and pulled the gun and shot him. George is trying to say that he warned him like in a stand off....that doesnt mesh with the rest of his story.

Im curious to see what the evidence will bring. Of course you have all the racial implications also. Where the marches for Trayvon are intended to intimidate the jury, IMO....I dont like that as a defense.

And yes, George has a great attorney...well respected in the state of Florida.

Here's the thing, NO ONE knows whether Zimmerman left his car with the gun drawn or in his hand. If so, there was cause for Martin to pummel him to wrestle the gun away or protect himself. At one point, I read that Zimmerman said that Martin went for the gun and tried to get it away from him. Since Zimmerman and his wife already lied in court about finances, what's to stop him from lying about something to get out of jail? As we know from prior liars, a little bit of the truth is tossed in to make it sound legit. So he may have had the gun out and at the ready and then Martin attempted to protect himself. Just because some of Zimmerman's story seems to line up, doesn't mean all of it is true. If he never left the car, none of this would have transpired.

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