Jodi Arias Penalty

Well, I don't journal but I'm meeting my BFF for breakfast tomorrow and I'm asking her. She's normal and has tons of other normal friends, unlike me...LOL. I don't understand it, personally. I vent. There's not much I need to say that I don't say. And what if someone finds it? Why put to paper stuff you can keep in your head? Is it cathartic? I guess I don't carry stuff with me to ruminate about. Let it go. Say it and move on. To me, an adult keeping a journal is a little...unbalanced? I could see for pre-pubescent teens, or teens in general, who want to express things they don't want to share. But for adults? Maybe I'm out of the loop on something, but I don't get it. I'll let you know what I find out. LOL

And the journaling seems to be common in these 2 psycho cases. I wonder if my sister journals? The last poison pen letter she sent to me seemed like a stream of consciousness journal entry to me - so maybe so. What does this mean? UGH

I'm into Zimmerman more than Seacat. Seacat is an egotistical murderer. I know Z is rife with controversy but I'm in.

One thing I would point out that it's not just the psychos in the cases journaling. I don't even know if Brett Seacat had a journal I thought it was just his wife. And as far as the Jodi case I believe Travis kept a journal too. Also I don't know many that journal but a lot of people blog which I think is a form of journaling.
I agree with everything on the journal thing... It's alien to me for those exact reasons and I'm a venter.My 10 year old is forced to do one at school in the mornings and she writes "I had a sleepover on Saturday and drove my buggy with my mom on Sunday and I ate chicken and salad". Let me know if your BFF keeps one, my BFF has 3 kids and does not do a journal, she calls me and has a tiz if something is going on.

I'm doing the Z thing, but out on race, guns and F you's.

It's a #tequila trial so that's always a possibility.

You know that's a good point a lot of classes even in college encourage or require journaling I wonder why that is.
I agree with everything on the journal thing... It's alien to me for those exact reasons and I'm a venter.My 10 year old is forced to do one at school in the mornings and she writes "I had a sleepover on Saturday and drove my buggy with my mom on Sunday and I ate chicken and salad". Let me know if your BFF keeps one, my BFF has 3 kids and does not do a journal, she calls me and has a tiz if something is going on.

I'm doing the Z thing, but out on race, guns and F you's.

It's a #tequila trial so that's always a possibility.

lol. That's cute. Ate chicken and salad...ROFL you gotta love em...

Or she could write "nothing noteworthy happened today." Lol

LOL I would love to see a teachers reaction to nothing noteworthy hahah. Wait do the teachers read journals? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Love the new avatar!
Man, you all are burning up the pages today.. [MENTION=43882]Tink[/MENTION] about the relationship with explains why you are such a pain in my azz!! Just kidding...Much credit to you for taking a negative and turning it into a positive...looks like things are going well for you now.

Anywho...Zimmerman starts monday...should be interesting. Ill do my own investigation and then let you guys know how you should feel about it...just give me a little time to do it thoroughly.:argue:

Tink is a success story.

Thank God you're here! I had no idea how to feel until you showed up to pave the way. As long as you're thorough about it, we will await your subtle suggestions and guidance anxiously.

Anywho. We'll see tomorrow if they can get thru the crap to start Monday.

What happened to the muscle avatar? If you're going to show us what's what at least give us something to look at.


I hope my sarcasm is noted....I can be sarcastic and a bit brash at times but in this case its just the

The avatar? Had to take it down...according to Judge and Jury there are children visiting us...:splat:

Im off to go eat a mixing bowl full of that new Chocolate Crunch cereal.:bye1:

What avatar? Did I miss something? There's another J and J here?
Socio Seacat evidence photos:

Ex-Kansas cop accused of killing wife*Pictures - CBS News

#12 is the gunshot.

Yepper. He did it.

Dr. Hottie would have ruled it a homicide, you don't contort and shoot yourself in the back of the neck.


Is the bullet going in or out the neck I can't tell. If it's going in thats ridiculous to claim suicide. What a moron. Also did you see the supposed suicide note? She left a message for the kids- how would she know they would survive her burning the house down? And what is the point of burning the house down when you shoot yourself? This is the stupidest most cockamayme story he could have come up with. It's like he sat there and thought what is the dumbest most unbelievable defense I can think of- yeah let me go with that.

I just don't know about this case. I believe he probably did it BUT.....I also believe the jury may find reasonable doubt. Ppl just don't like others who inject themselves with drugs like that. They think....roid-rage.......that kinda thing. I do.
Don't get me wrong.....I love to be high....but NEEDLES....those are the dregs of the world to me.
Anyway......due to this and the fact that he was a police officer....
They just might let him go......can you say, "Drew Peterson"? What a waste of space that killer is.

Wait what? Who is injecting them selves with roids? I don't see him getting away with this. The cover story is absurd. Who would shoot them selves in the back of the ear? And set the house on fire?!
I agree with everything on the journal thing... It's alien to me for those exact reasons and I'm a venter.My 10 year old is forced to do one at school in the mornings and she writes "I had a sleepover on Saturday and drove my buggy with my mom on Sunday and I ate chicken and salad". Let me know if your BFF keeps one, my BFF has 3 kids and does not do a journal, she calls me and has a tiz if something is going on.

I'm doing the Z thing, but out on race, guns and F you's.

It's a #tequila trial so that's always a possibility.

You know that's a good point a lot of classes even in college encourage or require journaling I wonder why that is.
In the lower grades they do it to promote writing, expression, date, etc., etc. It is a good "teaching" tool. She's been doing it since 1st and hates it lol.
Then the teacher reads it, I get to read it at open houses, it's not private.
Testa - are they really going to have court tomorrow?

I guess FL judges are really good about keeping things moving I remember several times there was court on saturday during the CA case.

This is her last criminal trial and she's going to civil with eye on appellate. She's in a hurry.

FYI this was a pretrial hearing with 3 voice experts (4th was delayed and hearing continued until sometime into the trial) to determine if a voice expert can be used for the trial on the 911 screaming. I dozed thru most of the voice expert testimony. She continued the hearing today (Sat) because she's starting jury selection and the trial Monday without fail. No ruling on the motion you asked about yet, they have those yet, prosecution hiding the cell evidence yet, voice expert for 911 witness ruling yet, but that trial is starting Monday, dammit. 9 to 6 M-F. Unless she's going to do stick these motions in next Sat, etc. continuing forward, the cart it before the horse and the trial is starting Monday. There's the summary. PS experts (defense) all are super qualified and (snore/doze) all say bullshit (actually RIDICULOUS! Was a word today) on being able to identify a scream unless you put someone under extreme duress to replicate, like banging head on pavement maybe). Prosc's expert was.... Kicked back in his bedroom chair chuckling about his $3k a day fee and software fee, plugged his software download and website 3x's. Defense witnesses (Frenchie and Classified US Gov dude) extremely knowledgeable (dozed thru much of this after giving them the nod that I'd believe anything they say).

trial #tequila time
Socio Seacat evidence photos:

Ex-Kansas cop accused of killing wife*Pictures - CBS News

#12 is the gunshot.

Yepper. He did it.

Dr. Hottie would have ruled it a homicide, you don't contort and shoot yourself in the back of the neck.


Is the bullet going in or out the neck I can't tell. If it's going in thats ridiculous to claim suicide. What a moron. Also did you see the supposed suicide note? She left a message for the kids- how would she know they would survive her burning the house down? And what is the point of burning the house down when you shoot yourself? This is the stupidest most cockamayme story he could have come up with. It's like he sat there and thought what is the dumbest most unbelievable defense I can think of- yeah let me go with that.

I just don't know about this case. I believe he probably did it BUT.....I also believe the jury may find reasonable doubt. Ppl just don't like others who inject themselves with drugs like that. They think....roid-rage.......that kinda thing. I do.
Don't get me wrong.....I love to be high....but NEEDLES....those are the dregs of the world to me.
Anyway......due to this and the fact that he was a police officer....
They just might let him go......can you say, "Drew Peterson"? What a waste of space that killer is.

Wait a minute, do we actually know for certain that she was injecting herself with anything? He had a toolbox, or tackle box, which contained his own email with recipes on making steroids. He denied it was his, but he denied a lot of things.
Is the bullet going in or out the neck I can't tell. If it's going in thats ridiculous to claim suicide. What a moron. Also did you see the supposed suicide note? She left a message for the kids- how would she know they would survive her burning the house down? And what is the point of burning the house down when you shoot yourself? This is the stupidest most cockamayme story he could have come up with. It's like he sat there and thought what is the dumbest most unbelievable defense I can think of- yeah let me go with that.

I just don't know about this case. I believe he probably did it BUT.....I also believe the jury may find reasonable doubt. Ppl just don't like others who inject themselves with drugs like that. They think....roid-rage.......that kinda thing. I do.
Don't get me wrong.....I love to be high....but NEEDLES....those are the dregs of the world to me.
Anyway......due to this and the fact that he was a police officer....
They just might let him go......can you say, "Drew Peterson"? What a waste of space that killer is.

Wait a minute, do we actually know for certain that she was injecting herself with anything? He had a toolbox, or tackle box, which contained his own email with recipes on making steroids. He denied it was his, but he denied a lot of things.

There's a thing about her dieting and doing a diet thing and getting back into single life. Ask [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] to go do the research ::)
Pretty sure burning your kids up, shooting yourself behind your ear, leaving the note in the car, filing a restraint, telling people husband said he would shoot me, burn house, make look like a suicide wouldn't happen of you took up the smack. But I may just be being judgmental on that and it's a coininkidink.
I just don't know about this case. I believe he probably did it BUT.....I also believe the jury may find reasonable doubt. Ppl just don't like others who inject themselves with drugs like that. They think....roid-rage.......that kinda thing. I do.
Don't get me wrong.....I love to be high....but NEEDLES....those are the dregs of the world to me.
Anyway......due to this and the fact that he was a police officer....
They just might let him go......can you say, "Drew Peterson"? What a waste of space that killer is.

Wait a minute, do we actually know for certain that she was injecting herself with anything? He had a toolbox, or tackle box, which contained his own email with recipes on making steroids. He denied it was his, but he denied a lot of things.

There's a thing about her dieting and doing a diet thing and getting back into single life. Ask [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] to go do the research ::)

So doing a diet automatically implies the use of injectables? He was the one that had been a body builder. I think he was the roid user. Unless there was confirmation in testing during her autopsy. When someone lies about a few things, I think they lie about most things.
Is the bullet going in or out the neck I can't tell. If it's going in thats ridiculous to claim suicide. What a moron. Also did you see the supposed suicide note? She left a message for the kids- how would she know they would survive her burning the house down? And what is the point of burning the house down when you shoot yourself? This is the stupidest most cockamayme story he could have come up with. It's like he sat there and thought what is the dumbest most unbelievable defense I can think of- yeah let me go with that.

I just don't know about this case. I believe he probably did it BUT.....I also believe the jury may find reasonable doubt. Ppl just don't like others who inject themselves with drugs like that. They think....roid-rage.......that kinda thing. I do.
Don't get me wrong.....I love to be high....but NEEDLES....those are the dregs of the world to me.
Anyway......due to this and the fact that he was a police officer....
They just might let him go......can you say, "Drew Peterson"? What a waste of space that killer is.

Wait a minute, do we actually know for certain that she was injecting herself with anything? He had a toolbox, or tackle box, which contained his own email with recipes on making steroids. He denied it was his, but he denied a lot of things.

Haven't seen "proof" of her injecting herself. Searched up all I'm going to search up... He did it.

#tequila.... ???
Pretty sure burning your kids up, shooting yourself behind your ear, leaving the note in the car, filing a restraint, telling people husband said he would shoot me, burn house, make look like a suicide wouldn't happen of you took up the smack. But I may just be being judgmental on that and it's a coininkidink.

I can't believe she had all those multiple affairs either. Otherwise I'd imagine she would have made a trip to the hospital, after he found out, if you know what I mean.
I just don't know about this case. I believe he probably did it BUT.....I also believe the jury may find reasonable doubt. Ppl just don't like others who inject themselves with drugs like that. They think....roid-rage.......that kinda thing. I do.
Don't get me wrong.....I love to be high....but NEEDLES....those are the dregs of the world to me.
Anyway......due to this and the fact that he was a police officer....
They just might let him go......can you say, "Drew Peterson"? What a waste of space that killer is.

Wait a minute, do we actually know for certain that she was injecting herself with anything? He had a toolbox, or tackle box, which contained his own email with recipes on making steroids. He denied it was his, but he denied a lot of things.

Haven't seen "proof" of her injecting herself. Searched up all I'm going to search up... He did it.

#tequila.... ???

So, what's new with Jodi Arias? I think she and Seacot would make a handsome couple, don't you?

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