Jodi Arias Penalty

Do you guys realize that closing arguments are on Monday for the Seacat trial? At least he wasn't on the stand for 18 days.
Do you guys realize that closing arguments are on Monday for the Seacat trial? At least he wasn't on the stand for 18 days.

They put him up last and for 2 days? K. His attorney barely has a pulse but he's much better at strategizing than errrrr... I was going to say JW and the Nurmster but I think that was JoJo's strategy.
Teriyaki and cat food.

Oh boy, I'm never coming to dinner at your house. More blech.
Do you guys realize that closing arguments are on Monday for the Seacat trial? At least he wasn't on the stand for 18 days.

They put him up last and for 2 days? K. His attorney barely has a pulse but he's much better at strategizing than errrrr... I was going to say JW and the Nurmster but I think that was JoJo's strategy.

I'm a little surprised the prosecutor isn't rebutting anything, but maybe now my sense of trials is warped.
Is it at least Fancy Feast Medleys? That doesn't smell as bad as most.
Teriyaki and cat food.

Oh boy, I'm never coming to dinner at your house. More blech.

lmao I said those because I only write the oddities I'd don't normally buy, regular grocery shopping is in my head. I would never remember Teriyaki unless I wrote it and somehow the cats are almost out before the dogs/chicks/ducks/fish so I'm sure to forget them.

#tequila #catfood w/teriyaki

It's what's for dinner.
Teriyaki and cat food.

Oh boy, I'm never coming to dinner at your house. More blech.

lmao I said those because I only write the oddities I'd don't normally buy, regular grocery shopping is in my head. I would never remember Teriyaki unless I wrote it and somehow the cats are almost out before the dogs/chicks/ducks/fish so I'm sure to forget them.

#tequila #catfood w/teriyaki

It's what's for dinner.

I was messin' with ya.
Tink, I'm sorry to hear about your family's unrest. You are so fortunate to have risen above all those challenges. God bless.

Still trying to understand what makes people get to the point of murder. Why can't these kooks just move on??? There are good comparisons to be made between Seacat and Arias, for sure. You can hear it in their voices when they describe things that are unbelievable and they try to be so convincing. Like anyone doubting them is stupid. Seacat has thought this all through and put everything into their little rationale boxes and is now reciting his fantastical story, just like Arias did. (I learned to love the word "fantastical" after JM started to use it with Arias. Now I use it whenever I can. LOL Perfect adjective when discussing psychos!)

I was thinking about this Santy, it seems many families have more troubles than are out there in public and you would normally not talk about unless something like this happens that brings the stuff out. It's interesting to hear you and Tink's stories and think of at least one, probably 2 in my own personal family collection that have some traits I wouldn't have "classified" before, just blow them off as that's the way they are as usual.
Loudapalooza is on. They are discussing what the prosecutor will ask. They don't realize it's over.
Do you guys realize that closing arguments are on Monday for the Seacat trial? At least he wasn't on the stand for 18 days.

They put him up last and for 2 days? K. His attorney barely has a pulse but he's much better at strategizing than errrrr... I was going to say JW and the Nurmster but I think that was JoJo's strategy.

I'm a little surprised the prosecutor isn't rebutting anything, but maybe now my sense of trials is warped.

yeah eeeaaaaannnd AZ's laws and Judge Sherry's infinite leniency for a dp trial to avoid mistrial has completely warped our sense of what a trial usually is and how it goes.

As you know, I'm not doing the gun/race/blah/crap of the Z trial, I may perk up when the actual evidence starts coming on the trial itself, we'll see. I am, however, fully vested in keeping an eye to see if DH shows up, lol, and I'm very interested in the strategy of Mark O'Mara and how he's going to play this compared to the one we just very intimately followed. I'm curious on his sequencing, experts, Z testifying, the whole thing from that aspect. I think JW/N/JoJo played their trial like she played the murder itself - Swiss cheese and not thinking those plays out, it was a joke of a defense, it backfired, it wasn't thought out well, they created their own circus - hence I believe Jodi's involvement in it was extensive. M O'M is a smart guy, so curious to see his play. The other defense closely followed, was Bias the Bozo - his play was paint against the wall to see what sticks, throw the blame everywhere , other than that, I haven't really looked/compared defense strategies much. So I'm interested in that part. The prosecutors on the Z trial are a 1) used car salesman 2) an ego asshole and not of the Juan type. That much became obvious during this weeks' hearings during the attorney hide the evidence battle. M O'M kind of had me this week on his style. "Objection, relevance" Prosc: "I'll rephrase", M O'M <smile> "Okay, I'm going to sit down then", about the 3rd time of repeating that sequence. he then pulled the artillery out and said "Okay, now he's just making this up as he goes along". He has some kind of attorney style. So for those reasons, I'm going to stick around and see what shakes out on Z's defense strategy.

Wow! That was long winded. Sorry, feel free to skip on past it.
Is it at least Fancy Feast Medleys? That doesn't smell as bad as most.

No sorry. They only do Purina urinary tract dry. My brat was getting infections a few years ago and the vet said that and I've never paid another 100 bucks for cat infection since.

Good news is you won't get a urinary infection.
Teriyaki and cat food.

Oh boy, I'm never coming to dinner at your house. More blech.

lmao I said those because I only write the oddities I'd don't normally buy, regular grocery shopping is in my head. I would never remember Teriyaki unless I wrote it and somehow the cats are almost out before the dogs/chicks/ducks/fish so I'm sure to forget them.

#tequila #catfood w/teriyaki

It's what's for dinner.

I was messin' with ya.

;-) I know.
Tink, I'm sorry to hear about your family's unrest. You are so fortunate to have risen above all those challenges. God bless.

Still trying to understand what makes people get to the point of murder. Why can't these kooks just move on??? There are good comparisons to be made between Seacat and Arias, for sure. You can hear it in their voices when they describe things that are unbelievable and they try to be so convincing. Like anyone doubting them is stupid. Seacat has thought this all through and put everything into their little rationale boxes and is now reciting his fantastical story, just like Arias did. (I learned to love the word "fantastical" after JM started to use it with Arias. Now I use it whenever I can. LOL Perfect adjective when discussing psychos!)

Right - whoever said it - writing in journals is much more popular than I ever knew. I'm asking all my girlfriends if they keep a journal. I don't know of anyone who does. Anyone here journal?

Thanks Santa. No need to apologize we all got something.
I kept a journal when I was a teen I don't think I have since maybe 15 or 16 years old. I've heard its a good way to reflect but I just don't see the point. Some people keep online journals too does that count?
Ps this eye twitch is not only driving me insane it's making me look like I'm already there

You can SEE the twitch? I mean someone else can see the twitch? Does the twitch come and go or does the twitch stay?

Tell me all the twitch details.

Twitch comes and goes. I don't think you can see it every time but when I was looking in the mirror for it I could see it. Sometimes it stays around for a while.
Right - whoever said it - writing in journals is much more popular than I ever knew. I'm asking all my girlfriends if they keep a journal. I don't know of anyone who does. Anyone here journal?

No journal here. I don't see what people get out of writing one. It'd be interesting to see how many 'journal keepers' are pychopaths or sociopaths.

Didn't both JA and TA keep one in the trial?
I thought he was kidding about trial #tequila and he showed up with a bottle of 1800 yesterday. Sitting on the counter being lonely.

I missed something what does the tequila have to do with the trial?
I'm going to have to ask my friends about journalling now. It just seems weird to sit around and write about yourself. I don't know how to do that. I'd sit there looking at the blank paper for a bit and then draw a stick figure or something.

When I did it as a teen I used it as an outlet to write about my feelings that I didn't want to talk about out loud. It's good for reflecting and venting.
Do you guys realize that closing arguments are on Monday for the Seacat trial? At least he wasn't on the stand for 18 days.

They put him up last and for 2 days? K. His attorney barely has a pulse but he's much better at strategizing than errrrr... I was going to say JW and the Nurmster but I think that was JoJo's strategy.

I'm a little surprised the prosecutor isn't rebutting anything, but maybe now my sense of trials is warped.

The JA trial was crazy long. But as far as the no rebutt that just means she knows she proved her case and his defense didn't help LOL

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