Jodi Arias Penalty

FYI. Local fox is playing the old unrest "justice for Trayvon!" Marches with signs from a year ago and nothing is happening right now for real with that. Moral journalist code? Trying to stir it up like NBC creative 911 editing?

Report the facts or

Is the bullet going in or out the neck I can't tell. If it's going in thats ridiculous to claim suicide. What a moron. Also did you see the supposed suicide note? She left a message for the kids- how would she know they would survive her burning the house down? And what is the point of burning the house down when you shoot yourself? This is the stupidest most cockamayme story he could have come up with. It's like he sat there and thought what is the dumbest most unbelievable defense I can think of- yeah let me go with that.

I just don't know about this case. I believe he probably did it BUT.....I also believe the jury may find reasonable doubt. Ppl just don't like others who inject themselves with drugs like that. They think....roid-rage.......that kinda thing. I do.
Don't get me wrong.....I love to be high....but NEEDLES....those are the dregs of the world to me.
Anyway......due to this and the fact that he was a police officer....
They just might let him go......can you say, "Drew Peterson"? What a waste of space that killer is.

Wait a minute, do we actually know for certain that she was injecting herself with anything? He had a toolbox, or tackle box, which contained his own email with recipes on making steroids. He denied it was his, but he denied a lot of things.
I think her sister testified she injected hcg which is not a steroid and was a popular weights fad
Wait a minute, do we actually know for certain that she was injecting herself with anything? He had a toolbox, or tackle box, which contained his own email with recipes on making steroids. He denied it was his, but he denied a lot of things.

There's a thing about her dieting and doing a diet thing and getting back into single life. Ask [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] to go do the research ::)

So doing a diet automatically implies the use of injectables? He was the one that had been a body builder. I think he was the roid user. Unless there was confirmation in testing during her autopsy. When someone lies about a few things, I think they lie about most things.
I didn't say automatically... I haven't seen any proof of it or it in the trial. I think this is like "pedophile". I haven't seen anything other than she was asking about how to lose weight amd her friends said she was back to happy self and bought tickets to concert the next week, looking good... I havent seen any proof or anything else about anything "needles" PR otherwise. Someone do a real link.
I am almost positive that I read her sister testified that she injected HCG. Now I don't think there is anything wrong with that nor do I consider it a steroid but I'm just saying there was some testimony from her own sister about it.

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