Jodi Arias Penalty

That's all I'll say. I think it's crazy how people look at Zimmerman as a hero. He created the very situation which caused the confrontation and death of a person committing no crime. It doesn't matter what Martin's background was, he wasn't doing anything illegal that night. And if Zimmerman knew about Martin's background, which he didn't, but if he did, that is the very definition of vigilantism.

good link for zimmerman live court today

not full of reporter narration

sorry i know wrong topic


Watch George Zimmerman Murder Trial Live
Start a different thread on the Zimmerman trial.

There is one, but I'm not getting into that whole racial mud slinging, F you stuff.

If you want to head over there, let me know.

Start one of your own. You guys are awesome!!!

We started that Zimmerman thread - I'll head over there. TW, come with me.
There is one, but I'm not getting into that whole racial mud slinging, F you stuff.

If you want to head over there, let me know.

Start one of your own. You guys are awesome!!!

We started that Zimmerman thread - I'll head over there. TW, come with me.

No, I'm already aggravated. Especially with the saint vs demon characterizations.
No one knows, but I dont think he was walking around the neighborhood waving his gun. He was following trayvon so that he could tell 911 his exact location...thats why he got out of his car...he was in an apartment complex and he was following on foot while on the phone with dispatcher. He was told to stop following and according to him he stopped and went back to his car...on his way back to the car is when trayvon surprised him. That part of the story holds up with the location of the assault in proximity to his car.

I dont think Trayvon charged George while George had a gun pointed at him. If he did, then hes an idiot. George is not a killer...he didnt go looking to kill trayvon. The neighborhood had numerous robberies and George was following someone he thought looked suspicious.

Now was Trayvon in the right to double back and approach george because he thought he was being followed?...I think he was. But it could have stopped there. Like "hey dude why are you following me"? George: "Because we have had robberies in the neighborhood and you looked suspicious"...Trayvon: "Well im not here to rob anyone, im on my way home"....George: "Okay have a nice day". It could have and should have ended like that, but it appears Trayvon wanted to escalated and he got shot.

Where Georges history is that of a neighborhood watch person who has donated time to help others including minorities. On the other hand, you have Trayvon who looks like a punk kid who was young and in to guns, fighting and drugs. They have confirmed this through texts and phone convos and thru friends. Trayvon liked to brag about this stuff and at the time he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Trayvon wanted to hindsight it was just a neighborhood watch person and could have been avoided.

As far as lying about the finances....well what would you do....the dude has a hit out on him from the Black Panthers...he was let go once and then because of political pressure was brought back in. He had recieved donations that were going to his attorney and to support himself...he didnt want all of that money going to bail and having nothing left. So they lied about it and justified it as money used for the defense...they were trying to get a lower bail amount...hell, he was let go initially and not requiring bail at hes arrested in jail, has a hit on him and is being indicted. He lied about it, but geez, I cant really blame him for trying....all of that money would have been scooped up in bail and he has an attorney to pay and a family to support....they dude hasnt even been able to leave his house and go to work.

No on beat me up, I'm not getting in the middle of a weird debate, I agree for the most part with [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION]. It could have been avoided on both sides, it got out of hand and someone got shot.

It could have been avoided if Zimmerman called the police and stayed in his car. How would Martin get into a locked car? He didn't have a gun.

Huh? Locked car? what do you mean? Yes Zimmerman could have stayed in his car...he had the police on the phone and was trying to give the location...he was in an apartment complex and travon was walking around the back of the apartments...he could not drive his car up on the he got out and tried to give the location to the dispatcher.

No one is calling him a hero...certainly not me. I agree with Test, lots of what ifs on both sides. You know when I was younger and stupid walking the neighborhoods at night, I have been followed also by concerned adults....I certainly didnt double back and start bashing their head into a sidewalk.
No on beat me up, I'm not getting in the middle of a weird debate, I agree for the most part with [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION]. It could have been avoided on both sides, it got out of hand and someone got shot.

It could have been avoided if Zimmerman called the police and stayed in his car. How would Martin get into a locked car? He didn't have a gun.

Huh? Locked car? what do you mean? Yes Zimmerman could have stayed in his car...he had the police on the phone and was trying to give the location...he was in an apartment complex and travon was walking around the back of the apartments...he could not drive his car up on the he got out and tried to give the location to the dispatcher.

No one is calling him a hero...certainly not me. I agree with Test, lots of what ifs on both sides. You know when I was younger and stupid walking the neighborhoods at night, I have been followed also by concerned adults....I certainly didnt double back and start bashing their head into a sidewalk.

This escalated to a mano-a-mano dick fight, unfortunately, one of them had a gun and that ended that.

OMG, somehow I do agree with you 25. Wow. I need to change my signature file.
No on beat me up, I'm not getting in the middle of a weird debate, I agree for the most part with [MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION]. It could have been avoided on both sides, it got out of hand and someone got shot.

It could have been avoided if Zimmerman called the police and stayed in his car. How would Martin get into a locked car? He didn't have a gun.

Huh? Locked car? what do you mean? Yes Zimmerman could have stayed in his car...he had the police on the phone and was trying to give the location...he was in an apartment complex and travon was walking around the back of the apartments...he could not drive his car up on the he got out and tried to give the location to the dispatcher.

No one is calling him a hero...certainly not me. I agree with Test, lots of what ifs on both sides. You know when I was younger and stupid walking the neighborhoods at night, I have been followed also by concerned adults....I certainly didnt double back and start bashing their head into a sidewalk.

Good to know. Although you have no idea what transpired between the two, you have your mind made up. How do you know what the conversation was? How do you know what Zimmerman said? How do you know if Martin just asked why he was being followed? How do you know Zimmerman didn't have the gun handy? Because you already established that a family man is good while a bragging kid is a punk.
Here's the transcript from the in chambers hearing that allowed the sex tape in

Anyone here, there, anywhere? The journey begins tomorrow...any thoughts?

Start a different thread on the Zimmerman trial.
Or I'll neg all of you! :evil:

You can ask a mod to split from the Jodi trial.

We're getting NEGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Go to the Zimmerman thread.
It could have been avoided if Zimmerman called the police and stayed in his car. How would Martin get into a locked car? He didn't have a gun.

Huh? Locked car? what do you mean? Yes Zimmerman could have stayed in his car...he had the police on the phone and was trying to give the location...he was in an apartment complex and travon was walking around the back of the apartments...he could not drive his car up on the he got out and tried to give the location to the dispatcher.

No one is calling him a hero...certainly not me. I agree with Test, lots of what ifs on both sides. You know when I was younger and stupid walking the neighborhoods at night, I have been followed also by concerned adults....I certainly didnt double back and start bashing their head into a sidewalk.

Good to know. Although you have no idea what transpired between the two, you have your mind made up. How do you know what the conversation was? How do you know what Zimmerman said? How do you know if Martin just asked why he was being followed? How do you know Zimmerman didn't have the gun handy? Because you already established that a family man is good while a bragging kid is a punk.

Wait, wait wait. I sort of have an idea of what went on, I can use my imagination there, but I'm waiting on the evidence.

This is one trial I actually be a juror on and wait and see what shakes out. I was so very turned off by the beginning of this with the controversy that I completely removed myself from "sides".
I volunteered in inner city kid drop in centers. I can tell you that a lot of bravado is fear and wanting to belong. It's not always what you think on the surface. He hadn't crossed into gang membership. He might have grown up okay. But that's something we'll never find out. Maybe he would have been a "family man", which you hold as above reproach.
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It could have been avoided if Zimmerman called the police and stayed in his car. How would Martin get into a locked car? He didn't have a gun.

Huh? Locked car? what do you mean? Yes Zimmerman could have stayed in his car...he had the police on the phone and was trying to give the location...he was in an apartment complex and travon was walking around the back of the apartments...he could not drive his car up on the he got out and tried to give the location to the dispatcher.

No one is calling him a hero...certainly not me. I agree with Test, lots of what ifs on both sides. You know when I was younger and stupid walking the neighborhoods at night, I have been followed also by concerned adults....I certainly didnt double back and start bashing their head into a sidewalk.

This escalated to a mano-a-mano dick fight, unfortunately, one of them had a gun and that ended that.

OMG, somehow I do agree with you 25. Wow. I need to change my signature file.


When I was younger: Apparently walking around the neighborhood and using a universal remote to change cable channels in strangers homes IS FROWNED UPON IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT!!:D
I don't have any reps anyway, losing them isn't a thing for me.

You're in a bad mood today - #tequila??

No, I just am annoyed with the narrative. It's like paper cut-outs. This is no different than any other muddying up a victim. If he had been shot while breaking and entering, brandishing a gun, or actually doing something illegal, other than smoking pot, then I could see it.

Anyway, I'm done.
Huh? Locked car? what do you mean? Yes Zimmerman could have stayed in his car...he had the police on the phone and was trying to give the location...he was in an apartment complex and travon was walking around the back of the apartments...he could not drive his car up on the he got out and tried to give the location to the dispatcher.

No one is calling him a hero...certainly not me. I agree with Test, lots of what ifs on both sides. You know when I was younger and stupid walking the neighborhoods at night, I have been followed also by concerned adults....I certainly didnt double back and start bashing their head into a sidewalk.

This escalated to a mano-a-mano dick fight, unfortunately, one of them had a gun and that ended that.

OMG, somehow I do agree with you 25. Wow. I need to change my signature file.


When I was younger: Apparently walking around the neighborhood and using a universal remote to change cable channels in strangers homes IS FROWNED UPON IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT!!:D

That could get you shot, man.
I don't have any reps anyway, losing them isn't a thing for me.

You're in a bad mood today - #tequila??

No, I just am annoyed with the narrative. It's like paper cut-outs. This is no different than any other muddying up a victim. If he had been shot while breaking and entering, brandishing a gun, or actually doing something illegal, other than smoking pot, then I could see it.

Anyway, I'm done.

We don't know what happened or transpired, that's the point.
It could have been avoided if Zimmerman called the police and stayed in his car. How would Martin get into a locked car? He didn't have a gun.

Huh? Locked car? what do you mean? Yes Zimmerman could have stayed in his car...he had the police on the phone and was trying to give the location...he was in an apartment complex and travon was walking around the back of the apartments...he could not drive his car up on the he got out and tried to give the location to the dispatcher.

No one is calling him a hero...certainly not me. I agree with Test, lots of what ifs on both sides. You know when I was younger and stupid walking the neighborhoods at night, I have been followed also by concerned adults....I certainly didnt double back and start bashing their head into a sidewalk.

Good to know. Although you have no idea what transpired between the two, you have your mind made up. How do you know what the conversation was? How do you know what Zimmerman said? How do you know if Martin just asked why he was being followed? How do you know Zimmerman didn't have the gun handy? Because you already established that a family man is good while a bragging kid is a punk.

No idea? I have a little idea...there was a 911 call....there was another call from a neighbor to 911....there is Zimmermans account that has held up based on the proximity of the assault...he was on his way to his car....thats been proven. He was following and then stopped and went back to his car where the assault took place.

He had a broken nose and gashes in the back of his head....which is in line with his account of being punched and then his head driven into the sidewalk.

Outside of that we have the embarrassing editing of MSNBC that was exposed and then the hit put on his head from the Black Panthers. Theres a lot to the story that is out there and proven...maybe you should catch appears you are beginning to take it personal because we have a difference of opinion.

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