Jodi Arias Penalty

OBJ - Objection/Opposition. - Party (001)*

Looks like the state is moving forward.

What's this mean?
On Patty (sp?) Patti Womack:

The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial:
9 hours ago
Patti Womack on Dr. Drew accusing this page of posting a map to her house - LIAR! Where's the proof? Show me where we posted a map you liar. I have no idea where she even lives nor do I care.

Then this site said she never received a "direct threat", however, I listened to the video and didn't hear her say that. Dr. Drew Dr Drew characterized the situation as an indirect threat, as far as I recall. Maybe you can give it a listen to confirm. She did, however, directly state that she has never been in trouble with the law, so that rumor about the drug DUI seems particularly malicious. If it is not true, whoever was the source of that info, could be sued for libel.

I listened to her on Dr Drew last night. Yeah, she said she never received a threat, but that it concerned her that the site that gave out her address had 50,000 members. She has a little daughter and she gets emotional for her safety.

Is this patty girl the one seen in the court gallery with the huge tattoos?

If you look above, the site that she blamed denied doing it. I have no idea who is telling the truth. I haven't been there on a daily basis. But if she is truly concerned, she needs to stop doing TV interviews, as well.

I can't say if that site did it or not but all I have to say is I certainly wouldn't put it past them. And it could have been a member on that site and not the admins who knows but someone did put it out there.
The motion says threatened, but he specifically said death threats in court - no?

Memorandum of Points and Authorities
On May 24, 2013, a mistrial was declared as to the penalty phase due to the fact
that the jury could not reach a unanimous decis
ion as to whether or
not Ms. Arias should
be put to death or if she should be sentenced to spend the rest of her life in prison. On
this same day this court scheduled the subsequent penalty phase on July 18, 2013.
Before the penalty phase began Ms. Arias moved to dismiss the death penalty due
to the fact that she could not present a complete mitigation case. On May 20, 2013,
during the argument on that motion, Ms. Arias advised the court that Patricia Womack
was not willing to return to Arizona to testi
fy on Ms. Arias’ behalf because she had been

I can't recall the specifics of what the defense wrote or said in court, but I think Jodi Arias said that Womack received " threats" in her allocution. (I'm not sure if she called it death threats or not) Lying liar lying pants.
And Martinez wasn't able to cross or dispute it.
I don't know I guess it depends on what's considered a threat. To me what I have witnessed on the internet and posting her address etc is a threat. A veiled threat.
On Patty (sp?) Patti Womack:

The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial:
9 hours ago
Patti Womack on Dr. Drew accusing this page of posting a map to her house - LIAR! Where's the proof? Show me where we posted a map you liar. I have no idea where she even lives nor do I care.

Then this site said she never received a "direct threat", however, I listened to the video and didn't hear her say that. Dr. Drew Dr Drew characterized the situation as an indirect threat, as far as I recall. Maybe you can give it a listen to confirm. She did, however, directly state that she has never been in trouble with the law, so that rumor about the drug DUI seems particularly malicious. If it is not true, whoever was the source of that info, could be sued for libel.

Hi all just catching up. Hope you are around. I always wondered about the drug thing because the only thing I ever found/saw on it was a tweet with nothing confirmable. If there was a court record you'd think that would be posted.

Dr. Drew caught a bunch of crap for that Patti interview on the Tweeter, bunch of people tweeted and retweeted him Juan's youtube argument about her needing to plead the 5th to not incriminate herself and that she wouldn't have been able to testify anyhow.
I can't even bring myself to look at it. Plus, Lifetime. Enough said.

Yeah, even if I had cable, I'd be skipping that movie, but the murder clip was interesting.

I'm anti-manhater Lifetime channel.

I don't think I've ever watched one thing on Lifetime.

I'm not going to lie when I'm not feeling well and its rainy out I love me some cheesy lifetime movies. But I don't watch them with the thought that they are accurate KWIM? Recently I made my hubby download the lifetime Casey Anthony and the Drew Peterson movies and I laid on the couch and watched a marathon while eating icecream. Yeah that's a stereo type and I embraced it that day lol
Hang I'll grab it for you if you want it. It's where they gave Patti an attorney to advise her on testifying because she received money for selling the photos and had possible drug charges coming/pending.
On Patty (sp?) Patti Womack:

The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial:
9 hours ago
Patti Womack on Dr. Drew accusing this page of posting a map to her house - LIAR! Where's the proof? Show me where we posted a map you liar. I have no idea where she even lives nor do I care.

Then this site said she never received a "direct threat", however, I listened to the video and didn't hear her say that. Dr. Drew Dr Drew characterized the situation as an indirect threat, as far as I recall. Maybe you can give it a listen to confirm. She did, however, directly state that she has never been in trouble with the law, so that rumor about the drug DUI seems particularly malicious. If it is not true, whoever was the source of that info, could be sued for libel.

Hi all just catching up. Hope you are around. I always wondered about the drug thing because the only thing I ever found/saw on it was a tweet with nothing confirmable. If there was a court record you'd think that would be posted.

Dr. Drew caught a bunch of crap for that Patti interview on the Tweeter, bunch of people tweeted and retweeted him Juan's youtube argument about her needing to plead the 5th to not incriminate herself and that she wouldn't have been able to testify anyhow.

Yeah but like TW said before the incriminating herself could have to do with taxes for the pics sold no?
It was both, she had a couple things going on they gave her an attorney for before she testified and left herself open and the attorney advised her to shut up.
Yeah, even if I had cable, I'd be skipping that movie, but the murder clip was interesting.

I'm anti-manhater Lifetime channel.

I don't think I've ever watched one thing on Lifetime.

I'm not going to lie when I'm not feeling well and its rainy out I love me some cheesy lifetime movies. But I don't watch them with the thought that they are accurate KWIM? Recently I made my hubby download the lifetime Casey Anthony and the Drew Peterson movies and I laid on the couch and watched a marathon while eating icecream. Yeah that's a stereo type and I embraced it that day lol

Casey Anthony doesn't fall under "man-hating" ha ha.
I don't really understand what that stuff would have had to do with her testifying about her friendship with JA. Couldn't she testify that stuff then plead 5th?
Speaking of that [MENTION=43882]Tink[/MENTION] have you read the Jeff Ashton book?
  • Thanks
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I don't really understand what that stuff would have had to do with her testifying about her friendship with JA. Couldn't she testify that stuff then plead 5th?

No, the prosecution gets to question her and that's where the trouble started....
I don't really understand what that stuff would have had to do with her testifying about her friendship with JA. Couldn't she testify that stuff then plead 5th?

My thoughts on that subject are that after she was caught with something that didn't make her look good, the defense did not want to use her. It doesn't look great when you present a character witness who, for whatever reason, has a questionable character. I'm not even sure she backed out on her own unless she feared getting in trouble herself. For someone who doesn't want exposure, she's spending enough time on HLN.
On Patty (sp?) Patti Womack:

The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial:
9 hours ago
Patti Womack on Dr. Drew accusing this page of posting a map to her house - LIAR! Where's the proof? Show me where we posted a map you liar. I have no idea where she even lives nor do I care.

Then this site said she never received a "direct threat", however, I listened to the video and didn't hear her say that. Dr. Drew Dr Drew characterized the situation as an indirect threat, as far as I recall. Maybe you can give it a listen to confirm. She did, however, directly state that she has never been in trouble with the law, so that rumor about the drug DUI seems particularly malicious. If it is not true, whoever was the source of that info, could be sued for libel.

Hi all just catching up. Hope you are around. I always wondered about the drug thing because the only thing I ever found/saw on it was a tweet with nothing confirmable. If there was a court record you'd think that would be posted.

Yeah, I remember that and I could never find any corroboration on it. She could sue if she wanted to. It's libel if someone posts something that they know isn't true and with the intent of harming her character and reputation.
Tink, Did you actually see a post with a photo of her house, her address and a map? I've never come across that.
It's pretty short, I'm paraphrasing, but it says "those are dumb reasons to delay til next year, deny the motion".

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