Jodi Arias Penalty

Also, in the Brewer interview, there is only a vague description as to how their relationship began. I know he said, I wasn't attracted to her at first, per se., but we aren't getting an objective portrait of the relationship. It would be interesting to hear from other workers as to how this developed. Was it similar to the concerted effort that she put in to reel Alexander in? I know it's not pertinent to the case, but I'd like to know nonetheless.
Good Morning Everyone!

DB seemed creepy to me b/c of his comment about watching this girl mature and grow. A little too "big daddy-ish" to me. And the flip-flop between...she was great, then she changed b/c of the Mormons, then she became irresponsible and magically thinking, then we lost touch, then sure she came over 1-1/2 yrs later for breakfast and some gas cans and I thought nothing of it. Really? Seems like something is odd there. JMO

PS I don't think Arias will allocute.
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Also, in the Brewer interview, there is only a vague description as to how their relationship began. I know he said, I wasn't attracted to her at first, per se., but we aren't getting an objective portrait of the relationship. It would be interesting to hear from other workers as to how this developed. Was it similar to the concerted effort that she put in to reel Alexander in? I know it's not pertinent to the case, but I'd like to know nonetheless.

I heard that, also the part about "he didn't have any money" - so was he fresh off divorce?
What's the deal with remote? I Fogged that.

With the robbery at her grandparents' house, one of the items stolen, other than the small gun, was a DVD player, or something like that. I think Martinez was alluding to the fact that she gave it to Brewer, with all of that "returning the remote" testimony. Martinez never closed the deal on it, for me.
Good Morning Everyone!

DB seemed creepy to me b/c of his comment about watching this girl mature and grow. A little too "big daddy-ish" to me. And the flip-flop between...she was great, then she changed b/c of the Mormons, then she became irresponsible and magically thinking, then we lost touch, then sure she came over 1-1/2 yrs later for breakfast and some gas cans and I thought nothing of it. Really? Seems like something is odd there. JMO

PS I don't think Arias will allocute.

Hmm. excellent point.
As to how they met, there's a link to a FB account going around from the executive chef at Ventana at the time those two were there and when Arias was hired. Seems she sunk her fangs into Darryl early on in her employment, even when he was her boss. After that, she was untouchable and had the run of the Inn. This is technically unconfirmed. But sounds right.

There was an instance before she became event planner and was still a server where the supervisor assigned her to what she considered to be an unfavorable group of tables. Guess she went into the bathroom, locked the door, and kicked a hole in the wall. The kitchen workers heard something, no yelling, and they went to the bathroom, she opened the door, the wall was damaged, and she said she quietly said she would pay for it. Sorry.

Early cuckoo event.
Good Morning Everyone!

DB seemed creepy to me b/c of his comment about watching this girl mature and grow. A little too "big daddy-ish" to me. And the flip-flop between...she was great, then she changed b/c of the Mormons, then she became irresponsible and magically thinking, then we lost touch, then sure she came over 1-1/2 yrs later for breakfast and some gas cans and I thought nothing of it. Really? Seems like something is odd there. JMO

PS I don't think Arias will allocute.

There were some contradictory statements that weren't a big deal also, but still odd, like he starts off saying she was mature beyond her years, but then turns back by saying she was a "girl" he watched grow. Maybe it's just semantics.
He mentioned that she was alone with his son "a few times". It doesn't sound like she really cared for him all that much on her own, not that it's a glaring red flag. I just wonder what all this "caregiver" stuff was about. Was she a caregiver to him?
I also think that Brewer's ego dictates that the PPL and Mormon Church were at fault for the termination of intimacy between the two. For a guy, it's easier to accept some mental breakdown from outside factors as opposed to the idea that the relationship fell apart because she was more sexually attracted to another man, and was actively pursuing him.
Let me modify my comment.

I think Arias will either speak and ask for the DP so she can be with Travis or she won't speak. I think she'll be better off appeal-wise if she doesn't speak. But I'm not sure she can help herself. Does she not know the jury dislikes her?
I think she liked Brewer because he had power, age, and a more lucrative position. Seems she used him to a certain extent, at least at the beginning. Then I think she was drawn to the stability he offered. Plus, he's very soft spoken and a little mealy mouthed so I think she pretty much got her way.
Let me modify my comment.

I think Arias will either speak and ask for the DP so she can be with Travis or she won't speak. I think she'll be better off appeal-wise if she doesn't speak. But I'm not sure she can help herself. Does she not know the jury dislikes her?

I don't think she cares. She knows most people don't like her, in general. She won't accept that this has to do with the murder, lies and accusations after the fact. She chalks it up to an illness of society, at large, having the need to "persecute". She has taken on the role of victim/martyr of some cause. There is no self-evaluation, no self awareness, etc. There is only a contrived story about who she is. Maybe she truly believes it, or maybe it is by design as a means to an end, or a combination of both. People disliking her only confirms her messiah-complex delusion. She thinks she is being nailed to a cross for others' sins.
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I don't think she cares. She knows most people don't like her, in general. She won't accept that this has to do with the murder, lies and accusations after the fact. She chalks it up to an illness of society, at large, having the need to "persecute". She has taken on the role of victim/martyr of some cause. There is no self-evaluation, no self awareness, etc. There is only a contrived story about who she is. Maybe she truly believes it, or maybe it is by design as a means to an end, or a combination of both. People disliking her only confirms her messiah-complex delusion. She thinks she is being nailed to a cross for others' sins.

Great assessment! I agree! So what do you think she will do today, knowing that is likely so true about her?
One other element about this case, that is completely unsatisfying, is Matt McCartney. His name was tossed around so much, and yet we know nothing about him. He was a witness without ever appearing and that bothers me.

Okay, see you later.
I don't think she cares. She knows most people don't like her, in general. She won't accept that this has to do with the murder, lies and accusations after the fact. She chalks it up to an illness of society, at large, having the need to "persecute". She has taken on the role of victim/martyr of some cause. There is no self-evaluation, no self awareness, etc. There is only a contrived story about who she is. Maybe she truly believes it, or maybe it is by design as a means to an end, or a combination of both. People disliking her only confirms her messiah-complex delusion. She thinks she is being nailed to a cross for others' sins.

Great assessment! I agree! So what do you think she will do today, knowing that is likely so true about her?

No idea. She is a wild card with impulse control issues, so it could go any way.
Let me modify my comment.

I think Arias will either speak and ask for the DP so she can be with Travis or she won't speak. I think she'll be better off appeal-wise if she doesn't speak. But I'm not sure she can help herself. Does she not know the jury dislikes her?

I don't think she cares if the jury likes her. Why do you think she'll ask for the dp? Reverse psychology or another :eusa_liar:
Good morning all! I am hoping that today will be the day for Miss Jodi Ann Arias when she finally learns her fate! Life WITHOUT parole is fine with me! Although the death penalty would be good too, I'm just not going to sweat the small stuff! Either way, I will be just happy happy happy!!! :clap2: But I have my popcorn & ice cold Dr. Pepper ready to hear her sad sad story! :boohoo: I'm sure it's going to be good! Again, kudos to this awesome jury for finding Jodi guilty of M1, as well as finding her guilty of intentionally cruel & whatever that second one was, and finally, I know they will ALL be able to agree on a proper & just sentencing! :udaman: It's about time that Miss Arias finally meets her maker! :dev3: Its a long time coming for family & friends of Travis Alexander to have something to celebrate! :mm:
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