Jodi Arias Penalty

Jodi's Top Ten Talking Points

[1] I am sorry you guys have have been restrained by the judge from enjoying my tweets and seeing my TV interview.

[2] I am sorry for Mr. Nurmi's slow speech and nasal fixation. He doesn't like you, the judge, or me.

[3] I apologize for that LaViolette chic, I had to spend 40+ hours with that dingbat.

[4] I regret throwing Travis' camera in the washer, but I was in a rush and in a fog.

[5] I regret leaving a bloody palm print on Travis' wall, bad luck, that.

[6] Rather than wasting more hours of your time listening to my MANY friends who fully trust me, let me just say that Nurmi's 9 of 10 days zinger was simply a jest.

[7] The death of Travis was an unfortunate consequence of the Law of Subtraction (mess with Jodi and you're gone)

[8] Have you seen my bent finger? That's a life long punishment already.

[9] I am a good Mormon and blood atonement is just an act of religious devotion. If you are not Mormon taking my life is not godly.

[10] Free signed doodle for anyone who will hang the jury. And just think of Juan's reaction. What a hoot.

With these said, I rest, knowing you are better for having gotten to know me.

In My name, Amen.

Omg doc. I have missed your humor. That's hilarious. Lmao
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Doc, do you think she will prattle on all day? Wouldn't it be interesting if she declined allocution?

I think she will prattle a bit but not filibuster. If she refuses it will be a calculation for appeal.

No doubt. If she gets LWOP, there will be no automatic appeal process. No one knows where the jury stands on that, even if they don't like her.

I'm glad you think no filibuster. That would be an absolute grind.
OT: I had one of those headon "you're over the yellow, more over the yellow, you're in MY lane!" drive into the ditch to avoid it drives to school. Dammit people are stupid. That's all. Have a nice day and watch out for the idiots driving into your lane.
OT: I had one of those headon "you're over the yellow, more over the yellow, you're in MY lane!" drive into the ditch to avoid it drives to school. Dammit people are stupid. That's all. Have a nice day and watch out for the idiots driving into your lane.

Texting while driving no doubt.
Okay, I listened to the Brewer interview [ Exclusive: Jodi Arias' ex-boyfriend says what he couldn't in court] and I don't have the same disdain others have had for him. Say what you will, but he is no coward, in fact, it's pretty brave that he wanted to speak on Arias's behalf.

I don't believe cause and effect, as put forth by him in re the church and PPL in her mental health, but I have to give credit for being honorable and standing up for her so she doesn't get the death penalty, even if I don't particularly like him.

Okay, I agree on the standing up for her, but he creeps me out in a dirty old man sort of way for some reason.
Okay, I listened to the Brewer interview [ Exclusive: Jodi Arias' ex-boyfriend says what he couldn't in court] and I don't have the same disdain others have had for him. Say what you will, but he is no coward, in fact, it's pretty brave that he wanted to speak on Arias's behalf.

I don't believe cause and effect, as put forth by him in re the church and PPL in her mental health, but I have to give credit for being honorable and standing up for her so she doesn't get the death penalty, even if I don't particularly like him.

Okay, I agree on the standing up for her, but he creeps me out in a dirty old man sort of way for some reason.

Lol. Me too. How old is he anyway?
OT: I had one of those headon "you're over the yellow, more over the yellow, you're in MY lane!" drive into the ditch to avoid it drives to school. Dammit people are stupid. That's all. Have a nice day and watch out for the idiots driving into your lane.

Texting while driving no doubt.

I was WATCHING him on his phone and and telling him in a loud voice with a few expletives to look up. He wasn't listening. lol I didn't even have time to hit the horn, he noticed when I drove into the ditch that something was amiss.

Geez. People get a grip on the driving thing.
okay, i listened to the brewer interview [ exclusive: Jodi arias' ex-boyfriend says what he couldn't in court] and i don't have the same disdain others have had for him. Say what you will, but he is no coward, in fact, it's pretty brave that he wanted to speak on arias's behalf.

I don't believe cause and effect, as put forth by him in re the church and ppl in her mental health, but i have to give credit for being honorable and standing up for her so she doesn't get the death penalty, even if i don't particularly like him.

okay, i agree on the standing up for her, but he creeps me out in a dirty old man sort of way for some reason.

lol. Me too. How old is he anyway?

LOL at this part "I asked her for money to pay bills and she said don't talk negative to me, we need to talk positive".

I tell that to the power company all the time.
I wish Martinez would have tied up the remote/gas cans issue better. That was left dangling. Why did she have the remote in the car, in the first place? What did it belong to? Why was it important for her to return it to Brewer several hours later? We were only left with suspicions and that was completely unsatisfying. I would also love the full story on the covert magazine operation. That was left hanging too.

I don't think 52 year olds are dirty old men lol and my DH is 10 years older than me, it's not that. It's the soft, thing, weirdy, dirty old man vibe he gives off.


lol. Weirdy, dirty old man vibe....isn't he like 20 years older than Jodi?


And she was in her twenties, I guess that's why I have the vibe. When I was in my twenties, 50 year olds were still "dads" and "old guys".

No offense to any 50's! That's was a 20 year old perspective.
Yeah I would love to know more about the magazine. After the trial is over is the stuff that is sealed released to the public at all?
I don't think 52 year olds are dirty old men lol and my DH is 10 years older than me, it's not that. It's the soft, thing, weirdy, dirty old man vibe he gives off.


lol. Weirdy, dirty old man vibe....isn't he like 20 years older than Jodi?


And she was in her twenties, I guess that's why I have the vibe. When I was in my twenties, 50 year olds were still "dads" and "old guys".

No offense to any 50's! That's was a 20 year old perspective.

Yeah that's what I'm talking bout...

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