Jodi Arias Penalty

What's the deal with remote? I Fogged that.

With the robbery at her grandparents' house, one of the items stolen, other than the small gun, was a DVD player, or something like that. I think Martinez was alluding to the fact that she gave it to Brewer, with all of that "returning the remote" testimony. Martinez never closed the deal on it, for me.

Oh I had forgotten about that. [ame=]Jodi Arias Pre-Meditation Smoking Gun AKA "Remote Control" - YouTube[/ame]

So did she drive down there with the remote to give it to him or she left his house with the remote (who does that?) and then had to go back to give it to him? And didn't she deposit money in her account after she saw him.

So (speculating), did she steal the electronics from grandpa, sell some to Brewer, deposit the money, forgot to give him the remote that went with it?

Yes. Highly weird and open ended. What's the deal with the remote?
Testa, I think she might get creepy and ask to be sent to Travis and taunt the family and jury into creepification if they give her the DP. She's a psycho, as you know.

Many theories going around about what yesterday was all about. The general consensus is that the DT scrapped their mitigation witnesses LAST WEEK after they learned of what JM's lines of cross would be regarding PW and DB. Yesterday was a complete fabrication and farce, playacted by Nurmi in order to lay a foundation for an eventual appeal based on judicial decisions on motions regarding sequestration and protection of witnesses and their testimony (esp ALV and PW). Meanwhile, since Nurmi is so sure the jury is defying the admonition about viewing media about the case (he always claims they are watching) he arranged the DB interview with a local reporter who is a defense sympathizer to get Brewer's testimony out without being crossed.

There's more but not sure anyone is interested since it's all supposition. To me, it fits.

Also, since mitigation witnesses were scrapped last week, the only reason for Brewer to show up (and he was at the hotel, not at court) was to be interviewed, not to testify.
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Testa, I think she might get creepy and ask to be sent to Travis and taunt the family and jury into creepification if they give her the DP. She's a psycho, as you know.

Many theories going around about what yesterday was all about. The general consensus is that the DT scrapped their mitigation witnesses LAST WEEK after they learned of what JM's lines of cross would be regarding PW and DB. Yesterday was a complete fabrication and farce, playacted by Nurmi in order to lay a foundation for an eventual appeal based on judicial decisions on motions regarding sequestration and protection of witnesses and their testimony (esp ALV and PW). Meanwhile, since Nurmi is so sure the jury is defying the admonition about viewing media about the case (he always claims they are watching) he arranged the DB interview with a local reporter who is a defense sympathizer to get Brewer's testimony out without being crossed.

There's more but not sure anyone is interested since it's all supposition. To me, it fits.

Also, since mitigation witnesses were scrapped last week, the only reason for Brewer to show up (and he was at the hotel, not at court) was to be interviewed, not to testify.

I totally agree about yesterday and I always want to hear more of your suppositions. I can't call what JoJo is going to do, she's a wildcard. Unless she has decided to start listening to her defense team and do "what's best for her", I don't believe they can stop her from getting in that spotlight - that's who she is. What she'll say? Your guess is as good as mine. Last week, I would completely disagree with her asking for the dp because she'd already moved on and changed stories and tactics. After yesterday's performance, it's obvious the defense has been doing some major Hail Mary strategizing... but JoJo is still in there as the wildcard and it is, after all, her final show. I stopped being able to predict it once aggravation started. They started throwing things against the wall so fast, I can't figure what they'll throw next. Yesterday was predictable as far as the motions go, not as far as the witnesses go. That was sneaky/obvious set up for appeal, and again, they've been working this last play out for some time. So I'm sure, minus wildcard psycho JoJo, today has been well planned out. As well planned as a JW and a Nurmi get with no ammo and a lying, psychotic control freak client can be planned.
Testa, I think she might get creepy and ask to be sent to Travis and taunt the family and jury into creepification if they give her the DP. She's a psycho, as you know.

Many theories going around about what yesterday was all about. The general consensus is that the DT scrapped their mitigation witnesses LAST WEEK after they learned of what JM's lines of cross would be regarding PW and DB. Yesterday was a complete fabrication and farce, playacted by Nurmi in order to lay a foundation for an eventual appeal based on judicial decisions on motions regarding sequestration and protection of witnesses and their testimony (esp ALV and PW). Meanwhile, since Nurmi is so sure the jury is defying the admonition about viewing media about the case (he always claims they are watching) he arranged the DB interview with a local reporter who is a defense sympathizer to get Brewer's testimony out without being crossed.

There's more but not sure anyone is interested since it's all supposition. To me, it fits.

Also, since mitigation witnesses were scrapped last week, the only reason for Brewer to show up (and he was at the hotel, not at court) was to be interviewed, not to testify.

I'm stuck on that asking for death thing - I'm not feeling it.

If she asks for death, all of yesterday's planned setup for appeal by not calling witnesses loses it punch. When it goes to appeal, they'll say "witness threatened no fair trial we didn't call them, blah blah blah", but then the next day she ASKS for death after "firing" all her witnesses? That doesn't seem to be as strong of an appeal tactic as him calling off the witnesses and she was the only "poor soul left" because the court forced us to lose all the other witnesses to speak to the jury about saving her life. Poor JoJo left all by herself - it was the courts fault. The throwing out the witnesses for appeal, then asking for death doesn't seem like a smart play.

But then again, we are talking about Nurmi and JoJo the Psycho. And nothing about that combo makes any sense.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury (especially one hottie biscotti over there--and you know who you are)... How about that Nurmi? What a blob. And that midget Martinez? What a shizz. Not to mention my mitigation specialist, whatever her name is, who has no clue as to how to keep me from the needle.

I do not ask for mercy. A hung jury might be fun, but no matter what the sentence I plan to make this a travesty. So flip a coin and vote. But I ain't gonna kiss yer tush. <closes with a middle finger> And Nancy, this is fer you.
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I'm stuck on that asking for death thing - I'm not feeling it.

If she asks for death, all of yesterday's planned setup for appeal by not calling witnesses loses it punch. When it goes to appeal, they'll say "witness threatened no fair trial we didn't call them, blah blah blah", but then the next day she ASKS for death after "firing" all her witnesses? That doesn't seem to be as strong of an appeal tactic as him calling off the witnesses and she was the only "poor soul left" because the court forced us to lose all the other witnesses to speak to the jury about saving her life. Poor JoJo left all by herself - it was the courts fault. The throwing out the witnesses for appeal, then asking for death doesn't seem like a smart play.

But then again, we are talking about Nurmi and JoJo the Psycho. And nothing about that combo makes any sense.

I don't get this quote thing...anyway, then maybe she will decline to speak and just leave it to the jury. Ugh. Who knows. It's a cliffhanger. But, even if she begs for the DP, if she gets it and fails to waive her appeals, then the appealable issues come into play. So maybe yesterday's ploy was still a Hail Mary, but a good move in the long run. I just think she's gonna get creepy if she does speak. We shall see...

appealable=appellate...I think. LOL
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I put HLN on as background noise. At first I thought the Holy Night rendition by Arias was decent, holy hell, now I realize it's caterwauling, at least when she tries to hit the high notes.
I'm stuck on that asking for death thing - I'm not feeling it.

If she asks for death, all of yesterday's planned setup for appeal by not calling witnesses loses it punch. When it goes to appeal, they'll say "witness threatened no fair trial we didn't call them, blah blah blah", but then the next day she ASKS for death after "firing" all her witnesses? That doesn't seem to be as strong of an appeal tactic as him calling off the witnesses and she was the only "poor soul left" because the court forced us to lose all the other witnesses to speak to the jury about saving her life. Poor JoJo left all by herself - it was the courts fault. The throwing out the witnesses for appeal, then asking for death doesn't seem like a smart play.

But then again, we are talking about Nurmi and JoJo the Psycho. And nothing about that combo makes any sense.

I don't get this quote thing...anyway, then maybe she will decline to speak and just leave it to the jury. Ugh. Who knows. It's a cliffhanger. But, even if she begs for the DP, if she gets it and fails to waive her appeals, then the appealable issues come into play. So maybe yesterday's ploy was still a Hail Mary, but a good move in the long run. I just think she's gonna get creepy if she does speak. We shall see...

appealable=appellate...I think. LOL

Decline to speak!?!?!? Our JoJo? Unless doc is right and THAT is her :up_yours: move. The tears at verdict may have been her understanding that she doesn't have the jury in her web, she looked individually at them "you?", "you?" "you?" NONE OF YOU?? boo-hoo. If she had that realization that they aren't under her spell, then maybe the no-speak comes in.

Hell! I don't know! I can't predict her anymore! We had the psycho's plays dialed, but the circumstances have changed her psychotic predictability.

Just popping in to say Hi I passed a PM to who I could a lot have the PMS off. Account created and here I am . Hi TW nice to see ya

Thanks so much for showing me the way Tink!
MORE than once!

Welcome Irish glad to see you made it. You will have so much fun with all the new toys here. It is a lot more fun here. There are many threads to go chat in. I like the coffee shop, and the tavern. There are lots of great and helpful people there.
Try them out. Just go in and say hi and explain that you are new. There will be lots of focks that will welcome you and offer to help you if needed.
I'm stuck on that asking for death thing - I'm not feeling it.

If she asks for death, all of yesterday's planned setup for appeal by not calling witnesses loses it punch. When it goes to appeal, they'll say "witness threatened no fair trial we didn't call them, blah blah blah", but then the next day she ASKS for death after "firing" all her witnesses? That doesn't seem to be as strong of an appeal tactic as him calling off the witnesses and she was the only "poor soul left" because the court forced us to lose all the other witnesses to speak to the jury about saving her life. Poor JoJo left all by herself - it was the courts fault. The throwing out the witnesses for appeal, then asking for death doesn't seem like a smart play.

But then again, we are talking about Nurmi and JoJo the Psycho. And nothing about that combo makes any sense.

I don't get this quote thing...anyway, then maybe she will decline to speak and just leave it to the jury. Ugh. Who knows. It's a cliffhanger. But, even if she begs for the DP, if she gets it and fails to waive her appeals, then the appealable issues come into play. So maybe yesterday's ploy was still a Hail Mary, but a good move in the long run. I just think she's gonna get creepy if she does speak. We shall see...

appealable=appellate...I think. LOL

Decline to speak!?!?!? Our JoJo? Unless doc is right and THAT is her :up_yours: move. The tears at verdict may have been her understanding that she doesn't have the jury in her web, she looked individually at them "you?", "you?" "you?" NONE OF YOU?? boo-hoo. If she had that realization that they aren't under her spell, then maybe the no-speak comes in.

Hell! I don't know! I can't predict her anymore! We had the psycho's plays dialed, but the circumstances have changed her psychotic predictability.


The more I think about this stay and wanting a higher court to decide on a mistrial, the less sense it makes. She's not getting a fair trial because Womack won't testify out of fear and intimidation. How is a new jury for the penalty phase going to resolve that issue? Will Womack suddenly not feel threatened? What am I missing? I don't understand the rationale. If they get a new jury will Brewer then suddenly be an adequate mitigation witness alone?

Not that it means a damn thing anymore.

I should red/bold/xxlarge "DELAY!"

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