Jodi Arias Trial - Closing Arguments

She will be in the maximum security female population.

She will have plenty of company.
She won't be lonely. She has all the voices in her head to keep her company. There'll also be Travis' ghost haunting her. :biggrin:

Or the memory of him anyway. I know you wanted her to get the DP, but just think about it . . . once you're dead, it's all over. It could be a sweet release for some. It's probably much more difficult to live your life in a cell with not much to do but think about things. :)

I'm hoping she'll never see the light of day from behind bars. She needs to be kept in solitary until she's removed with a wooden or cardbox box, then put under a huge mound of dirt. What she did boggles the mind; there's no excuse for happened. None.
Jury unable to reach a unanimous decision.

She's going to be sentenced to life without parole, I think. Good news. :D
I should send her a picture so she has something to fantasize about during those lonely nights behind bars.

:lol: You should do that. It would be funny.

That might violate her Constitutional Rights. Cruel and Unusual Punishment!

Ha-ha! Jake Starkey agrees . . . cruel and unusual punishment. :D
No, you misunderstand. Cruel and Unusual as she will have to see me knowing she can never experience me. :)
Won't she think when seeing your picture, "Lucifer, all hail for saving me again, this time from a fate worse than death?"
She's going to be sentenced to life without parole, I think. Good news. :D
I should send her a picture so she has something to fantasize about during those lonely nights behind bars.

:lol: You should do that. It would be funny.

That might violate her Constitutional Rights. Cruel and Unusual Punishment!

Ha-ha! Jake Starkey agrees . . . cruel and unusual punishment. :D
No, you misunderstand. Cruel and Unusual as she will have to see me knowing she can never experience me. :)

Oh . . . I see. :lol: Maybe you could convince her to marry you and get conjugal visits. :mm:
One juror was the cause of the deadlock. Word is, 'she' admitted to watching the Lifetime movie about the killing.

Hung jury Jodi Arias won t be executed

Jurors later told reporters that they were split 11-1 in favor of the death penalty. Jurors said the lone holdout may have had an agenda, and at one point, even raised their concerns to the judge.

"The one holdout had her mind made up from the beginning," a male juror said.

The jurors also mentioned that the holdout had seen bits and pieces of the Lifetime movie, "Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret," that was loosely based on the case.
Does the AZ law permit a re-visit of the mistrial verdict?

It will take a "jury nullification" statement by her witnessed by others in her presence.

That is a high hill to climb.
Does the AZ law permit a re-visit of the mistrial verdict?

It will take a "jury nullification" statement by her witnessed by others in her presence.

That is a high hill to climb.
Prosecutor has received enough criticism for pursuing the death penalty after the first mistrial...he is done. 3 Million dollars when the gov't could be paying for illegals. Jodi will not be killed. She will live on and perhaps see freedom one day.
Does the AZ law permit a re-visit of the mistrial verdict?

It will take a "jury nullification" statement by her witnessed by others in her presence.

That is a high hill to climb.

Annotation 3 - Fifth Amendment - FindLaw

Not sure if that would ever happen in this case, since the judge gets to set the sentence now. The death penalty is off the table, since a jury has to give that.
Does the AZ law permit a re-visit of the mistrial verdict?

It will take a "jury nullification" statement by her witnessed by others in her presence.

That is a high hill to climb.

Annotation 3 - Fifth Amendment - FindLaw

Not sure if that would ever happen in this case, since the judge gets to set the sentence now. The death penalty is off the table, since a jury has to give that.

So, when do we find out? I'm sure it will be LWOP. I don't think she will ever get out of jail.
We already know ir will be LWOP. That is not the issue. It is about our fucked up judicial system.
April 13th is the sentencing.
A little something about the lone holdout juror - Word is, a few years ago Juan Martinez was the prosecutor in a case against her husband. As we all know, Juan is the prosecutor for the Arias trial. Also, word is this one juror had previously said she was against the death penalty. When the jury was being selected, she said she was for it and wouldn't have a problem sentencing someone to death row.
Isn't a juror who's against the death penalty, but who lied during selection, grounds for a mistrial or something?
If all the anti-death penalty people need to do to effectively eliminate the death penalty is get on juries by lying about their position then that's what they'll do. So isn't lying during jury selection itself illegal?
If all the anti-death penalty people need to do to effectively eliminate the death penalty is get on juries by lying about their position then that's what they'll do. So isn't lying during jury selection itself illegal?

Yes, it's perjury I think.
She also refused to deliberate on anything and would not give any of the other jurors an explanation as to why she kept saying 'Life'.

The judge SHOULD have excused her and put in a replacement when it was brought up that the one juror wouldn't participate in any deliberations.
re are you getting this from. Nancy Grace interviewed Juror #4 last night and he said the opposite - that she was open to the death penalty.

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