Joe Biden: A Year In Review

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I realize that we still have one more month to go before it's officially the end of 2021, but let's just go ahead and point out all of the problems that Joe (and Kamla) has caused this past year (that I can think of and you can add some yourself) because it still baffles me of how this turd even still has supporters.

. Gas prices and taxes inclined.
. Shorter supply chain.
. Workers and income declined.
. Oil shortages.
. Thirteen workers lost their lives when Joe Biden failed to pull them out of Afghanistan.
. Border is currently insecure and illegal immigrants are currently able to enter this country.
. Instead of making the border secure Joe Biden offered to pay illegal immigrants 45,000 dollars which is seen as a reward for the criminals instead of encouraging them to stay with their children and come into this country legally.
. Censoring and lack of freedom of speech has gotten worse.
. Other constitutional rights like the right to bear arms is currently being threatened and instead they're making laws that doesn't seem constructional like masks and vaccine mandates.
. Abortion is currently being pushed by Kamala Harris herself and I do believe Joe Biden as well.
. Instead of love and unity hate is currently being pushed into the minds of innocent children based upon skin color. (Critical Race Theory or CRT.)
. History is trying to be erased and statues of heroic figures are being taken down and having statues of criminals (like George Floyd) are being put up.

Now, I'm sure there's a whole LOT more that Biden has done or has failed to attempt to stop, but as you can see that list is already pretty long and if I looked up every problem in America I'd probably be here all night. I have absolutely no doubt that he truly is the WORST president in US history.
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Assemble coronavirus task force​

Push for immediate coronavirus legislation​

Release a vaccine distribution plan​

Rejoin World Health Organization and keep Dr. Anthony Fauci as close adviser​


Reverse Trump’s corporate tax cut​


Organize a “climate world summit”​

Make U.S. an international leader on climate change​


Extend Voting Rights Act​

Institute national police oversight commission​

Push Congress to pass SAFE Justice Act​


Introduce legislation for pathway to citizenship for immigrants in the U.S. illegally​

Make Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, permanent​

Stop family separation at U.S.-Mexico border​

Establish task force to reunite children and parents separated at the border​

End Trump executive order banning travelers from some Muslim-majority countries​

Stop Migrant Protection Protocols and asylum “metering” policy​

Defund continued border wall construction​

Increase government supervision over U.S. border and immigration agencies​


Pledge to “pick up the pieces of Donald Trump’s broken foreign policy”​

International summit​

I realize that we still have one more month to go before it's officially the end of 2021, but let's just go ahead and point out all of the problems that Joe (and Kamla) has caused this past year (that I can think of and you can add some yourself) because it still baffles me of how this turd even still has supporters.

. Gas prices and taxes inclined.
. Shorter stock market.
. Workers and income declined.
. Oil shortages.
. Thirteen workers lost their lives when Joe Biden failed to pull them out of Afghanistan.
. Border is currently insecure and illegal immigrants are currently able to enter this country.
. Instead of making the border secure Joe Biden offered to pay illegal immigrants 45,000 dollars which is seen as a reward for the criminals instead of encouraging them to stay with their children and come into this country legally.
. Censoring and lack of freedom of speech has gotten worse.
. Other constitutional rights like the right to bear arms is currently being threatened and instead they're making laws that doesn't seem constructional like masks and vaccine mandates.
. Abortion is currently being pushed by Kamala Harris herself and I do believe Joe Biden as well.
. Instead of love and unity hate is currently being pushed into the minds of innocent children based upon skin color. (Critical Race Theory or CRT.)
. History is trying to be erased and statues of heroic figures are being taken down and having statues of criminals (like George Floyd) are being put up.

Now, I'm sure there's a whole LOT more that Biden has done or has failed to attempt to stop, but as you can see that list is already pretty long and if I looked up every problem in America I'd probably be here all night. I have absolutely no doubt that he truly is the WORST president in US history.
Our President has the highest Stock Market in HISTORY and has added over four million JOBS

I realize that we still have one more month to go before it's officially the end of 2021, but let's just go ahead and point out all of the problems that Joe (and Kamla) has caused this past year (that I can think of and you can add some yourself) because it still baffles me of how this turd even still has supporters.

. Gas prices and taxes inclined.
. Shorter stock market.
. Workers and income declined.
. Oil shortages.
. Thirteen workers lost their lives when Joe Biden failed to pull them out of Afghanistan.
. Border is currently insecure and illegal immigrants are currently able to enter this country.
. Instead of making the border secure Joe Biden offered to pay illegal immigrants 45,000 dollars which is seen as a reward for the criminals instead of encouraging them to stay with their children and come into this country legally.
. Censoring and lack of freedom of speech has gotten worse.
. Other constitutional rights like the right to bear arms is currently being threatened and instead they're making laws that doesn't seem constructional like masks and vaccine mandates.
. Abortion is currently being pushed by Kamala Harris herself and I do believe Joe Biden as well.
. Instead of love and unity hate is currently being pushed into the minds of innocent children based upon skin color. (Critical Race Theory or CRT.)
. History is trying to be erased and statues of heroic figures are being taken down and having statues of criminals (like George Floyd) are being put up.

Now, I'm sure there's a whole LOT more that Biden has done or has failed to attempt to stop, but as you can see that list is already pretty long and if I looked up every problem in America I'd probably be here all night. I have absolutely no doubt that he truly is the WORST president in US history.
The Year of the Clusterfucks. Worst start of any administration in history.



Assemble coronavirus task force​


Push for immediate coronavirus legislation​


Release a vaccine distribution plan​


Rejoin World Health Organization and keep Dr. Anthony Fauci as close adviser​



Reverse Trump’s corporate tax cut​



Organize a “climate world summit”​


Make U.S. an international leader on climate change​



Extend Voting Rights Act​


Institute national police oversight commission​


Push Congress to pass SAFE Justice Act​



Introduce legislation for pathway to citizenship for immigrants in the U.S. illegally​


Make Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, permanent​


Stop family separation at U.S.-Mexico border​


Establish task force to reunite children and parents separated at the border​


End Trump executive order banning travelers from some Muslim-majority countries​


Stop Migrant Protection Protocols and asylum “metering” policy​


Defund continued border wall construction​


Increase government supervision over U.S. border and immigration agencies​



Pledge to “pick up the pieces of Donald Trump’s broken foreign policy”​


International summit​

all kinds of BULLSHIT!!! you FKD up!!!!!
1. you said ''pathway for immigrants'' HAHAHAH FKD UP--there is already a pathway for that--DUH..he wants ILLEGALS [ criminals ] to get away with crime--this is what you dumbass leftists want all the time --CRIMINALS bad = STUPID
2. with everything you listed, Bidumb is fking over America
3. ''increase govt. supervision'''' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPENDING more tax $$$$$$!--YOUR tax $$$$-DUH
etc etc etc hitlerjugend are so fkd up god--Bidumb is destroying America and you are following him to Gottdammerrung
I realize that we still have one more month to go before it's officially the end of 2021, but let's just go ahead and point out all of the problems that Joe (and Kamla) has caused this past year (that I can think of and you can add some yourself) because it still baffles me of how this turd even still has supporters.

. Gas prices and taxes inclined.
. Shorter stock market.
. Workers and income declined.
. Oil shortages.
. Thirteen workers lost their lives when Joe Biden failed to pull them out of Afghanistan.
. Border is currently insecure and illegal immigrants are currently able to enter this country.
. Instead of making the border secure Joe Biden offered to pay illegal immigrants 45,000 dollars which is seen as a reward for the criminals instead of encouraging them to stay with their children and come into this country legally.
. Censoring and lack of freedom of speech has gotten worse.
. Other constitutional rights like the right to bear arms is currently being threatened and instead they're making laws that doesn't seem constructional like masks and vaccine mandates.
. Abortion is currently being pushed by Kamala Harris herself and I do believe Joe Biden as well.
. Instead of love and unity hate is currently being pushed into the minds of innocent children based upon skin color. (Critical Race Theory or CRT.)
. History is trying to be erased and statues of heroic figures are being taken down and having statues of criminals (like George Floyd) are being put up.

Now, I'm sure there's a whole LOT more that Biden has done or has failed to attempt to stop, but as you can see that list is already pretty long and if I looked up every problem in America I'd probably be here all night. I have absolutely no doubt that he truly is the WORST president in US history.
Feel better now? Here's the bottom line. Like him or not, we have a professional politician in the White House now. Not a carnival barking, former reality TV game show host that has about..oh 750K dead (and counting) attributed to his "watch".
All this while facing the onslaught of you true believers who still think the carnival barker won. All your side has is division pimping. And as far as gas prices and supply chain issues? Well, the genesis of those started in the last guy's administration.
But you would never dare give your savior ANY criticism whatsoever.

Again, come see me in six months. I don't think things will have turned out the way you think they will.
Don't count those chickens just yet.
The Year of the Clusterfucks. Worst start of any administration in history.
Maybe. But the fact that the pandemic was still raging when the carnival barker lost, then threw a temper tantrum culminating in insurrection, you kinda knew things were not going to be smooth.
Come see me in six months. You might have something to talk about then. Biden gets a long runway.
Feel better now? Here's the bottom line. Like him or not, we have a professional politician in the White House now. Not a carnival barking, former reality TV game show host that has about..oh 750K dead (and counting) attributed to his "watch".
All this while facing the onslaught of you true believers who still think the carnival barker won. All your side has is division pimping. And as far as gas prices and supply chain issues? Well, the genesis of those started in the last guy's administration.
But you would never dare give your savior ANY criticism whatsoever.

Again, come see me in six months. I don't think things will have turned out the way you think they will.
Don't count those chickens just yet.
Pretty feeble by any standard. Things are an absolute mess, again, by any standard.
Jimmy CArter is laughing in his peanut butter colon cleanse. He is no longer THE Worst President in the history of the United STates. Thank you President Sniffy McGropenFuhrer.
Maybe. But the fact that the pandemic was still raging when the carnival barker lost, then threw a temper tantrum culminating in insurrection, you kinda knew things were not going to be smooth.
Come see me in six months. You might have something to talk about then. Biden gets a long runway.
Why six months? Hasn't he messed up enough already? Do you really want more?
Jimmy CArter is laughing in his peanut butter shake. He is no longer THE Worst President in the history of the United STates. Thank you President Sniffy McGropenFuhrer.
That honor belongs to Trump. And always will. Sorry, Carter was never the worst President in US history. That was a tie between James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce...until Trump came along. :)
Why six months? Hasn't he messed up enough already? Do you really want more?
Because I want to see what Biden does AFTER he has to get through playing janitor.
Yes. I voted for him. And I firmly believe had Trump won, this country would be close to collapsing.

Because I want to see what Biden does AFTER he has to get through playing janitor.
Yes. I voted for him. And I firmly believe had Trump won, this country would be close to collapsing.

You mean the country's not collapsing? Maybe you think we're thriving?

Apparently, not all of us. There were the dead soldiers and those left behind, along with tons of weapons.

One of his bigger clusterfucks.

Sadly, 13 died under President Biden
Compared to 6000 under previous Presidents

But you already knew that
Which presidents are those? Are they the same that voted for Biden?
Bush put us in there

Every other President was stuck trying to get us out
Biden finally got us out

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