Joe Biden Can Be Prosecuted and Convicted TODAY - The Mountain of Evidence Against Joe Biden is Staggering

Trumptards, are you ever going to show us the evidence against Biden? You know, actual evidence, and not hearsay.

No? The same dog that ate your evidence for vote fraud also ate that evidence against Biden?

Convenient for conservatives, that bad dog.
'I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father,'
Twice impeached, failed one term rapist and 40 count possible felon.
The Constitution still guarantees even sline like him the right to be judged by a jury of his peers.
It's the American way.
This is the first time I have heard anyone call Trump, or anyone else for that matter, "sline". The impeachments were political and he was acquitted of each on in the House. Essentially, they were failed impeachments. Trump has not been convicted of rape, nor has he been convicted of any crimes. The NYC prosecution is a legal clusterfuck. No serious person believes that it is anything other than political (Bragg made it a campaign promise to Git TrUmp!). The documents case is BS, as the Presidential Records Act makes very clear to all but the most brain dead leftists. The anticipated J6 indictment is likely goofy.

You, my friend, are brain clogged.
'I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father,'

You really are the world's shittiest lawyer.

Post your evidence his father really was sitting next to him during that call...

Now watch this...

The prosecution of old "Lunch Box" Joe Biden

Let's look at the evidence:

Wire transfers of millions of dollars while Joe was VP;
Transfers from China (government linked entities; Ukraine; and Romania);
Son Hunter was point/bag man, taking positions he is insanely unqualified for;
Over 170 bank issued Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs);
Multiple bank accounts at multiple banks for multiple shell LLCs;
Incremental payments;
Joe Biden himself intimately linked to said accounts and LLCs;
Biden abusing his VP position to stop Ukrainian prosecutor going after Hunter Biden;
Multiple witnesses, documents, and emails linking these transactions to Joe Biden;

Why is Joe, through his family and LLCs, getting paid such large sums of money (some of which came from Chinese state-controlled entities) while VP? He has not given any sort of explanation. Joe is a lawyer and lifetime feeder at the public trough. What skill, service, or product does he have to offer that warrants such payments OTHER THAN influence? Absolutely nothing!

The applicable charges (though not an exhaustive list):

Being an unregistered foreign agent;
Abuse of power (influence peddling);
Conspiracy to commit racketeering and FARA;
Obstruction of justice (the ongoing coverup);
Wire fraud;
False financial disclosures with FEC (among others);
Violations of oath of office;
Tax fraud;
Perjury (for false statements given regarding his finances);

The is circumstantial in part, yet very strong. There is also hard, non-circumstantial testimony from people familiar with the criminal activity. People have been convicted of these crimes upon far less evidence.

The Left's False Narrative of Lack of Evidence:

The left lies and says there is no evidence. Why? Politics and power. There is a mountain of evidence of criminal activity on the part of Joe Biden. There is clearly enough to warrant a criminal investigation. There is enough to appoint a special prosecutor. There is enough evidence to swiftly conclude such investigation and issue a voluminous indictment. The claim of no evidence is absurd on its face.

The Corruption:

Clearly, the DOJ is protecting Joe Biden. He is the empty vessel through which the leftists are holding power, and their power will be diminished greatly and hastily upon any prosecution. Therefore, no prosecution is taking place. This is banana republic government tactics.

The worst thing Joe Biden isn't on your list. He corrupted his own son, and he isn't the least bit sorry about it.
Is it even possible to assemble a jury that corrupt?
Interesting that in the most populous and diverse city in the U.S., the city that Trump has spent almost all his life in, you MAGAts are afraid he can't get a fair trial.
Is there some dirt broke, cotton farming, hillbilly, Georgia county where you all think a jurry of his peers can be better pucked from?
What would he have in common with THOSE people?
Would they be more like his "peers?"
Interesting that in the most populous and diverse city in the U.S., the city that Trump has spent almost all his life in, you MAGAts are afraid he can't get a fair trial.
Is there some dirt broke, cotton farming, hillbilly, Georgia county where you all think a jurry of his peers can be better pucked from?
What would he have in common with THOSE people?
Would they be more like his "peers?"
The thread is about Biden dummy.
The prosecution of old "Lunch Box" Joe Biden

Let's look at the evidence:

Wire transfers of millions of dollars while Joe was VP;
Transfers from China (government linked entities; Ukraine; and Romania);
Son Hunter was point/bag man, taking positions he is insanely unqualified for;
Over 170 bank issued Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs);
Multiple bank accounts at multiple banks for multiple shell LLCs;
Incremental payments;
Joe Biden himself intimately linked to said accounts and LLCs;
Biden abusing his VP position to stop Ukrainian prosecutor going after Hunter Biden;
Multiple witnesses, documents, and emails linking these transactions to Joe Biden;

Why is Joe, through his family and LLCs, getting paid such large sums of money (some of which came from Chinese state-controlled entities) while VP? He has not given any sort of explanation. Joe is a lawyer and lifetime feeder at the public trough. What skill, service, or product does he have to offer that warrants such payments OTHER THAN influence? Absolutely nothing!

The applicable charges (though not an exhaustive list):

Being an unregistered foreign agent;
Abuse of power (influence peddling);
Conspiracy to commit racketeering and FARA;
Obstruction of justice (the ongoing coverup);
Wire fraud;
False financial disclosures with FEC (among others);
Violations of oath of office;
Tax fraud;
Perjury (for false statements given regarding his finances);

The is circumstantial in part, yet very strong. There is also hard, non-circumstantial testimony from people familiar with the criminal activity. People have been convicted of these crimes upon far less evidence.

The Left's False Narrative of Lack of Evidence:

The left lies and says there is no evidence. Why? Politics and power. There is a mountain of evidence of criminal activity on the part of Joe Biden. There is clearly enough to warrant a criminal investigation. There is enough to appoint a special prosecutor. There is enough evidence to swiftly conclude such investigation and issue a voluminous indictment. The claim of no evidence is absurd on its face.

The Corruption:

Clearly, the DOJ is protecting Joe Biden. He is the empty vessel through which the leftists are holding power, and their power will be diminished greatly and hastily upon any prosecution. Therefore, no prosecution is taking place. This is banana republic government tactics.

Can be but won't be.
Biden didn't indict anyone one. Back to Junior High school civics class for you.
Back to the school of hard knocks for you. Everybody in the world knows where/who these indictments are coming from. From Biden shitting in his pants, about runnng against Trump in '24.
The worst thing Joe Biden isn't on your list. He corrupted his own son, and he isn't the least bit sorry about it.
He will sit back and watch his son go to prison, when the son was just running errands for him. that's what a lowlife Joe Biden is. That is, if Hunter doesn't wake up and jump ship, and spill the beans.
He will sit back and watch his son go to prison, when the son was just running errands for him. that's what a lowlife Joe Biden is. That is, if Hunter doesn't wake up and jump ship, and spill the beans.
Biden was never in the business of being in business with his drug addled son.

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