Joe Biden Caught On Tape According To Senator Grassley! Impeach!!

Grassley is 88 years old, and you bitch about bidens age.
Grassley says.........LOOLLOLLOLOL
Grassley isn't the leader of the free world with one of his delusional, demented fingers near a nuclear bomb button. And Grassley is smarter in his little finger than Biden is in his entirely empty cranium.

Senator Grassley Says There Are Audio Recordings Between Burisma Executive and Bidens​

This clip shows that Biden isn't afraid to blackmail others to keep his son out of the prosecutorial spotlight:

BFD....the entire EU wanted Shokin fired for not prosecuting the crime.
You cherry pick and edit a short clip that proves nothing.
Shokin was fired for NOT prosecuting criminals.
Team trump made up the story you're using, and you're buying the team trump fake news story.

Bring on the tapes.
Something that will never be effectively used by the right to help their case, since there is no case against Joe.
Just like the thousands of hours of Capitol footage that tuckems jizzed all over, even though he had a nothing burger.
BFD....the entire EU wanted Shokin fired for not prosecuting the crime.
You cherry pick and edit a short clip that proves nothing.
Shokin was fired for NOT prosecuting criminals.
Team trump made up the story you're using, and you're buying the team trump fake news story.

Bring on the tapes.
Something that will never be effectively used by the right to help their case, since there is no case against Joe.
Just like the thousands of hours of Capitol footage that tuckems jizzed all over, even though he had a nothing burger.
Sorry, your Pedo leader is about to sit in the hot seat. I don't make the rules ... I just report them. I know you desperately want him to be innocent, but you're just going to have to bolster yourself. He's in for a rough ride (if we can find any fair prosecutors in a sea corrupt ones).
Sorry, your Pedo leader is about to sit in the hot seat. I don't make the rules ... I just report them. I know you desperately want him to be innocent, but you're just going to have to bolster yourself. He's in for a rough ride (if we can find any fair prosecutors in a sea corrupt ones).
How many more times do I need to say you can prosecute JB after he leaves office.
Feel free to start impeachment in the House, I though MTG was on top of this.
WTF happened to MTG's promise to Impeach biden?

You are the one that idolizes a politician.
I think most every politician is corrupt, but I will attack your lies.

Sick Fucks ^^^^^^^
I dont have any reason to believe you. Do you have a 1023 document from the FBI that suggests your claim might be true?

The point isn't if I have or not. The point is, anyone can file a 1023 on anyone even frivolous ones.
The point isn't if I have or not. The point is, anyone can file a 1023 on anyone even frivolous ones.
The FBI doesnt take frivilous claims seriously. This guy on the other hand is taken VERY seriously by the FBI. He has been on their payroll since Obama was in office. His information ALWAYS pans out.
The FBI doesnt take frivilous claims seriously. This guy on the other hand is taken VERY seriously by the FBI. He has been on their payroll since Obama was in office. His information ALWAYS pans out.

And exactly who IS this "Person"? And can you give me access to the damning tapes AFTER the FBI makes sure that it really IS Biden on them? It's your turn at bat.
And exactly who IS this "Person"? And can you give me access to the damning tapes AFTER the FBI makes sure that it really IS Biden on them? It's your turn at bat.
You obviously arent following this story. If i have to explain the basic facts to you, you shouldnt even be in this conversation.
You obviously arent following this story. If i have to explain the basic facts to you, you shouldnt even be in this conversation.
basic fact: There has been no confirmable tapes saying what you claim they do. You keep spinning down that rabbit hole.
basic fact: There has been no confirmable tapes saying what you claim they do. You keep spinning down that rabbit hole.
It could be a lie or it could be true. The question is... what did the FBI do to get those tapes and were they successful in getting those tapes?
It could be a lie or it could be true. The question is... what did the FBI do to get those tapes and were they successful in getting those tapes?

Until it's proven one way or another, the MAGAts will use it to beat up everyone else around them.
And Rump wasn't run over by that bus. He's being nailed for things he has actually done himself. Now, stay tuned, if you don't have any concrete evidence about Biden, you are just crying in your Bud Light.

Oh clowns are constantly speculating about shit Trump supposedly did yet he's walked away unscathed and more popular than ever every time.
Oh clowns are constantly speculating about shit Trump supposedly did yet he's walked away unscathed and more popular than ever every time.

If you haven't noticed, speculation on Rump is over. He's been indicted with proof to back it up. He won't be so unscathed on this one. Sooner or later, justice catches up with us all even if it's God that has to administer it.
If you haven't noticed, speculation on Rump is over. He's been indicted with proof to back it up. He won't be so unscathed on this one. Sooner or later, justice catches up with us all even if it's God that has to administer it.

We've heard this shit before...
I wouldnt hold my breath....on second thought please do.

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