Joe Biden had an arsenal of guns in his house as of 2018

It does not matter how many times you repeat your post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy - it remains a post hoc fallacy.
You cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between the 1994 AWB and the statistics you claim.
what a load of crap lol. try that in English, dunce. Nonsensical. When in doubt, total gobbledigook, eh? lol
You are a liar.

During a July 21, 2021 CNN “presidential town hall,” Joe Biden expressed his support for a ban on commonly-owned handguns. Responding to a question about the recent increase in violent crime, the career politician stated,

I'm the only guy that ever got passed legislation, when I was a senator, to make sure we eliminated assault weapons. The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether -- whether it's a 9-millimeter pistol or whether it's a rifle, is ridiculous. I'm continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things.

More made up shit. He said no such thing. NRA sponsored tripe and fear mongering. Next, you’ll claim he‘ll be coming for your butter knives.

THIS IS NOTHING MORE THEN A POST PANDEMIC SALES PROMOTIONAL SO GUN A HOLICS CAN MOVE MORE 9mm handguns through the private market into the hands of criminals.
More made up shit. He said no such thing. NRA sponsored tripe and fear mongering. Next, you’ll claim he‘ll be coming for your butter knives.

THIS IS NOTHING MORE THEN A POST PANDEMIC SALES PROMOTIONAL SO GUN A HOLICS CAN MOVE MORE 9mm handguns through the private market into the hands of criminals.
Does someone have to remind you to breathe?
Which case?

It wasn't Printz


1. The Brady Act's interim provision commanding CLEOs to conduct background checks, § 922(s)(2), is unconstitutional. Extinguished with it is the duty implicit in the background-check requirement that the CLEO accept completed handgun-applicant statements (Brady Forms) from firearms dealers, §§ 922(s)(I)(A)(i)(III) and (IV). Pp. 904-933.

The Supreme Court has held that the government can do background checks on potential employees but they have not yet ruled on background checks for firearms. Several lower courts have and the Printz case was in general terms but i know of no case on that issue.
Gee, you use a reference that says background checks are legal. Amazing. You stumped yourself.
So you say. You have no data to back that up. None.
Sure lol....

  1. Universal background checks really do cut gun deaths

    Aug 07, 2019 · And according to Siegel, the data doesn’t lie. The average firearm homicide rate in states without background checks is 58% higher than the …
    • Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins

Works even better when the whole country does it duh....
Gee, you use a reference that says background checks are legal. Amazing. You stumped yourself.
Sorry Moon Bat but you are once again confused

Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898 (1997)​

  • Annotation

    Primary Holding
    The federal government violated the Tenth Amendment when Congress required state and local officials to perform background checks on people buying guns.
Sorry Moon Bat but you are once again confused

Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898 (1997)​

  • Annotation

    Primary Holding
    The federal government violated the Tenth Amendment when Congress required state and local officials to perform background checks on people buying guns.
Seriously ? You are an odd ball
Justia is a website law blog…..your own reference is an opinion NOT BY THE SC.
What you referenced is an opinion NOT BY THE MAJORITY OPINION OF THE SC.

GEESUS, do you guys ever stop making up shit.
Anyone can publish anything in a fking blog.
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Sure lol....

  1. Universal background checks really do cut gun deaths

    View attachment 659413
    Aug 07, 2019 · And according to Siegel, the data doesn’t lie. The average firearm homicide rate in states without background checksis 58% higher than the …
    • Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins

Works even better when the whole country does it duh....
From your link:

In contrast, Siegel found that laws regulating the type of firearms people have access to—such as assault weapon bans and large capacity ammunition magazine bans—and “stand your ground” laws have no effect on the rate of firearm-related homicide.

So why does your Vegetable Messiah want to ban "assault weapons", and why did you claim they lower mass shootings?
From your link:

In contrast, Siegel found that laws regulating the type of firearms people have access to—such as assault weapon bans and large capacity ammunition magazine bans—and “stand your ground” laws have no effect on the rate of firearm-related homicide.

So why does your Vegetable Messiah want to ban "assault weapons", and why did you claim they lower mass shootings?
Red herring. The question was about universal BCs.
Sorry Moon Bat but you are once again confused

Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898 (1997)​

  • Annotation

    Primary Holding
    The federal government violated the Tenth Amendment when Congress required state and local officials to perform background checks on people buying guns.
You need an education. The only opinion that matters is that by the majority in an SC ruling. Show it !
Are you saying the findings of that study are bullshit? Or are you just wanting to cherry pick what you like/
You have hilariously poor judgement.
Lets get this straight. You want to use this reference to back up what ? That UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS WORK !

Cause really, that’s all proponents EVER said. That regulating some weapons types obviously ONLY AFFECTS THE USE OF THAT WEAPON. Look at the 1934 fed firearms act …it didn't cut gun crime foolish, but it sure cut the use of full autos in gun crimes.
Are you saying the findings of that study are bullshit? Or are you just wanting to cherry pick what you like/
Ah, just talking about universal background checks is not cherry-picking universal background checks. It’s called, staying on topic.
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From your link:

In contrast, Siegel found that laws regulating the type of firearms people have access to—such as assault weapon bans and large capacity ammunition magazine bans—and “stand your ground” laws have no effect on the rate of firearm-related homicide.

So why does your Vegetable Messiah want to ban "assault weapons", and why did you claim they lower mass shootings?
Since you just go to the nearest red state or gun show or ghetto guy and buy there....That's beyond your nut job mass shooter...try and focus lol. Ban on assault weapons cuts mass shooting. Background checks cut overall gun crime.

AND Dem policies help regular folks and cuts ALL CRIME... Now sthu lol ay caramba, dupe.

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