Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler


According to Webster, the definition of Fascism is “a political philosophy,
movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual
and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a
dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and

forcible suppression of opposition.”

That is a perfect description of the BIDEN DEMOCRATS!
  1. State over individual liberty.
  2. Centralized power in EVERYTHING.
  3. Absolute autocratic power a la Trump's raid.
  4. Economic and social regimentation in the form of covid lockdowns to facilitate the bizarre 2020 election.
  5. Forcible oppression of their opposition in everything from raiding Trump to oppression of social media against anyone questioning election or policies, while Biden government threatens news and media to hold back on any coverage of stories that reflect poorly on Joe.
  6. Government-industry joint efforts to buy votes while oppressing hiring and using people not in lock step.
Can't get any more FASCIST than a democrat.
Sorry people don't like your anti American garbage lies, brainwashed functional moron. The entire world of reality outside your bubble of baloney propaganda knows you are nuts. Change the channel read something. Murdoch and Internet conspiracy nut jobs are not the news lol.
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Sorry people don't like your anti American garbage lies
Prove one is a lie, Frenchy. Must be why I have 43,000 likes to your 6,000, despite you being here six years longer! :auiqs.jpg:

The entire world of reality outside your bubble of baloney propaganda knows you are nuts.
You mean you think your two room house is "reality," Frenchy?

Change the channel read something.
Or maybe you should just sit on a cactus and spin, Frenchy?
Read back.
"Hitler was a much better person than Fuckwad Biden." Is that a comparison?

Hitler took a country with a broken financial system and starving people. He turned it into an economic powerhouse. Biden took an economic powerhouse and shattered the financial system putting the people into bread lines and starving babies.

Anything terrible you want to say about Hitler, please do. I will agree 100%. He was the devil himself, the most evil demonic, monstrous semi human to ever exist. I agree. Biden is worse.
Hitler's economic miracle was a Ponzi scheme based on confiscating Jewish business and industry and preparing for war and taking out loans... and it necessitated a war of conquest to make it pay in the end..
Hitler's economic miracle was a Ponzi scheme based on confiscating Jewish business and industry and preparing for war and taking out loans... and it necessitated a war of conquest to make it pay in the end..
Hitler ended the Weimar inflation. Fuckwad Biden started and grew the democrat inflation.

Hitler had the murder of Jews. Fuckwad Biden is just getting started with the murder of whites.
Prove one is a lie, Frenchy. Must be why I have 43,000 likes to your 6,000, despite you being here six years longer! :auiqs.jpg:

You mean you think your two room house is "reality," Frenchy?

Or maybe you should just sit on a cactus and spin, Frenchy?
. Probably because 3/4 of the people on this message board are brainwashed fanatic ignoramus GOP base zombies. Same reason trump took over the party just by repeating the same garbage....

Trump's election fraud nonsense has been laughed out of over 70 courts and every single GOP election official says the election was perfectly honest- you got nothing but garbage propaganda comma brainwashed functional moron. Incredibly destructive anti American garbage. Poor America .

Sorry trump and your conspiracy theory are now election poison along with overreach on abortion and a lot of .... .
Hitler ended the Weimar inflation. Fuckwad Biden started and grew the democrat inflation.

Hitler had the murder of Jews. Fuckwad Biden is just getting started with the murder of whites.
The Weimar inflation, also known as the GOP corrupt bubble and bust, buy on margin Great Depression. Another great job...

Putin and the supply chain crisis are most of this inflation which is now going down because things had to be done.... Funny how the Republicans believe that Biden policy caused all the inflation while every other country in the world has it the same damn problem and usually worse. You're an idiot. Change the channel lol
Probably because 3/4 of the people on this message board are brainwashed fanatic ignoramus GOP base zombies.
In other words, if they don't agree with YOUR crazy rantings, they must be zombies! :21:

Trump's election fraud nonsense has been laughed out of over 70 courts
Is it up to 70 now? Started out as 28. At this speed, it'll be over 100 courts by next year in your book! :laughing0301:

and every single GOP election official says the election was perfectly honest
You mean the RINOS?

Incredibly destructive anti American garbage.
Yep, that is the effect of the Fascist Democrat Regime. It has been nothing but destruction and bad news ever since that gray scumbag was installed.
Gee, sounds EXACTLY like what the Gray Bedpan is doing!
Impossible to argue with such incredible misinformation what the hell are you talking about? Prescription drug negotiating cap on insulin prices lowering Obamacare costs actually doing something about climate change and infrastructure. The big oil GOP is the only party in the world that denies global warming, you people are brainwashed morons.
Prescription drug negotiating cap on insulin prices lowering Obamacare costs actually doing something about climate change and infrastructure.

. Probably because 3/4 of the people on this message board are brainwashed fanatic ignoramus GOP base zombies. Same reason trump took over the party just by repeating the same garbage....

Trump's election fraud nonsense has been laughed out of over 70 courts and every single GOP election official says the election was perfectly honest- you got nothing but garbage propaganda comma brainwashed functional moron. Incredibly destructive anti American garbage. Poor America .

Sorry trump and your conspiracy theory are now election poison along with overreach on abortion and a lot of .... .
still scared silly of the trumpster then...get woke, the fbi will dig up some dirt one day thank goodness Hunter and the big guy are above the law...keep that chinese cash coming Joe, you old sick pervert
It's called reality you should try it sometime. Making up baloney about our elections is anti American garbage. Go back to Russia trump will be waiting for you soon

It's called telling the truth. You should try it sometime.

Stop lying.

Just stop it.

We can all see you're doing it.
Sorry people don't like your anti American garbage lies, brainwashed functional moron. The entire world of reality outside your bubble of baloney propaganda knows you are nuts. Change the channel read something. Murdoch and Internet conspiracy nut jobs are not the news lol.
George Soros is a lie? George Soros is a butler to the real rich who direct him to do these things. For his allegiance they enriched him as a currency trader. Which is evil in itself. Any sane nation in the world would have sent agents out to assassinate him any in his influence to do the evil that he has.

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