Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

I've never compared the dementia ridden fool to Hitler. I have to an over baked Potato
the dementia ridden fool hammered Trump in the debates...

He put together a far better qualified team than Trump...

He knows how to handle classified documents...

You got nothing else so you keep hammering this... You look desperate...

Far better ware than Trump at handling media questions... Trump just blurted out the first thing that popped into his head, Biden actually thinks of an answer...

Going by only TV appearances Trump would be the more likely to have dementia than Biden. After all Trump has a poor health life and his family has a history of dementia..
the dementia ridden fool hammered Trump in the debates...

He put together a far better qualified team than Trump...

He knows how to handle classified documents...

You got nothing else so you keep hammering this... You look desperate...

Far better ware than Trump at handling media questions... Trump just blurted out the first thing that popped into his head, Biden actually thinks of an answer...

Going by only TV appearances Trump would be the more likely to have dementia than Biden. After all Trump has a poor health life and his family has a history of dementia..
Trump was reigned in during the debates by his handlers.

Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

26 Aug 2022 ~~ By Jeff Dunetz

President Joe Biden lashed out at Republicans who have embraced the MAGA philosophy saying they’re semi-fascists. I don’t think Biden understands what MAGA means. It’s all about putting America first and making the US the most powerful nation on Earth, both economically and militarily. Some examples include taking control of our southern border, making America energy independent, and building our military so we can take out ISIS or any other threat. It also means reducing business regulations, so companies are free to run their enterprises without government interference. The result is American companies that are more competitive internationally and at home, generating more income (more tax dollars) and more jobs.
According to Webster, the definition of Fascists “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” MAGA pushes personal freedom and keeps the government out of the lives of Americans. That’s the opposite of Fascism.
If a Republican or MAGA supporter had made the same inappropriate reference as Biden spewed, the media would be all over him with criticism. But since he is a Democrat, the MSM is treading lightly around it.

At least Hitler got the autobahn built and won a few of his wars. All Joe Biden has given us is High inflation, food shortages and more discontent.
Actually, history shows that Adolf Hitler could keep the crowds enthralled when he was speaking. Joe is much more likely to put folks to sleep and speak incoherently, so by that measure Joe fails miserably in comparison to Schicklgruber.
It looks like Biden is going to go full nuclear on MAGA Republicans and what a “threat to democracy” Americans all are on Thursday night.
Assuming he does, can anyone think of a time in all of American history where a “President” does a prime-time address to denigrate roughly half of the country?
This is truly staggering beyond words! It also shows just how terrified these guys are of losing - and in a “fair” election, they would get absolutely crushed by MAGA candidates across the board - and Democrats know it. Hence the “label them all crazies before they cream us in the polls” last ditch effort. But a prime-time address to do so? WOW.
Ironically, Stalin was the ultimate “National Socialist”, he rejected Lenin and Trotsky’s internationalism for “Socialism in One Country” and imposed Russian supremacy over the rest of the Soviet Union.
I think it's time for Joe to release what the MAGA philosophy actually is.
Trump was reigned in during the debates by his handlers.
So you are saying that Biden was let loose..

Trump is terrible in debates... He can't hold on to the facts, spent the last one insisting he shouldn't be fact checked...

There is a difference between debates and just shouting insults at someone... If you are insulting it is because you can't argue your point... Parents teach there kids that all over America...

Trump struggles to hold actual facts in his head, like the one where Biden was describing how documents treated in his possession away from the West Wing.... This is the difference with surrounding yourself with top class independent thinkers and operators or just loyal yes me...
Trump has put loyalty over competency, Biden has a far better team of professionals... Trump is a poor manager.
In other words, if they don't agree with YOUR crazy rantings, they must be zombies! :21:

Is it up to 70 now? Started out as 28. At this speed, it'll be over 100 courts by next year in your book! :laughing0301:

You mean the RINOS?

Yep, that is the effect of the Fascist Democrat Regime. It has been nothing but destruction and bad news ever since that gray scumbag was installed.
Only on FOX!! LOL
George Soros is a lie? George Soros is a butler to the real rich who direct him to do these things. For his allegiance they enriched him as a currency trader. Which is evil in itself. Any sane nation in the world would have sent agents out to assassinate him any in his influence to do the evil that he has.
A great fighter for freedom and democracy except in dupe world, dupe.
As Biden says EVERY TIME, this is about GOP/Trump lies about election fraud.
So, are you saying that MAGA means election fraud, no other definition? And, I'm a little confused. Does claiming election fraud make you a semi-fascist? If so, democrats are semi-fascists as well.
George Soros is a lie? George Soros is a butler to the real rich who direct him to do these things. For his allegiance they enriched him as a currency trader. Which is evil in itself. Any sane nation in the world would have sent agents out to assassinate him any in his influence to do the evil that he has.
Joe Biden, How Dare You Compare Me To Hitler

One snarky response would be: Hitler is offended!

But, to be honest, as much of a lowlife scumbag as Brandon is, it is absurd to compare anything he is or has done to Hitler.
? Uhm. Sure.
Hobart College, best year ever. We caught a sheriff/FBI under cover guy/"SDS" who got 2 frosh to bomb ROTC. Also rumored to be at Kent State. Nixon and J Edgar not interested in investigating...Google Tommy the Traveler. My frat was just like AH...Cops promised to stay off campus (lasted a year...

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