Joe Biden in Ukraine

A neo-nazi state with Jewish President....explain that.
That was just an excuse for Poootin to invade a neighbor. He will also make up a lie so he can invade another country.

Russia has become a third world country in less than a year. Poootin will be remembered as a modern day Hitler. 97% of his army is in Ukraine. NATO could make Moscow a trash dunp.

Well The Traitor is a Draft Dodging Coward.

Joe Biden in Ukraine​

  • The hallmark of US presidents has always been their ability to go out, seek, and broker peace, yet there has not been ONE WORD out of the bastard's mouth about peace in the past year. In fact, all that comes from him and other warmongers in Washington is their desire to BEAT Putin. At any cost. To fight and fight until he is defeated. Not end the war, or end the killing.
  • Biden's visit there was nothing more than to provoke Putin farther. Every action from Biden has been to provoke and extend this conflict for the betterment of the military industrial conflict, like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics.
It's all about the money--- from YOUR pocket into THEIR hands.

This whole bit about "fighting for freedom," etc., is just a crock of BULL.

And that goes as much for Nikki Halley as with Bullshit Brandon Biddum.

Thumb on nose and wiggle fingers – Primiatti
tell you what,, since you have misrepresented what I have said by both misquoting it and ignoring the context of which I said it, how about we go back to your first comment to me and start over under the context I said it??

This is what you act off courage is walking into a hostile country without protection

So, again, in what was is NK hostile to the US or our POTUS?
This is what you act off courage is walking into a hostile country without protection

So, again, in what was is NK hostile to the US or our POTUS?
where did I say they were hostile in action to us???
now of course they are openly saying they have or soon to have missiles that can reach the USA,, wouldnt that be considered hostile to you??

and are you saying that NK isnt hostile to most of the world and are friendly in nature??

FFS they are shooting missiles over japan and constantly threatening people including their own people,,,

the list of their aggressions and intents are well documented,,
The U.S. contacted Russia shortly before Biden's visit to Ukraine to rule out conflict situations.
Associated Press
So, Biden got permission from Putin to visit Kiev.
And this is no joke.
Not quite, Biden did not talk to Putin. U.S. officials warned Russia that President Biden was visiting the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv hours before he made the trip. The purpose was to inform Russia so there would be no confrontation. Air Force One does not travel unescorted outside the US and the Russian military needs to know that so his visit does touch off WWIII. If Russian missiles destroyed Air Force One, there would be a retaliation and that certain is not what Putin or US would want.
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Not quite, Biden did not talk to Putin. U.S. officials warned Russia that President Biden was visiting the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv hours before he made the trip. The purpose was to inform Russia so there would be no confrontation. Air Force One does not travel unescorted outside the US and the Russian military needs to know that so his visit does touch off WWIII. If Russian missiles destroyed Air Force One, there would be a retaliation and that certain is not what Putin or US would want.
the reason for his visit is to set off WWIII in fact its already started when we funded this war,, just hasnt had time to escalate,,
This is what you act off courage is walking into a hostile country without protection

So, again, in what was is NK hostile to the US or our POTUS?

Kyiv has the Russian Rockets and Artillery Shell's falling on it, the Traitor was in Pyongyang, a quiet if tense treaty area. Lot's of U.S. Army nearby and Biden was in a War Zone.

Mr. Biden kept his visit on the down low to avoid unnecessary publicity, the Traitor offered Kim Jung Un a ride of AF-1.

The Biden Administration calls Russian Attacks on Civilian Target a Crime Against Humanity. The Traitor stood at a Podium in Helsinki and side with a Russian Dictator over 15-U.S. Intelligence Agencies who confirmed Russia Interfered in the 2020 Election.

Biden loves his country and supports Democracy.

The Traitor loves Money and hates Democracy.
Don't change the subject.

The Traitor Tax Cuts were unpaid for and cost U.S. Tax Payers Billions of Dollars and increased the National Debt. Biden has cut the National Debt and cut inflation.

Very much on topic. You attacked Biden for costing U.S. Tax Payer Millions in support to Ukraine, which a majority of Americans support.

There is a clear dichotomy between Mr. Biden using U.S. Tax Payer Dollars and the Traitor costing U.S. Tax Payers billions of dollars in unfunded tax cuts.
Originally posted by Flopper
If Russian missiles destroyed Air Force One, there would be a retaliation and that certain is not what Putin or US would want.

America would retaliate against Russia the same way Russia retaliated against America for financing the death of thousands of russian soldiers:

The Traitor Tax Cuts were unpaid for and cost U.S. Tax Payers Billions of Dollars and increased the National Debt. Biden has cut the National Debt and cut inflation.

Very much on topic. You attacked Biden for costing U.S. Tax Payer Millions in support to Ukraine, which a majority of Americans support.

There is a clear dichotomy between Mr. Biden using U.S. Tax Payer Dollars and the Traitor costing U.S. Tax Payers billions of dollars in unfunded tax cuts.
You drink the Biden kool-aid.
now of course they are openly saying they have or soon to have missiles that can reach the USA,, wouldnt that be considered hostile to you??

We have missiles that can reach the whole world. Does that make us hostile to the whole world?

and are you saying that NK isnt hostile to most of the world and are friendly in nature??

They are very defensive in nature. Cannot blame them, the whole world hates them.
thats a good dodge,, hope you didnt pull a muscle doing it,,

if they are such an good and honest country then why all the hate when trump shook his hand??

Who said they were good and honest? Is there a country on this planet that is good and honest?

Most of the hate was based on partisan politics, just like you support of him is.

Personally I thought it was a mistake as it put a tin-pot dictator on the same level as the President of the United States.

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