Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

Yeah his little prosecuter. Biden had classified documents in an unsecured location and under law did not have the right to have them. The answer is yes, so he needs to go to jail.

You clearly don't understand law and mens rea component of proving guilt.

The standard for these laws is WILLFUL retention of classified documents. If it's reasonably possible that Biden honestly forgot to return them then it wasn't willful.
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So go ahead and get Trump for doing less than Biden on the classified documents.

Umm, that is a sad misread of the facts of these two cases.

In the one, the most serious, Trump's.........Trump lied to the authorities, several times, he defied a legal subpoena, he ordered his staff to hide and move the docs to prevent the lawful owners of them (the United States) to retrieve them.

In my humble opinion as a non-lawyer.....that is bad juju.
1. Don't lie to law enforcement about 'em.
2. Don't hide 'em from the authorities.
3. Obey lawful subpoenas.

Duh, x3!
Umm, that is a sad misread of the facts of these two cases.

In the one, the most serious, Trump's.........Trump lied to the authorities, several times, he defied a legal subpoena, he ordered his staff to hide and move the docs to prevent the lawful owners of them (the United States) to retrieve them.

In my humble opinion as a non-lawyer.....that is bad juju.
1. Don't lie to law enforcement about 'em.
2. Don't hide 'em from the authorities.
3. Obey lawful subpoenas.

Duh, x3!

It's not "bad juju" it is strong evidence of guilty concience.

No reasonable jury is going to find that Trump possibly acted in good faith. Reasonable jury is going to find that he had willful intent to keep top secret documents and wave them around people without clearances (as he did on tape)
It would be reckless to keep BIDEN a POTUS when he is legally not responsible for what he does.


If a CEO was deemed MENTALLY UNFIT FOR TRIAL, do you think the stakeholders would demand he resign, or get booted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS?

Prosecutor disagrees with you.
Yeah his little prosecuter. Biden had classified documents in an unsecured location and under law did not have the right to have them. The answer is yes, so he needs to go to jail.
You clearly don't understand law and mens rea component of proving guilt.

The standard for these laws is WILLFUL retention of classified documents. If it's reasonably possible that Biden honestly forgot to return them then it wasn't willful.
Being a dumbass is no reason not to prosecute.
Umm, that is a sad misread of the facts of these two cases.

In the one, the most serious, Trump's.........Trump lied to the authorities, several times, he defied a legal subpoena, he ordered his staff to hide and move the docs to prevent the lawful owners of them (the United States) to retrieve them.

In my humble opinion as a non-lawyer.....that is bad juju.
1. Don't lie to law enforcement about 'em.
2. Don't hide 'em from the authorities.
3. Obey lawful subpoenas.

Duh, x3!
Maybe he forgot to tell the truth. Good enough for Biden.
I want President Harris, then I want the Dems to try to make Harris step aside and not run in November

I want the Dems to boot the first WOMAN...AND WOMAN OF COLOR to be the ticket.
It would be INTENTIONAL malfeasance to leave Biden as POTUS, knowing he is not mentally fit to even stand trial.
Go fuck yourself. You don't have anything so you are just wasting my time with bs.
Eat another pile of shit, Antoinette

I’m not here to do your work for you, you lazy twat.

Everything you post is bs.

I copy and pasted an image you may enjoy, you ass sucker:


Read those words untill you understand crystal clear that they mean Biden was fit for trial.

If Biden was unfit to stand trial there would be no jury to even think about.

Biden is man with poor memory (everyone agrees on that) and it's reasonably possible he could have honestly forgoten about documents he should have returned. THE END.

He was described as having "diminished faculties". It seems you fail to understand that is awfully close to, if not synonymous with, "diminished capacity", which is a psychological term often utilized in court to mean that a person is simply incapable of "reaching a mental state to commit a crime." Funny enough, this is exactly the argument the special counsel was using in this case. Because of his "diminished faculties", a jury would likely find that he was incapable of willfully committing the crime of which he is accused.
Eat another pile of shit, Antoinette

I’m not here to do your work for you, you lazy twat.

Everything you post is bs.

I copy and pasted an image you may enjoy, you ass sucker:

View attachment 899665

Work for me? No way am I paying a single dime to clearly incompetent fools like you. You don't even know how to do a basic link to a post.

Nothing in your screen shot shows anything beyond Biden's poor memory. He didn't recall specific times on the fly during interview, big's not like he couldn't tell Pelosi from Haley.
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Work for me? No way am I paying a single dime to clearly incompetent fools like you.
I didn’t mention pay. I wouldn’t expect a retard like you to have money.
You don't even know how to do a basic link to a post.
I do it all the time. It’s easy. It should be easy for you to scroll back, too. Do your own work? you lazy rancid twat.
Nothing in your post shows anything beyond poor memory.
What isn’t you wish to see, exactly? Be precise.
The standard for these laws is WILLFUL retention of classified documents. If it's reasonably possible that Biden honestly forgot to return them then it wasn't willful.

Yes, particularly in a person with "diminished faculties", which was the reasoning behind the special counsel's decision. I guess having a guy with "diminished faculties" as President of the United States is perfectly acceptable in some circles.
Yes, particularly in a person with "diminished faculties", which was the reasoning behind the special counsel's decision. I guess having a guy with "diminished faculties" as President of the United States is perfectly acceptable in some circles.

Yes of course it is, even biden's supporters know he has been deminished some by his age.

And still POTUS with deminished memory is of course much preferable to a melicious criminal.
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Mental problems beyond poor memory I (and everyone else) already knows he clearly has DUH.
Well, see, the thing is, you moron, the special prosecutor didn’t claim to have conducted any battery of psychological testing upon our dementia ridden incumbent.

So, once again, gfy. 👍

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