Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

the special prosecutor didn’t claim to have conducted any battery of psychological testing upon our dementia ridden incumbent.


So when you've asserted that prosecutor claimed "much more" than Biden having poor memory you were full of shit, exactly as I've said you are.
Mental problems beyond poor memory I (and everyone else) already knows he clearly has DUH.

The gaffes in his speeches show something much more severe than a simple lack of long-term memory.
The gaffes in his speeches show something much more severe than a simple lack of long-term memory.

Biden has been making gaffes pretty much his whole life, voters well knew that when they prefered him over Trump in 2020.

Seriously, what is it you think investigation of Biden revealed that Trump's coming criminal conviction would be worse than?
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Who is too senile to be prosecuted, but well enough to be the leader of the free world

The paper says that is how Biden's defense would present him in 2029.
In 2029 Biden will be almost 88.

Is your position so weak it can only be supported by lying?
What can I say. Many voters are very misinformed and uniformed.

Well you can say this: Trump lost to Biden before he was a convicted criminal and has few chances to win now that he is almost certainly to become one.

Think about what you've read in Biden's declination to prosecute and seriously compare it to Trump's situation.

Not a single reason Biden was not prosecuted, applies to Trump's case. Tell me with a straight face he isn't fucked.
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Um, yeah, because Trump doesn't respect the law or the process.

Oh really? And Joe "respects" the law by stealing national secrets decades ago as a mere senator then storing them for ages in an office owned by the Chinese? Or were you referring to Joe's recent rant where he bragged that despite the SCOTUS ruling he had no authority to forgive school loans that he was forging ahead anyway and they were just a bump in the road???
It is quite a condescending tone to apply to the president of the U.S. Makes him sound like a nice, lonely, unassuming old man who hangs out on park benches, talks to himself while feeding pigeons all day.
Supposing you didn't actually read the report.

"We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden (his attorneys) would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning,elderly man with a poor memory. Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him-by then a former president well into his eighties-of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.

The report doesn't say Biden is incompetent. To the contrary it says Biden will KNOWINGLY present that defense in 2029.

The report says that Biden intended no crime, cooperated fully with the investigations, and that any attempt at prosecution would fail.

But you're only looking for lies to tell.
They found spelling errors.

Earlier today, counsel submitted to my office the enclosed letter.

After reviewing their letter, my team and I corrected the following minor errors:

• The draft report stated that "[wJe reviewed the materials that were deemed to be classified at the Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information level when the National Security Council conducted pre publication review for the Reagan Diaries." Draft Report n.811. We have amended that sentence by adding "some of' after the word "reviewed."
• In Chapter Twelve, the draft report cited Chapter Four in a footnote. DraftReport n.892. We have amended that footnote to read "See id.; NARAAi:chivist 1 Tr. at 56-59, 77-78, 81-82, 93-94, 122-23."
• The draft report included a section heading that read, "MARKED CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT IN SECOND-FLOOR OFFICE." Draft Report at 333.We have amended that heading to read, "MARKED CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT IN THIRD-LEVEL DEN."

My team and I also corrected several typographical errors that we identified on our own, and we removed


Not a single reason Biden was not prosecuted, applies to Trump's case.

Yes, Trump would not receive a pass from jurors because he is not of "diminished faculties".

One potentially reasonable charge they have on Trump with regards to the documents is obstruction. Both Trump and Biden had classified documents in their possession. Biden had no business having them PERIOD. He unlawfully removed them when he had absolutely no right to do so. There is no gray area there as he most certainly had no authority to declassify anything as a Senator or VP. Biden also stored these documents in his garage, beside some dirt he used to plant lilies in the front yard. Trump was President so did have the authority to declassify documents. There are some questions as to what that process requires, but nonetheless, he had the authority. Trump also stored them in a much more secure manor than Biden.
The report doesn't say Biden is incompetent. To the contrary it says Biden will KNOWINGLY present that defense in 2029.

And based on special counsel observations, he would have no problem pulling off that defense. ;)

So when you've asserted that prosecutor claimed "much more" than Biden having poor memory you were full of shit, exactly as I've said you are.
No. You have been and remain the one full of shit.

The special prosecutor obviously did claim a lot more than just the undeniable fact that Potato has a shitty memory. It’s a lengthy report.

Didn’t you bother to read it?

Here. Try again:

Consider what the implications are of the determination made by the special prosecutor and his team that there is evidence supporting that Biden willingly took and kept classified materials.

Consider even the mealy mouthed executive summary:


Is all of that beyond your obviously and severely limited skill set?
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The prosecutor said he had enough evidence to indict Biden but he was too old and feeble to stand trial. Doesn't it logically follow that he is too old and feeble to run the Country?
And based on special counsel observations, he would have no problem pulling off that defense. ;)
Observations of the persona Biden presented.

Not the persona that kicks MAGA butt 24x7c365 for 6 years now.
And still POTUS with diminished memory is of course much preferable to a malicious criminal.
Indeed, character matters.
Always has.
Always has with adults with a sense of duty, decorum, and integrity.
Good people know that.....and are like that.

Don Trump, on the other hand.......

For example:
  • "Donald Trump canceled a visit to pay respects at an American military cemetery outside Paris in 2018 because he thought the dead soldiers were “losers” and “suckers” and he did not want the rain to mess up his hair"

  • At the time, Trump explained the cancellation by saying his helicopter could not fly in the rain and the Secret Service would not drive him to Aisne-Marne American cemetery,

  • Trump “frequently made disparaging comments about veterans and soldiers missing in action, referring to them at times as ‘losers.’”

The above confirmed by an actual witness, Chief of Staff, General John Kelly.

Who added that Don Trump is -----

  • “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’

  • A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’

  • A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

So yeah, character matters. In leadership. In human relations. In being a decent human being.

I know that. You know that. Everybody knows that.
No. You have been and remain the one full of shit.

The special prosecutor obviously did claim a lot more than just the undeniable fact that Potato has a shitty memory. It’s a lengthy report.

Didn’t you bother to read it?

Here. Try again:

Consider what the implications are of the determination made by the special prosecutor and his team that there is evidence supporting that Biden willingly took and kept classified materials.

Consider even the mealy mouthed executive summary:

View attachment 899672
Is all of that beyond your obviously and severely limited skill set?

They point blank said that he is guilty, but they decline to prosecute because they have little chance of victory given the "aggravating and mitigating factors", which they outlined and described as "diminished faculties". Fine, don't put him in jail since he doesn't know what he is doing, but he sure as heck shouldn't be President of the United States.

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