Joe Biden is a "Well Meaning Elderly Man"

You people need to understand one big thing here, these document actions usually fail to result in criminal convictions. Everybody does it, they say.

You know what almost nobody does? Provably lie and obstruct investigation at every turn.

Which is why Trump will be criminally convicted for this unlike almost everyone else.
Nope. Lousy President. Historically lousy, anti-American, anti-constitution, rule of law ets, supported attack on The Capital, refusing to call it off for hours while being advised by everybody, to call it off, advised by everybody, he had lost, lived in a paranoid fantasy world, which he sold to his cultists. He took governement secret documents with him, refusing to give them back, as if they became his property, had them moved to prevent their recovery, influenced people to lie to the government about it, even wanting surveillance destroyed. If not rich X-president, he would be in jail, like the others that conspired to overthrow the 2020 election.
Joe and the Progs performed a real insurrection in 2020. The good of the party over the citizens occurred. They are all guilty of it including Joe's wife who allowed it so she can live the life of royalty while people suffered. She could have stopped this travesty.
Yes, the special prosecutor believes any jury would have the perception that Biden is a man with diminished capacities. Cool, don't prosecute him. Now, the real question is why is a man who would likely be perceived in this way the president of the US?
Better than the alternative
Joe and the Progs performed a real insurrection in 2020. The good of the party over the citizens occurred. They are all guilty of it including Joe's wife who allowed it so she can live the life of royalty while people suffered. She could have stopped this travesty.
All the courts disagreed with you. You lose.
What "solid reason"? Nobody elected Biden because they thought he has a good memory. Duh.

Nobody should elect a person for president who isn't capable of making willful choices.
Nobody should elect a person for president who isn't capable of making willful choices.

I already explained that your "isn't capable of making willful choices" is pure made up spin.

All report said was that Jury could reasonbaly find doubt that Biden willfully retained documents. Not because he didn't have capacity to, but because it was reasonably possible that he honestly forgot about them.
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All the courts disagreed with you. You lose.

Courts can be biased. You haven't figured that out yet?

Kavanaugh pointed that out during the oral arguments on Trump being removed from the ballot in some states. He said that some blue leaning states could remove Republican candidates and some red leaning states could remove Democratic candidates. He is basically saying that courts are political, which is true.
I already explained that your "isn't capable of making willful choices" is pure made up bullshit and spin.

All report said was that Jury could reasonbaly find doubt that Biden willfully retained documents. Not because he didn't have capacity to, but because it was possible that he honsetly forgot about them.

WRONG. The report said that the jury would likely perceive that he didn't have the capacity. Why would they perceive this?
WRONG. The report said that the jury would likely perceive that he didn't have the capacity.

It didn't say that anywhere in the report dummy.

You WISH it did, but it doesn't as I've clearly explained. You are just too stupid to get that difference.
Even the WH press pool admits Biden is senile and should step down.

Comey was forced into reopening the case as numerous news sources were going to run with new information.
Which turned out to be bogus

But m ore importantly , against DOJ policy back on Sept of 2016 Comey held a press conference declaring the Clinton investigation closed. He took that opportunity to trash her publicly. Again… against established DOJ policy.

And here this Republican appointed Special Prosecutor publicly announces that no charges will be filed against Biden but takes the opportunity to trash HIM publicly and does so using wildly off topic “examples”
Biden is unable to make decisions and his staff does all the heavy lifting for him.

He threw his staff under the bus yesterday for the classified documents being in his garage.

Joe Biden is a piece of trash.

Biden tries to lay to rest age concerns, but may have exacerbated them​

A probe that spared President Joe Biden from criminal charges paradoxically dealt him a threatening political blow.

Special counsel Robert Hur’s report released Thursday on Biden’s handling of classified documents effectively ended the matter. But his assertions that Biden was elderly and forgetful ignited a political firestorm that cut directly to the heart of the president’s chief vulnerability in the 2024 election.

The White House knew it had a huge political problem on its hands.

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