Joe Biden is hopelessly out of touch with voters' priorities, but don't worry: President Joe Biden has a “National Gender Strategy”

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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
He's not only out of touch with normal Americans, but he's completely out of touch with Joe Biden the moderate Dimocrat from years ago.

Inflation is at its highest level in decades. Store shelves are empty. The southern border is in chaos. Hundreds of Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan. China just tested a hypersonic missile. Employers can’t find workers to keep their businesses running. No wonder more than 60% say the country is going in the wrong direction.

"gender strategy"? Hoover's theme years ago was "A chicken in every pot". Biden's is "a tranny in every bathroom".

Of course, none of this is actually coming from Biden since he is only the fellow who reads the words, but the globalist plan he is implementing is all about rotting us from within to the point we really are not a sovereign nation any more.
"gender strategy"? Hoover's theme years ago was "A chicken in every pot". Biden's is "a tranny in every bathroom".

Of course, none of this is actually coming from Biden since he is only the fellow who reads the words, but the globalist plan he is implementing is all about rotting us from within to the point we really are not a sovereign nation any more.
The borders are already gone. The communists will try to sell the idea to the American public that gender strategy is an effective deterrent to the Chinese hypersonic nuclear missile.
"gender strategy"? Hoover's theme years ago was "A chicken in every pot". Biden's is "a tranny in every bathroom".

Of course, none of this is actually coming from Biden since he is only the fellow who reads the words, but the globalist plan he is implementing is all about rotting us from within to the point we really are not a sovereign nation any more.
I can't wait for...."HAPPY TIMES ARE HERE AGAIN"
The borders are already gone. The communists will try to sell the idea to the American public that gender strategy is an effective deterrent to the Chinese hypersonic nuclear missile.
Maybe if all the men cut their penises off and put heels on the Chinese won't feel threatened by us anymore.
He's not only out of touch with normal Americans, but he's completely out of touch with Joe Biden the moderate Dimocrat from years ago.

For someone you claim is out of touch with voters, he sure kicked trump's ass, didn't he?
DigitalDrifter Biden is a brainless puppet who is being fed what to say by the extreme Left wing of his Party. As long as they bring him ice cream and girls to sniff, he's happy.
There is no left wing in the Democrat Party.

But Biden is a demnted puppet of the totalitarian conservative sociopaths who run the Democrat party.
Today in Dimocrat la la land, If a guy pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.

It's not my responsibility to play into someone else's fantasy. There are 7.5 billion in the world, I don't have the capacity or the desire to try and worry about what I should call every stranger in the world, let alone my own neighborhood.

Millions of strangers genders and sexualities don't mean shit to me, I care about theirs as much as they do about mine as an individual.

At the end of the day no one gives a fuck about you as a person except the few people you have personal relationships with. I see hundreds of people a day and I don't care about any of them.

I identify as someone who doesn't give a shit, so they all need to treat me as such.
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