Joe Biden Just Got Some Very Bad News

Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
What deal? Iran never signed anything.
Nostra, Iran signed the JCPOA in 2015, whether they were living up to it fully by the time the Trump Administration backed out of it (2018) is in question as there was some doubt that they kept to the restrictions it placed on centrifuges. However the consensus seems that they were in large part in compliance, the Trump Admin took umbrage with the lack of controls on ballistic missiles and the fact that the agreement was sunsetted, allowing Iran to continue pursuing weapons after the provisions expired and thus backed out of it.

Was it a sound agreement? Hard to say but IMHO on the surface it looked A LOT like kicking the can down the road without getting much back in return.
Yep, you're correct my mistake, there was no signature on the JCPOA itself, the signatures appeared on the Joint Plan of Action which was the basis for the framework that eventually became the JCPOA agreement among all the original signatories, thanks for pointing that out.

Anyways, this is an interesting read on the details of the agreement:
Any "agreement" with IRan is a joke. They have never lived up to any of them. Add in the fact Barry Hussein let the Mullahs tell him we couldn't inspect a whole host of sites and Barry got fleeced.

The entire thing is a joke.
factually incorrect
Which part is incorrect?
The IAEA--the same source as the OP--said they were living up to the agreements. And the link is upstream in this thread.
I said nothing about them not living up to the shit deal.

Learn to read.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
What deal? Iran never signed anything.
Nostra, Iran signed the JCPOA in 2015, whether they were living up to it fully by the time the Trump Administration backed out of it (2018) is in question as there was some doubt that they kept to the restrictions it placed on centrifuges. However the consensus seems that they were in large part in compliance, the Trump Admin took umbrage with the lack of controls on ballistic missiles and the fact that the agreement was sunsetted, allowing Iran to continue pursuing weapons after the provisions expired and thus backed out of it.

Was it a sound agreement? Hard to say but IMHO on the surface it looked A LOT like kicking the can down the road without getting much back in return.
Yep, you're correct my mistake, there was no signature on the JCPOA itself, the signatures appeared on the Joint Plan of Action which was the basis for the framework that eventually became the JCPOA agreement among all the original signatories, thanks for pointing that out.

Anyways, this is an interesting read on the details of the agreement:
Any "agreement" with IRan is a joke. They have never lived up to any of them. Add in the fact Barry Hussein let the Mullahs tell him we couldn't inspect a whole host of sites and Barry got fleeced.

The entire thing is a joke.
factually incorrect
Which part is incorrect?
The IAEA--the same source as the OP--said they were living up to the agreements. And the link is upstream in this thread.
That’s MOSTLY correct, the IAEA had some evidence that Iran wasn’t living up to restrictions regarding Uranium refining capacity (centrifuges), as far as I know there wasn’t confirmation but it looked like the IAEA was very suspicious about it.

Just something I remember running across when looking at the history of the JCPOA.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
What deal? Iran never signed anything.
Nostra, Iran signed the JCPOA in 2015, whether they were living up to it fully by the time the Trump Administration backed out of it (2018) is in question as there was some doubt that they kept to the restrictions it placed on centrifuges. However the consensus seems that they were in large part in compliance, the Trump Admin took umbrage with the lack of controls on ballistic missiles and the fact that the agreement was sunsetted, allowing Iran to continue pursuing weapons after the provisions expired and thus backed out of it.

Was it a sound agreement? Hard to say but IMHO on the surface it looked A LOT like kicking the can down the road without getting much back in return.
Yep, you're correct my mistake, there was no signature on the JCPOA itself, the signatures appeared on the Joint Plan of Action which was the basis for the framework that eventually became the JCPOA agreement among all the original signatories, thanks for pointing that out.

Anyways, this is an interesting read on the details of the agreement:
Any "agreement" with IRan is a joke. They have never lived up to any of them. Add in the fact Barry Hussein let the Mullahs tell him we couldn't inspect a whole host of sites and Barry got fleeced.

The entire thing is a joke.
I share your skepticism with regards to deals with Iran they’ve shown themselves to be duplicitous and back stabbing time and again, however allowing them to pursue WMD’s unchecked isn’t a good alternative either.

Personally I think we should have forced them to give up their nuclear program altogether (including ALL refining capacity) and offered to provide them with low grade Uranium for their reactors in return, I believe that option was initially on the table but for some inexplicable reason was abandoned by the Obama Administration and never picked up again.

At the end of the day The Russians, Chinese, Saudis and Indians have as much (or more) incentive to come to terms with a nuclear armed Iran as we do. After all Iran and the Entire Middle East is far closer to their neck of the woods than we are.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
What deal? Iran never signed anything.
Nostra, Iran signed the JCPOA in 2015, whether they were living up to it fully by the time the Trump Administration backed out of it (2018) is in question as there was some doubt that they kept to the restrictions it placed on centrifuges. However the consensus seems that they were in large part in compliance, the Trump Admin took umbrage with the lack of controls on ballistic missiles and the fact that the agreement was sunsetted, allowing Iran to continue pursuing weapons after the provisions expired and thus backed out of it.

Was it a sound agreement? Hard to say but IMHO on the surface it looked A LOT like kicking the can down the road without getting much back in return.
Yep, you're correct my mistake, there was no signature on the JCPOA itself, the signatures appeared on the Joint Plan of Action which was the basis for the framework that eventually became the JCPOA agreement among all the original signatories, thanks for pointing that out.

Anyways, this is an interesting read on the details of the agreement:
Any "agreement" with IRan is a joke. They have never lived up to any of them. Add in the fact Barry Hussein let the Mullahs tell him we couldn't inspect a whole host of sites and Barry got fleeced.

The entire thing is a joke.
I share your skepticism with regards to deals with Iran they’ve shown themselves to be duplicitous and back stabbing time and again, however allowing them to pursue WMD’s unchecked isn’t a good alternative either.

Personally I think we should have forced them to give up their nuclear program altogether (including ALL refining capacity) and offered to provide them with low grade Uranium for their reactors in return, I believe that option was initially on the table but for some inexplicable reason was abandoned by the Obama Administration and never picked up again.

At the end of the day The Russians, Chinese, Saudis and Indians have as much (or more) incentive to come to terms with a nuclear armed Iran as we do. After all Iran and the Entire Middle East is far closer to their neck of the woods than we are.

It's still not too late. We haven't been nuked yet.
Biden is doing a great job repairing the damage done by his predecessor.


You like to say shit with nothing behind it

Cuz you're PROG

Defend yourself, what has Biden done to repair damage done by his predecessor?

What damage?

What repair?

We'll set aside "doing a great job" for now. First you have to define what it is before you label it a great job. Unless of course you're PROG and everything involves your feelings penetrated up your ass by PROG-propaganda.
Damage to the American image.

The virus looks like it's being contained.
Biden is distributing the vaccine.
Stimulus is turning around the economy
Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees
We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob.

Corn just CONFIRMED exactly my point. You're a fucking idiot Corn.

Damage to the American image. As I said above your feelings. Your feelings don't mean dick Corn.

The virus looks like it's being contained. You're a fucking idiot Corn. We recognized by your first response you had no material, then you come off with this to confirm you're just a mouth.

Biden is distributing the vaccine. Does he come down the chimney too? Is this where we say Trump was too fat to negotiate a chimney?

Stimulus is turning around the economy. Ah, stimulus, one of the reasons why hyper-inflation. Trump had a stimulus too, that doesn't count? You left context asshole, read what you said and my initial response.

Competent professionals are replacing blob political appointees Transgender & black make people competent? What Trump appointees were not professional? Care to compare Trump's VP with Xeden's?

We no longer have to worry about the daily embarrassments from the Oval Office. Ah, your feelings. Look at Corn, he says Porky Pig with dementia is not an embarrassment.

Biden could be doing a better job. He could do nothing for 4 years and still far outshine the blob. Ah, your feelings.

Appreciate you validating my point Corn, I fully expected this assuming you responded at all.
Someone sounds like he got his feelings hurt.

Dude, you're in a cult. I'm not. I don't freak out at a criticism of some one else. Seek help.

That's called a cop-out
it's who he is.
The virus looks like it's being contained.
actually was in a call today with an update from people from Texas and Canada. So the guy from Canada, is telling us about all the lock downs up there and that things are starting to get a bit better. The guy from Texas says, we've been mask free for almost two months and last month no new covid cases and no deaths. So the guy from Texas asks, why is there such a difference?I kept quiet.

But, if I were to have said anything, it would be that Texas stopped using the infected swabs for testing. If no one can understand that easy piece of this, they were surely bought off by the hoax.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

What does your infinite wisdom tell you What Biden should do?
Start a war? Grovel to them?
Your point is?
The same exact thing that Trump was doing? I know this is hard for a liberal to admit...but Donald Trump's Middle Eastern policies brought peace to the region and slowed Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon. Joe Biden giving Iran all those billions and lifting sanctions hoping to appease them was such an incredibly naive thing to do. The Mullahs will play him just like they played Barry.

It was Obama who stopped the escalation of war with his support for economic expansion after GWB s sanctions so get that straight.

I compare trumps folly to extract Afghanistan troops. That will bring peace also?

You're attitude isn't coming from fact. You still have a hangup about the election so brand Biden as an idiot or mentally ill. If that's your only excuse, you've got nothing. No one will play him. He has 50 years experience with government diplomacy. The only thing trump had was 50 encounters with whores.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
The Obama Administration has said that Iran is not complying with the requirements of the United Nations and obligations of the International Atomic Energy Agency with regard to its uranium enrichment programmes and safeguards at nuclear facilities.

Strange...the deal Obama reached with Iran was in 2015.

Try again.
Shitforbrains never heard of the UN.
And there was no deal, Dufus.
Tell us the vote Congress passed it with.
There was an agreement.

The IAEA--cited by the OP--said the Iranians were agreeing to it.

Your profane idiocy can't change that.

When your blob tore up the deal...the Iranians did what any party in any deal would do...they went back to their behavior. Your blob is the reason there is going to be a nuclear Iran sooner rather than later.
An agreement with zero legal standing. If the deal is so great why didn’t Obummer ever seek Congressional approval?

Better yet, why isn’t Biden seeking Congressional approval?

Answer: the deal is so pro terrorists most Democrats will vote against it.

Pro terrorist? You are ignorantly linking the democrats with supporting terrorists.
Just how much hate and lies can you TDS republicans invent? How desperate are you to connect the two?
You're clearly paranoid.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
why not? They still had a deal with other nations.

Just highlights that they weren't acting in good faith
Yeah but we re-imposed sanctions for the "maximum pressure" initiative. IF we had just divorced ourselves from the would have a point. But we became you have no point.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
why not? They still had a deal with other nations.

Just highlights that they weren't acting in good faith
Yeah but we re-imposed sanctions for the "maximum pressure" initiative. IF we had just divorced ourselves from the would have a point. But we became you have no point.
Of course...Iran was behaving badly...Trump wasn't going to let Iran block the Strait of Hormuz, and threaten ships
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
why not? They still had a deal with other nations.

Just highlights that they weren't acting in good faith
Yeah but we re-imposed sanctions for the "maximum pressure" initiative. IF we had just divorced ourselves from the would have a point. But we became you have no point.
Of course...Iran was behaving badly...Trump wasn't going to let Iran block the Strait of Hormuz, and threaten ships
Off topic.

The IAEA --the one sourced in the OP--said they were adhering to the agreement.

So they were not "behaving badly" according to the folks who monitor such things.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
why not? They still had a deal with other nations.

Just highlights that they weren't acting in good faith
Yeah but we re-imposed sanctions for the "maximum pressure" initiative. IF we had just divorced ourselves from the would have a point. But we became you have no point.
Of course...Iran was behaving badly...Trump wasn't going to let Iran block the Strait of Hormuz, and threaten ships
Off topic.

The IAEA --the one sourced in the OP--said they were adhering to the agreement.

So they were not "behaving badly" according to the folks who monitor such things.
not to the spirit of the agreement
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
why not? They still had a deal with other nations.

Just highlights that they weren't acting in good faith
Yeah but we re-imposed sanctions for the "maximum pressure" initiative. IF we had just divorced ourselves from the would have a point. But we became you have no point.
Of course...Iran was behaving badly...Trump wasn't going to let Iran block the Strait of Hormuz, and threaten ships
Off topic.

The IAEA --the one sourced in the OP--said they were adhering to the agreement.

So they were not "behaving badly" according to the folks who monitor such things.
not to the spirit of the agreement
ok... wow.

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