Joe Biden Just Got Some Very Bad News

Yes, it was a coup. And now they are the gov't for Iran. Regardless of whether you approve, the biggest point is that the money did not belong to the US. And the topic of this thread is Biden's bad news. As side topic was the money which China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union decided to return to it's rightful owner. It is not about money from the 1979 coup which saw the Shah unseated as the head of that state.

The point is the money did not belong to the terrorists. The terrorists were never the "rightful owner." Obama engaged in treason to fund terrorism in his zeal to create a nuclear armed Iran.

It was NOT the Shah's money.


The Shah was in Paris and would have had access to his own money. These were funds that were the property of the Government of Iraq. American Judges had ruled it was to be returned to the its lawful owner - the Government of Iraq, and that is what Obama did.

When Marcos fled the Phillipines and moved to the USA, he had access to all of the money he stole from the government and stashed offshore. Why would the Shah have been any different?

Try another lie, fool.

Obama gave the terrorists $400 billion to fund their nuclear weapons program. Money that had come from a government that was overthrown in 1979. Even Carter had enough sense not to let the terrorists have this funding.

Traitor Obama is even dumber than Carter.

Obama gave back the money that was seized from a sovereign nation. And it was not just Obama. It was also China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the European Union.

You must be remembering Capt Combover's claimed that Obama shipped pallets of cash to Iran. Cash that came from the coffers of the US tax payer's.

Yes, it was a coup. And now they are the gov't for Iran. Regardless of whether you approve, the biggest point is that the money did not belong to the US. And the topic of this thread is Biden's bad news. As side topic was the money which China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union decided to return to it's rightful owner. It is not about money from the 1979 coup which saw the Shah unseated as the head of that state.

The point is the money did not belong to the terrorists. The terrorists were never the "rightful owner." Obama engaged in treason to fund terrorism in his zeal to create a nuclear armed Iran.

They are the governing body of the sovereign nation of Iran. So yes, it IS their money.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

What does your infinite wisdom tell you What Biden should do?
Start a war? Grovel to them?
Your point is?
The same exact thing that Trump was doing? I know this is hard for a liberal to admit...but Donald Trump's Middle Eastern policies brought peace to the region and slowed Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon. Joe Biden giving Iran all those billions and lifting sanctions hoping to appease them was such an incredibly naive thing to do. The Mullahs will play him just like they played Barry.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

Xi's man doesn't care. He and Barry sent pallets of American cash to Iran. Iran put envelopes of some of that cash into Quid Pro's coat pocket. They bought a service from the old crook, he is delivering. Resident Biadegn has spent his entire career fostering bribes, he plays the game, Iran paid him - he will deliver no matter what.
Still repeating that shameless lie. You "Conservatives" are so pathetic. All you have is lies and nonsense. Just like your orange blob that continually kissed Putin's ass.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
Shitforbrains, they didn’t get nuclear material in the last hundred days.
Iran has never followed the agreement especially under Hopeychangy.
You Leftards hate America.
The IAEA--quoted in the OP--said they were abiding by the deal and not developing a nuke.

The blob tore up the deal.

So now they have no reason to not restart their development.

Would you still hold up your end of a deal if the other side tore it up and began to violate the terms that were in place?
Is that why nuclear material was just discovered by the IAEA in cities that aren’t on the list of Iran supposed nuclear energy programs and Iran offers no excuse for?

If this were 1935 you’d be defending Germany’s right to defend itself.
If this were 1935 and the Nazis had an agreement with us so we could keep track of what they were doing (somewhat), would you tear up that agreement and threaten them--thus instigating them to start building 21 Panzer Divisions (about 200-300 tanks in each one)?

Of course you would. You're an idiot.
You obviously don't know your history, Candy! The Nazis were not allowed to build up their military according to the treaties signed at the end of WWI. They ignored those and built weapons anyways. Appeasing them is what Neville Chamberlain attempted to do just as Joe Biden is now doing. Want to remind me again how that worked out? You can't "appease" fanatics! If you don't learn from history then you are doomed to repeat it!

It was NOT the Shah's money.


Obama gave back the money that was seized from a sovereign nation. And it was not just Obama. It was also China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the European Union.

You must be remembering Capt Combover's claimed that Obama shipped pallets of cash to Iran. Cash that came from the coffers of the US tax payer's.

Nope, traitor scum Obama gave money from a nation that was destroyed to a group of terrorists who seek the destruction of America. Obama was openly funding terrorist, seeking a Nuclear Iran.

He is a traitor - no two ways about it.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

What does your infinite wisdom tell you What Biden should do?
Start a war? Grovel to them?
Your point is?
The same exact thing that Trump was doing? I know this is hard for a liberal to admit...but Donald Trump's Middle Eastern policies brought peace to the region and slowed Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon. Joe Biden giving Iran all those billions and lifting sanctions hoping to appease them was such an incredibly naive thing to do. The Mullahs will play him just like they played Barry.
Peace to the Middle East brought by Trump? He literally gave bases to the Russians, and stabbed our allies, the Kurds, in the back. Trump was a disaster that caused the deaths of over 600,000 Americans at home, and was attempting to give Europe to the Russian by trying to destroy our allies abroad. He attempted a coup here in the US, and those that support him support treason.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
Shitforbrains, they didn’t get nuclear material in the last hundred days.
Iran has never followed the agreement especially under Hopeychangy.
You Leftards hate America.
The IAEA--quoted in the OP--said they were abiding by the deal and not developing a nuke.

The blob tore up the deal.

So now they have no reason to not restart their development.

Would you still hold up your end of a deal if the other side tore it up and began to violate the terms that were in place?
Is that why nuclear material was just discovered by the IAEA in cities that aren’t on the list of Iran supposed nuclear energy programs and Iran offers no excuse for?

If this were 1935 you’d be defending Germany’s right to defend itself.
If this were 1935 and the Nazis had an agreement with us so we could keep track of what they were doing (somewhat), would you tear up that agreement and threaten them--thus instigating them to start building 21 Panzer Divisions (about 200-300 tanks in each one)?

Of course you would. You're an idiot.
You obviously don't know your history, Candy! The Nazis were not allowed to build up their military according to the treaties signed at the end of WWI. They ignored those and built weapons anyways. Appeasing them is what Neville Chamberlain attempted to do just as Joe Biden is now doing. Want to remind me again how that worked out? You can't "appease" fanatics! If you don't learn from history then you are doomed to repeat it!
Real dumb post. By abrogating that treaty with Iran, he gave them full permission to do whatever they wanted. Dumb asses like you are the people that get our soldiers killed.
Peace to the Middle East brought by Trump? He literally gave bases to the Russians, and stabbed our allies, the Kurds, in the back. Trump was a disaster that caused the deaths of over 600,000 Americans at home, and was attempting to give Europe to the Russian by trying to destroy our allies abroad. He attempted a coup here in the US, and those that support him support treason.

You sure lie a lot, sucks old cocks.

But lying is the Nazi way......
Real dumb post. By abrogating that treaty with Iran, he gave them full permission to do whatever they wanted. Dumb asses like you are the people that get our soldiers killed.

There was no treaty with the Terrorist Mullahs of Iran.

You Nazis keep telling the same flaccid lies.

Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

What does your infinite wisdom tell you What Biden should do?
Start a war? Grovel to them?
Your point is?
The same exact thing that Trump was doing? I know this is hard for a liberal to admit...but Donald Trump's Middle Eastern policies brought peace to the region and slowed Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon. Joe Biden giving Iran all those billions and lifting sanctions hoping to appease them was such an incredibly naive thing to do. The Mullahs will play him just like they played Barry.
Peace to the Middle East brought by Trump? He literally gave bases to the Russians, and stabbed our allies, the Kurds, in the back. Trump was a disaster that caused the deaths of over 600,000 Americans at home, and was attempting to give Europe to the Russian by trying to destroy our allies abroad. He attempted a coup here in the US, and those that support him support treason.
Trump refused to put US troops between the Kurds and Turkey. In hindsight that was the EXACT correct stance to take. After a brief period of conflict Turkey backed off attacking the Kurds and the conflict between them died down. The fact of the matter is that Trump is the first US President that made progress towards establishing peace in the Middle East and he did so by isolating the Iranians and getting other Arab nations to realize that it was Iran that was a danger to them...not Israel. Biden has thrown all of that away...going back to the same failed policies that Obama put in place in the Middle East and not surprisingly violence has once again broken out and Iran is behind it.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

What does your infinite wisdom tell you What Biden should do?
Start a war? Grovel to them?
Your point is?
The same exact thing that Trump was doing? I know this is hard for a liberal to admit...but Donald Trump's Middle Eastern policies brought peace to the region and slowed Iran's quest for a nuclear weapon. Joe Biden giving Iran all those billions and lifting sanctions hoping to appease them was such an incredibly naive thing to do. The Mullahs will play him just like they played Barry.

Holy crap man, what newspapers and media are you following? The Middle East has been a complete disaster under Donald Trump. Assad is still killing his people. The Kurds are being attacked by both Assad and the Turks. 10,000 ISIS prisoners were released after Trump pulled out of Syria.

Donald Trump's policies enabled Bibi Netanyahu in attacking Hamas to save his job. Trump refused to even negotiate with the Palestinians. Tearing up the nuclear accord with Iran has completely destabilized the region, as did his failure to stop the Saudi genocide in Yemen. He came within inches of started a war with the Iranians.

It's a sad day for the world when the Ayatollah display more reason and common sense than the US President. Of course, in Trump's case, he's incapable of either.

But you're thinking of those sham Co-operation Agreements between Israel and three Muslim nations that that they have been doing business with for years. Regardless of what lies you've been sold, they were not "peace deals" because none of the countries involved have ever been at war.

You were an easy sell for this lie, because you think all Arab Muslim countries are at war with Israel and that simply isn't true.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.
Kim Jong-un Threatens to Bring U.S. “To Its Knees” Under Biden.

Maybe Biden will sends them pallets of cash to change his mind? And it might be a good time to send Hunter there!
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
Shitforbrains, they didn’t get nuclear material in the last hundred days.
Iran has never followed the agreement especially under Hopeychangy.
You Leftards hate America.
The IAEA--quoted in the OP--said they were abiding by the deal and not developing a nuke.

The blob tore up the deal.

So now they have no reason to not restart their development.

Would you still hold up your end of a deal if the other side tore it up and began to violate the terms that were in place?

The IAEA--quoted in the OP--said they were abiding by the deal and not developing a nuke.

Did the IAEA look at their military sites?
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
The Obama Administration has said that Iran is not complying with the requirements of the United Nations and obligations of the International Atomic Energy Agency with regard to its uranium enrichment programmes and safeguards at nuclear facilities.

Strange...the deal Obama reached with Iran was in 2015.

Try again.

They didn't follow the UN obligations......but they'll follow these new ones. Promise!!!
Real dumb post. By abrogating that treaty with Iran, he gave them full permission to do whatever they wanted. Dumb asses like you are the people that get our soldiers killed.
Once again, there never was any treaty. Iran is always going to do whatever they want, and treaties engaged in by them are only to throw dupes like you off the trail, so they can work faster and more efficiently.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
The Obama Administration has said that Iran is not complying with the requirements of the United Nations and obligations of the International Atomic Energy Agency with regard to its uranium enrichment programmes and safeguards at nuclear facilities.

Strange...the deal Obama reached with Iran was in 2015.

Try again.

They didn't follow the UN obligations......but they'll follow these new ones. Promise!!!
And the taliban whom your blob was going to invite to camp David harbored Al Queda.

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