Joe Biden Just Got Some Very Bad News

When was there a democratic republic of Iran? Prior to 1953?

{ Mohammad Reza also introduced the White Revolution, a series of economic, social and political reforms with the proclaimed intention of transforming Iran into a global power and modernizing the nation by nationalizing certain industries[which?] and granting women suffrage. During his 38-year rule, Iran spent billions on industry, education, health, and armed forces and enjoyed economic growth rates exceeding the United States, England, and France. The national income also rose 423 times over. By 1977, Iran's armed services spending had made it the world's fifth strongest military.[7]}

It's okay though, traitor fuck Barry made sure to fund the Mullah's nuclear programs.

When was there a democratic republic of Iran? Prior to 1953?

{ Mohammad Reza also introduced the White Revolution, a series of economic, social and political reforms with the proclaimed intention of transforming Iran into a global power and modernizing the nation by nationalizing certain industries[which?] and granting women suffrage. During his 38-year rule, Iran spent billions on industry, education, health, and armed forces and enjoyed economic growth rates exceeding the United States, England, and France. The national income also rose 423 times over. By 1977, Iran's armed services spending had made it the world's fifth strongest military.[7]}

It's okay though, traitor fuck Barry made sure to fund the Mullah's nuclear programs.

There was a pretty big span of years between the Shah's death and Obama taking office. The Shah was removed in 1979. He died in 1980. Obama graduated from high school in 1979 and was a college freshman when the Shah died.

The closest thing Iran had to a democratic republic was when Mohammad Mosaddegh was the prime minister of Iran. But even that was merely a manipulation by Great Britain to control the Shah. But then he nationalized the oil industry, the the US and UK removed him.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
You really are a dumbass, Candy! The Mullahs never intended to abide by the deal! You want to stop the Iranians from getting a nuke? Sanction them and cut off their access to the cash to finance world terror. Getting rid of sanctions and giving Iran Billions of dollars is the dumbest foreign policy error Joe Biden has ever made...and God knows he's been wrong on foreign policy issues for the better part of forty years!
Armour meat company is also owned by Smithfield Farms--the largest pork producer in the US and it is owned by the Chinese.

I wonder if that is where ex-Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Lab turn up who disappear after going public about the lab developing Covid-19?

My last pork sausage had a lot of gristle in it. :smoke:
It is amazing how many companies that Smithfield owns. Nathan's, Hormel, Nalley, John Morrell, Bar S, Jimmy Dean, and a bunch more. I boycott as many as I can, but I can't keep track of them all.

Perhaps you might find these useful:

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When was there a democratic republic of Iran? Prior to 1953?

{ Mohammad Reza also introduced the White Revolution, a series of economic, social and political reforms with the proclaimed intention of transforming Iran into a global power and modernizing the nation by nationalizing certain industries[which?] and granting women suffrage. During his 38-year rule, Iran spent billions on industry, education, health, and armed forces and enjoyed economic growth rates exceeding the United States, England, and France. The national income also rose 423 times over. By 1977, Iran's armed services spending had made it the world's fifth strongest military.[7]}

It's okay though, traitor fuck Barry made sure to fund the Mullah's nuclear programs.

There was a pretty big span of years between the Shah's death and Obama taking office. The Shah was removed in 1979. He died in 1980. Obama graduated from high school in 1979 and was a college freshman when the Shah died.

The closest thing Iran had to a democratic republic was when Mohammad Mosaddegh was the prime minister of Iran. But even that was merely a manipulation by Great Britain to control the Shah. But then he nationalized the oil industry, the the US and UK removed him.

The Brits were paying 6% of oil revenue to Iran when everyone else was paying 50%.. They forced the Mossadeeg to nationalize the oil. When it was all over in 1953 the Brits paid the Shah 13% on the dollar. It was simple greed.
You really are a dumbass, Candy! The Mullahs never intended to abide by the deal! You want to stop the Iranians from getting a nuke? Sanction them and cut off their access to the cash to finance world terror. Getting rid of sanctions and giving Iran Billions of dollars is the dumbest foreign policy error Joe Biden has ever made...and God knows he's been wrong on foreign policy issues for the better part of forty years!
Biden only made an "error" if you look at things from a US patriot's point of view.

From Iran's point of view Biden has done a splendid job. Just like Joe's boss Barry Obama
wants...a continuation of his policies towards Iran.

What has Joe done about Hamas and Iran, you ask? Biden administration engagement with Iran yields violence in Israel
You really are a dumbass, Candy! The Mullahs never intended to abide by the deal! You want to stop the Iranians from getting a nuke? Sanction them and cut off their access to the cash to finance world terror. Getting rid of sanctions and giving Iran Billions of dollars is the dumbest foreign policy error Joe Biden has ever made...and God knows he's been wrong on foreign policy issues for the better part of forty years!
Biden only made an "error" if you look at things from a US patriot's point of view.

From Iran's point of view Biden has done a splendid job. Just like Joe's boss Barry Obama
wants...a continuation of his policies towards Iran.

What has Joe done about Hamas and Iran, you ask? Biden administration engagement with Iran yields violence in Israel

No that's not a patriots point of view.
Armour meat company is also owned by Smithfield Farms--the largest pork producer in the US and it is owned by the Chinese.

I wonder if that is where ex-Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Lab turn up who disappear after going public about the lab developing Covid-19?

My last pork sausage had a lot of gristle in it. :smoke:
It is amazing how many companies that Smithfield owns. Nathan's, Hormel, Nalley, John Morrell, Bar S, Jimmy Dean, and a bunch more. I boycott as many as I can, but I can't keep track of them all.

Perhaps you might find these useful:

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View attachment 496656
View attachment 496657
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.

What does your infinite wisdom tell you What Biden should do?
Start a war? Grovel to them?
Your point is?
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
As if they were ever abiding by anything other than what they 100% wished to do. You illustrate your naivetey.

EARTH TO ALL LIBERALS: Here is the good advice from an Israeli senator > "You don't negotiate with terrorists. You fight terrorists, and you defeat them."
Your blob signed an agreement with the Taliban.

Please criticize your blob.

Bet you can't
That was decades ago :stir:

The Taliban didn't exist in 1985.

Yes they did. The Taliban were fighting the Russians. Reagan was their friend

Hey shit for brains! That was a group called the Northern Alliance and they now make up the current Afghan government.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
Shitforbrains, they didn’t get nuclear material in the last hundred days.
Iran has never followed the agreement especially under Hopeychangy.
You Leftards hate America.
The IAEA--quoted in the OP--said they were abiding by the deal and not developing a nuke.

The blob tore up the deal.

So now they have no reason to not restart their development.

Would you still hold up your end of a deal if the other side tore it up and began to violate the terms that were in place?
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
Shitforbrains, they didn’t get nuclear material in the last hundred days.
Iran has never followed the agreement especially under Hopeychangy.
You Leftards hate America.
The IAEA--quoted in the OP--said they were abiding by the deal and not developing a nuke.

The blob tore up the deal.

So now they have no reason to not restart their development.

Would you still hold up your end of a deal if the other side tore it up and began to violate the terms that were in place?
Is that why nuclear material was just discovered by the IAEA in cities that aren’t on the list of Iran supposed nuclear energy programs and Iran offers no excuse for?

If this were 1935 you’d be defending Germany’s right to defend itself.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
Shitforbrains, they didn’t get nuclear material in the last hundred days.
Iran has never followed the agreement especially under Hopeychangy.
You Leftards hate America.
The IAEA--quoted in the OP--said they were abiding by the deal and not developing a nuke.

The blob tore up the deal.

So now they have no reason to not restart their development.

Would you still hold up your end of a deal if the other side tore it up and began to violate the terms that were in place?
You think they stopped?? Just shows what an idiot you are. The deal was idiotic and Iran was the only one who benefited from it.
Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
The Obama Administration has said that Iran is not complying with the requirements of the United Nations and obligations of the International Atomic Energy Agency with regard to its uranium enrichment programmes and safeguards at nuclear facilities.

Yeah, when your blob tore up the deal, they no longer had to abide by the deal.... Blame your blob.
Shitforbrains, they didn’t get nuclear material in the last hundred days.
Iran has never followed the agreement especially under Hopeychangy.
You Leftards hate America.
The IAEA--quoted in the OP--said they were abiding by the deal and not developing a nuke.

The blob tore up the deal.

So now they have no reason to not restart their development.

Would you still hold up your end of a deal if the other side tore it up and began to violate the terms that were in place?
Is that why nuclear material was just discovered by the IAEA in cities that aren’t on the list of Iran supposed nuclear energy programs and Iran offers no excuse for?

If this were 1935 you’d be defending Germany’s right to defend itself.
If this were 1935 and the Nazis had an agreement with us so we could keep track of what they were doing (somewhat), would you tear up that agreement and threaten them--thus instigating them to start building 21 Panzer Divisions (about 200-300 tanks in each one)?

Of course you would. You're an idiot.

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