Joe Biden Just Got Some Very Bad News

You are ignorantly linking the democrats with supporting terrorists.

Only because they do.
Brilliantly researched. I didn't know I was competing with a mountain of intelligence like you. Please accept my apology.

AOC and Tlaib whining that Israel is unfair to Hamas isn't supporting terrorists?

I didn't know I was competing with a mountain of intelligence like you.

Especially compared to you. I know, low bar.
The IAEA --the one sourced in the OP--said they were adhering to the agreement.

Yeah, they've never been willingly fooled before, have they?
To the Conspiracy-theory mobile!

It is a conspiracy.....that the IAEA never inspected any Iranian military site.

There is no way Iran would ever do nuclear weapons work on a military base, eh?

That would allow them to cheat, they'd never do that. DURR
345 posts into this thread (most off topic), but the Biden racist thread barely into double digits (both about same age). Looks like the libs in here don't want to face up to Biden's blatant RACISM.

The IAEA --the one sourced in the OP--said they were adhering to the agreement.

Yeah, they've never been willingly fooled before, have they?
To the Conspiracy-theory mobile!

It is a conspiracy.....that the IAEA never inspected any Iranian military site.

There is no way Iran would ever do nuclear weapons work on a military base, eh?

That would allow them to cheat, they'd never do that. DURR

The IAEA has never been wrong before.
That is because you can't hide the ore, radiation trail, trucks, aluminum tubes, etc.

But it is not like it even remotely matters, since the US illegally invaded innocent countries like Iraq, then there is absolutely no way the US can then complain about any and all countries having a nuclear deterrent.
We totally blew it.

Iran is a sovereign nation. The form of gov't changed. That does not change the fact that they are Iran. The Shah was installed as a puppet by the US (CIA) and Great Britain.

But regardless of who is in charge, the property of Iran belongs to them.

Iran is a terrorist regime.

Like Joe Biden, illegitimate.

"pallets of cash"? LMAO!

You thought it was funny when traitor fuck Obama used pallets of cash (ear marked for 9-11 victims) to fund Iranian nuclear weapons?

The IAEA --the one sourced in the OP--said they were adhering to the agreement.

Yeah, they've never been willingly fooled before, have they?
To the Conspiracy-theory mobile!

It is a conspiracy.....that the IAEA never inspected any Iranian military site.

There is no way Iran would ever do nuclear weapons work on a military base, eh?

That would allow them to cheat, they'd never do that. DURR

The IAEA has never been wrong before.
That is because you can't hide the ore, radiation trail, trucks, aluminum tubes, etc.

But it is not like it even remotely matters, since the US illegally invaded innocent countries like Iraq, then there is absolutely no way the US can then complain about any and all countries having a nuclear deterrent.
We totally blew it.
You're correct about that... We're the one who walked away from the deal.

The silly notion that some would expect them to adhere to the deal that we walked away from while we re-imposed sanctions. It was the lifting of sanctions that brought them to the table to start with.
I’ll cut to the chase. US courts have no jurisdiction over other nations. The decision is meaningless.

US Courts have no jurisdiction over the Nazis either, obviously. Otherwise that traitor fuck Obama would have been obligated to distribute the cash to 9-11 victims. Instead he used it to fund nuclear weapons to use against us.

But let's face it, Obama was waging war to kill as many American's as he could. And he killed 600,000 American's it turns out.

{Republicans have zeroed in on Fauci's admission that the National Institutes of Health sent $600,000 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to help study if bat coronaviruses could be transmittable to humans.}

With the leak of Dr. Mengele's emails, we now know that the Obama regime is partially responsible for the biological weapon used against us.
But it is not like it even remotely matters, since the US illegally invaded innocent countries like Iraq, then there is absolutely no way the US can then complain about any and all countries having a nuclear deterrent.
We totally blew it.
Are you calling ISIS "innocent" ? They were in Iraq you my remember.
Since Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Iranians have been levying demands against the United States, and Joe Biden has been eager to appease. Negotiations for the re-entry of the United States and Iran into the nuclear deal are ongoing in Vienna.

Now a memo from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is throwing a wrench in Biden’s plans. The IAEA says that they have not had access to data or measuring devices used to monitor Iranian nuclear material and equipment since February 23 of this year.

Since they don’t have exact numbers, the IAEA estimates the Iranian nuclear stockpile has increased to 7,145 pounds of enriched uranium – far more than the 447 pound limit from the 2015 nuclear deal. If that wasn’t bad enough, inspectors earlier this year found uranium particles at two Iranian sites previously undisclosed by Iran, and they have started producing uranium metal, which has absolutely no civilian use.

The silence from the Biden administration is deafening.
Maybe the Iranians are contemplating nuking China in retaliation for slaughtering the Muslim Uighers? :D
You're correct about that... We're the one who walked away from the deal.

The silly notion that some would expect them to adhere to the deal that we walked away from while we re-imposed sanctions. It was the lifting of sanctions that brought them to the table to start with.
Still yammering about a "deal" (that never existed)

But THIS exists >>

Maybe the Iranians are contemplating nuking China in retaliation for slaughtering the Muslim Uighers? :D
I would imagine they are contemplating that + nuking Israel + nuking the USA. And very possibly THIS YEAR.

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Wait...Trump Humpers are whining that the deal that Trump tore up is no longer in place??
The IAEA --the one sourced in the OP--said they were adhering to the agreement.

Yeah, they've never been willingly fooled before, have they?
To the Conspiracy-theory mobile!

It is a conspiracy.....that the IAEA never inspected any Iranian military site.

There is no way Iran would ever do nuclear weapons work on a military base, eh?

That would allow them to cheat, they'd never do that. DURR

The IAEA has never been wrong before.
That is because you can't hide the ore, radiation trail, trucks, aluminum tubes, etc.

But it is not like it even remotely matters, since the US illegally invaded innocent countries like Iraq, then there is absolutely no way the US can then complain about any and all countries having a nuclear deterrent.
We totally blew it.

The IAEA has never been wrong before.

Link to their perfect record?

Iran is a sovereign nation. The form of gov't changed. That does not change the fact that they are Iran. The Shah was installed as a puppet by the US (CIA) and Great Britain.

But regardless of who is in charge, the property of Iran belongs to them.

Iran is a terrorist regime.

Like Joe Biden, illegitimate.

Who says Iran is a terrorist regime?
It was the US that illegally destroyed the democracy in Iran in 1953 (Operation Ajax).
That makes the US the biggest terrorists in the world.

"pallets of cash"? LMAO!

You thought it was funny when traitor fuck Obama used pallets of cash (ear marked for 9-11 victims) to fund Iranian nuclear weapons?

View attachment 497133

You got the image misidentified.
This was the shipments of cash that Bush sent to Iraq in 2003.

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.


In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish

I do.

Anyone with a brain.

Look, you're a Muzzie Beast and defend Islam regardless of facts, I get it.

(Designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism in 1984, Iran continued its terrorist-related activity in 2019, including support for Hizballah, Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza, and various terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq, and throughout the Middle East. Iran used the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) to provide support to terrorist organizations, provide cover for associated covert operations, and create instability in the region. Iran has acknowledged the involvement of the IRGC-QF in the Iraq and Syria conflicts, and the IRGC-QF is Iran’s primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists abroad. In April 2019, the Secretary of State designated the IRGC, including the Qods Force, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Iran also used regional proxy forces to provide deniability, in an attempt to shield it from accountability for its aggressive policies.)

It was the US that illegally destroyed the democracy in Iran in 1953 (Operation Ajax).
That makes the US the biggest terrorists in the world.

Same old bullshit from terrorist lovers.

Britain backed the coup, not the US.

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