Joe Biden Just Got Some Very Bad News

But it is not like it even remotely matters, since the US illegally invaded innocent countries like Iraq, then there is absolutely no way the US can then complain about any and all countries having a nuclear deterrent.
We totally blew it.
Are you calling ISIS "innocent" ? They were in Iraq you my remember.

Probably ISIS were not only innocent, but justified.
Remember ISIS did not exist when we invaded Iraq.
ISIS did not exist until we destroyed the legal government of Saddam, and replaced it with Shiite fanatics who started murdering Sunni.
That forced the Sunni that we let out of prison after 2 years, to create ISIS out of defense and a need to make money to survive.
I do not like ISIS or how they treated the Yazidi, but it was the US that drove them to it.
But it is not like it even remotely matters, since the US illegally invaded innocent countries like Iraq, then there is absolutely no way the US can then complain about any and all countries having a nuclear deterrent.
We totally blew it.
Are you calling ISIS "innocent" ? They were in Iraq you my remember.

Probably ISIS were not only innocent, but justified.
Remember ISIS did not exist when we invaded Iraq.
ISIS did not exist until we destroyed the legal government of Saddam, and replaced it with Shiite fanatics who started murdering Sunni.
That forced the Sunni that we let out of prison after 2 years, to create ISIS out of defense and a need to make money to survive.
I do not like ISIS or how they treated the Yazidi, but it was the US that drove them to it.

Probably ISIS were not only innocent, but justified.


You got the image misidentified.
This was the shipments of cash that Bush sent to Iraq in 2003.
The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.


In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish

Maybe the Iranians are contemplating nuking China in retaliation for slaughtering the Muslim Uighers? :D
I would imagine they are contemplating that + nuking Israel + nuking the USA. And very possibly THIS YEAR.

Since 70% of the population of Israel are Arab Moslems, there is no way anyone can nuke Israel.
And nuking the US would not only be difficult, but suicidal.
No one has that intent.
But it is not like it even remotely matters, since the US illegally invaded innocent countries like Iraq, then there is absolutely no way the US can then complain about any and all countries having a nuclear deterrent.
We totally blew it.
Are you calling ISIS "innocent" ? They were in Iraq you my remember.

Probably ISIS were not only innocent, but justified.
Remember ISIS did not exist when we invaded Iraq.
ISIS did not exist until we destroyed the legal government of Saddam, and replaced it with Shiite fanatics who started murdering Sunni.
That forced the Sunni that we let out of prison after 2 years, to create ISIS out of defense and a need to make money to survive.
I do not like ISIS or how they treated the Yazidi, but it was the US that drove them to it.

You're about as creepy as they get, Muzzie Beast.
You're correct about that... We're the one who walked away from the deal.

The silly notion that some would expect them to adhere to the deal that we walked away from while we re-imposed sanctions. It was the lifting of sanctions that brought them to the table to start with.
Still yammering about a "deal" (that never existed)

But THIS exists >>

It is what the thread is about....

When you have to cross-promote your other failing's probably a sign that you're not making much headway.

Since 70% of the population of Israel are Arab Moslems, there is no way anyone can nuke Israel.
And nuking the US would not only be difficult, but suicidal.
No one has that intent.

Since when have Arabs and Muzzie Beasts cared about killing other Muslims? Y'all slaughter each other continuously.

You might prefer to kill Jews, but you're going to kill someone.

Probably ISIS were not only innocent, but justified.
Remember ISIS did not exist when we invaded Iraq.
ISIS did not exist until we destroyed the legal government of Saddam, and replaced it with Shiite fanatics who started murdering Sunni.
That forced the Sunni that we let out of prison after 2 years, to create ISIS out of defense and a need to make money to survive.
I do not like ISIS or how they treated the Yazidi, but it was the US that drove them to it.
ISIS was an outgrowth of Zarqawi's Al Qaeda in Iraq - fundamentally the same org that engineered the 9/11 attacks, killing 3,000 American in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC.
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I do.

Anyone with a brain.

Look, you're a Muzzie Beast and defend Islam regardless of facts, I get it.

(Designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism in 1984, Iran continued its terrorist-related activity in 2019, including support for Hizballah, Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza, and various terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq, and throughout the Middle East. Iran used the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) to provide support to terrorist organizations, provide cover for associated covert operations, and create instability in the region. Iran has acknowledged the involvement of the IRGC-QF in the Iraq and Syria conflicts, and the IRGC-QF is Iran’s primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists abroad. In April 2019, the Secretary of State designated the IRGC, including the Qods Force, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Iran also used regional proxy forces to provide deniability, in an attempt to shield it from accountability for its aggressive policies.)

It was the US that illegally destroyed the democracy in Iran in 1953 (Operation Ajax).
That makes the US the biggest terrorists in the world.

Same old bullshit from terrorist lovers.

Britain backed the coup, not the US.

The Iranian defense of Palestine from illegal take over by illegal European immigrants is not terrorism.
And no, it was the US that backed the coup in Iran, the British were just the one to profit from it.

The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup d'état (Persian: کودتای ۲۸ مرداد‎), was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953.[5] It was orchestrated by the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project[6] or "Operation Ajax") and the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot").[7][8][9][10] The clergy also played a considerable role.[11]

Mosaddegh had sought to audit the documents of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now part of BP) and to limit the company's control over Iranian oil reserves.[12] Upon the AIOC's refusal to co-operate with the Iranian government, the parliament (Majlis) voted to nationalize Iran's oil industry and to expel foreign corporate representatives from the country.[13][14][15] After this vote, Britain instigated a worldwide boycott of Iranian oil to pressure Iran economically.[16] Initially, Britain mobilized its military to seize control of the British-built Abadan oil refinery, then the world's largest, but Prime Minister Clement Attlee opted instead to tighten the economic boycott[17] while using Iranian agents to undermine Mosaddegh's government.[18]:3 Judging Mosaddegh to be unreliable and fearing a Communist takeover in Iran, UK prime minister Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration decided to overthrow Iran's government, though the preceding Truman administration had opposed a coup, fearing the precedent that Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) involvement would set.
In August 2013, sixty years afterward, the U.S. government formally acknowledged the U.S. role in the coup by releasing a bulk of previously classified government documents that show it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda.[28][29] The CIA is quoted acknowledging the coup was carried out "under CIA direction" and "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government".[30]

John Foster Dulles was likely about the most evil Sec. of State we ever had.
I authored the the OP/thread, and I'll be the one to say what it's about, not you.

As for the other thread, I'll promote it, and slap every liberal in this forum in the face with it, who's too chickenshit to go to it, and face it.

As for headway, it not not that. It's liberal far.

You got the image misidentified.
This was the shipments of cash that Bush sent to Iraq in 2003.
The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.


In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish

View attachment 497146

Your post was off topic because unlike the pallets of cash bribes and illegal pay offs Bush sent to Iraq in 2003, the money Obama returned to Iran was Iranian money they had prepaid for ships we never delivered and it was illegal for us to retain.

And by the way, since Iran has nothing to do with the Saudi attack on the WTC on 9/11, Iranian funds could never legally be diverted to victims of that event.
I authored the the OP/thread, and I'll be the one to say what it's about, not you.

As for the other thread, I'll promote it, and slap every liberal in this forum in the face with it, who's too chickenshit to go to it, and face it.

As for headway, it not not that. It's liberal far.
I'm sure you're used to giving people lots of headway since you can't find a woman.

Since 70% of the population of Israel are Arab Moslems, there is no way anyone can nuke Israel.
And nuking the US would not only be difficult, but suicidal.
No one has that intent.

Since when have Arabs and Muzzie Beasts cared about killing other Muslims? Y'all slaughter each other continuously.

You might prefer to kill Jews, but you're going to kill someone.

Mideast wars are almost always created by the west or other invaders.
I do.

Anyone with a brain.

Look, you're a Muzzie Beast and defend Islam regardless of facts, I get it.

(Designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism in 1984, Iran continued its terrorist-related activity in 2019, including support for Hizballah, Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza, and various terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq, and throughout the Middle East. Iran used the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) to provide support to terrorist organizations, provide cover for associated covert operations, and create instability in the region. Iran has acknowledged the involvement of the IRGC-QF in the Iraq and Syria conflicts, and the IRGC-QF is Iran’s primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists abroad. In April 2019, the Secretary of State designated the IRGC, including the Qods Force, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Iran also used regional proxy forces to provide deniability, in an attempt to shield it from accountability for its aggressive policies.)

It was the US that illegally destroyed the democracy in Iran in 1953 (Operation Ajax).
That makes the US the biggest terrorists in the world.

Same old bullshit from terrorist lovers.

Britain backed the coup, not the US.

The Iranian defense of Palestine from illegal take over by illegal European immigrants is not terrorism.
And no, it was the US that backed the coup in Iran, the British were just the one to profit from it.

The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup d'état (Persian: کودتای ۲۸ مرداد‎), was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favour of strengthening the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on 19 August 1953.[5] It was orchestrated by the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project[6] or "Operation Ajax") and the United Kingdom (under the name "Operation Boot").[7][8][9][10] The clergy also played a considerable role.[11]

Mosaddegh had sought to audit the documents of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now part of BP) and to limit the company's control over Iranian oil reserves.[12] Upon the AIOC's refusal to co-operate with the Iranian government, the parliament (Majlis) voted to nationalize Iran's oil industry and to expel foreign corporate representatives from the country.[13][14][15] After this vote, Britain instigated a worldwide boycott of Iranian oil to pressure Iran economically.[16] Initially, Britain mobilized its military to seize control of the British-built Abadan oil refinery, then the world's largest, but Prime Minister Clement Attlee opted instead to tighten the economic boycott[17] while using Iranian agents to undermine Mosaddegh's government.[18]:3 Judging Mosaddegh to be unreliable and fearing a Communist takeover in Iran, UK prime minister Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration decided to overthrow Iran's government, though the preceding Truman administration had opposed a coup, fearing the precedent that Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) involvement would set.
In August 2013, sixty years afterward, the U.S. government formally acknowledged the U.S. role in the coup by releasing a bulk of previously classified government documents that show it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda.[28][29] The CIA is quoted acknowledging the coup was carried out "under CIA direction" and "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government".[30]

John Foster Dulles was likely about the most evil Sec. of State we ever had.
Ha, look at Muslims loons talking about illegal takeovers of land, going back many years. OK. I'll play that game with you - Going back in time, the entire middle east was 100% non-Muslim (before the 7th century). For centuries after, it was 90% non-Muslim, with only Saudi Arabia being Muslim.

Now 99% of it is Muslim, as a result of the legacy of Mohammed > conquest.

Since 70% of the population of Israel are Arab Moslems, there is no way anyone can nuke Israel.
And nuking the US would not only be difficult, but suicidal.
No one has that intent.

Since when have Arabs and Muzzie Beasts cared about killing other Muslims? Y'all slaughter each other continuously.

You might prefer to kill Jews, but you're going to kill someone.

Mideast wars are almost always created by the west or other invaders.

Yeah, you Muzzie Beasts are showing some loving over there in Yemen and Syria...


Another fucking liar for Allah.

Probably ISIS were not only innocent, but justified.
Remember ISIS did not exist when we invaded Iraq.
ISIS did not exist until we destroyed the legal government of Saddam, and replaced it with Shiite fanatics who started murdering Sunni.
That forced the Sunni that we let out of prison after 2 years, to create ISIS out of defense and a need to make money to survive.
I do not like ISIS or how they treated the Yazidi, but it was the US that drove them to it.
ISIS was an outgrowth of Zarqawi's Al Qaeda in Iraq - fundamentally the same org that engineered the 9/11 attacks, killing 3,000 American in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC.

Totally wrong.
ISIS was in the west where the Sunni fled to after the US destroyed the Sunni government of Saddam and let the Iranian Shiites take over Iraq.
Zarqawi and al Qaeda was always in the north east no-fly-zone, where he was safe from attack by Saddam.
ISIS and al Qaeda had absolutely no connection at all, and still do not.
They were always mortal enemies.
LMOST OVERNIGHT, the Islamic State sent its enemies reeling—and turned U.S. policy in the Middle East upside down. Islamic State forces carved out a haven in Syria and, in June 2014, routed the Iraqi army, capturing large swathes of territory and prompting the Obama administration to overcome its long-standing aversion to a bigger U.S. military role in Iraq and Syria. Even in many Arab countries where the Islamic State does not have a strong presence, its rise is radicalizing those countries’ populations, fomenting sectarianism and making a bad region even worse.

But there is one person for whom the Islamic State’s rise is even more frightening: Ayman al-Zawahiri. Although the Al Qaeda leader might be expected to rejoice at the emergence of a strong jihadist group that delights in beheading Americans (among other horrors), in reality the Islamic State’s rise risks Al Qaeda’s demise. When Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi rejected Al Qaeda’s authority and later declared a caliphate, he split the fractious jihadist movement. The two are now competing for more than the leadership of the jihadist movement: they are competing for its soul.
I authored the the OP/thread, and I'll be the one to say what it's about, not you.

As for the other thread, I'll promote it, and slap every liberal in this forum in the face with it, who's too chickenshit to go to it, and face it.

As for headway, it not not that. It's liberal far.

Thread originators do not get to control the thread.
That would be illegal censorship.

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