Joe Biden nails another speech!

can someone be kind enough to tell us all wtf he was talking about? :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Chewing More Than He Bit Off

"Well, you see, it could be that United States Americans and these guys here...I know them all for a long time but there are so many names that they have and this state here, like all the states are the same way and they all back me up on this, whatever it was that I meant to say, they know it all very well anyway, so it goes without saying."
Chewing More Than He Bit Off

"Well, you see, it could be that United States Americans and these guys here...I know them all for a long time but there are so many names that they have and this state here, like all the states are the same way and they all back me up on this, whatever it was that I meant to say, they know it all very well anyway, so it goes without saying."

MoST pOpuLAr prESiDeNt EveR!!! :auiqs.jpg:
No such thing as globalists. It is just a conspiracy theory. And a coincidence half our politicians are.
"The founding President of the CFR was John W. Davis, personal attorney to J. P. Morgan. Paul Cravath and Russell Leffingwell, both Morgan associates, were also among the founding officers.7 Money for the new organizations was provided by J. P. Morgan, Bernard Baruch, Otto Kahn, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and John D. Rockefeller, the same people involved in the forming of the Federal Reserve.8"
p. 31 En Route to Global Occupation: Kah, Gary H.: 9780910311977: Books

It's pretty well known that the Rockefeller's helped fund the start of the CFR, and donated the land that the UN is on.

This one I looked up and read in the library myself when it came out.

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

― David Rockefeller, Memoirs
And please note this Biden speech was under the best conditions possible for Joe.
Right off the teleprompter, no one else around, to one prompting or hurrying him up.
And he still mangled his remarks like they were run through a meat grinder.

And yes, I remember watching news video from Detroit when democrats were shutting republican
auditors out by putting up cardboard, or something, over the windows.

Surely this will be addressed by someone, I said to myself.

NOPE! Not a chance in Hell!
And please note this Biden speech was under the best conditions possible for Joe.
Right off the teleprompter, no one else around, to one prompting or hurrying him up.
And he still mangled his remarks like they were run through a meat grinder.

And yes, I remember watching news video from Detroit when democrats were shutting republican
auditors out by putting up cardboard, or something, over the windows.

Surely this will be addressed by someone, I said to myself.

NOPE! Not a chance in Hell!
The point is none of this would be dismissed but the fact it was being done to Trump. How sad it is it that people justify this being done to anyone? These are not American things to do. The supporters of this illegitimate administration do not value the rule of law. It goes straight downhill from here.
Our allies are all overjoyed however, because adults are in charge since Biden was appointed to office.

Yeah...bullshit! The Australians are stunned at what they see. The French filed the first diplomatic objection
against this nation since the 1820s. The Brits filed the first one ever for their part.
Asians are worried when China shows up we will run off, like we did in Afghanistan.
With democrats in charge of everything? No offense, but no frickin' way!

I bet that if Trump hears about it before his speech tomorrow he'll most definitely address it though. The judge was certainly pissed but I'm not sure if he can or will do anything about it.
The point is none of this would be dismissed but the fact it was being done to Trump. How sad it is it that people justify this being done to anyone? These are not American things to do. The supporters of this illegitimate administration do not value the rule of law. It goes straight downhill from here.
The left plays dirty and they play to win. By any means necessary was not just a Communist slogan.
It was how they play ball.
I bet that if Trump hears about it before his speech tomorrow he'll most definitely address it though. The judge was certainly pissed but I'm not sure if he can or will do anything about it.
That's water long under the bridge. Who will care now, especially in Detroit?
Michigan is in the pocket of the far left.

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